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Colombian shaman arrested in TX, charged with Ayahuasca possession

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posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Kryties

or actually for use in a religious ceremony. Surely and judge would look at the evidence,

Maybe they will take that into consideration,

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 11:02 AM
Well Ayahuasca is perfectly legal for religious ceremonies here in the states per SCOTUS.

WASHINGTON, DC, United States (UPI) -- The U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday rejected government arguments against use of a hallucinogenic tea in religious services.
The 8-0 ruling written by Chief Justice John Roberts stemmed from a New Mexico case involving O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao Do Vegetal, a Spiritst Christian sect originating in the Amazon Rainforest. The court`s newest justice, Sam Alito, did not take part in the case.

from Bloomberg News
U.S. Supreme Court Says Church Can Use Hallucinogen
By Greg Stohr in Washington

Feb. 21 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Supreme Court, saying law enforcement goals in some cases must yield to religious rights, ruled that the Bush administration can't block a New Mexico church from using a hallucinogenic tea.

In a unanimous opinion written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., the court said the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act protects the church, a 130-member branch of a Brazilian denomination. The justices upheld a preliminary injunction barring federal prosecution of church leaders.

So this is a "witch hunt" so to speak.

As for certain hypocrytical members here that seem to think that the person belongs in jail because he "communes with demons" perhaps one should remember that the United States of America is NOT a Christian Theocracy, regardless of what one might believe about dead guys from 200 years ago.

edit on 10-31-2010 by rogerstigers because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by rogerstigers

But can you bring it through customs?

And hasn't he been in trouble for this before?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

This is the silliest thing I've ever read. I don't even know where to begin. First, I'm Native American and know several medicine men. They use their knowledge and wisdom for the good of all of creation. They are healers. Second, you're saying that every time I go to a sweat lodge ceremony, pipe ceremony, or dance, I'm communing with the devil? Do you even know any Native people or know anything at all about Native cultures or religions? It's obvious to me that you don't. A little education goes a long way. Third, if everyone was supposed to be Christian, they would have been made so. The world is a very diverse place. We all have different cultures, languages, etc. It only makes sense that religions should differ as well. Really, I can't see how events that supposedly took place in another continent (the bible) have any basis in my life or culture. If you knew anything at all about Christian history, you'd know that it has done more harm than good to non-Christian peoples. You might want to educate yourself on the boarding schools for instance.
Speaking for myself, these ceremonies have actually done me a lot of good. Before I started going to them and dancing, my life was a mess. I drank heavily. I did a lot of things that could have gotten me killed or arrested. I wasn't a good person at all. That all changed when I started dancing and taking part in ceremonies. It helped me find balance and peace in my life. If it wasn't for those ways, I'd be dead right now.
edit on 31-10-2010 by Skid Mark because: added content

edit on 31-10-2010 by Skid Mark because: link added

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by teleomorph

This doesn't surprise me at all. Indigenous people didn't get religious freedom until 1978, despite all of the pretty words in the Constitution guaranteeing them. I've done some reading about Ayahuasca and it looks to me like it's used much the same way as peyote is used in the Native American Church. It's not used to get high, but as a sacrament. It alters the user's perceptions so that he/she can perceive the world differently. That said, I do think he should have done some research on laws concerning Ayahuasca to see if it was legal to transport. It would have saved him a lot of trouble.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Skid Mark

Did you know that a Xtian historian called John Allegro actually argued quite convincingly that Xtianity was based on a Magic Mushroom. Just google his name and you will see for himslef. The trouble with these Xtians are that they have nothing of Christ about them> That is if Christ existed in the first place.

Don't let these ill-educated Bigots get to you. I believe that ayuasca should be taken by those who fully adhere to the cultural checks and balances that existed in the Brazilian communities.



posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by tiger5

I try not to let it get to me. It just burns my bacon when I have people tell me that I'm going to hell for practicing my religion or equating it with devil worship.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by sliceNodice

You guys keep saying that

"oh the muslims have it all" Its just BS and you know it. Quit playing the victim card.

