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For “Real” Christians ONLY… A Simple Test Of Faith.

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:18 PM
Looks like I have finally caught up with replies.

Thank you for those few here who actually replied with sensible, thought-provoking replies. To the rest, you proved to be nothing but "real" HIPPOCRATES, instead of "real" Christians.


So to those that had nothing but nonsense to provide, and whom FAILED the faith test here, you obviously made it clear that you are NOT "real" Christians by NO stretch of the imagination!!! Unless Hippocrates are now allowed into your heaven, I would be VERY worried right about now if I were you all.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

Can you define what a 'real christian' is? I didn't know there were sub-sets to this religion. Is it the same as an extremist or radical? I'm serious these things change so often I need to keep up to date.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

I guess I'm going to hell.

Any book that tells me that anyone who DOESNT believe what is written inside it is going to die/be tortured in limbo/killed by the books followers/etc is a pile of sh*# in my opinion.

Hence why I reject all religion.
Religion is the worlds oldest source of evil, pain, and suffering.

edit: If you reply saying im a "real hypocrite" id say your "really full of #".
Religious peopel are so effin full of themselves.
edit on 11/8/2010 by TasteTheTruth because: (no reason given)

Double edit: I just read your signature which seems to say exactly what I said in my post... o.O
The TRUE VERSION of Romans 10:9: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus is a PLAGIARIZED MYTHICAL SUN-GOD, and shalt believe in thine heart that MAN HATH FABRICATED HIM, thou shalt be saved FROM IGNORANCE, HATE, AND DIVISION AMONGST YOURSELVES.

So are you a "real christian" or a "real christian hypocrite"???

edit on 11/8/2010 by TasteTheTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by pplrnuts

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
I always thought that what used to be considered a deadly drink
is what we refer to as recreational drugs these days.
Apparently the world view in the past was so
saturated with percieved evil spirits
that someone who hallucinated
would die of fright.

Additionally the original definition of the word witch was
someone who made poisonous drinks. The stuff
that only advanced spiritual people could handle.

On top of that a snake bite rarely kills a grown man,
though it is a miserable experience. I'm pretty
sure that in one part of the New Testament
there is a John on an island who reached
into a wood pile and was snake bit.
His crew was amazed he
didn't die.

Later, he wrote a book about the experience
called The Revelation. Apparently having
Jesus as a spirit guide made it
all good.

David Grouchy

WOW, thank you!! An actual thought-provoking reply!! A very refreshing change from the normal Christian cop-out replies.

I will have to look further into that when I am done here. Perhaps the original Hebrew/Greek word used would lead it to mean something else. Thank you for not answering this thread in the usual nonsense Christian desperation manner!! Honestly, thank you!!

You're welcome.
It's too bad none of
the so-called christians read it.
Or if they did it didn't make an impression.

David Grouchy

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by pplrnuts

Originally posted by Masterjaden
IF you have read the bible, Lucipher went to Jesus and stated " If you are the son of God, then you can turn this stone into bread or cause water to bubble from the ground" and Jesus' response was, you shall not tempt the Lord thy God....

I will not tempt the lord thy God, if it so comes that I should drink poison, then I don't doubt for a second that if it is God's will, then I will be fine.

There are many who handle snakes and drink poisons in the south, some die, some don't...


I doubt it that you would be fine if you drank poison. In fact, I will give you $30,000 cash if you are correct. Thats a lot of money for your church. How about it? I am sure we can arrange this if you are so sure!!

Though the moderators don't seem to care, your offer of $30,000 for someone to drink poison most likely has violated a number of federal and state laws. Good luck with that.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by adjensen

They built up an immunity to the poisons they drank, people have been doing this for various reasons throughout history. Not that I would do it, especially to prove I believe in god. I find it more important that god believes in me!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 08:27 PM
I dont think drinking poision would convince anybody but this might help ... The number Eight points to 'resurrection', or a 'new beginning.'

One instance of this is found quite early in the Scripture. Genesis 7:13. 'In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japhetic, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark, 'and they went forth from the ark, and of them was the whole earth overspread.' Genesis 9:18-19.

Eight people were saved, and there is a new beginning, a new covenant between God and man. Genesis 9:9-17. Here too, the ark can be seen as a type of Christ.

And there are other significant occurrences also.

Bethlehem of Judaea, the birthplace of Christ, is listed exactly eight times in the New Testament.

