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Mysterious Missile Launch Over California - 11/8/2010

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

I was driving home down the coast from a Santa Cruz vacation and saw that thing from mid- Malibu on SR1 aka PCH.. no way from my POV was that standard jet plane.. I wrote it off as another satellite launch we see now and then around here, didn't care much other than "neato look at that"... no idea what it was, or wasn't, until reading ATS knew I should have taken a pic.

Based on recollections of my artillery days, it was much bigger and left a more substantial signature than any shell or MLRS.. it looked like it literally belched out of the ocean gaining speed as it ascended.

I cant say it was a missile or weapon.. an unknown object resembling a rocket.

(conspiracy hat on) I read awhile back: "WASHINGTON, D.C. – A message that North Korea had conducted a nuclear attack on the Japanese island of Okinawa turned out to be false, but the fact it was delivered via U.S. military communications has prompted a high alert, according to U.S. officials who asked to remain anonymous."

Fake nuclear attack message over a relevant US military communications network, US missile silo failures in the news, and a probable mystery missile launch.. sounds like a giant missile bummer in the making.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:54 PM
I'm certain that this has already been mentioned, but there was a set of corresponding NOTAMs issued from NAS Point Mugu, and Los Angeles ATC, pertaining to weapons range restrictions from Surface to FL390. They explicitly mention a missile launch accompanied by radar intercept tests. The current NOTAM stands at 09 NOV 20:00 2010, to 10 NOV 08:00 2010. I don't know if they had a NOTAM issued at the exact same time as the previously witnessed event, but they could have very easily recycled a NOTAM for another 24 hours.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:54 PM
I'm with Phage. This is a contrail (or a chemtrail
) .

If this was a missile launched off the west coast, people would have seen it. How many people were likely looking westward from the coast of California watching the sunset etc? How many private boats were out around that general area? If this was a sea launched missile, we'd know it by now as witnesses would be coming forward.

I'm done wasting brain power on this until something substantial is confirmed.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by this_is_who_we_are

wow good video, sorry phage but this Debunks the plane theory, by the size of the thing, and the way it looks there is no way it can be a Boeing plane or a commercial jet plane.

this leaves either a secret untested plane or a missile.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:55 PM
Holy Hell, so many posts.

Anyways, haven't there been a lot of threads on ATS about Russian and Chinese subs around the Cali coast? India and China are having a lot more conflict recently. Could be that China is mad at Obama going over there, and to express that they used a missile. Who knows.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:55 PM

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:55 PM
I've skimmed through the majority of this thread and I haven't seen anyone hypothesize that quite possibly a mexican cartel has found themselves some new toys in the form of SAM's. Wouldn't that suck?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Drew99GT
I'm with Phage. This is a contrail (or a chemtrail
) .

If this was a missile launched off the west coast, people would have seen it. How many people were likely looking westward from the coast of California watching the sunset etc? How many private boats were out around that general area? If this was a sea launched missile, we'd know it by now as witnesses would be coming forward.

I'm done wasting brain power on this until something substantial is confirmed.

sorry look again at above of the post of the video doesnt match a plane and also the FFA said no planes were in the area.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Blazer

What ever it was it looks like we will never find out. They are going to run with the "it's just a jet contrail" BS and sweep it under the rug. 24 hours later and they just figured this out....riiight.
It should concern everyone that they are not being truthful about this. The military knows exactly what this was and they are not saying. If it was just a commercial jet as some would like you to believe, the FAA and NORAD would know about all inbound flights and would have just stated from the beginning what flight it was.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:58 PM
I'm just wondering if anyone has scrutinized the images and video regarding the lighting, shadowing and possible location of the sun. I've tried and I have an opinion but, unless I missed it, I haven't noticed if anyone else has.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by RequiemAgent
you wouldn't happen to know how to access archived images similar to that one would you, so we can look at the 8th ... i tried looking through the modis site but it's not organized very well.

I sure don't. I just noticed the date at the beginning and the fact that the lighting doesn't look anything like sunset (although that may just be added image coloration, I don't know).

While the viewing angle would be different from a satellite, I would expect the contrail -- missile or otherwise -- to show the same bright colors if it were the same one (unless, again, the coloration in these images is synthetic).

If there is MODIS or any other kind of imagery from the time of the sighting, however, it might prove very useful in solving this mystery.

The more perspectives, the better.

