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For “Real” Christians ONLY… A Simple Test Of Faith.

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:41 AM
I have created this thread with two objectives in mind:

1) To offer our “real” Christians here a golden opportunity to “win souls”, and to receive extra blessings here on earth, while building up your “rewards” and “treasures” that will await you in heaven.

2) To provide some reasonable evidence, to the “unsaved”, and “doomed for eternity” non-believers, that the Christian Bible is the true Word of God, and that Jesus Christ is in fact Gods only Son, and our Messiah and Savior, who will return in the end days.

Now, please keep in mind that if you are NOT a “real” Christian, than I strongly urge you NOT to participate in this simple test of faith. This is NOT for the “lukewarm” Christians to which the Biblical God states will “spew” from “His mouth”. This test of faith is for those “real” Christians to which God does NOT consider “lukewarm” and WILL allow into His Heavenly Kingdom without “spewing” from “His mouth”.

All right, I do believe we should be ready to go, so let us begin now:

Below I have pasted some verses from the KJV Bible of Mark 16:15-20. It is Jesus speaking after he was crucified, but before he ascended to Heaven.

------------KJV Mark 16:15-20-----------
15And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

19So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

20And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

Now, for the “real” Christians ONLY, let us take a look at Mark 16:18. It is written: “and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;”. Here Jesus is referring to ONLY those who “beleiveth” and is “saved” as described earlier in Mark 16:16.

So, for those “real” Christians here whom “beleiveth”, and whom are “saved”, what would you think of proving to the non-believers here, of just how true the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ’s Word actually is? Jesus said that if you “beleiveth” and are of the “saved”, then you can, among other things, “drink any deadly thing” and that “it shall not hurt” you!!

For the sake of winning souls, gaining blessings, and piling up your rewards in heaven, here is your opportunity to shine. This is your opportunity to show how “real” you are, and how strong your faith is in Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible. Who here would like to show how “real” the Bible is, how “real” Jesus Christ” is, and how “real” of a Christian you are? If you are a “real” Christian, you have the special powers of drinking anything deadly and it will not hurt you according to Jesus Christ as written in the Holy Bible!! AMAZING!!!

Having been a devout Christian for MANY years, I am always interested in giving the faith another look to see if I am in error for leaving the faith. This would surely “win” my “soul”, and MANY others here.

SO, who would be interested in confirming the Word of Jesus Christ, in Mark 16:18 of the Holy Bible?


edit on 8-11-2010 by pplrnuts because: TYPO

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Wasn't it Jesus who said "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord God" when Satan beckoned him to jump from the mountain to prove he would be saved?
Just sayin'.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by pplrnuts

1) To offer our “real” Christians here a golden opportunity to “win souls”, and to receive extra blessings here on earth, while building up your “rewards” and “treasures” that will await you in heaven.

2) To provide some reasonable evidence, to the “unsaved”, and “doomed for eternity” non-believers, that the Christian Bible is the true Word of God, and that Jesus Christ is in fact Gods only Son, and our Messiah and Savior, who will return in the end days.

I think of myself as a real Christian
(as opposed to one made from concentrate?)

and have no interest in doing either number 1 or number 2.

Thanks for the invite.
If you had some snacks, perhaps offered me a drink...?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:02 PM
IF you have read the bible, Lucipher went to Jesus and stated " If you are the son of God, then you can turn this stone into bread or cause water to bubble from the ground" and Jesus' response was, you shall not tempt the Lord thy God....

I will not tempt the lord thy God, if it so comes that I should drink poison, then I don't doubt for a second that if it is God's will, then I will be fine.

There are many who handle snakes and drink poisons in the south, some die, some don't...


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:12 PM
see ing that your ment to be a real christian

why dont you try it your self

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:14 PM
I always thought that what used to be considered a deadly drink
is what we refer to as recreational drugs these days.
Apparently the world view in the past was so
saturated with percieved evil spirits
that someone who hallucinated
would die of fright.

Additionally the original definition of the word witch was
someone who made poisonous drinks. The stuff
that only advanced spiritual people could handle.

On top of that a snake bite rarely kills a grown man,
though it is a miserable experience. I'm pretty
sure that in one part of the New Testament
there is a John on an island who reached
into a wood pile and was snake bit.
His crew was amazed he
didn't die.

Later, he wrote a book about the experience
called The Revelation. Apparently having
Jesus as a spirit guide made it
all good.