We can see this even in some material things, and, the tones of music well illustrate the matter, for there are only seven whole tones in sound, the eighth is the 'oct' but actually the new beginning.

This is so with the days of the week, and particularly noticeable when we consider the Jewish method of calculating the week, that is, from the first day to the seventh, or the Sabbath.

Obviously the day after the seventh is the eighth, and this is the day on which the Christian meets in fellowship, the first day of the week, or the Lord's Day. The Resurrection Day. The Resurrection of Christ, our Passover, can be seen as part of God's Plan when we look into this Feast established thousands of years before His birth.

Christ died on the fourteenth day of the month and rose on the sixteenth, 2-8's.

There were forty days to His ascension, 5-8's.

This day, (the first day of the week, or the eighth day by Jewish reckoning), is mentioned eight times in the New Testament.

Jesus said, John 11:25 . . . 'I am the Resurrection and the Life', and as eight signifies resurrection would not God, if He were expressing truth in this number, weave this number into the name of Him who is the Resurrection and the Life?

Let us see, and remember, whatever the letters of any word add up to, that is its value and no one can make it anything different.

Mr. Payne wrote.

It is here we begin to uncover the thrilling truths which God had hidden in numerics.

And, while I affirm that, I again ask the reader, to enjoy the venture into Numerics, but, do not let your interest in them draw you away from the more profitable search of the Scriptures.

I continue with Mr. Payne's words.

In the account of the birth of Christ in Matthew 1:21, the angel of the Lord said,. . . . 'And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS.

It is wonderful to discover the letter values of Jesus in the Greek. It is 888, the most significant number that could be put on paper.

Firstly because 3 signifies Divine Perfection, and also, because its factors, (37x8x3), are the three most sublime numbers connected with Jesus and we will examine this further in the section, the Word of God--37.

As we all know Jesus was called the 'Christ' and the gematria of Christ is 1,480, or 185-8's

He was also the Saviour which has a value of 1,408 . . . (2x8x88), 176-8's.

And again He is the 'Lord', 800, 100--8's.

And further He is the 'Messiah', 656, 82--8's.

Jesus usually called Himself the 'Son of man', The word occurs 88 times and it has the value of 2,960, 370-8's.

He also said I am the 'Truth' which has 64, 8-8s. Here then is our first numeric value design, in itself a marvellous witness to the fact that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is indeed, the Resurrection and the Life.

There is an even deeper significance contained in some of these names but if this we have briefly examined is not the Hand of God would someone please explain this amazing phenomena?

Before we leave this section one more evidence of design is worthy of our attention.

In Revelation 14:15 the Resurrection is spoken of as 'The Harvest', the gematria of which is 704, 8-88's.

The gematria of 'Saviour', (The Lord of the Harvest), is 1,408, 176-8's.

This is exactly double that of the harvest He reaps, and this phenomena is amplified by the fact that the words for Bridegroom and Bride, (which refer to the same two), bear the same mark in respect to the number of times they occur, that is, Bridegroom sixteen times, and Bride eight times.

More than interesting also is to note that 'Reap' in the same verse has a value of 444, showing that the harvest is reaped from the whole world, (4).

Two more intriguing things occur to me here.

The first that David, a type of Christ, was the eighth son of Jesse, and the second, that the last book in the Bible is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and the vocabulary contains exactly 888 words!

I should explain here what 'vocabulary words' means.

It does not mean the actual number of words used in a sentence, or a phrase, or an article used to tell the story. It means the single different times words are used. If a word is used twice it does not count again as a 'vocabulary word.'

For instance, the sentence I now type has 22 words but some are used two or three times so they are not vocabulary words. The vocabulary words number 13. The words in the sentence are.

'The man came to the door. He was a tall man. He was a thick set man. He was an old man.' They number 22 words.

They are:-- 'the' twice. 'man' four times. 'came' once. 'to' once. 'door' once. 'he' three times. 'was' three times. 'a' twice. 'tall' once. 'thick' once. 'set' once. 'an' once 'old' once.

The words used several times are the 'vocabulary words' and number 13.

Let us now look at this strange number . . . 13.

This number which carries such a stigma in the world, and which has come to mean a number of ill omen for the superstitious.

This controversial number is significant in Scripture also and often connects with the thought of rebellion, sin, or some kindred idea.

