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Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:51 PM
why not use this median to organize a protest of our own?
im not in your country but it seems to me it would be fairly easy to say.
friday ABC street, 7 oclock.
put it on that facebook page and show your government how much it offended the people.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by KingDoey

Originally posted by laiguana
It would be nice to see the British people come together against these violent manifestations, that seem to be more frequent as the years come. Why won't the British people do anything though? Are they too scared to stand up for themselves in their own country?
edit on 11-11-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

Mate there should be riots. If a group of Englishmen were to burn images of Mohammad or the Quran on a holy day in some Moslem state there would be anarchy. You would not leave the country alive. Period.

As i said before the average left wing muppet in this country that defends these animals will realise all too late, when little Jessica is forced to wear a veil at school and pray 5 times a day, that something should have been done.

Alas I feel like I am shouting in a vacuum. England needs to become tougher but in these modern times it will never happen.

Also love the way all the EDL protesters that turned up earlier were nicked yet the Moslems were not touched by the old bill.

What the hell?

That just means that the EDL have friends in copland

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Just an excuse to be racist. Bnp, Edl - the biggest scum in the country.
Yes what this tiny minority of Muslims did was pretty disgusting, but I can understand it.
Most of the responses on this thread are pretty juvenile, emotional and racist.
What about the drunk student who pissed on the memorial last year? Were we calling for his bead?
No, because he was White and "Christian".

I am so fed up of this site, it used to be interesting abs informative.

Now it's just full of junk and daily mail reading White trash.

No I am not a troll. I know I'm right.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by NeoSocialist
Just an excuse to be racist. Bnp, Edl - the biggest scum in the country.
Yes what this tiny minority of Muslims did was pretty disgusting, but I can understand it.
Most of the responses on this thread are pretty juvenile, emotional and racist.
What about the drunk student who pissed on the memorial last year? Were we calling for his bead?
No, because he was White and "Christian".

I am so fed up of this site, it used to be interesting abs informative.

Now it's just full of junk and daily mail reading White trash.

No I am not a troll. I know I'm right.

You're not right, you're just further stirring up the pain that has been inflicted on us by a tiny minority. You cannot understand why people are emotional? I'm a leftie guardian reader, so i think this kind of ruins your illusion.

If you don't like these threads then go and find one that doesn't offend your very delicate, politically correct mannerisms.

edit on 11-11-2010 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:06 PM
If I lived in urban Britain with the mind I do, but had brown skin and Iranian blood, I would be turning white with concern now. That's a veritable mob mentality forming, and you know it's not going to be very selective.

Be annoyed, but don't let it affect the quality of your own respect. There's plenty of reasons for outrage, but I suppose if you are going to pick up the torch over this one, then you would be a hypocrite to not take it up over the rest. In proportion to the outrage. Then you might see the futility of solving matters with hate and violence.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1

Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall silent to remember silent to remember war dead

I think it's time these Scumbags got some of what they're begging for, you Brits were fools for giving up your guns, now you're going to have to do it the hard way.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I'm anything but politically correct.
I totally understand the anger, I live in a community next to the army barracks and I support the troops 100%.
I think these actions are revolting.
I also think that the reactions against the actions focus too much on the Islamic faith.
Did you see the banner at the Celtic match last week? Same sentiment.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Boomer1941

Could you imagine 250,000 knee jerk reacting members of Facebook with a gun now? Any one slightly tanned would be looking down the barrel of a gun. People need to calm down

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by Boomer1941

Could you imagine 250,000 knee jerk reacting members of Facebook with a gun now? Any one slightly tanned would be looking down the barrel of a gun. People need to calm down

Too right. I wish I could articulate myself aswell and as concise as you!

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:22 PM
It's this sort of behaviour from groups like these that will drum up anti Muslim sentiment worldwide into a frenzy once again, and in this case, rightly so.

