reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba
Yes, I use to work with a woman that won 12.5 million.
They bought a time share in the Caribbean, a boat, a diamond ring for $12,000 and lost most of the rest on a business deal.
Please do not ask me how the heck you can blow through 12.5 million as I would have only spent the interest and never touched the principle. I also
would never invest in a business deal with a friend. I just don't have the head for business.
I asked my friend, what was it like to be rich and she said that the nicest thing was to not have any financial worries and your time, your entire 24
hours of everyday belonged to you. You owned yourself and your time totally.
She also mentioned that it was really shocking how both her family and people that could not have been bothered with her before, now all of a sudden
everyone wanted to be her best buddy. Even her family treated her differently.
I have a little taste of being rich right now, since my job was outsourced. I'm lucky enough that my husband earns a good salary, I do not have to
work. We do have to budget our money carefully but I am thankful we have enough to survive on.
What is it like to not work? I garden, read & research (my big passion), volunteer to a couple places (homeless & animals) and do not have to answer
to or cow toe to any moronic, abusive, egotistical boss.
My time 24/7 is my own and while I have had to cut back on luxuries, I really relish not having to don "corporate attire". I can dress anyway that I
want without some moronic "dress code" dictating what I can and cannot wear.........I live in jeans, nice tops and barefoot
(Don't even need shoes
unless I go outside).
There are no deadlines to meet except for the few bills I need to pay each month.
My days go by so fast, I wake up each morning truely looking forward to each and every day.
Don't need fancy clothes, jewelry, eating out or expensive cruises/vacations or any of the rest of the %rap that commericals tell us we need.
One addition blessing and it's a big one for me - I don't have to deal with mean, service to self at everyone else's expense people that have sold
their souls to "survive". No more office politics or back stabbers to deal with. I can now chose who I have to deal with and who I can leave out of
my life.
I do not miss working or the people I had to deal with.
If I won the lottery, I would buy a small compound on about 500 acres and donate to the homeless and animal rescue/sanctuary.
My biggest weakness are books. I currently have a library of about 400 paper books, would probably double my library slowly, budgeting it in.
Would not buy a boat, expensive cars, fancy jewelry, time shares, cruises, clothes or eat at over priced restaurants.
edit on 13-11-2010 by ofhumandescent because: added idea