We can see it first in a 'surface' appearance when we read in Genesis 14:4. 'Twelve years they served, and in the thirteenth they rebelled.' and secondly, in Genesis 17:25 when, at the age of thirteen Ishmael, (of whom it was prophesied that 'he would be a wild man', Genesis 16:12.), was circumcised. How truly was the prophecy borne out, and indeed is seen in his offspring the Arabs today.

Solomon was seven years building the Temple, but thirteen building his own house. The truth expressed by these two numbers was also seen in his own life and that of the nation he ruled.

Of the twenty kings of Judah, (including Athaliah), seven were righteous rulers, and thirteen turned away from God.

Dr. Bullinger has shown that the names of the kings of the ten tribes of Israel who forsook God are all marked with thirteen. And other scholars have discerned that the names of the Lord's people are multiples of eight, while the names of those who rebelled against Him are in multiples of thirteen.

These facts are almost incredible for they reveal that, not only did God know the course of each before they were born, but caused them to be so named, so that the numeric value of each would be a multiple of thirteen.

The word klepto, 'steal,' occurs exactly 13 times. And another striking example is the word zume, 'leaven,' which represents sin. It occurs 13 times and its gematria is 455, or 35-13's. And the words 'backsliding' and 'hypocrite' each occur 13 times in the Old Testament.

How wonderfully significant it is that the Spirit of God should use this particular number, in these inner designs, to represent Sin, and Rebellion.

In Genesis 10:26-30 there is a remarkable instance of 13.

Joktan was the ancestor of a sinful and rebellious race of people. He was the thirteenth in the order of the children of Shem, and he had thirteen sons. The gematria of his name is 169, 13x13, and the gematria of that of his thirteen sons is 2,756, 212-13's. This really amounts to a numerical prophecy of a rebellious race.

All through the Scriptures we see these pointers of sin, the most significant being those where the author of sin, Satan, is branded by God with this, his own trademark.

Look at some of his titles.Dragon. It occurs
exactly 13 times. Its gematria is 975 75-13's.
Tempter. Its gematria is 1,053 81-13's.
Belial. Its gematria is 78 6-13's.
Murderer. Its gematria is 1,820 140-13's.
Serpent. Its gematria is 780 60-13's.

And the most significant of them all, that phrase used by the Holy Spirit in Revelation 12:9 . . . 'The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan.'

This phrase bears the amazing gematria of 2,197 or 13x13x13.

Who could see these astounding facts and not acknowledge the Hand of God behind them?

Let me conclude this study of thirteen with one of the most striking proofs that the Spirit of God designed these numerics.

Most people the time where God commanded Moses to, make a brazen serpent and hang it on a pole that all who would come and look upon it would live. But why, of all things, did God choose a serpent, the very symbol of sin?

How many Christians have puzzled over this?

Investigation reveals the significant truth.

God was making a picture, or type, of a stupendous event that was to take place hundreds of years later.

Come right on now to this appointed time and hear Christ Jesus Himself say, 'As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up.' John 3:14.

But do you still inquire, why a serpent? Open your Bible at 2 Corinthians 5:21, and you will see, 'For He, (God), hath made Him to be sin for us (He) who knew no sin, that we might be made righteousness of God in Him.'

So. When Jesus hung upon the cross He was made the extreme representation of sin. This of course is why God withdrew His Presence. Mark 15:34.

Now, keeping this in mind, let us come to another scene. Pilate and the trial of Jesus. Who can read the account and fail to see God convicting Pilate, who tried his hardest to persuade the Jews to release Jesus? Even his wife came and warned him and yet he finally yielded to Satan and washed his hands before them.

However water cannot wash away sin.

Pilate's conscience still carried conviction, and God move Pilate to write an inscription and place it upon the cross. John 19:19. 'Jesus of Nazareth.'

The significance of the whole thing almost takes one's breath away when we discover that the gematria of this title, which was placed upon the very cross when Jesus was made sin for us, is exactly 2,197 or 13x13x13.

The whole thing is so astounding that it needs no comment.

It seems that God, knowing the hardness of men's hearts in these closing days has reserved these marvellous numerics so that the fundamental truths of the written Word may be set forth in this supernatural way, as a final warning before the closing of the day of Grace, and the Coming of the Lord.

