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Suicide And The Aftermath.

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by TWILITE22

You and many here speak of the pain of those "left behind" as if the pain of the person who committed suicide is not valid.

Perhaps the pain of someone they loved who sexually, or physically or emotionally abused them was too much.
Perhaps the pain of being rejected or feeling totally unloved is too much.
Perhaps the pain of not being able to provide for themselves or their families is too much.
Perhaps the pain of being different and not popular or beautiful or smart or successful is too much.

What about their pain? Does it not matter?
edit on 7-11-2010 by LAinhabitant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

I don't care what people think of me, especially after I am dead - that's the whole point of suicide unless you believe in reincarnation.

I've thought about it a lot over my 49 years on earth.

My problem is that I do believe in reincarnation, so suicide seems less like a final goodbye than simply hitting the "reset" button on your computer.

Sometimes it is very tempting.

Think of it this way: if I am right and we do reincarnate, then no problem. If I am wrong, then I would have just skipped the additional pain and sped up the process towards the inevitable oblivion.

I don't believe in oblivion.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Look Man,

You wanna experience life and death at the same time? You gotta come over here to the West Side O' Chi Town Brah, and join with these maniacs that smoke the mintleaf. That's everybody's fave herb soaked in embalming fluid.

In all seriousness - I think one big issue with you is that you are smart and imaginative. Life never really lives up to the hype, does it? And where others can ignore the grey - you see black that cannot be ignored. On top of which they seem to get great joy out of crappy boring things. Erg. What's wrong?

You think too much.

I'll bet you 900 Million $ you've heard that one before.

Ah, but intelligence and imagination are sometimes blessings and sometimes curses. The simplest answer is that we must take control of our own minds and direct them towards things that interest us in a positive way.

The world is run by and for the stupid.

To them a crappy fast food sandwich is a thing of awesome beauty - to the thinking person its badly chemically flavored dead animal flesh.

Don't believe ANY hype! Either positive or negative! Things are hyped up in the media to get them through the thick simplistic skulls of the masses who operate off base emotions. They don't call 'em Sheep for nothing.

As a Thinking Person - don't YOU believe the hype nor extrapolate it in your superior imagination.

DIRECT this wonderful energy to things that will benefit YOU!

Turn OFF the TV!

Limit net usage and take it all with a grain of salt.

I am like you. I can see what a big issue for you is: You are a smart, thinking, imaginative, feeling, person, in a world full of morons.

This is a big chunk of your 'depression' I'm guessing.

You must begin to realign your mind. Take CHARGE of it man! YOU are in control! Learn new ways of thinking!
Not to "conform" mind you, in fact the opposite - you must shut the BS out and find your own way and focus all your energy on that.

I tell myself:

I can.

And I have too - I've had a hard life, bad childhood, health issues, illness, waking up to the fact that the world is run by morons, nothing is what its cracked up to be.....

I know man, believe me.

I keep going though.

Threw myself into mentally challenging work and hobbies, stopped believing hype, stopped caring so much what others thought of me or if I "fit in". I don't "fit in" - I'm a werido
I embraced it and went with it.

Have had some interesting experiences for sure. And I have been successful - by my own measure - AFTER going through very bad times too.

Hey. I'm weird. I've accepted it. What others tell me I *should* do - yeah I know enough to see that THAT won't make me happy.

Thich - you just redirect your energy! Don't leave! Don't let THEM win!!!

Everyone here likes you - it's a start.

Look at my Wolverine in my avi. I chose this guy as I absolutely LOVE Wolverines! They are the fiercest creature of the woods. The GODS of the forest! They NEVER back down and can take down animals many times their size such as Moose. They are GODS! Go read about them. BE LIKE the Wolverine! Mystical and Fierce GOD! A creature that DOES live up to its hype!


Be like the Wolverine. NEVER surrender!!! Don't let "them" win! And the Wolverine always WINS! Even in the worst of circumstance against huge predators - the Wolverine always wins because it is fierce and tough and never backs down!

And if worse ever does come to worse - you jump on the plane and go to Chi. You tell the cabbie to drop you somewhere in Berwyn....... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! And then it'll be all over but the shoutin'

You gotta laugh at times too, laugh in the face of all the crap.

