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Aliens and skeptics

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posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:08 AM
ok so ive been thinking how some skeptics could not believe that there was life on other planets the idea that there is no life on other planets seems ludicrous to me space is infinite there was probably millions upon millions of other planets before earths first inhabitants to me everything is possible.

so can anyone tell me how someone can not believe there is no life on other planets...

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:22 AM
The idea that the universe is infinite is a theory, and while I believe that there is life on other planets, so far there has not been conclusive proof as of yet (to my knowledge)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:26 AM
I do not really think anyone thinks that aliens life does not exist, They think the probability of that life coming here to spy on us is nil.

I personally think why not? I would spy on us.

But yeah, if anyone thinks that we are the only life in the universe they are very ignorant and uninformed.


posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by 6dark6energy6

Already many threads on this subject and to be fair, very few believe we are the only life in the Universe.
Infact I can't remember one person saying that.
That however does not mean everyone believes there are ETs visiting us here on Earth.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by 6dark6energy6
ok so ive been thinking how some skeptics could not believe that there was life on other planets the idea that there is no life on other planets seems ludicrous to me space is infinite there was probably millions upon millions of other planets before earths first inhabitants to me everything is possible.

so can anyone tell me how someone can not believe there is no life on other planets...

Someone long ago postulated that since earth is a planet and there are other planets that are visible and beyond our view, that reasoning dictates that said planets just have to have inhabitants, usually human-like.

This view is total crap. It doesn't matter that there might be planets with similar life on them. The bottom line is that we have evidence for any planetary life other than us and to speculate on the possibility of said is just a wast of time, just as Drake wastes his time coming up with his formulas. All of his numbers add up to zero. And don't use UFOs/aliens as a reality for life on other planets. Yea, we got them pesky UFOs all over the place but not one single occupant who may not necessarily be from anywhere since we have no idea where they may be from. We should stick to facts. Speculation gets no results.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:35 AM
link to post by Somehumanbeing

someone found Bacteria on mars which i guess is Micro-life

but as for high intelligent sentient life no i dont think there is any proof yet

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by The Shrike

With all due respect if we never made assumptions we would still be in the stone age.

We need to imagine as everything you see around you was someones thought at one point (manmade).

We cannot just stick in the boundaries of what we know or we will not learn, we have to imagine the most crazy things we possibly can because there is stuff out there that we couldn't even imagine.

There are plenty of things we know we don't know, but, there are even more things that we don't know we don't know.

I say keep dreaming, it's the only way to get anywhere...


P.S. I hope that made sense, if it didn't you get my drift.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by 6dark6energy6

Every skeptic I have seen here on ATS seems to think there could be life on other planets.
The question is, are they visiting earth? That’s what they are skeptical about.
Also who’s to say that we aren’t the most advanced life in the universe?
Or indeed the only life, and even if there is life out there somewhere perhaps they are waiting for us to come and save them from themselves, just like some here on earth.
Life of course is here, but we may be the first. The universe is very big but it’s also very violent.
Get yourself a skeptical hat my friend, don’t believe just because you want to.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by midicon

one of my cousins does not believe in aliens i asked myself but that was about 13 years ago
im sure there are people that think there is no life on other planets.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by 6dark6energy6

i do not believe that there is life on other planets [ before replying , pause to consider what raw belief is ]

but i do accept that it is both possible , and indeed probable

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by The Shrike

Originally posted by 6dark6energy6
ok so ive been thinking how some skeptics could not believe that there was life on other planets the idea that there is no life on other planets seems ludicrous to me space is infinite there was probably millions upon millions of other planets before earths first inhabitants to me everything is possible.

so can anyone tell me how someone can not believe there is no life on other planets...

Someone long ago postulated that since earth is a planet and there are other planets that are visible and beyond our view, that reasoning dictates that said planets just have to have inhabitants, usually human-like.

This view is total crap. It doesn't matter that there might be planets with similar life on them. The bottom line is that we have evidence for any planetary life other than us and to speculate on the possibility of said is just a wast of time, just as Drake wastes his time coming up with his formulas. All of his numbers add up to zero. And don't use UFOs/aliens as a reality for life on other planets. Yea, we got them pesky UFOs all over the place but not one single occupant who may not necessarily be from anywhere since we have no idea where they may be from. We should stick to facts. Speculation gets no results.