We now come to the most sublime number of all, 37, but as this number verifies fundamental truths concerning the. Godhead, a brief exploration of what the Bible teaches about God is essential for the help of those who have no knowledge of this vital subject.
Firstly remember, God is Spirit. John 4:24.
The New Testament clearly teaches that the Godhead consists of the LORD God, the Almighty, His only begotten Son, (John 3:16. Colossians 1:15), and the Spirit of God.
Now, in due time, the Son of God, The Word, (Greek LOGOS), John 1:1, came to this word, was clothed in human flesh, and suffered and died in the flesh. His blood shed as the price of our Redemption, 1 Peter 1:18-19. 'Redeemed with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. His soul delivered from hell, Acts 2:31, and His resurrection the surety of our own, Romans 6:4-5 and 1 Peter 1:3-4, which is 'An inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.'
Anyone who denies the Deity of Christ has never even begun to realise the sacrifice of the Saviour, and can have no understanding of John 3:16-17.
As briefly recorded before the number 3 signifies Divine Perfection, or Godhead, and 7 His Seal, and the combination of the two is, that most sublime of numbers 37.
It signifies THE WORD OF GOD sealing vital truths of the written Word, and revealing Him who is the LIVING WORD.
You will have noticed how God, when expressing key truths, carries the number to the third place, such as 888, 666, and 999.
This number 37 itself has a deep significance in that it unifies the product when multiplied by three, or a multiple of three. Thus 37x3 is 111, 37x6 is 222, 37x9 is 333.
This is the only number which so unifies the product, a perfect pointer to Christ, the Son of God who alone can unify men of every nation and tongue, and thus bring peace on earth, and goodwill among men.
In John 1:1 we read, 'In the beginning was the Word.'
And here we have the KEY to this sublime combination of the three and the seven, and in this word LOGOS we have the numbers expressed in their highest form 373 as follows, L=30, O=70, G=3, O=70, S=200.
A further verification of this clue to the Godhead number of Christ is found in Colossians 1:15.
He is expressed as the 'Image of God'.
Now the Greek here for IMAGE and GOD, has the numerical value of 1,369 or 37x37.
We read in John 1:1-3. 'And the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God, All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.' And in Colossians 2:9. 'For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.', and Colossians 1:16, following the verse above, 'For by Him were all things created.'
Let someone explain how this fact was numerically sealed in Genesis 1 some thousands of years before 'the WORD was made flesh' John 1:14, by marvellously weaving His Godhead number 37 into the very words of the Hebrew text, 'In the beginning God'.
We saw the hidden significance of that text whose. Gematria was 999, but now hidden within the number itself we find the first verification of the truth of John 1:3. 'All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made,' because 999 is 3x9x37, or 27x37.
The whole thing is significant whichever factors you look at.
If you add the three nines you get 27 again, and 27 is the cube of three, or three taken to its highest place. And so the WORD 37, is revealed, in the highest place, 27, 3x3x3, as stated in John.
Now take 777, the gematria of the three nouns of Genesis 1:1, 'God', 'Heaven', and 'Earth'. What does this further reveal?
Why. The WORD in the midst of the creative acts, again verifying John 1:3, for 777 is 37x3x7.
Remember I said there were exactly seven Hebrew words in the whole verse Genesis 1:1 and the astounding fact is revealed that God has sealed it with over 30 combinations of 7's and 37's. And that is not all, for if we add the gematria of those seven words, they total exactly 2,701, which is 73x37, the significant result being that they can be turned upside down, as it were, and still present the same truth.
Note also that the gematria of LOGOS, 373, has exactly the same and however we twist them the figures 37 confront us. It seems the Holy Spirit is impressing in these numerics the fact that 'THE WORD' is the very centre of the whole plan of God. Colossians 1:16. 'All things were made BY HIM, and FOR HIM.' Now for the benefit of those who will not acknowledge the fact that Jesus Christ is the very Word, (LOGOS), and so the actual Creator as clearly stated in Colossians 1:15-16, let us see further what the Spirit has hidden in His Name.
In Matthew 1:21, the passage we examined in the section The Birth of Christ, we noted how the angel declared His name was to be Jesus, and in the section Resurrection, we have seen how the gematria of that name Jesus, 888, seals Him as the Resurrection and the Life, but He was more than this as the Scriptures very plainly, and definitely teach.
Now see how God has marvellously placed these vital truths within the very numbers of His name. Not only are the facts here in figures, but only a miracle on the part of God could put them there.
Remember, 888 is 24x37.
Take first the 24. In the opening words of the New Testament we see that Jesus was called the Son of David, as prophecy had declared He would be and incredible though it may seem, 24 is one Hebrew value of David, (spelt two ways).
