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Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
reply to post by FalselyFlagged

Soldiers have no say in who they fight and are politically neautral.

They do their job period.

The same argument could be said of MOBSTERS. That doesn't make what they do right. LOL

If they were tasked to defend you they would do it to their own death.

I agree its wrong. I agree the governments should be bought to account. But if you think that its ok to diss those killed for our freedom.. Our brothers and sisters.. Then you have crossed the line.

That will demand a price.

How have they "killed for our freedom". How has freedom been saved by killing hundreds of thousands of innocent brown people all over the world. Doesn't that just create more people who hate your country? Like millions more? Hmm?

How the frick does what goes on Afghanistan have any effect on YOUR freedom. Is the wool over your eyes that thick?

Brits are fighting a war to benefit the private businesses who WANTED an unwinnable war to start with.

I know you're a smart dude when it comes to military tactics... Riddle me this...

How could the USA possibly plan to win a war in Afghanistan when they knew the logistics of a war 100% in advance, considering that they were literally RUNNING the insurgency intelligence against the Russians.

The Americans know and KNEW (before hand), that any war in Afghanistan was completely unwinnable against any continued resistance. And the resistance has it easy in that country. They knew all this before hand.

And also chew on this one.. How the eff could US / NATO ***EVER*** expect to win a war in Afghanistan, when even RUSSIA couldn't win a war there.. And the rules of engagement in the Russia / Afghan war were a whole different box of animal crackers.

They practically had no rules. They slaughtered whole villiages, and tortured out in the open, while laying literally millions of land mines. If RUSSIA couldn't win their war over 10 years, how the hell can NATO forces EVER expect to win, and with PUSSY-FOOT rules of engagement, comparatively?

The hard to swallow pill is that this war was never planned to be won. Short wars aren't good for business.

Do you REALLY think that after 10 years of running the insurgency, that the US thought they could win a war there? I know your gears are clicking right now.. You know it doesn't sound logical or believable. They KNEW BETTER.

edit on 11-11-2010 by FalselyFlagged because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by FalselyFlagged

There are two sides to every story, and often love of democracy means love of the belief that your religion/political party/race/sex should and does have the only valid say in a democracy.

Sadly we live in a world where symbols become the identity of too many people. Whether it be a flower, a flag, a coat of arms, a religious book, these things oddly become more important to people than being a human and their own humanity.

Everyone wants respect, yet few are willing to extend it.

A vast number of us in the West know our governments are lying to us, that they are corrupt, that bankers and corporations are in control, that we are loosing our rights, yet spit on a flag, slander a religious book, and most have a tendency to rally around the same corrupt institutions and it's symbols they know are slowly robbing them.

Programming runs deep, and as long as people prefer to see themselves is less than an individual and a member of a group identity they will be manipulated though that and threatened by any other group that doesn't think or revere or worship the same things they do, even oddly enough in so called democracies.

Here in the United States a White/Anglo/Christian can burn an efigee of the President if they are in the TeaParty and everyone standing around them applaudes it, yet let a Brown/Arab/Muslim do the same thing, and all of a sudden they will rally around the very same President they were decrying themselves a minute before.

I personally consider it all rather bizarre myself, but hey life is often stranger than fiction.

Democracy simply seems to mean you are free to do as I say, think and believe and nothing more, religion seems to mean you are free to believe, think and say what I believe and nothing more, and amazingly no one seems to see the hypocracy in these things.

I feel badly for anyone who is the victim of war, whether they are Christian, Jewish or Muslim, Black, White, Red or Brown, American, British, or Afghani, because I know there has got to be a better way for us all to learn to respect one another and get along.

We all live in a world where might makes right though, and sadly if you really look at what most people are really going to say in these threads, it's about proving and validating their might, and rarely really looks at what is truly right, just right for one group who wants to dominate through might.

It seems like everyone has something to say, but no one is really listening.

I am sorry by the way for what the American Government is doing in Afghanistan/Iraq/Pakistan/Yemen/Somalia/Columbia and other places, I lack the ability and power to stop it, but I do make sure my money doesn't end up paying for it.

I hope the world finds peace one day, and the symbols and books one day are not more important than human beings themselves.

Better days.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:21 PM

Asad Ullah, of Muslims Against Crusades, said: 'We are demonstrating because this day is a day of remembrance to remember every single fallen soldier, including those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

'We find it disgusting that innocent people, innocent children, have been killed in an illegal and unjust war and we are demonstrating against that.

'We want the Government to pull the troops out from these countries and to stop interfering in our affairs.'

Read more:

I totally understand why they protest. I don't agree with their means, but we (in the Western World) have got to remember why these people are so upset. They have a right to be.