God! if we all thought like you, we would still be in the stone age! Chances of life in the universe is very high, very high indeed. In fact, there is a good chance we will find some sort of life in our own solar system. We know what is needed for life, and because we know that the building blocks for life exists everywhere in this huge huge universe, then the chances of us being the only life in the universe is very slim indeed.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:04 AM
The fact that we are here at all to observe all this, is indirect proof that alien civilisations exist throughout our galaxy, the numbers dictate it. A couple of billion opportunities for the chance of a planet to form in the habitable zone around its parent star.
It really is a no-brainer to anyone who is remotely enlightened in their thought.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:09 AM
As has already been stated, it's not that the skeptics doubt ET life, or even intelligent ET life...they doubt that we are being visited by them.

And, there is a solid reason for this doubt. Traveling at the speed of our fastest rockets, it would take us hundreds of years to reach even the next closest star! That's a long trip....(especially if we get there and it's one of the more common systems, and no life world is there...indeed, we've detected them elsewhere, but not in our closest neighbor).

The thing is, the sheer statistics suggest the our galaxy is teeming with life, but even still, it's only a small percentage of star systems in the galaxy that are likely to harbor it. If it takes us that long to reach just the nearest one, it could take us (or theoretically, any aliens) numerous lifetimes before stumbling upon another.

However, what the skeptics doubt, is that these aliens have developed some means of travel that defies physics as we understand it. So, if these beings have developed an interstellar drive that can somehow bridge these distances, THEN we have a much higher probability of visitation.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by 6dark6energy6

My thoughts exactly... I just wish I had a way to prove existence or ET life. I have never seen a UFO or alien but our history and common sense certainly point towards existence of these beings. I am just afraid if there is ever disclosure it will be related to Project Blue Beam. People laugh at me when i mention this but my interpretation of the bible and other religious scriptures only strengthen the argument of alien species interacting with humanity through the ages but regrettably this is only my opinion and I have no way to prove this.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

The thing is, the sheer statistics suggest the our galaxy is teeming with life, but even still, it's only a small percentage of star systems in the galaxy that are likely to harbor it. If it takes us that long to reach just the nearest one, it could take us (or theoretically, any aliens) numerous lifetimes before stumbling upon another.

But thats assuming life as we know it. I think there may be different life forms that could have formed in conditions far different to what we have on earth. Even here on earth we have found many lifeforms where no man could live. At the bottom of the oceans, in solid ice and in the mouths of volcanos. Life adapts and thus expands the probability.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by 6dark6energy6
ok so ive been thinking how some skeptics could not believe that there was life on other planets the idea that there is no life on other planets seems ludicrous to me space is infinite there was probably millions upon millions of other planets before earths first inhabitants to me everything is possible.

so can anyone tell me how someone can not believe there is no life on other planets...

It has been said over and over as many times as this specific line of thought comes up. The MAJORITY of skeptics (or debunkers if you will) do not think that life on other planets is impossible. In fact, most of them believe it to be darn near certain.

The problem lies with thinking that every light in the night sky, or every blurry moon picture, soho photo, or anything like that depicts evidence that "they" are visiting here.

The thought process to paint anyone who cares to see more conclusive evidence about alien visitation on this planet as folks who don't believe in alien life in the universe has about ran its course.

Most of us "skeptics" realize that the thought process that leads one to the conclusion that life is out there, does little to add to the shreds of evidence that it is visiting here.

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
As has already been stated, it's not that the skeptics doubt ET life, or even intelligent ET life...they doubt that we are being visited by them.

And, there is a solid reason for this doubt. Traveling at the speed of our fastest rockets, it would take us hundreds of years to reach even the next closest star! That's a long trip....(especially if we get there and it's one of the more common systems, and no life world is there...indeed, we've detected them elsewhere, but not in our closest neighbor).

The thing is, the sheer statistics suggest the our galaxy is teeming with life, but even still, it's only a small percentage of star systems in the galaxy that are likely to harbor it. If it takes us that long to reach just the nearest one, it could take us (or theoretically, any aliens) numerous lifetimes before stumbling upon another.

However, what the skeptics doubt, is that these aliens have developed some means of travel that defies physics as we understand it. So, if these beings have developed an interstellar drive that can somehow bridge these distances, THEN we have a much higher probability of visitation.