'The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.' John 1:14. He became the man Christ Jesus in the world, this is also contained in the 24 as 6 and 4, six representing man, and four the world.
And the stupendous truth is that man could have no part in this incarnation for He was still the very WORD of GOD, clothed in human flesh, as shown in the name Jesus which still retains His Godhead number 37.
Further, what of the second Name given to our Lord, that of Christ, meaning Anointed?
We saw, in that chapter Resurrection, how the gematria of Christ was 1,480 and that it contained The Resurrection number 8, but as we examine it further we see that it also has 37 revealing Him as The WORD, and the number 5 representing Grace, the free gift of God, 1,480, is 8x37x5.
Now combine these two precious names.
First Jesus Christ. The gematria is 2,368 or 37x8x8 and these figures have further wonder for us. 37 the Word. 8 The Resurrection, and 8 The Life.
Second, His own special Title the Son of Man whose gematria is 2,960 or 37x2x5x8, and shows Him as The Word 37, the Witness 2, of the Grace of God 5, by the Resurrection 8.
Marvellous beyond words is this revelation, as it were, of the Holy Spirit.
In Colossians 2:9 we read these stupendous words, 'For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.'
This word, 'Theotes', Godhead does not occur in any other place in the Bible. The reason for the Holy Spirit using it is obvious. for its gematria is 592 or 37x2x8. The WORD was God 37, 'the faithful Witness' 2, and 'the first begotten from the dead' 8. Revelation 1:5, 'from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten from the dead.'
What I am especially emphasising is the fact that the retention of this 37 with the number 8 amounts to a miracle as I shall show later when we examine some figures which have both these factors. And I want the person who wants facts, (and facts which amount to a miracle), to carefully grasp what I am showing. The fact that these numbers are there in the titles of our Lord.
On the surface this may not strike the reader as anything wonderful, but if we had no other evidence that Jesus was the Son of God, and that these names were God-breathed, as are all the Scriptures, we have it here.
The Word of God says, Luke 16:31. 'If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.' How true this is. Is it true of you?
If you want evidence. If you must have proof, that Christ was the Son of God, that He is the Resurrection and the Life, here is proof.
In John 11:25 Jesus declares, 'I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.'
If Jesus then is the Resurrection, here is His guarantee that you also will be raised to life eternal if you simply believe and accept Him as your Saviour, who died in your stead.
Let me now show how what we have seen concealed in the titles of our Lord constitute a miracle. Remember no one can alter the numeric value of a name, or word, that is, every letter in the Greek has its fixed value. Let me further elaborate by listing the values in the name of Jesus in Greek, they are I-10, E-8, S-200, 0-70, U-400, S-200, Total 888 or 37x8x3.
I think I have given ample evidence that 8 is the Resurrection number, and that 37 is the Godhead number of Jesus, but here is where the miraculous begins.
Only ONE number in 296 can have both factors of 8 and 37. In other words the first number that will divide equally by 8 and 37 is 296, and before you would find another number that would equally divide you would have to carry on for another 296 numbers, and so on.
So, that to find a name of which the numeric value would be such as to divide by 8 and 37 equally, you would have only one chance in 296. But to find one person, with two names that would divide thus, would be very, very rare indeed. Actually the chances are 1 in 87,616, according to the Law of chance, or averages.
Now then. Here is a Person not only with seven names or titles all bearing the factor of 8, (1 in 2,970,152), but also with at least four titles, (not including the twin title of Jesus Christ), which have the two factors of 8 and 37, (1 in 7,656,563,456)!
Further the chances of one Person bearing four titles with factors of 8 and 37, and also of having three titles bearing factors of 8 is, 1 in 1,498,400,489,472!
Someone will say I do not understand all these numbers!
Well, you do not need to understand, just look at the immensity of it all and grasp that It is a MIRACLE!
Let me give you a brief illustration.
If the earth's population were about two billion one would need to have about 750 earths each with that number of people on it, to have a reasonable chance of finding even ONE SINGLE PERSON whose names would reveal what I have demonstrated are present in the names and titles of our Lord, assuming of course that each had a similar number of titles!
This is but ONE of the numerous designs found in the Bible and any one can check these figures, and if one has a little knowledge of Greek, the title values, but God does not leave it just there either, for like many of the designs in seven's, there are again patterns within the pattern.
Now let me give you those figures between 1 and 3,000 which have those factors of 8 and 37. There are only TEN of them.296
592 . . . . . Theotes
888 . . . . . Jesus
1480 . . . . . Christ
2368 . . . . . Jesus Christ
2960 . . . . . Son of Man