I wish you PEACE man! I really do.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
reply to post by ThichHeaded

I don't care what people think of me, especially after I am dead - that's the whole point of suicide unless you believe in reincarnation.

I've thought about it a lot over my 49 years on earth.

My problem is that I do believe in reincarnation, so suicide seems less like a final goodbye than simply hitting the "reset" button on your computer.

Sometimes it is very tempting.

Think of it this way: if I am right and we do reincarnate, then no problem. If I am wrong, then I would have just skipped the additional pain and sped up the process towards the inevitable oblivion.

I don't believe in oblivion.

My main issue is the effect it would have on the people I love who would be left behind.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by v3_exceed

There is only one idiot in your family my friend, and that is YOU !!!
Have you even considered that some people may not have family members left or children to raise ? They may have money problems on top of that and just lost a wife/husband ! I'm certain that if you ever found yourself feeling suicidal (it COULD happen) there would be nobody willing to help you. Who knows, maybe even your disgusting attitude to those EVEN in your own family may have been enough to push them over the edge. They probably needed to feel loved and cared for and all you do is look down upon them as useless garbage ! Did you even think of that ? Maybe you should

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

My opinion about suicide is that is the lazyest way to don't face their problem. Before commiting an act like that, these people shoud go and spend at least one day in a Getho, in a Native territory, in a Tier-monde. Somewhere were kids dosen't eat well, where your father is actually your grand father, where kids can't sleep at night because their parents have been fighting all night, then they can't concentrate in school. Where 80% of the population have been abused sexually and physically. Maybe at this time that suicidal person could realise ther instead of wanting to die, do something usefull of his life and helping his country instead of been a load on people's shoulder by their negativity, and realising that there alot worst then their situation.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by kedgbitch

How do you know that the OP hasn't suffered worse than what you perceive to be bad?

You don't , do you?

That is extremely arrogant and presumptuos of you.
edit on 7-11-2010 by LAinhabitant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by kedgbitch

How do you have a name that is a swear on ats? interesting that..

Ya I bet 100 bucks you havent read this thread or some things would be clear to you..

Then again I dont feel like killing myself for a rich man to get richer..

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by kedgbitch

What a fool you are!!!
The old "There's always someone worse off than you"! You haven't even TRIED to understand have you. Do you think a suicidal person hasn't thought of that ?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by kedgbitch

....and in some ways you are right. But you are referencing situational depression.

We've moved on from that in this thread. We are talking about clinical depression and Mood Disorders.

In these cases, it doesn't matter what your circumstances are. If you have it, you have it.

But there is treatment for the not-so-thick headed.

You should read the thread. You can learn much about depression here, from the people who actually have it.
They know what they are talking about.

If you wish.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Whiffer Nippets

I think someone gave me metal bamboo shoots in all my fingers, Rawwwwrrrrr, look out!

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by TheOracle

Our culture is killing our children.

Very insightful post...........very significant.

The figures you provided are frightening.

Yes, economy and culture do have a significant roll as well.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by LAinhabitant
reply to post by kedgbitch

How do you know that the OP hasn't suffered worse than what you perceive to be bad?

You don't , do you?

That is extremely arrogant and presumptuos of you.
edit on 7-11-2010 by LAinhabitant because: (no reason given)

It could be possible that we all endured the same amount of pain. The fact of the matter is realizing what the hell we went through. Knowledge is a very important key. At the same time knowledge could also be a sword to wield.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by LAinhabitant
I don't mean to come down hard on you but,when people mention suicide I tend to get angry my question is, is it pain or self pity?Nobody has it all nor do we all have a perfect life my life was far from perfect,I bear the scars, the only difference is it drives me to be better,not to look for attention or pity.
why don't you try helping someone that's in the same situation?you would be amazed at what you get back it may help heal your broken soul. Life isn't easy for any of us.........I'll say a prayer for you

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

I agree with you totally in your BELIEF that there is life after death if you looked at the links I posted you would see that's what I was getting at. I probably should have made myself more clear when I said death is final. I meant there is no coming back from that once you kill your body its gone. But there is no proof of life after death. Just hear say technically your believing someone else over your own experience, and the information your entire belief was built on was when that person was brain dead...oh that proof.

