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Poppy-burning Muslim protesters mar Armistice Day commemorations as millions fall

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I understand they are upset, but you do not improve your case by treading on the blood of those who would be on their side. They did not just tread on it. They pissed on it too.

You have no idea of how deep this has cut.

A veritable river.

I have cried tears of anger tonight, and so have my family.

The mother of my best mate who was killed by an IED also cried to me on the phone.

The royals and parliment are irrelvent in this.

This is not about those assholes. This is about the lad off the council estate who died to keep this country free.

It has never been for no blood sucking royal or pampared MP. It has always been for the family and mate by your side.

The queen and government are also traitors to the british people. Not one of them have kept their oaths and promises.

We kind of stomached that.

But not this.. Now they tread on family..

They have trully f@&ked up this time.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

The protest laws are er... complicated, even more so in London and other sensitive areas.

At worst they could have been charged with Disturbing the Peace, Causing an Affray, Obstruction of a Public Highway, or Incitement to Riot.

I guess the latter is similar to Freedom of Speech, but not Freedom to shout, "Fire" in a cinema.

I'm certain they chose the Afghan Embassy location specifically, there were many other locations outside the exclusion zone.

I don't particularly care for what they did, I defend their right to do it. I also defend the right of others to react as they see fit (see above laws).

I also think it was stupidity of the highest order and in an ideal world they should have considered other alternatives. It was a stunt designed to ignite emotions and guess what U.K.? You all fell for it.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by FalselyFlagged
reply to post by Yissachar1

Do you appreciate the Hamas soldiers who kill your "innocent" Israeli brethren??

Why the hell should Muslims be grateful that NATO troops are killing literally hundreds and thousands their INNOCENT BROTHERS AND SISTERS (we are all brothers and sisters in Islam).

Eff those who kill my bretheren. Why should I thank them for doing so in cold blood?

Why are we even in Afghanistan? Last time I checked, it was supposedly al Qaeda that was responsibility for 9/11 *(emphasis on supposedly), but last time I checked, it was the TALIBAN that we're at war with in afghanistan, and thats why we went there to take them out of power.

Biggest slight of hand trick in history, worse than Iraq, because everyone REALIZED Iraq was a lie.. Nobody realizes how Afghanistan is a lie too. That's how dumb ya'll are.

Ok, you're right.... Let me take time to say... Thank you American soldiers... For killing litterally hundreds and thousands or my innocent brothers and sisters around the world in cold blood, and pumping their cities full of radioactive depleted uranium so that my future brother children can be miscarried or born with deformities, for no apparent reason at all, because this war has only created MORE "terrorism" (IE, anybody who doesn't agree with total NATO domination of every country, and no national sovereignty). Without you soldiers doing the dirty work, who would save the world from the brown filth? [/sarcasm]

Are you guys really serious? You expect Muslims to thank you guys for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people and dominating entire countries, while not respecting national sovereignty, humanitarian war treaties, or the local people in any way shape or form?
Are you effing serious?

You say that you will die fighting for YOUR country. But when THOSE people (the brown ones) say that exact same thing, you call them terrorists.
Well, they consider themselves patriots with national pride. Is it so bad for them to want their own damn country with their own damn laws?

I thought thats why we INVENTED COUNTRIES. Or are you rooting for the NWO along with your NATO buddies, so they can all dominate the world forever?


I really dislike the way Muslim males are behaving in my country.
But the fact is, before we invaded their countries, clusterbombing children and spreading deadly D.U. dust everywhere, Muslims here lived quietly and got on with everyone else just fine.

But we fell for "the New Pearl Harbour" false flag, brought to us by the kind of guys who wrote the bible of false flags, Operation Northwoods, and started obediently hating Muslims and wanting to kill them. We have killed and tortured and raped, wrecking their countries, and smugly patted our backs, believing these people didn't deserve to have us spend our money on them and be so nice to them. Now We have thousands of angry refugees in our countries, living in a community which supported killing their families and now treats them with hatred for being Muslim.

These Muslims are only human, they're no better than the rest of us, so many of them respond the way we would in their situation, with contempt and hatred. Anti-Muslim sentiment prevents them integrating, and their shared experiences of losing loved ones and being treated like dirt tend to bring them together as groups, bringing about a "them an us" situation which causes incidents the media and the Yissicharis amongst us can keep pointing out to further incite the hatreds.

Try looking at the people who post threads like this. They support everything Irael does against the Muslims and Arabs, and are working to incite Western nations to kill off these people for them.

Always stay sceptical when being force-fed hatred.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Nirgal

It may be a provacational stunt, and yes it has worked, and may even take the heat off the government.

But this will not go unanswered whatever the motivation.

They have pissed on the blood of our mates, our uncles, cousins, aunts, brothers, sisters. Our very anecestors. Our history, that left wing dickheads have tried to make us ashamed of for years..

As i said.

They have f##ked up very royaly

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Nirgal
I'm sure this post will be overlooked (as most of my calm rational posts are) but I need to insert a bit of perspective.

I have yet to come across any report that has described the location as anything else other than "Exhibition Road, near Hyde Park".

All the reports I have read all state (opinion) that it is thought they chose this location because it falls outside the demonstration zone.

I would like to suggest that this is incorrect.

By sheer coincidence I was at the protest's location some 3 hours earlier today. The location makes perfect sense when you consider it.

Outside the Afghan Embassy...

I think a demonstration by burning the red poppy is designed to provoke a reaction like the OP's, and there is no easy way of defining the real provenance of these people, it was inciteful and provocative to be sure, but who were they? Why are they doing what they're doing and who are they doing it for and why the poppy, that grows anywhere? makes no sense except.....