Five of these are actually the numeric value of His titles and the numbers which apply to Him are worthy of note. Again the casual reading of this may not reveal anything unusual, yet here is seen the finger of God, not only in design, but verifying vital truths.Theotes 592 37x8x2 Very God
Jesus 888 37x8x3 Very Man
Christ 1480 37x8x5 Our Passover
Son of Man 2960 37x8x10 Son of Man
Total 5920 37x8x4x5 The Climax

This last number 5,920 being the exact total of the phrase in Matthew 25:B, 'Behold THE BRIDEGROOM cometh go Ye out to meet HIM.
Surely any one must acknowledge that not only is this the 'finger of God' but that this reveals indeed the very SON OF GOD, and of Him the Word declares, Acts 4:12, 'There is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.', and neither is there any other Name under heaven that could reveal such staggering evidence of Divine origin.
Can you begin to see the Mind of God behind all this?
Do you see that 'CHRIST' is the addition of God and man, and thus becomes our Passover? 1 Corinthians 5:7, 'For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.'
Can you see the vital truth expressed here?
God alone could not be our Passover, for blood had to be shed.
Mere man could not provide the efficacious sacrifice.
But Godhead, 592, clothed upon by flesh and blood, 888, could, and did, provide the perfect sacrifice, 1480.
And then note that the title the 'SON OF MAN' is the exact total of the three previous titles.
Why did Christ continually use this title?
I believe that in that title, as the numerics show, is revealed GOD, MAN, and REDEMPTION complete.
Then what a marvellous climax, 5920, the sum total of it all.
Redemption is complete, we are invited to be ready, the bride is called out, the Bridegroom, (Christ), comes for His Church, Bride), and we go out to meet Him.
We began this exposition with the words from Luke wherein he records, 'neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead'.
Well if the Word of God has not convinced you that Jesus Christ our Lord is both the Resurrection and the Life, neither will these amazing facts, but if they do not cause you to search the Scriptures, (as those of Berea did), then I despair of your choice. Acts 17:11-12, says of them. 'They searched the Scriptures daily whether these things were so. Therefore many of them believed.'
Two or three more instances of these designs will close this section and this interesting verification of how the Word was the active agent in Creation through the Holy Spirit as stated in Hebrews 1:1.2.10 is the first. I quote, in part. 'God . . . hath spoken by His Son . . . by whom He made the worlds . . . laid the foundation of the earth . . . and the heavens the work of His hands.' The Genesis reference is Genesis 1:2. 'And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,' and its total value is 1,369, or 37x37.
Thus in a most striking manner is the Deity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ verified by this concealed design.
And in a different way a marvellous truth is presented in Exodus 12 where God institutes a very significant type of Christ in the Passover Lamb. The Hebrew word is pesach and its number is 148, or 37x4.
The figures of 148 equal 13 Sin. 37 the Word foreshadowed in the lamb. 4, the world which in itself is remarkable, but it is only the shadow of what is beneath the surface.
The command in Exodus 12 is that the lamb had to be taken on the tenth day. Why the tenth?
Let us see. The word Passover equals 148. We have seen the picture of the Lamb of God in this but it was only the earthly picture. God had a definite purpose in stating the tenth day, 10 represents perfect order.
Now. If we take 148 and multiply it by 10 the amazing result is the perfect Passover 1480, Christ as we have seen in the table just listed.
It is also significant that the figures of 1,480 still total 13, and we see again within the very fabric of that word Passover the Lamb of God as sin offering for a lost world.
And for those who enjoy having their thoughts stimulated there is a choice little pattern found in John 21:11. 'Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.'
Why one hundred and fifty three?
In this number 153 (17x9), we see a picture of the completed Church, Christ's Elect. Seventeen stands for the perfection of spiritual order (the church). Nine for finality.
Compare the fact that every fish was brought safely to shore with the promise Christ made that none should be lost. John 17:12.
Here is a remarkable example of how God had planned all things, even the exact number of fish that were encircled in the net, a picture of the Gospel Net.
The Greek word for fishes is ichthues, value 1,224, 153-8's and shows the completed Church, 153, in the Resurrection, 8.
To amplify the picture, the net, Greek to diktuon, has a value exactly identical, 1224 or 153-8's.
Now note what took place when the fishes were safely drawn in. Jesus said to His disciples, John 21:12. 'Come and dine.'
Picturing what is to follow, the marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Who would dare to suggest that all this was coincidence?
Remember if one fish had been lost from the net the whole picture would have been spoiled. It had to be 153!
Another wonderful thing in connection with the picture also is as follows.
Seventeen is the Church number and if we put down all the numbers from 1-17 and add them up we get 153 as our total, and 153 vocabulary words are used in telling the story.
How marvellous is the Finger of God behind the Written Word, and what treasures are hidden for all who will search, for the examples which I have given here only touch the fringe of Bible numerics.
Some of the designs, especially in the seven's, are so far removed from co-incidence that the chances of non-design calculated by the law of chance, are from millions to one, to hundreds of 127 billions to one!
Finally, it must be remembered that all gematria values are of the original Hebrew, or Greek, words which of course excludes any possibility of a word being altered, in translation, to fit any feature.
Surely this confirms in a most marvellous way, the fact that all Scripture is Inspired, God-Breathed.
No human mind that ever lived could devise, and effect, such a means of sealing, or stamping with seals, as it were, the whole Written Word. Only the wilfully blind can fail to recognise that the whole Bible is the Work of a Supreme Master Mind.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:18 PM
I hope you don't believe that your "test of faith" is anything new.