David Grouchy

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

You seem to be curious in an arrogant way, so I'll answer. After the mention of being saved and not damned, the ability to drink "any deadly thing" without harm. So upon being saved, which is to say, having entered the afterlife, you really couldn't be harmed by poison. Speaking in a different tongue would be necessary for communication, your lungs, vocal cords and othe speaking apparatus are left behind.
But your point really isn't to argue the issue, is it? You simply wish to belittle, to attempt to bring those with a more complicated view than yours down to your level.
Either way, you should work on your debating skills. If you have trouble with faith, try this. Study the Bible, and then search for evidence that the events actually occured. For instance, Noah's flood has been backed by a great deal of physical evidence and is referenced in Egyptian history, as well as Mayan, Sumerian and historical accounts from all ancient cultures.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by pplrnuts
Having been a devout Christian for MANY years, I am always interested in giving the faith another look to see if I am in error for leaving the faith. This would surely “win” my “soul”, and MANY others here.

Nope, we're doing fine without ya!

Did you get a "quote" key for Halloween or something? You're a little out of control with those.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by pplrnuts

Who here would like to show how “real” the Bible is, how “real” Jesus Christ” is, and how “real” of a Christian you are? If you are a “real” Christian, you have the special powers of drinking anything deadly and it will not hurt you according to Jesus Christ as written in the Holy Bible!! AMAZING!!!

I have to admit,I'm not entirely comfortable on the asking people if they want to drink "anything deadly" to prove thier faith. You could have just ask if they wanted to heal someone, its still not likely to work and theres no risk of some loon going "OK Smart ass" and tanking a bottle of "anything deadly".

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

REAL Christians? What constitutes a real Christian and isn't it against Christianity to judge others lest ye be judged? Now this is not directed at you, or anyone on here really, but I have noticed that most Christians, like Ghandi said, are so unlike their Christ.

I mean no offense but what I say may sound harsh.

I have met many Christians in my life. I currently live across the street from the local Campus Crusade for Christ house, and had 9 years of Catholic school. Being who I am, and after the CRU house and Catholic school, I just can't truly believe in the existence of God or Jesus, but I don't rule them out. That being said I have developed my own ideas on Christianity any ways.

Now when I tell a Christian that I don't believe the Bible to be ABSOLUTE truth and proof, they tell me that I simply don't understand the Bible, even though I had nearly a decade of education on the matter where I studied the damn thing.

From my experience, these CRU kids, evangelists, Jesus freaks, whatever (insert hardcore Christian stereotype here), are NOT true Crhistians.

People that truly believe without question that Jesus did exist, was the messiah,and defied death, are missing Jesus' point.

Yes he did say "I am the way the truth and the light, no one gets to the father but through me," but I think that is interpreted way too literally. I think Jesus meant that we have to be LIKE Jesus. WWJD. I don't think he necessarily was telling people that they truly had to BELIEVE he lived, rose, and saved. That is what faith is to me.

Faith to me is NOT the BELIEF in God or Jesus, but the acknowledgement of the possibility of their existence and not the flat out denial of it.

I also don't believe that Jesus wanted one religion to rule the world. I don't think he wanted it to be organized into the Christianity we have today. Jesus was a very "down" with authority kind of man. He was the original rebel, and threatened the existence of th Roman empire. He saw that no man can be owned by another and that you can free your self from the material world, just like the one proverb, and forgive me for I do not know the details, where the rich man had done everything Jesus told him to do except one thin, which was to sell everything he owned. Your body is a temple right? Besides, labels hinder thought, and God is a very personal matter.

To be a seeker is to have faith. To "seek" is what saves you. I think if you are an atheist but you are constantly trying to find God, I think you are better off than the Jesus freak down the street so sure of what they have been taught.

That being said I do not think there are TRUE Christians, because I don't think Christ would have approved of Christianity, nor do I believe that most Christians even get the Bible. And I think it is the utmost evil to simply do good because you think you will get a reward. That is what faith is to me also. Doing good deeds thinking they will be noticed and passed on but also knowing that you may never get anything back in return. You may be doing a good deed feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, but that doesn't make you a good person if you are doing it for a reward. Which brings me to another point: I am disgusted by the vast majority of Religious folk who say that there would be no morals without religion.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