These b%$#stards should be kicked out of the country and any British citizens amongst them should be stripped of their citizenship, immediately.

If they're not immigrants, throw them in jail, NOW.

This is not free speech, this is outright HATE against the people who died so that we all have the freedom to express ourselves.

They should be charged with HATE CRIMES or WAR CRIMES and jailed. For a very long time.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1

Today at work we had two minuets silence which was ignored by the muslims but not the Sikhs, Hindu's or anyone else.

You'll have a hard time finding a Sikh anywhere in the Commonwealth who doesn't have a family member who served. Why wouldn't they respect the two minutes silence?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
It's this sort of behaviour from groups like these that will drum up anti Muslim sentiment worldwide into a frenzy once again, and in this case, rightly so.

These b%$#stards should be kicked out of the country and any British citizens amongst them should be stripped of their citizenship, immediately.

If they're not immigrants, throw them in jail, NOW.

This is not free speech, this is outright HATE against the people who died so that we all have the freedom to express ourselves.

They should be charged with HATE CRIMES or WAR CRIMES and jailed. For a very long time.

Jesus Christ! They have actually done nothing illegal!
Perhaps maybe disorderly conduct but there's no crime against burning a symbol, despite how distasteful it may seem to you and me.
Just calm down.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

freddom of speech means they can say whatever they want, and i agree once said or done they should then have to live with the consequences.
I dont think anyone should be censored, but they should be more aware what they say will have reprucusions.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by NeoSocialist

your right, they were very calm (screaming like animals) as they insulted the world.
stop telling people how to take these images, its makes alot of us very mad, im not going to calm down.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Hack28
reply to post by NeoSocialist

your right, they were very calm (screaming like animals) as they insulted the world.
stop telling people how to take these images, its makes alot of us very mad, im not going to calm down.

They actually just insulted "our" world. There's a bigger world ou there you know.
You would rather Stoke up some kind of confrontation/ war with the Islamic world?

As I have said, I find it pretty awful what they did but in the big picture it's meaningless.
We can still pay our respects to those who fought for our freedom without getting so wound up about a tiny few pathetic brain washed idiots.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:49 PM
I know this may appear to trample on what is sacred, but it isn't. Shouldn't we be taking this time around Remembrance day to revisit the reasons why WW one and two occurred as successfully engineered human sacrifices by the PTB on the time, corporate economy boosters, war science initiatives, and place our blame for the atrocities of war (and their threatened freedoms) on the root causes behind the scenes, the shadow governments of the world?

We gave in to committing violence in exchange for our freedoms, but in the grander scope of things, the world wars were as bad as our small, unfair wars that we decry on a daily basis. Why, oh why excuse the two world wars as if they were "meant to be" when they were only a larger undertaking by the same powers and dynasties. I heard Hitler only got the job because he was the one crazy enough to man the position. It's not only bad ideologies that breed poor political regimes, it's the people who spread them (and enforce them). Misplaced blame will breed racism, unfortunately, against those who soldier for the masked criminals in charge instead of the criminals themselves. That war must be won very calmly and intelligently, if we are to succeed at all.

I'm not a Nazi sympathizer, I hate that communism in practice brought such hardship, and I had two grandfathers who fought in WWII.

What I also remember is a war where we stood a chance to fight back, not a world where the rules of war include nanotech, drones, hyper-surveillance, and wmd's. It's approaching brinksmanship on another level, or M.A.D. on a new scale.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Northwarden because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

The truth is there is nothing Romantic about war, though people often make it out to be. The original byproducts of war were slavery, debt to state, taxation, and currencies.

The barter system no longer worked as it was no way to pay soldiers, those spared by the conquerers forfieted their freedom to them and became their slaves for the privalege of continuing to live, the first currencies were minted to pay soldiers, the first markets and prostitution sprang up to relieve them of their money, taxation began then to pay for the whole enterprise.

