Here's a series of videos called
The Music Industry Exposed, I feel there are plenty of good
points, and as Michael Jackson's sister points out, the doctor didn't kill him, and the people who killed him know who they are. It's very easy to see
how the music industry has been taken over, I'm not up on the movie industry, but it's all the same. It'd be best to say that the entertainment
industry has a gang of people doing these things. Many of the stars are speaking out and they're gaining traction, just look at the lyrics of Eminem's
Not Afraid. These people are also linked to the American Illuminati, for
the lack of a better name, as is any area of major social influence. Usually on diagrams, the bottom of the pyramid will have a block that says
something about music and movies. It's why Lil' Wayne and Lady Gaga are so popular, the same reason McDonald's and Bud Light is popular, not because
it's objectively good, but because we're told it's good. It's all a part of the NWO agenda, and you betcha there's alien influence too, they're the
ones hovering over the capstone, they're the real elite. These people are the same ones who cause almost all the strange deaths, especially ones
involving heart problems, and they're usually apart of those who are "suicided", be it through orders, mind control, or occult rituals.
But, you know, I'm probably just schizophrenic too, like all the famous people who agree with me. The only reason people think these things are crazy
is because they're too egotistical to admit that they have been lied to their entire life. Why do those who always just push for the original story,
the mainstream opinion, the whatever - even come here for? So they can call people crazy, people who are tired of this world being purposely
destroyed? What's the point of that, what does it accomplish? I'll tell you, it would've accomplished us becoming enslaved and the world destroyed.
But instead, we have brave people willing to come out and say these things, who are then completely smeared, and instead, now we're heading towards a
utopia. All you, where's the evidence people, there's never enough evidence for you people - there's nothing for you to learn here because there are
no conspiracies and no lies to you, so that means you only come here to bash people like us, who have enough courage to look into these things. So
here's this, all of you who don't believe that a small group of people run Hollywood and are connected to the NWO people are crazy. Not only are you
crazy, but you're dangerous because you're preventing us truth seekers from exposing these people. And you do this willingly and for free, so even if
you're not a disinfo agent, maybe you should figure out how to get paid for that. Thanks for ritarding evolution and for almost letting this world be
destroyed, and oh yeah, for keeping a huge number of people from joining ATS, you'd make any dictator proud.
Edited part: Here's a part from Susan Reed's body snatcher experiences with her reptilian controlled boyfriend, it talks about some of the ways in
which they
covertly kill people. I can't vouch
for this 100%, but it agreed with much of what I've read, and I don't feel like looking for anything else. If you decide to read it all, remember that
these reptilians stretched how much control they had, likely to scare her more, and as of now they're completely screwed, we've basically already
beaten them.
edit on 29-10-2010 by SincerelySarcastic because: (no reason given)
edit on 29-10-2010 by SincerelySarcastic
because: (no reason given)