Interesting thoughts, but you and I both know the scripture you are referring to in no way is telling anyone to drink poison or play with snakes lol. It is referring to God's protection in times of need. I'm getting the impression you are a "little" angry with the "church". I am a born again Christian and have been for over 22 years, there's a lot in the church which does not stand up to biblical principles. I heard a preacher once say, "when we get to heaven there will be a lot of people there that we didn't think were going, and a lot of ppl not there that we thought were going". Is it possble that the bible is 100% the word of God but has been interpreted wrong? Do not be turned off by the church, I believe the devil took that over a long time ago. What we see as the church today is not a reflection in any way of God's love. It is full of judgement and self righteousness. Check out Genesis chapter 1 and 2. You will see that God created man(mankind) in His own image and after His likeness. We were created male and female. Not sexually with or without a penis but spiritually male and female. God didn't form Adam until chapter 2. Most ppl think that God provided clothing after the fall, I don't think that's the case. Remember Adam and Eve were the only 2 human beings to see God face to face and walk with Him. Not possible if you have skin on, sounds a little weird I know lol. But think about it, even Jesus himself did not see God face to face while He walked this earth. God could never appear to anyone face to face because His glory would have fried them. So here's another thought, If underneath our clothes(skin) we are male and female then there is no homosexuality, there can't be. Jesus was the sacrifice that restored our relationship and removed us from the curse of the law. Where there is no law there is no sin, for example if there is no speed limit u can't get a speeding ticket. When we begin to accept ourselves the way we were created with all of our likes and dislikes, and stop allowing the church to tell us to fight against our urges we will be free and we will love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Anytime you read in the N.T. words like immorality, adultery, fornication, think of it like this. God does not want us to adopt the way of the world which says me first, whatever it takes to get ahead. We all need to stop worrying, relax and instead of telling ppl God loves them why don't we show them.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:06 PM
Troll OP is troll.


I guess I should not have replied, though, since I am of the Messianic Movement persuasion, and not a "real Christian."

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

edit on 11/8/2010 by Lemon.Fresh because: hit submit too quickly

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:13 PM
I do consider myself to be a true Christian. I'm not English so I wanted to look up the verses that you quoted, and when I checked online this is what Matthew 16: 15-20 say

15 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"

16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

17 Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.

18 I also tell you, that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my assembly, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

19 I will give to you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you will bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you will loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

20 Then he charged the disciples that they should tell no man that he was the Christ.

I know that I've read what you have quoted somewhere before, but it's obviously not Matthew 16: 15-20

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:19 PM
o okay, it should be Mark 16: 15-20 (Not Matthew)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

Okey Dokey.....I am a self confessed doomed soul per your definition. Rather than you preaching to those who think in the same terms as yourself....and leaving the rest of the unbelieving heathens her at ATS to rot in hell why don't you make your case to the damned.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Why is it that generally, dumb Christian/Religious posts are made out of the need to try and help others, or a naive misguided-ness, while dumb atheist posts are generally made out of the need to belittle or mock others, with a spoonful of arrogance?

I don't necessarily prefer one over the other: I'll read any good posting, and thread (before it devolves). It's just that more often than not from the start, they look like the excrement that this OP put out there.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by recycled
Wasn't it Jesus who said "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord God" when Satan beckoned him to jump from the mountain to prove he would be saved?
Just sayin'.

Wasnt it also Jesus who said if you beleiveth in him that you can drink any deadly thing and be fine?

Your post reveals to me that you may be one of the "lukewarm" Christians who have little faith, and whom are NOT one of the "saved", am I correct??

FOLKS, this isnt all that hard of a test of faith!!! If you so believe in your Jesus, and the bible, surely this would be a simple task, correct?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by pplrnuts

1) To offer our “real” Christians here a golden opportunity to “win souls”, and to receive extra blessings here on earth, while building up your “rewards” and “treasures” that will await you in heaven.

2) To provide some reasonable evidence, to the “unsaved”, and “doomed for eternity” non-believers, that the Christian Bible is the true Word of God, and that Jesus Christ is in fact Gods only Son, and our Messiah and Savior, who will return in the end days.

I think of myself as a real Christian
(as opposed to one made from concentrate?)

and have no interest in doing either number 1 or number 2.

Thanks for the invite.
If you had some snacks, perhaps offered me a drink...?

So I take it you are one of little faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible. This is not a hard task to do if you believe!!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Masterjaden
IF you have read the bible, Lucipher went to Jesus and stated " If you are the son of God, then you can turn this stone into bread or cause water to bubble from the ground" and Jesus' response was, you shall not tempt the Lord thy God....

I will not tempt the lord thy God, if it so comes that I should drink poison, then I don't doubt for a second that if it is God's will, then I will be fine.

There are many who handle snakes and drink poisons in the south, some die, some don't...


I doubt it that you would be fine if you drank poison. In fact, I will give you $30,000 cash if you are correct. Thats a lot of money for your church. How about it? I am sure we can arrange this if you are so sure!!

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by pplrnuts

You are not a "real" Christian.

Your attempt at sarcasm and troll/baiting have fallen on deaf ears. I just hope the mods notice and squash this thread.

Thanks for playing.

On Topic: I am NOT a real Christian. Or any kind for that matter.

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