posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 04:33 PM
I found this thread surprising by how many people replied supporting the notion that "if you work hard, you get your just rewards" In truth, thats
how it should be, but i think these posters missed the OP's reality check that states that this is NOT the way it is. For example, flipping burgers
for 40hrs a week, this job is physical labour (Which cannot be done sitting down) It is also monotonous and couldn’t really be classed as rewarding
in anyway. Lets not forget, your very unlikely to receive any sort of company bonus for making so many burgers in a limited time, and neither are you
likely to get any thanks or gratitude from your employers.
So in short, this job is boring, not rewarding, bad for your long term health (having to stand up for long periods of time, limiting your circulation)
and its also low paid, giving you just enough money to pay for the BASICS of life. In effect, this job enables you to live like a slave, and no matter
how hard you work, how many burgers you flip, you still wont come out on top at the end of the month because you are paid a base rate for X amount of
hours and after so much wage earned, you are taxed. Yes, this is a pyramid system and the working class are increasingly boxed in.
Let me explain.
If you are born working class, you go to a state school. You'll find early on in your education if that if you show no natural talent for anything
being taught to you and if your parents have little to no involvement in your education, you are forgotten about and left to fend for your own
education. This usually results in kids not bothering to try and overcome the boundary and so they misbehave instead. That is, i admit, a
generalisation but you get the jist of what i'm saying.
Now, society has evolved into a circus to which you need a micky mouse degree to work in a coffee shop, so not only are the chances against you in the
education system, they are also against you in the world of work. And lets not forget that in order to get into a management position you need to have
GCSE's and A-levels.
But what i find REALY irritating, is that society refuse's to accept that there are those who dont want to progress into management. There are those
who DONT want the responsibility for so and so. These are people that are more then willing to work 40hrs a week to pay their way in life, but dont
want to put in all the extra's because they get nothing from it.
Can someone please explain to me why you cant work 40's a week in a minimum wage job and live COMFORTABLY? Why is that IMPOSSIBLE?
Moving on, lets not forget exactly where outsourced jobs go - To the working class of other countries. The working class of Indonesia work HARD. VERY
HARD. they leave their villages to find work and save up to see their kids ONCE a year. These people work 14hr shifts, they are sacked for not working
fast enough, judged by how many products that make in a certain time span, and the money that they get pays for a roof and some food - NOTHING ELSE.
Thats wrong. Thats capitalism.
Capitalism exploits the system it sets up. The truth is very simple, more people are DISADVANTAGED by capitalism compared to those that gain from it.
So why are we using this system still? Because alot of people are under the impression that if you work hard, you get rewarded. Can someone please go
say that to the face of someone chained to a sowing machine so i can see them swing for you and your ignorance.