You saying that you're a Christian is puzzling to me since you are using the same temptation that satan used against Jesus in the desert

Matthew 4: 5-7

[5] Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.
[6] "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'"
[7] Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

This will be the last of these ridiculous threads that i will read on ATS!! You ask for physical proof of my faith when the very definition of faith is the belief in something you can't observe with the physical senses!!

I wake up every morning and i walk through this life at peace with myself and with God

I'm ready to stand before God whether i live to be a 100 or i die tomorrow.

So you'll have to forgive me if proving my faith to you or anyone else isn't at the top of my to-do list

Now let me ask all who doesn't believe a question. Lets say that nothing happens after death and when we die we're just worm food, then i will have lived a peaceful happy life and hopefully shown the people i came in contact with a better side of humanity all for nothing ( oh darn ) .... but what if you're wrong and the bible is true??

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by amadeus30

The bible was modified many times in its history, some verses omitted, most manipulated. Who knows what the original may have said? Many things that were omitted and manipulated were deemed "blasphemous" even though they were the word of god/jesus. Ridiculous no?

What you read now is only a tool, a tool of what was once a religious book. A tool that has been used throughout history to benefit the religious dictatorship. Only now, in the past few hundred years has their domination waned. Think about it, christians and their denominations held back many advances in science and society, all because the religious dictatorship demanded it.

What you read now is a lie, and to add to that, there are mistranslations of these lies. So you are not even sure anymore which lie contains the most lies. Disturbing isn't it? Your best bet is, if you want to be religious because it provides you with comfort - is to believe in a god, only through your own intuition and philosophy. YOU find your God, YOU ponder his/her/it's existence, YOU commune with what you believe to be a supreme being, NOT someone elses manipulative writings in an old text book.

Do not render your own thoughts to be created by other people that are now long dead. If your God is real, benevolent, and desires an active participation in your life and humanity, with an afterlife of blissful happiness, then GOD will show him/her/itself to you, no vaguaries! If you dig deep enough. Who knows, if all people sought the truth through observation and thought, instead of being rendered a slave to the words of a few that wanted to dominate the many, and there was a God, We would have known without a doubt, that a supreme being existed..
edit on 8-11-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Somehumanbeing

Thank you sir for the decent, thoughtfull reply

i do agree with you on several points, however the "core lesson" in the Bible, i don't believe has been altered.

i don't affiliate myself with any certain denomination or church. i believe what church is today couldn't be further from what Jesus intended. They're more like a social club.

I do believe in Jesus and the example he set.. and i walk by the faith that he will guide me each day. i believe as long as i have peace inside that ,to me , will have to be enough. I'll not judge the condition of my relationship with God by anyone elses standards or by these "test of faith" threads like this though..