What did war actually get us, bigger and bigger herds, wiping out peaceful tribes and settlements and their customs and ways of life and incorporating them into a larger and larger collective.

There isn't one good thing about war, and the notion of preemptive wars is absolutely absurd, the war on terror is about our own governments terrorizing us into always being afraid.

It's insane to think that people fighting against foreign occupation are now known as insurgents, enemy combatants, terrorists and other rediculous plays on words to form our oppinions for us.

We are as blind as we are foolish, the same corporations and banks finance both sides of the conflicts, build up the nations that we eventually declare a threat, tear them down again at the expense of the taxpayer, and then built them up again at the expense of the taxpayer.

In Wars like World War I up to 100,000 people would die on some single days, in suicide charge after suicide charge, but come Christmas time they would all climb out of their trenches to trade toasts and gifts and hugs and well wishes.

Face it we fight for the sport of Gods and Kings and their profit off of us, and control of us.

What really ought to be considered the most foolish thing in the world is made to be romantic, brave, righteous, glorious and sold to us in such a deceptive way as to shame and denigrate us all.

What are these people protesting? War! What do we want to give them for doing that? War!

The world is truly insane!

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:25 PM
It's heartening to me to see posters from the UK fired up about this issue, about the memory of slain soldiers, and about the preservation of national and cultural tradition.

Perhaps I'm mistaken but if this happened even 3 or 5 years ago, I doubt the response would have been as strong.

Is the UK waking up from the fog of political correctness and realizing that it, too, has its own tradtions, history, and culture that must be respected and protected?
edit on 11/11/10 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by NeoSocialist
Just an excuse to be racist. Bnp, Edl - the biggest scum in the country.
Yes what this tiny minority of Muslims did was pretty disgusting, but I can understand it.
Most of the responses on this thread are pretty juvenile, emotional and racist.
What about the drunk student who pissed on the memorial last year? Were we calling for his bead?
No, because he was White and "Christian".

I am so fed up of this site, it used to be interesting abs informative.

Now it's just full of junk and daily mail reading White trash.

No I am not a troll. I know I'm right.

You're not right, you're just further stirring up the pain that has been inflicted on us by a tiny minority. You cannot understand why people are emotional? I'm a leftie guardian reader, so i think this kind of ruins your illusion.

If you don't like these threads then go and find one that doesn't offend your very delicate, politically correct mannerisms.

edit on 11-11-2010 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

It is difficult to explain, but both you and Neo seem to make salient points, but also from both your own points of view. Neo didn't bring in understanding of emotion, and didn't condone into his post the burning of the poppy, but allowed the protest itself really as an emotional response when he says he can "understand it" which is contradictory. So you are right in saying that he is stirring it, but that could also be unintentional, but you don't say that. All in all you are both using a democratic right, free speech, and the subject matter is another democratic right, the right to protest except for one small thing, we don't actually live in a democracy do we?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Just because people on here are rightly horrified by the burning of the poppy and hateful comments shouted about UK soldiers and vent those feelings does not mean they are racist or hateful themselves. It is the Islamic trouble-makers (yes, I agree probably a minority of them, but when do you see the majority standing up and claiming that these idiots don't speak for them? Hardly ever) that are stoking the fire on this.

This has been simmering for a while - remember the guy at Luton airport (a worker there no less!!) who protested when the soldiers returned? Those fundamentalists are trying to provoke. But guess what happens when you poke a dog with a stick for long bites you, and bloody good job too.

Rememberance Day is not just about the boys in current conflicts, but remembers the sacrifices that past generations have made not only in the UK but across the globe.Where would we all be now but for them? Speaking German in the UK, speaking Japanese in NZ and OZ? This is a very significant date, and the closer you are to it the more deeply you feel it. I feel that these fundamentalists (for want of a better name) have chosen a very unwise target for their little demonstration.

Oh, and does anyone actually think the hatred from these people will stop if the allies pull out of the middle east? No, of course it won't.

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