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

My friend, I think your lord and saviour Jeoshua would extoll you to forgive these people and turn the other cheek.

You aren't hurting them right now my dear friend, you are hurting yourself.

"If thy eye offends thee, pluck it out"

This is really not the kind, gentle spirited man of the Lord I know, who certainly knows violence begets violence, and should also know, no violence befell anyone in this protest today.

Please don't do this to yourself my friend.

You know as the guy who has pledged you his own liver or kidneys, I really hope you aren't abusing your own through all this.

Stop thinking about what Caesar would do, think about what your Lord and God would do, and rejoice in the peace and true wisdom and understanding and salvation that offers you.

(Proto preaching religion, stop the presses, call the inquirer, alert CNN, this is news!)

Only for you my friend, would I do this.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:59 PM

So what are you going to do about it?

Unfortnately you live in a country that (stupidly) always plays 'a straight bat'. The Us doesn't, the French don't, nor do the Germans.....

I guess posting or writing letters is a way of relieving your English frustrations. But there is no escape for you is there? Labour = war, conservative/coalition = a little hardship? God forbid!

Sorry but the English are so thick headed. The Empire has gone - the only thing it managed to achieve was the spread of the English laguage - which reading some ATS posts from English people is totally pathetic!


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Under The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006, a case could be made but because we have too many trend lefties, this will be stomped on and of course, someone will bring up EU Human Rights Act.

What about my humans rights not to put up with scum like this in my country. Send them to a country that is more in line with their faith.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Freedom ERP because: typo

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:01 PM


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:02 PM
Man oh man that makes my blood boil! HOW the UK can accept this is happening is unbelievable (not just the UK sadly). If someone was to try to bring those scumbags to task they would probably be accused of being racist or not sympathetic to their beliefs. I say to hell with their beliefs, get them out of the UK. They are protesting about the UK while living there and accepting either work or benefits and the government are powerless to do anything about it.

What is the answer? Kick them all out? It might be tempting to say yes, but can you imagine the riots/ civil unrest that would cause? Remember the race riots of a few years ago? They are deliberatle trying to provoke the right wing into violence and they may just get their wish. Be careful what you wish for - the far right in the UK is slowly but surely moving more and more to the middle, where even ordinary civil minded and law abiding citizens are getting fed up with Islamic fundamentalists.

How can the UK get itself out of this situation without it turning into a full scale free for all? I really don't have the answers, but what those b'stards did is not right. And the ones they are makng angry the most are the ones with military training - not smart. If there is one group of people you don't want to see take to the streets in vigilante mobs its the ex-mil lot. We know a thing or two about fighting.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
It would be nice to see the British people come together against these violent manifestations, that seem to be more frequent as the years come. Why won't the British people do anything though? Are they too scared to stand up for themselves in their own country?
edit on 11-11-2010 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

Mate there should be riots. If a group of Englishmen were to burn images of Mohammad or the Quran on a holy day in some Moslem state there would be anarchy. You would not leave the country alive. Period.

As i said before the average left wing muppet in this country that defends these animals will realise all too late, when little Jessica is forced to wear a veil at school and pray 5 times a day, that something should have been done.

Alas I feel like I am shouting in a vacuum. England needs to become tougher but in these modern times it will never happen.

Also love the way all the EDL protesters that turned up earlier were nicked yet the Moslems were not touched by the old bill.

What the hell?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:13 PM
This group was started about an hour ago.

197,581 members and growing very fast.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Freedom ERP
What about my humans rights not to put up with scum like this in my country.

I don't think that's a right. I think you made it up.

reply to post by mr-lizard

I've never seen so much hatred...

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:16 PM


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

that was wonderful to read, very well spoken sir.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:26 PM


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
This group was started about an hour ago.

197,581 members and growing very fast.

over 10,000 joined in 15 min since ur post.

agreed thats alot of hatred hopefully soomeone will do something in the real world.

(by something i dont mean murder rape and pilage, i mean review diplomaticaly what is not functioning properly. Clearly something is off.)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Wow I am reading those replies and that is some pretty offensive and racist material, nothing constructive there. How about a voice of reason? I think they should be deported too but I don't condone murder of anyone.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Misoir you were saying all british citizens should join the EDL in a previous post. Thats the type of hatred that fuels groups such as the EDL and I have always argued the group is not constructive in any way.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:50 PM
I find it somewhat disturbing that this was done on Rememberance day but I think some of you are over reacting including the OP. I respect your opinion and appreciate your concern, but I must ask... what caused you to write a thread about this. Forgive me if I am wrong and I am putting myself at risk here, but you come across to me as anti Muslim OP. Were you as outraged while Americans of Jewish faith celebrated the bombing of Gaza in New York city? It may seem harsh that I said this but the point I am trying to make is that you cannot hold a whole group of people ( of Muslim faith) accountable for the actions of a small group of nut-jobs. I was raised Christian so does that affiliate me with the group of American Baptists that haunt American soldier's funerals and criticize the war and homo sexuality. I think you should just cool down and involve yourself with positive people and not worry so much about the nut cases out here, believe me there are many of every race, religion, and class. This almost seems as a staged event in my opinion to fuel more Islamaphobia in the Western world. I can be totally wrong here but it is just my opinion and would not be surprised. Once again OP sorry if this came across as harsh or as a deliberate shot at you because it is not my intention, but you truly came across as anti Muslim going by your opening post and some of your responses to other posts. I am disturbed that this happens but there are much worse things going on today and there is no need to promote the illusion that this is the sentiment of the majority of the Muslims in the Western world. They want peace, happiness, and love as much as we do.
edit on 11-11-2010 by Corruption Exposed because: spelling error

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