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Female Soldiers from around the World...

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posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:51 PM
When most think about the people who are in position to defend nations it is still a mans world, I just came across this video and was enthralled by the women portrayed in this 5 minute video clip.

Really it made me think about how in a worst case scenario whether male or female soldiers would be the best for the job?

I think female warriors can be underestimated and yet they do have a vulnerability that men don't have, pregnancy for one. Also I do have to say that I fear for the thought of a sweet home grown 'good girl' going into service never having been further than church on Sunday because life on the battlefield would be wrought with challenges that they were never appropriately prepared to face, one being the disrespect we have all heard that they face within even their own camps with stories of rape being only one example.

Well here's the video hope you enjoy it!

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:57 PM
Women should not be in the military.

Anything that does what they can do needs to be protected better than that.

This world is becoming so convoluted.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:03 PM
Do you suppose that women in service to their countries are trained differently from men? What of the psychological training and preparation? Here's another video of the PLA womens army, they look pretty determined and if I may say so...mean as hell.

And Israeli female soldiers:


Women soldiers in Lebanon:

Yemen Female soldiers against the Taliban...:

edit on 14-11-2010 by antar because: Video add ons

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders
Women should not be in the military.

Anything that does what they can do needs to be protected better than that.

This world is becoming so convoluted.

You are sad.

First off, most if not all of those pics are from countries that have mandatory service requirements. Practically none stay (male or female) after their time is up.

The only problems women in the military create is the whole male/female gender thing.. different showers, different testing requirements, different boarding.. it just creates more work+costs money.. other than that, I know a few CF army girls that could drop you.

It's people like you who shouldn't be in the military (and i'll assume you're not).
edit on 14-11-2010 by MurrayTORONTO because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:08 PM
I wouldnt worry about them ,the female species can be pretty aggressive at times.Send them out at the right time of month and the the enemy will be cowering in their foxholes.The Russian female pilots were also pretty handy against the Germans.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:19 PM
Do you think you would feel, act or think differently if it was a female army which you faced in a WWIII situation? If you had the choice to fight a man or woman in hand to hand, which would you choose?

edit on 14-11-2010 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by MurrayTORONTO
Silly android.

I just understand that which is important to defend.

Women are to be protected,not put into harms way.

There are GOOD reasons,but you probably wouldn't understand,..

Maybe my thinking is outdated.....

And I served in the special forces in the past.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:33 PM
1 third of the women in the US army have been raped by their own compatriots.

As much as I champion Equal Rights, somehow the above statement doesn't appear to indicate that being female and in an army is really about the betterment of the women that are involved.

As to whether or not women can actually fight...
Have you ever seen the video of the little Vietnamese girl running through all the maddness of an Air cav attack on a Vietnamese village and throwing a grenade into an attacking American Helicopter?
The Vietnamese won that war.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:37 PM
I got chewed out by a female officer once in front of my platoon.

My reaction surprised me.
My little soldier sprang to full attention,
and I was ready to do anything ordered too.

I found myself admiring her fearceness and authority.

Later I saw a movie called "A few good men" where Cruise describe the same reaction.

David Grouchy

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Danbones

From your link I was surprised actually to discover that the defense contract workers also had the same problem. I always suspected that it was because the aggressive way the men were trained to be going into combat...

This problem is not confined to the US military either. This abuse is rampant among private defense contractors overseas as well, as recently highlighted by the recent press about Jamie Leigh Jones. Ms. Jones was in Iraq in 2005 when seven Halliburton/KBR employees drugged and brutally gang-raped her. Her injuries were so extensive that she had lacerations to her vagina and anus, her breast implants were ruptured, and her pectoral muscles torn. The response of KBR was to lock her in a shipping container with only a bed, and to deny her food, water, and medical treatment. The rape kit that was taken after she regained consciousness was mysteriously lost.
This crime eventually led to an amendment being added to the defense appropriations bill by Sen. Al Franken (D-MN). This would require defense contractors to allow their employees access to US courts in cases of rape or sexual assault, regardless of where they are stationed. The 30 Republican senators voted against this amendment are currently being humiliated on the Republicans for Rape website and by John Stewart on the Daily Show.[/ex]
edit on 14-11-2010 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:44 PM
Humans are the only species that will kill and or put the very thing it needs in order to propagate its species in the line of fire.
personily i dont care im not the fool you are .
bad enough men kill men thats not enough for you lets make men kill woman to alest ther wont be a next gereration of war moners who wish to kill woman born.
i dont say a woman cant kill ov corse they can kill but i do say a dead woman can never have a child wile theres always anothe guy to provide the sperm.
its not a question of if they can be a strong or as fast or as visios as a man its a question of IF YOU KILL ALL THE WOMAN then you sepcies is EXTINCT . stupid HUMANS

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 09:48 PM
The picture at 41 seconds prooves why a woman should not be behind a weapon unless it is absolutly neccasry.
Sure a woman can join the military all she wants as long as its only combat support, not actual combat.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by antar

Antar, I hope that I didn't appear to detract from the honor of women who do serve, by mentioning what they go through while serving. My intent was to illustrate that we all face a common foe...the ones who create and profit from war.
Like the Veterans who are being denied healthcare and the survivors who just found out the government made a deal with the insurance companies to steal the death benefits of their deceased loved ones who have died while serving, I think that sexual abuse is one of the vulnerabilities of a female in a war zone and it is allowed to happen because it suits the aims of the PTB.

