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What do Anti-Feminists Really Want?

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 05:47 PM
I know this may be construed as a troll thread, so mods can delete it if they think this is so.


There's been a lot of discussion about feminism and what usually follows is a frank exchange of views (to put it mildly) coated with cliches. Despite that, we pretty much know what feminists want.

What about the vision of people who want to eradicate feminism? How do they envision the world (Western world specifically, there are obviously areas on this planet where feminism is just a word) without feminism, and do they think their vision will ever be realized?

Focus on:

1. The social structure
2. Women's rights
3. Right to vote
4. The military

So on.

Happy Halloween!

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 05:56 PM
I want there to be one gender, so i am all for your female gender to get what you want. I say let them have the cake and eat it.

I just want human race to be one gender(that means getting rid of one gender lol).
edit on 10/29/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by vaevictis

In my opinion it all falls back to one fact... people are highly resistant to change. They don't require rational reasons or valid arguments. They simply find comfort in a status quo and hold onto it compulsively.

Let a few things go wrong, such as the economy, too many wars, etc, and some people begin to idealize "the good old days" even though the reality is that the "good old days" weren't really all that good and were rotten with problems - just not the same problems as now.

Change and progress go hand in hand. It's not always a good thing to change, but it is almost always a bad thing to resist change for no other reason than fear.


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
I want there to be one gender, so i am all for your female gender to get what you want. I say let them have the cake and eat it.

I just want human race to be one gender(that means getting rid of one gender lol).
edit on 10/29/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

So which gender would you eliminate?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 06:03 PM
I believe anti-feminists want a woman to tell them that they are handsome, a great provider, a wonderful lover, and a warrior-- no matter how big of a lie any of that may be. They want a woman to say "yes" to a date, to sex, to marriage, to any opinion the man has, and they don't ever want to be rejected again.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by vaevictis

What do Anti-Feminists Really Want?

To be let out of the pig-pen...

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by vaevictis

Originally posted by andy1033
I want there to be one gender, so i am all for your female gender to get what you want. I say let them have the cake and eat it.

I just want human race to be one gender(that means getting rid of one gender lol).
edit on 10/29/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

So which gender would you eliminate?

I think the world is going to have a mixture. You have to remember todays two genders are there because of the other. If you had one, it would not be molded by what ever to suit any other purpose than just being, and living.

I think thats what teh ptb will do, and i think one day we will have only 1 single gender. Of course the reproducing thing will have to be simlulated but i cannot believe that mankind will not do this,a nd it must have artificial incubaters already, after all this time.

The male and female thing is here for convienience for now, and i thing it will be replaced given time.

People keep thinking like your thread ttitle that i was anti feminism, no i am not. I want it, and want it to go further, lol. Let them have there cake and eat it i say.

Plus a big lol to people who knew me and made up the rubbish, you see above what i truly think of womens place, and i have never been anti feminism, i am the opposite, i want them to have it all, lol.

So i am a person who wants totally that women get the tings they want, and i am all for it as quickly as possible.

Of course one gender will not happen in my life, but at least the process has started.
edit on 10/29/2010 by andy1033 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 06:44 PM
As an anti-feminist, I want full social and legal equality between the genders.

That is all I want on this issue.

I want the double standards and hypocritical anti-male laws and attitudes to be corrected, and to have everything in society based on meritocracy.

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 06:49 PM
As a woman I want to be able to be able to raise my children, instead of having them raised in some daycare center, with out being told that I am somehow less of a woman for not working a 40+ hour a week job. I would like to take pride in making my house a home instead of feeling ashamed that I am somehow setting women back. I would like to not have to do all the appliance repairs, plumbing, car repairs, and cleaning out the gutters because men are to afraid to volunteer to help me out because they are afraid they will somehow offend me and that I will turn around and accuse them of thinking I am less than capable of doing it myself. I would like to find a man who hasn't had his since of masculinity destroyed by feminists who don't want men and women to be equals but women be above men.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by calstorm

You are correct.

Although I just mentioned the damage that feminism does to males in my post above, it was remiss of me not to acknowledge the damage that feminism has on many women, too.

The truth is that feminists aren't really interested in women's liberation, but are more interested in making everyone conform to their ideology of gender-supremacy, and that includes marginalising other women that don't conform to their bitter and warped viewpoint.

Genuine women's liberation would mean that a woman would be free to live her life as she wishes, including being a stay-at-home-mum or housewife, without fear of criticism or ostracisation.

People of both genders should be allowed to live their lives how they want, without prejudice, and without anyone else sticking their nose into their lifestyle, and telling them what each gender should, or shouldn't, do.

edit on 29-10-2010 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by vaevictis
What about the vision of people who want to eradicate feminism?

...its dark, dirty and ignorant...

Originally posted by vaevictis
How do they envision the world

...they're nuts and nuts dont have eyes - therefore, no vision...

Originally posted by vaevictis
1. The social structure eat dog...

Originally posted by vaevictis
2. Women's rights

...there would be none...

Originally posted by vaevictis
3. Right to vote

...oh, no - absolutely not... they believe "giving" us the right to vote was a HUGE mistake...

Originally posted by vaevictis
4. The military

...oh, no, no, no!... it takes MASSIVE INTELLIGENCE to shoot a gun or launch a missile or drop bombs or to go to war for a fat cat that sees you as an expendable commodity...

