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Do you actually know anybody who has won the lottery?

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posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:25 AM
I never met or heard of anybody winning millions in the lottery aside from on the news and in the media. Have any of you met or known either directly or indirectly someone who has gotten millions of dollars by winning the lottery?

Is it possible the "winners" we see in the media are actors?

My theory is that the lottery is fabricated to give people at the bottom false hope, and to keep them addicted to this false sense of hope by spending their little bit of money to push them further in to debt.

I, myself, am an occasional lotto player and can relate to the thrill of maybe winning big, so this is why I ask. Can anybody here confirm they know a winner?

This is, by far, my most insane conspiracy, so I take no offense in your ripping me a new one, but I just like to explore these notions and would love to have this one shot down. Thoughts? Reactions?

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:29 AM
my uncle won 500k many years ago...he has since burned through it. I think when lower class people win the lotto, they go a bit nuts and spend all their money almost immediately on nothing of worth.

The annoying thing about the lotto is that it seems to favor either the elderly or the idiots (the two biggest demographics of lottery tickets). You rarely see a young couple that is just starting out in life together winning..meh, just bad luck.

No, the lottery is a scam for sure, but its a mathmatical scam...they can afford to pay out the winners because thats just a drop in the bucket.

Lottery is simply a double tax on the mathmatically challenged.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:31 AM
I definitely do!! Some very close friends of ours won $200 million the other month!! Lucky bastards!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:31 AM
Nup I dont know anyone who as won the Uk Lotto. Everyone one who wins it here is about 90 years old and on their last legs

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Nope. But I knew a guy, well my dad did, who won 500k on 'Who wants to be a millionaire?' in the UK.

A few days before he was on the show, he couldn't even afford to buy a packet of cigarettes from his local shop, and the shop attendant let him have a pack anyway. So the guy says to her thank you so much I'm going to be on a game show in a few days, and if I win I promise I'll come back and pay for them. So he wins 500 grand on the show, goes back to his local shop, and gives the girl behind the counter a check for 5 thousand pounds!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:36 AM
I do, they won twice.

To make things worse, they were already loaded.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Ouroborus2012

You can't blame me for asking this
I wish humanity could collectively share this sense of wealth that only the few have. I am not saying wealth would solve problems, but it would make people much happier if we could all stop weighing everybody by what they make, what they do,social status. I'm not a communist, but I feel like the world is so dark when you're always looking up at the top.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:37 AM
In the UK, we have all heard of the "lotto lout" Michael Carrol. He won millions and then blew the lot and is now working back on the bins again.

I like your idea OP, but no.

The real conspiracy in the lottery is the way they print out "the magic number" on your ticket - but you have to pay an extra £1 to play it - it's another chance to win millions - the fact is though, they give you the number already, so you feel you HAVE to pay for it incase your magic number comes up... thus doubling their revenue for the person that only ever plays "their numbers" every Saturday.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

Yes, I have 3 or 4 relatives that have anywhere from 10,000 to 1.6 million. From Canada so maybe it's different up here lol, and it's tax free.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

A woman who worked with my mum for years, I knew her as well won 8 million about 5 years ago. Moved to france. Gave my mum 10 grand.

Not an actor, she worked in a shop.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Terces_Pot_Evoba
reply to post by Ouroborus2012

You can't blame me for asking this
I wish humanity could collectively share this sense of wealth that only the few have. I am not saying wealth would solve problems, but it would make people much happier if we could all stop weighing everybody by what they make, what they do,social status. I'm not a communist, but I feel like the world is so dark when you're always looking up at the top.

Agreed... Personally, I'm ready for the entire paradigm of a "monetary system" to GO AWAY all together... Wealth creates poverty, no matter how you slice it.... I'm no longer interested in living in a world full of un-equality based on money... I feel that it's going away though, the status quo is no longer sustainable. They can keep their lottery money!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:00 AM
I wanted to start a campaign to get the people in my town to stop playing the lottery, and instead put the doller they would play each day, or each week into a fund, and if we all did it throughout a certain period of time, we would have a good chunk of change to invest into our community, instead of hoping you win.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:07 AM
I hear what you're saying on this. I have wondered the same thing. It would be a good way for a government to get some extra money coming in. With all the jackpots being paid out, you would think more people would know someone that won.

I am prone to think that though, because I play weekly and never win.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:15 AM
How rum! I asked the same question about an hour ago.... LMAO.

No I only know of £10 or £50 winners.

My son in law was at work in Sainsbos when a student guy bought a packet of smokes and his last £1 on a scratch card.... Then he just stood there and making a weird throat noise that got louder and louder and turned into a scream... he then ran up and down the travellators screaming IVE WON IVE WON!!!