He got replies because he started ranting about demons and liberals and then carefully place their hands together.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 06:52 PM
The Shaman should be released and returned to Columbia. People in the US are afraid of what they know nothing about. He certainly shouldn't get jail time and if he were released in the US he may be hurt or even murdered.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by agent violet
Maybe the guy should have known what was/was not okay to bring before crossing our borders then??

Maybe some posters should actually research this before posting?

A court case allowing União do Vegetal to use the tea for religious purposes in the United States, Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, was heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on November 1, 2005; the decision, released February 21, 2006, allows the UDV to use the tea in its ceremonies pursuant to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In a similar case an Ashland, Oregon based Santo Daime church sued for their right to import and consume ayahuasca tea. In March 2009, U.S. District Court Judge Panner ruled in favor of the Santo Daime, acknowledging its protection from prosecution under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Eh let's just let him bring in anything he wants

When it is protected under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, why not?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
The ultimate irony is that consciousness expanding and healing, naturally growing plants are made 'illegal', while poisons such as alcohol (which CONTRACT consciousness) and cigarettes, which kill untold numbers of people each year can be bought on every street corner legally.

This is the real conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
That's no excuse for not knowing the law. He was carrying a dangerous psychotropic substance and communing with demons (though the latter offense is perfectly legal in most states). Jail is probably where he belongs, though I think they should release him and deport him for humanitarian reasons.

Communing with demons? Dangerous psychotropic substance?

This only adds further credence to my belief that dogmatic religion is the only thing truly damaging to society and personal freedoms.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 08:48 AM
Ayahuasca should be legalized specially if it is used for medicinal purposes.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: SevenThunders

Are you fng serous? Dangerous? You have no idea what you're talking about!
Ayahuasca should be mandatory for everyone when they reach 18 years.
The world would be s much better place.
You need this asap, obviously!

I hate this stupid planet and its stupid people sometimes.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: SevenThunders
I am not surprised at the comments defending the shaman. After all modern liberal education has rejected all that is decent and has embraced the demonic and the demoralizing. If it's from a third world culture that is hostile to christianity then you are told it's goooood. If it glorifies the Judeo-christian God, then that is clearly a threat. So the third world culture is automatically good, even if in times past they practiced cannibalism or child sacrifice. (Not saying this particular group does but many indigenous tribes did.)

If on the other hand you read a Bible or pray in a public school you should be immediately arrested. I think Texas got this one right for a change. The psychotropic drug, no matter how 'safe' it is, poses a threat to the mental well being of our society. Would you like your bus driver, surgeon or pilot on this stuff?

If it is possible for those trained in government controlled education camps to remove their carefully inculcated biases for a moment, then you might ask yourself exactly what does this man and his pagan religion have to offer you? What are the accomplishments of his civilization compared to the one you live in now and are being programmed to destroy?

What an ignorant wad of shight.
You should be ashamed.

Are you a Christian? If so, God should be ashamed.
You're finished.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: agent violet
It is ok.
FYI you can make it here with what we have growing in our own country.
The common reed contains Don'tMakeThis.
difficult to spell out.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 09:30 AM
When you're taking any kind of medicinal drug through customs, you need a prescription or paperwork backing up why you have it.

You can't bring drugs across the border just because you decide that it's okay for you, even if you are a Shaman you can't self prescribe and then say it's okay to ignore international law.

No, I won't help this Shaman, he should have researched what he was bringing into the country and made sure it was okay before coming into the USA.

Too many exceptions are made for people's lifestyle choices as it is.

Seriously, why are we worried about making sure a Columbia Shaman can bring whatever he wants into the country?

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: Jezus

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
The ultimate irony is that consciousness expanding and healing, naturally growing plants are made 'illegal', while poisons such as alcohol (which CONTRACT consciousness) and cigarettes, which kill untold numbers of people each year can be bought on every street corner legally.

This is the real conspiracy.

Alcohol occurs in nature, as does tobacco (yes, it is highly processed for sale)

Cocaine kills thousands of people a year, but grows naturally (yes, it is highly processed)

Opium kills thousands of people a year, but grows naturally (yes, it is highly processed)

Caffeine is responsible for many health issues, but grows naturally (yes, it is highly processed)

You can't decide that some natural substances are ok, but alcohol and tobacco aren't, without being hypocritical.

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