Originally posted by vaevictis
do they think their vision will ever be realized?

...they cant think... nuts cant do anything except lay around and get rotten...

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Alora
I believe anti-feminists want a woman to tell them that they are handsome, a great provider, a wonderful lover, and a warrior-- no matter how big of a lie any of that may be. They want a woman to say "yes" to a date, to sex, to marriage, to any opinion the man has, and they don't ever want to be rejected again.

Do you really believe that before the f movement came about that women always said yes to dates, sex, marriage and to always agree with men. HAH! nfw! They never did and never will.

What do I want? ... the end of Affirmative Action, people to get paid according to ability (will never happen (unions make sure pay is equal but not according to ability)), companies to stop paying for child care (that's your family's responsibility), women to start paying for dates, and to bring back bra burning.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by vaevictis
2. Women's rights

Just to pick up on this particular point...

There should be no such thing as ''women's rights''. There should just be ''rights'' that apply to all members of society.

The very concept of women's rights, by definition, implies that they are going to be treated differently by society ( either preferentially or detrimentally ).

The idea of gender-specific rights flies in the face of equality.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:34 PM
A sandwich?

"second line"
edit on 31-10-2010 by projectvxn because: typing "second line" does not a quality post make.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:34 PM

What do Anti-Feminists Really Want?


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:39 PM
I enjoy staying home and seeing that my children are safe. I like it when my husband comes home from work and says that dinner smells great. It makes me very happy to know that my kids aren't learning about things that I don't think they're ready for yet (they're only 3 and 7 mo.) I take pride in being the woman of the house. I love being feminine. I don't want to wear the pants in the relationship. My husband appreciates the way I am. I make life easier and more enjoyable for him. He takes care of me and I take care of him.

Men and women have two different roles. There is a reason for that. Women are more emotional, which is great for taking care of children, encouraging husbands, and many other things, but it's not great for everything. Because women are such emotional creatures, they are easily pesuaded and manipulated. Men are more logical by nature. I am obediant to my husband as the bible teaches, and I am very happy. The times that I went against my husbands better judgement never turned out well, and I have learned from those mistakes.

My husband has offered to pay for me to go to school, and I might when the kids are older, but runnining a household and being the primary care-taker for my family is a full time job. I have plenty of important work to fill my days.

So, I guess you could call me anti-feminist, but I'm not the radical kind. I believe that women are equal to men, but have a different role completely.
edit on 29-10-2010 by britt because: extra word.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:41 PM
Let me say that I am not anti-female first..

Now, "anti-feminists" often want to simply have a mans ability to "hang out with the guys" to stop being framed as chauvinistic. You so rarely see men insisting that they should be part of the girls club while you so often see women determined to strip men of any and every "guys thing".

Honestly, most of the feminist actions that draw resistance in the modern era are these types of issues. It often appears that there is a strong desire to attack men on every possible issue, even when there is nothing to gain but the defamation of male culture.

I'm not saying every issue is like this, nor am I saying that all men who are tired of the feminist movement are honestly just feeling insulted.. undoubtedly there are many men who still perceive women as beneath them..

Some of us are just tired of feeling attacked simply for being men and having different needs and views though.

There is a branch of the feminist movement that has become as infectious and destructive as the "chauvinist pigs" they target.

Rather than say, forcing a Private club, fully funded by it's male members and with the specific intention of providing a mens only social atmosphere where men can find an escape from the family life for a few hours, to allow women to join.. Why not find a group of women to invest in a private club that caters to women and gives them an escape from the husband and kids for a few hours?

The reason of course is that some women take pleasure in attacking men and don't really want a club, they just want to hurt men.

Both sides are equally ignorant imo, it is just fashionable for women to hate men and attack them, while it has become unfashionable for men to do anything that serves the male interest.

The whole thing is going to far on certain fronts.. Just my opinion.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
The idea of gender-specific rights flies in the face of equality.

...only if you dismiss thousands of years of legalized male supremacy...

...since we cant erase history and we dont live in fantasy land, the term "women's rights" is correct...

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by wookiee

Originally posted by Alora
I believe anti-feminists want a woman to tell them that they are handsome, a great provider, a wonderful lover, and a warrior-- no matter how big of a lie any of that may be. They want a woman to say "yes" to a date, to sex, to marriage, to any opinion the man has, and they don't ever want to be rejected again.

Do you really believe that before the f movement came about that women always said yes to dates, sex, marriage and to always agree with men. HAH! nfw! They never did and never will.

Please point out where I stated I believed women were that way before the feminism movement? My reply was to the OP question, which, as you may recall, was not "how did women behave before the feminism movement".

If you are going to respond, make sure you are actually responding to something I wrote.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...only if you dismiss thousands of years of legalized male supremacy...

...since we cant erase history and we dont live in fantasy land, the term "women's rights" is correct...

How so ?

We ( the current generation ) are not responsible for thousands of years of history.

I've never done anything to supress or subjugate women, so why should I be held accountable for some unfortunate aspects of history, because I happen to share the same gender as some men who abused their position of dominance ?

Why can't I just have ''rights'' - regardless of my gender, and regardless of unchangeable history that had nothing to do with me ?
edit on 29-10-2010 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

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