N.B. I keep emphasizing the word "perspective" because I think it is at the heart of all this.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by zorgon

mystery missiles, i thought of that china one, too.

catalina island, florida, hmmm..

maybe it USO's blowing out their engines with some good old mystery oil valve cleaner?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:03 PM
I've watched sunsets from Santa Monica to San Clemente, seen many a plane fly from west to east & the planes from LAX & John Wayne in all kinds of weather you name it. Not saying it's not a plane but I've never seen anything like that before. Wouldn't the FAA have come forward by now & told us what flight this was? I'm no aviation expert but they should know all the details about this plane if that's what it was, correct?

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by dneudecker

Can someone solve for x in the following equation below? Based on the results it could support the idea that it is a missile and not a plane. I copies the equation from a site that is taking the position that the object is likely a plane and not a missile.

intersection of (y=r+x*c/d) and (x^2+y^2 = (r+a)^2) where a=29 and d=35 and c=0.05 and r=3963

I changed the values from plane of 6 miles altitude to a missile of 29 miles altitude based upon when space shuttle would lose their solid rocket boosters. also see

The little triangle is Catalina. “d” is the distance to Catalina (d=35 miles). “c” the amount of Catalina that is visible above the horizon (c=0.05 miles, really a bit more, but let’s be conservative). “a” is the altitude of the plane, (a = 6 miles). “r” is the radius of the earth (r=3963 miles).

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:04 PM
I hope video surfaces from different locations. I remember a while back after the Norway spiral flap an ATS member was able to triangulate a possible point of origin for the spiral. He posted it, but I don't remember which thread. I'll have to dig up the thread and see if the member could do the same for this event if more video surfaces.
edit on 11/9/2010 by this_is_who_we_are because: typo

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
I'm certain that this has already been mentioned, but there was a set of corresponding NOTAMs issued from NAS Point Mugu, and Los Angeles ATC, pertaining to weapons range restrictions from Surface to FL390. They explicitly mention a missile launch accompanied by radar intercept tests. The current NOTAM stands at 09 NOV 20:00 2010, to 10 NOV 08:00 2010. I don't know if they had a NOTAM issued at the exact same time as the previously witnessed event, but they could have very easily recycled a NOTAM for another 24 hours.

Someone posted the entire alert earlier, and I responded that the date was off a full day. It was for today. Could it be that a low level individual just made a mistake with the authentic announcement? Or was that a coverup alert just issued today and they still got the date wrong? Such fun!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

Originally posted by Drew99GT
I'm with Phage. This is a contrail (or a chemtrail
) .

If this was a missile launched off the west coast, people would have seen it. How many people were likely looking westward from the coast of California watching the sunset etc? How many private boats were out around that general area? If this was a sea launched missile, we'd know it by now as witnesses would be coming forward.

I'm done wasting brain power on this until something substantial is confirmed.

sorry look again at above of the post of the video doesnt match a plane and also the FFA said no planes were in the area.

If it was missile, it would be obviously moving fast away from the camera. All we're seeing is about a 3 second zoomed in clip.

It's US Airways flight 808 which WAS flying over that area.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by windwaker

So, first it's a missile. Now it's a plane. Next what....superman?

I just can't believe something like a missile would go off over this country (off the coast) and our military knows nothing about it. They can't tell what it is. How about satellite pictures?

And now I read this ridiculous statement:

"If it were secret, we'd do it at night in Alaska where only the caribou could see it," Pike said. "It's an airplane contrail, pure and simple."


So is he saying we launch missiles at night in Alaska? From the latest articles it appears the military is claiming it was a plane....they say it had to be a plane because we didn't launch any missiles. If they can't figure something out just use Occam's Razor. Maybe it's skydivers with flares going up vs down. I turned on the TV, it still works, but nothing being said. I'm going to do some housework. Maybe China or some other country will figure it out for us.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:09 PM

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Drew99GT

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

Originally posted by Drew99GT
I'm with Phage. This is a contrail (or a chemtrail
) .

If this was a missile launched off the west coast, people would have seen it. How many people were likely looking westward from the coast of California watching the sunset etc? How many private boats were out around that general area? If this was a sea launched missile, we'd know it by now as witnesses would be coming forward.

I'm done wasting brain power on this until something substantial is confirmed.

sorry look again at above of the post of the video doesnt match a plane and also the FFA said no planes were in the area.

If it was missile, it would be obviously moving fast away from the camera. All we're seeing is about a 3 second zoomed in clip.

It's US Airways flight 808 which WAS flying over that area.

Dont try to be a expert now by just posting that site

The most likely flight is US Aiways flight 808 from Hawaii to Phoenix.

the area in question aren't the same, also contrails dont match.
The FFA Said they had no planes during that time of the contrail.

watch it again

I am getting tried of closet mind skeptics posting sites with no proof.
edit on 9-11-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

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