£100,000 !!! With his last pound coin! awesome stuff.... They had to call his Mother to collect him because he eventually couldn't move off the floor for crying. awwwwwwwww pudding chops!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

Yes, I use to work with a woman that won 12.5 million.

They bought a time share in the Caribbean, a boat, a diamond ring for $12,000 and lost most of the rest on a business deal.

Please do not ask me how the heck you can blow through 12.5 million as I would have only spent the interest and never touched the principle. I also would never invest in a business deal with a friend. I just don't have the head for business.

I asked my friend, what was it like to be rich and she said that the nicest thing was to not have any financial worries and your time, your entire 24 hours of everyday belonged to you. You owned yourself and your time totally.

She also mentioned that it was really shocking how both her family and people that could not have been bothered with her before, now all of a sudden everyone wanted to be her best buddy. Even her family treated her differently.

I have a little taste of being rich right now, since my job was outsourced. I'm lucky enough that my husband earns a good salary, I do not have to work. We do have to budget our money carefully but I am thankful we have enough to survive on.

What is it like to not work? I garden, read & research (my big passion), volunteer to a couple places (homeless & animals) and do not have to answer to or cow toe to any moronic, abusive, egotistical boss.

My time 24/7 is my own and while I have had to cut back on luxuries, I really relish not having to don "corporate attire". I can dress anyway that I want without some moronic "dress code" dictating what I can and cannot wear.........I live in jeans, nice tops and barefoot
(Don't even need shoes unless I go outside).

There are no deadlines to meet except for the few bills I need to pay each month.

My days go by so fast, I wake up each morning truely looking forward to each and every day.

Don't need fancy clothes, jewelry, eating out or expensive cruises/vacations or any of the rest of the %rap that commericals tell us we need.

One addition blessing and it's a big one for me - I don't have to deal with mean, service to self at everyone else's expense people that have sold their souls to "survive". No more office politics or back stabbers to deal with. I can now chose who I have to deal with and who I can leave out of my life.

I do not miss working or the people I had to deal with.

If I won the lottery, I would buy a small compound on about 500 acres and donate to the homeless and animal rescue/sanctuary.

My biggest weakness are books. I currently have a library of about 400 paper books, would probably double my library slowly, budgeting it in.

Would not buy a boat, expensive cars, fancy jewelry, time shares, cruises, clothes or eat at over priced restaurants.

edit on 13-11-2010 by ofhumandescent because: added idea

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:30 AM
I came close...hitting 4 out of 6 numbers.

I had a dream one night, about numbers, and when i awoke, i TRIED to remember all 6 numbers, but could only remember 4, DISTINCTIVELY. Those numbers were: 21, 22, 24, 25. The funny thing is....i didn't play those numbers, that day, but i played them about a week or so later; not sure why.

I was on my way to work, at 6 am..and while i was at the store getting a bagel and cream-cheese, i decided to play those numbers. I thought for a minute which 2 numbers i should play, with the ones i had in my dream, so, i played 10 and 34. 10 for the number of interceptions i had the prior year, during football season...and 34 for the number i wore, as a kid. Why i picked those 2 numbers, i have no idea.

When i got home from work, i went to another deli, to check my ottery numbers and sure enough, the numbers 21, 22, 24, 25 hit....unfortunately so did 9 and 33. I missed hitting the lottery by 2 numbers..both 1 number off. Someone robbed me. hahahahaha and I WANT my money!

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:35 AM
Yes my aunt's boyfriend once won the lottery.

Two weeks later he broke up with her :/

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:42 AM
I went to school with one of the mega millions winner that one here in Georgia a few years back. The won an absurd amount of money. She built a nice big horse ranch right down the road and about two years later she was 100% broke. They blew all that money over a couple of years and if I remember right her family fell apart and she is now living with her mother.

I think the lottery destroys more then it does anything else.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:50 AM
It is just the poor mans tax.

Don't know anyone who won it. A lot of the people who won and go public seem to always have a big story or morale for 'us' to learn from.

I was watching the Uk euromillions last night where I think they were having an extra draw for the UK players only and they were 'creating 10 new millionaires. The whole thing was quite funny and reminded me of the film 'The Island' . Everyone is just waiting for their number to be called out.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Terces_Pot_Evoba

I have a friend that was a pretty big winner. He moved to Tahiti.

Personally I prefer to lose my money in a more creative manner playing Texas holdem at the Indian casinos.

The outcome is the same, it just takes longer but at least you get to enjoy the fantasy of being a "gambler"

instead of a "lottery chump"

edit on 13-11-2010 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

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