If you want me to provide good links, I will if you reply but watch my first two videos first and you may see my point in believing other people over your self, keep in mind these people have just as much merit.
edit on 7-11-2010 by 1IN7MILLION because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 05:47 PM
Suicide can happen for as many reasons as there are suicidal persons. But they all have somethings in common. Intense negative emotions, desperation, frustration, doubts about self worth and purpose, are some of the most typical. In emotionally sensetive people these feelings can become so overwhelming as to cloud their reason. With a few exceptions I think most suicides would be best avoided, but I also believe it should be everyones right to conceive exsistence as they please and so should have the right to abandon it whenever they like.

Myself I tried to overdose on pills as an adolescent, unsuccessfully thank goodness. Hormones also seem to have an aggravating emotional effect in teenage suicides. I've had cause to contemplate suicide on other occasions, but it was mostly a way of distracting myself from an emotional pain I couldn't deal with, never a serious intention.

It's a shame the human psyche doesn't come with a users manual. At this point in my life I consider my exsistence a magnificent gift which I struggle to be worthy of.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
reply to post by ThichHeaded

My problem is that I do believe in reincarnation, so suicide seems less like a final goodbye than simply hitting the "reset" button on your computer.

Sometimes it is very tempting.

Think of it this way: if I am right and we do reincarnate, then no problem. If I am wrong, then I would have just skipped the additional pain and sped up the process towards the inevitable oblivion.

I don't believe in oblivion.

I think you might enjoy some of the philosophy of Alan Watts (loads on youtube, the "out of your mind" series is a good place to start). He believed in reincarnation and that life is not serious, every moment is part of a game we are playing. As an engineer I am drawn to his philosophy because it was built on logic rather than blind faith.

I also want to recommend this to anyone else who is contemplating suicide and is sick of the BS game most people are playing (I've been there myself, now I love almost every moment of my existence).

Originally posted by amodedoma
It's a shame the human psyche doesn't come with a users manual.

I hear ya. There more I learn about it and understand it the more happy and relaxed I am with it.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:16 PM
My father committed suicide when I was 4. He left no note, no reason. That was 36 years ago and I still wonder every single day why he did it. For about 30 of those years I believed it was because of something I had done or hadn't done. I blamed my mother, my sister, my family everyone else but him. The only thing I remember my father for was for taking his own life and abandoning us.

I don't care what he was feeling.
I don't care what he was thinking.

He took himself away from his two girls who loved him unconditionally and didn't bother to tell them why or explain that it was in no way their fault.

I don't know why we're put on the earth, I have no idea and I don't know why we're taken out either. But I do know we have complete control of what happens to us while we're here. And only we can make life the way we want it, blaming others for how your life turned out is pointless and a complete waste of energy.

Live your life whether it's good or bad, live it and live it well. But if you do decide to remove yourself, leave a note/video/email whatever! Tell someone, anyone, the complete reason, the true reason why you did what you did.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 06:28 PM
Let me tell you, depression is the real deal. Just ask my roommate, Rod. He sees me withouts a job, sleeping all day and then staying up all night on the internet drinking wine. He says to me " Ronald, this just won,t do. i know you do not feel well but you can,t hide from the world.' I know he cares but the ding dong gets on my last nerve. peoples that don,t experience depression or other mental problems just don't know how darn hard it can really be sometimes. Thanks to the original poster for starting this topic. .
edit on 7-11-2010 by inchworm because: added a words

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:07 PM
Life is what you make it. Also, it is important to note change can happen very rapidly. One`s life circumstances might change in an instant, and suddenly things might not seem so bad. Who knows, you might fall in love tomorrow, move to another country and start again.. If I were considering suicide, I would do some rediculous #. Rob a bank, hire some hookers, I don`t know. If life were really that meaningless to you, why not take some risks? That being said, I believe anyone should have the utmost control over what they do to their body, suicide included. They should not be scrutinized, criticised, etc..

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