Go ahead and honor the fallen soldiers. Don't let this protest take YOU away from honoring our veterans. Don't get so upset and filled with hatred that you can't even think straight. You do your thing, they do theirs.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

So you don't pay taxes?

Good luck with that one. ; )

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:23 PM
I'm sure this post will be overlooked (as most of my calm rational posts are) but I need to insert a bit of perspective.

I have yet to come across any report that has described the location as anything else other than "Exhibition Road, near Hyde Park".

All the reports I have read all state (opinion) that it is thought they chose this location because it falls outside the demonstration zone.

I would like to suggest that this is incorrect.

By sheer coincidence I was at the protest's location some 3 hours earlier today. The location makes perfect sense when you consider it.

Outside the Afghan Embassy...

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

firstly i am not a supporter of the war in afghanistan

but how are we meddling in thier affairs? 'they' dont even live there...if they hate this country so much why are they still living here?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by FalselyFlagged
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

So you don't pay taxes?

Good luck with that one. ; )

I pay over the counter and stamp taxes, but not Federal income taxes. Not only are they unconstitutional there is no need for them as the Government owns plenty of land and resources it rents and leases, and sells, and there is no reason it can't pay for itself and pay a dividend back to the people.

I have taken on the IRS or to put it better they have tried to take me on. The vast majority of our federal tax money goes to paying interest on loans for military expenditures and military expenditures, yet our forefathers clearly did not want us attempting to create an empire or taking sides in foreign conflicts.

9-11 was a crime by a criminal enterprise, which criminal enterprise I can not say, since the government has never done a real investigation or charged anyone in a court of law, it should have been handled as a law enforcement matter.

Saddam Hussein was the responsibility of the Iraqis to live with or get rid of, not the American people.

We talk about the right to self determination as being a cornerstone of our system, yet refuse to let other nations determine for themselves how they live.

Our whole system is virtually a fraud and a lie, manipulating people with false notions of debts to banks, nations, country, and God, with 600,000 laws on the books with 280,000 of them attached with criminal penalty, it really is a testament to our education systems brainwashing that we imagine we are free, not our actual very limited freedoms.

I won't pretend these things are different for the sake of a God, a Government, a fallen soldier, or anyone else.

Democracy and self determination is something you have to fight for yourself, by voicing your own opinion come what may.

Sadly thats being forgotten.
edit on 11/11/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Nirgal

Im not saying that the war is not wrong.

Over a million of us marched on London to show that. It was also the reason why liebour got kicked out and why the tories did not get a clear majority.


Here in the sunny Black Country UK, we have had more than enough of islam already without this.

The police and government let them off with murder. And just up the road from here they basically let a whole gang of them off with the kidnapping and rape of young white girls who they plied with.drugs and booze. Tip of the ice burg. That does not even include the Dudley mosque which the locals overwhelmingly voted against yet whitehall overturned. However it still wont happen because we will never allow it.

Then this..

edit on 11-11-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-11-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by moosevernel
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

firstly i am not a supporter of the war in afghanistan

but how are we meddling in thier affairs? 'they' dont even live there...if they hate this country so much why are they still living here?

Here is what you might not get, we have created a huge refugee crisis in parts of the world by prosecuting these indiscriminate wars that feature a lot of arial bombardment based on bad intelligence.

Iraq is 7th on the Failed states list, Afghanistan is number 5, pre earth quake Haiti the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere was at 13, and living in South Florida I can tell you Hatians have been flocking here for years.

These wars have created a refugee crisis and the safest place to not have bombs being dropped on you, is in the nations that are dropping bombs on yours!

The Powers that Be know this, Islam is not trying to spread out, the Powers that Be are forcing it to spread out, by creating an ideal refugee environment in those countries, knowing that many of them are going to be moving here to escape the violence we are creating there.

Which they then use to create the illusion that Islam is a growing and spreading threat.

I hate to break it to you but here in the U.S. my right to protest under the constitution is the same right that anyone who is living here has, doesn't matter what they are protesting, or why, they have an absolute right to do it, and I am not my Government so they aren't protesting me, they are protesting the government.

If you can honestly say your government where ever you live is an accurate reflection of how you want to live and the real opportunities you want to have in life, well you are likely the exception to the rule.

So why would it be so odd, that you are unhappy with your own government, and people of a different religion and skin color are too?

I don't get that, really and truly.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:42 PM
It would be nice to see the British people come together against these violent manifestations, that seem to be more frequent as the years come. Why won't the British people do anything though? Are they too scared to stand up for themselves in their own country?
edit on 11-11-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1

To the government.

Get this scum out of our country or we will. They have proven their loyalties.

There is free speech won by those they wish damnation too, and there is stepping over the line

This went miles over the line.

Gypsies warning.