That an American in an airport and at the mercy of the TSA is treated no differently then a muslim at guantanamo or a female soldier as mentioned above tells the tale IMHO.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:22 PM

To the Arab mind, the most grotesque dimension of the Abu Ghraib scandal is symbolized in the presence of Pfc. Lynndie R. England, the female prison guard shown with a "thumbs up" gesture and a wide grin pointing to the genitals of a naked Iraqi prisoner. In another picture, Private England, age 21, is shown holding a leash attached to the neck of a chained and collared Iraqi detainee. These photographic images are fast becoming iconic in the Arab world.
These photographs represent far more than pictures of prisoner abuse. To Muslims, this represents utter disrespect for all men, and the total degradation of women. Nothing could be more insulting to Arab moral sensibilities than this—and Muslim outrage over sexual humiliation at the hands of uniformed women will endure long after American troops are no longer in Iraq.
Arabs prize modesty, and Muslim men are not even to show their full nakedness in the presence of other men—much less women. Furthermore, to force a Muslim man to strip naked before a foreign woman is to humiliate him beyond Arab imagination. The Americans went even further than this, forcing the naked Iraqi detainees to perform real and simulated sex acts with the American women watching—and leering.

This is something which also bothers me greatly, when I think about a WWIII situation happening and having to fight the Muslim sleeper cells, they have seen this type of behavior and I wonder if they could distinguish between that publicized event and that of a more moral western type woman? Do they think we are all that way? Maybe and if so in battle it would be the worst possible end for any women who do get caught or end up in the hands of the enemy.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders

I just understand that which is important to defend.
Women are to be protected,not put into harms way.
There are GOOD reasons,but you probably wouldn't understand,..
Maybe my thinking is outdated.....
And I served in the special forces in the past.

This thinking is faulty on some chivalrous level, so I will go easy on you.

Women are not objects or property to be located, arranged, or protected.
Man and Woman exist together as a union. Women need to be free and equal.

The feminine needs to be defended.
The masculine is capable of defending the feminine, but the feminine is just as capable.
Theoretically, without technology and science, the masculine is less capable than the feminine.
In some sense, this would make the masculine a potential liability for the feminine.

The power of life is in the hands of the feminine.
This makes the feminine the single most important ideal for every species.
Even more important than the masculine and his false sense of superiority.

A single woman's presence can stop an entire army in its tracks, and change the outcome of any war. This is why the masculine has a subconscious fear of the feminine: she actually wields the power, despite the masculine's own delusions. The masculine will always be subservient to the feminine, despite his best efforts to tip the scale or flip the script.

The fool is the man who proclaimed himself King.
Long live the Queen!

edit on 14-11-2010 by xiphias because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:32 PM
So, howcome the girls are allowed to keep long hair, but us men arent?

I mean, some of us prefer long hair. I used to have an afro before my sister made me cut it, but, its just not fair. We shoudnt have to cut off part of who we are just so we can join the army.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 10:59 PM
I just want to know how *male* all of the sudden became not included in the procreation equation.

As for the OP topic, I think it's a matter of principle and equality. If equal terms are not sought then that only strengthens distorted gender roles that lead to negative things like resentment and superiority.
If the numbers of females became dangerously low, then perhaps this would call for a different perspective.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by SirKnightE
The picture at 41 seconds prooves why a woman should not be behind a weapon unless it is absolutly neccasry.
Sure a woman can join the military all she wants as long as its only combat support, not actual combat.

You seem to know jack about both modern military and women.

Women are extremely capable warriors and some of them are masters of psychological tactics, which they like to use on us often just because they can. I don't know about national armies where women are still discriminated against and even raped, but realistic military movements treat women as equals and they operate as equals, or even better in some cases.

Remember, men kill men but women are good at screwing over men before they kill them, so I'd rather have them on my side

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:33 AM
Can we get some of thos IDF Girls pics? Anyone got some good links??


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:17 AM
From what I remember women have always been in the military. In the beginning they were support after attending basic training. Over seas women have always been in the field. I would not condemn a woman working as a soldier side by side with men, if that is her choice. She has the right to commit suicide any way she wants to just like her male counter part.

After seeing the pictures of the girls posted, I am surprised at how much like fashion models they appear compared to American female soldiers. Women in the US, most I have seen in the armed forces, have a very "butch" appearance in comparison. As one person posted, these girls are members of subscribed 2year enlistments and more than likely, will only serve the time required.

Do I think they can fight? Anybody will fight when they are trying to save themselves and those around them. Lets just hope they remember their training.

Better yet, we wouldn't have this thread if we did away with war altogether. Choose one man and one woman from the warring sides. Put the 2 couples on a deserted island....and lets see what will happen. They will either blow the heck out of one another to "last man standing"...or they will reproduce and "make love, not war". Or if they are of other persuasion, they will still be makin' the end...lot's better than fighting.
edit on 15-11-2010 by Holly N.R.A. because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2010 by Holly N.R.A. because: (no reason given)

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