But that was the whole point of this thread, to get people to question their faith, to doubt themselves.

It's an ancient trick of satan, nothing new.

Thanks again for being civil.

edit on 8-11-2010 by amadeus30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

The bible is an awesome book! so many good stories. Which other books would you guys recommend? I know the harry potter books are very popular, but i think it might be too childish for me. Who wrote the bible? and did he/she write other book besides that? I think it's very well described, so would love read a sequal of some sort.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by SubPop79

College and the supposed men are smarter than God philosophy that is taught is what lead you away and also the churches that do not teach from the bible would also have something to do.

But you do still believe you just do not like the rules that God expects you to live by is what make you claim that you do not believe.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by pplrnuts

In my humble opinion... Nice concept, bad message!

I get what you're saying and what you're trying to prove. But please be sensible. There are some people that believe whole-heartedly. Some people are blinded by religion. By provoking and and challenging, you may unintentionally contribute to some naive Christian's accidental poisoning suicide.

You can have that karma on your hands if you want. I dare not to provoke others to harming themselves and/or others.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 02:33 PM
Well, my experiment is completed. It can be concluded that the "real" Christians here have clearly PROVEN a few things worth mentioning:

1) They CLEARLY do NOT have REAL faith in their Messiah, Saviour, god-man Jesus Christ's words.

2) They OBVIOUSLY do not take the Bible as Gods true Word.

3) They are simply hypocrites that focus on the seemingly good things in their little book, but ignore the bad. And when someone points this out to them, 99.9% of the "real" Christian's defense is always limited to cop-outs, insults, or such RIDICULOUS nonsense that even a child would know that they are spewing steaming hot BS.

The "soldiers of Christ" here have failed miserably to score any points with their man-god's instructions of going forth and winning souls here.

Thanks for participating and showing your true "faith" and just how "real" you are!!

My mission has certainly been accomplished here!!! THANKS!!!!
edit on 9-11-2010 by pplrnuts because: TYPO

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:54 PM
Hey there...

I know there are certain scriptures that are hard to decipher and many times it is hard to determine what Jesus meant by His words. I have and still do feel the same way. I believe we can both agree that if we knew full well what this scripture meant and how it applies to the "christian" we would not have a thread on this topic. I mean no disrespect by this.

I have read the bible and studied it, and a certain scripture comes to mind with reference to not understanding what Jesus could possibly mean by his stories, allegories and analogies. Mark 4:11-12 is what it is:

"And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all [these] things are done in parables:That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and [their] sins should be forgiven them."

In the next verse, it states "And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?"

My point here is whether it is a parable, allegory, or what we believe to be actual(like the drinking of poison,ect), is not always what we think it to be. This has been my experience as I have been "seeking" for some time. Although Jesus was surprised the disciples did not understand that parable(the one in Mark 4), it would take the Holy Spirit, who would would lead us and guide us into all truth.The Holy Spirit was not given yet as Jesus was not yet glorified so the disciples couldn't see.Please remember, those that claim they can "see" become blind through the hardness of their heart, and those who are "blind" begin to see as the revelation of God comes into their heart by the Holy Spirit.

I have had many other questions like you and I continue to seek the answers. Because I believe God and I know no lie comes from Him, i am confident that the answer I am seeking will be made known to me in due time IF he wants me to know the answer and when. Not to pacify, but that is the whole meaning of why Jesus is Lord in my life. Waiting on Him, letting Him decide when it is time for me to know is what is relaxing about this thing I call faith. Thanks for reading my post. Also, I am sorry for any cruel words that anyone has brought against you.Forgive them as you have been forgiven, it always seems to work.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:11 AM
a somewhat foolis post. these things can be done through the spirit by the will of God. does that mean we can go drinking posions all willy nilly?? No. testing the spirit would be testing God.


please deletethis and whatever spirit is in you trying to convince christians to commit suicide, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus christ the Prince of Peace.

I'll be praying for you OP

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:37 PM
I do not believe for one second that the author of this post is a true christian himself. The way he talks to people needs to be looked at. I was always in the belief that God would love anyone who would accept him. I guess that means he does not differentiate between people who are just christian to the truly blessed loved more than anyone else REAL CHRISTIANS.

This whole post is not right.



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