They have no concept that this behaviour will go un punished or have no effect on them because of the bubble they build around themselves and the ptb allowing it along with the tollerance of us English..

Big mistake on their part

Very big

No joke< br /> (visit the link for the full news article)

Thank you. I couldn't agree more. I find it particularly apalling that they chose today of all days to protest considering that the brave soldiers being honored today had absolutely nothing to do with a war against Islam...

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

...and I'm not saying that what they did was right either.

I was merely injecting some objectivity and detail that the MSM had (yet again) failed to provide.

You could say it's as insensitive as wearing a poppy in a country that was brought to it knees by Opium Wars...

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Humanity4Ever

Originally posted by Yissachar1

To the government.

Get this scum out of our country or we will. They have proven their loyalties.

There is free speech won by those they wish damnation too, and there is stepping over the line

This went miles over the line.

Gypsies warning.

They have no concept that this behaviour will go un punished or have no effect on them because of the bubble they build around themselves and the ptb allowing it along with the tollerance of us English..

Big mistake on their part

Very big

No joke< br /> (visit the link for the full news article)

Thank you. I couldn't agree more. I find it particularly apalling that they chose today of all days to protest considering that the brave soldiers being honored today had absolutely nothing to do with a war against Islam...

The islamic fifth column in our midst have made the worst mistake they could today.
They have trashed the blood of our ancestors.

They will pay for that.

The British will make them

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:55 PM
How do we not know this wasnt organised as part of some psy-ops ? Every report that comes out of british MSM seems anti islamic. It just got the point, where this seems like the cold war again with the communism threat.

Also Wasabi's are such a small sect of islam and they where essentially created by the british (go look up lawrence of arabia). The MSM would have you believe all muslims are united and hell bent on jihad..what a load of rubbish. This is clearly propagated and the acts of a few idiots clearly who think they stand for each muslim.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:56 PM
There is no excuse for this action. Anyone who lives in my country and thinks that burning a poppy is an acceptable action, gives up any right to live here, and I expect my Government to use all and any means to remove these people from my country.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
It would be nice to see the British people come together against these violent manifestations, that seem to be more frequent as the years come. Why won't the British people do anything though? Are they too scared to stand up for themselves in their own country?
From what I understand, the British people do not own any land. They live in tiny little apartments bunched together while huge tracts of land are empty and owned by a few very rich people. The people in the city do not have their own businesses and are lucky to even have a job. This is all by design to keep the people so they have no power to speak up, having only a tenuous existence that can be ripped away from them in a second by a government who does not approve of what they have to say.
edit on 11-11-2010 by jmdewey60 because: fix typo

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

You know I truly admire you and respect you my friend, but let's face it, King Richard failed to retake Jerusalem.

Now sure we can blame that on that weasel King Phillip who couldn't stand being overshadowed by him, or even the Austrian Snake King Leapold that couldn't stand Richard out maunevering him politically.

Or we can even blame it on Richard's own sister's refusal to marry Saladin to form the permanent alliance Richard thought he had obtained through that gesture, but...

The English still failed, now with a ancestoral Castle on the Themes usurped by a Beatle no less, not even one of the Knighted ones, and an annual Regatta still popular to this day, I do take some pride in my Family Name and English heritage, but it's doubtful English fighting skill is going to accomplish anything English Diplomacy can't do better, example Lawrence of Arabia.

These people are really upset for a reason, and no, they make a lousy fifth collumn because they can't hunt Foxes either, I would be more worried about not being able to hunt the Queen's Deer if I were you.

Greetings from the Greenwood.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I agree wholeheartedly and respect your courage and principles. Literally half of the money DOES go to the military, to fund illegal wars.

I really meant what I said in the last post...Best of luck to ya.


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

You understand wrong. And what is your experience or knowledge base of live in the UK. Little Britain?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by moosevernel
but how are we meddling in thier affairs? 'they' dont even live there...

Maybe they once lived there. Maybe they left because of the invasion. Their people are there. Their families are there.

if they hate this country so much why are they still living here?

I don't know that they hate your country, but they hate what the military has done in their home countries. And so do I.

Originally posted by Yissachar1
The police and government let them off with murder.

Then your police and government are to blame.

Originally posted by Freedom ERP
Anyone who lives in my country and thinks that burning a poppy is an acceptable action, gives up any right to live here, and I expect my Government to use all and any means to remove these people from my country.

Is it illegal to burn poppies in England?

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
I hate to break it to you but here in the U.S. my right to protest under the constitution is the same right that anyone who is living here has, doesn't matter what they are protesting, or why, they have an absolute right to do it

Great post, Proto!

I don't know what the protest laws are in Britain, but if it's similar to here, then the Muslims have the same right to protest as the British have to their moment of silence.

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