I have to take issue with this one Gaz. I am old enough to remember when one of the very cornerstones of the sceptics argument was. There is absolutely no proof intelligent life exists elsewhere, in fact the chances of other planetary systems existing is very small, let alone systems with life on them, we are undoubtedly alone, in terms of life, within our own solar system"

I myself use to caution people about the number of planetary systems as, at the time, the best science thought that the preponderance of binary and multiple star systems meant planetary systems were most likely quite rare. I've put my hands up and said, well chuff me we were totally wrong on that one. So far I have not seen one sceptic from those days ever apologise and say. "We got it horribly wrong on so many things".

I do detect a sizable group of sceptics have become ever more belligerent as the cornerstones of their *belief* and it is a belief not fact, are systematically chipped away piece by piece. In many and probably a majority countries, the idea we have been visited is now the majority view and just like the pro visitation people did years ago, they are being to develop a persecution complex as they begin to watch the support of the silent majority slip away from them.

The truth is, people the sceptics use to be able to to rely on for a good quote to back them up are vanishing quietly from their cause and taking a wholly more open minded attitude to the whole subject. They might not have jumped ship to the pro camp but they now feel there is little point nailing their colours to the mast of a group that seem to be becoming every bit as paranoid and irrational as those they once accused of the self same problems.

Main stream science is beginning to realise that calling people crazy for believing in ET, is now, simply bad for business. For the first time in modern science many scientists are becoming aware that people with no science back ground themselves can actually conceptualise what is being postulated whilst their own colleagues are burying their heads in the sand and pretending those nasty equations don't exist. As such, more and more scientists are willing to bite the bullet and appear on TV to talk about the difficult stuff. I have no doubt, in part, this is them reaching out to the public in the hope that we support them and back them in taking us places where, we might not want to go, but in the name of progress and understanding, are forced to. We do live in interesting times indeed in terms of our true understanding of the creation we live in.

edit on 8-11-2010 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 09:46 AM
Much as I would love the idea, I have yet to see ANY proof that convinces me have established ET contact.
The whole idea is riddled with disinformation, hoaxes and pure dribble
I have already admitted that I believe the galaxy to be teeming with life, but so far away that any attempt at contact from our side is impossible for the forseeable future.
The time line is important here as to where a sentient species is in its technological development.
Species 1000's or millions of years ahead of us technologically have little to gain by making any contact with us apart from observing us as a curiosity, or if we have something that they want which is unlikely.
As our sun is 3rd generation we most likely do not have copious amounts of heavy elements that alien technology is most likely built upon.
edit on 8/11/10 by Donegal_TDI because: typo

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
As has already been stated, it's not that the skeptics doubt ET life, or even intelligent ET life...they doubt that we are being visited by them.

And, there is a solid reason for this doubt. Traveling at the speed of our fastest rockets, it would take us hundreds of years to reach even the next closest star! That's a long trip....(especially if we get there and it's one of the more common systems, and no life world is there...indeed, we've detected them elsewhere, but not in our closest neighbor).

The thing is, the sheer statistics suggest the our galaxy is teeming with life, but even still, it's only a small percentage of star systems in the galaxy that are likely to harbor it. If it takes us that long to reach just the nearest one, it could take us (or theoretically, any aliens) numerous lifetimes before stumbling upon another.

However, what the skeptics doubt, is that these aliens have developed some means of travel that defies physics as we understand it. So, if these beings have developed an interstellar drive that can somehow bridge these distances, THEN we have a much higher probability of visitation.

You are going by what we know about physics and space trave at the momentl. We are not excactly a super intelligent race. In fact, we are still very primitive. If you spoke to people about Parallel universes, you would have been laughed at!

But now, many physicist are very open to this theory. Us arragont humans think we know everything about the universe, when in fact, we don't. Off course ET could have found a way to travel huge distances in space. Im not saying that they have, and are here, but to say that its impossible to travel vast distances in space, or saying we don't know how too, does not mean an ET race thousands of years ahead of us has not

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by 6dark6energy6
so can anyone tell me how someone can not believe there is no life on other planets...

Just because there might be life on other planets doesn't mean there actually is any. And this isn't the kind of thing that's settled by determining probabilities. You can't have 4% of an alien. They either exist or they don't. And at this point in time, we have absolutely zero proof that any exist. We have some suggestive evidence, but we don't even know what it's evidence of.

So I don't believe it, because the size of the universe is not good enough proof.

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