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Actor Claims Heath Ledger and others "whacked" by Hollywood Gang

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posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
Bruce Lee's final film which strangely he didn't get to finish so they used doubles in alot of the movie Game Of Death was about this topic,

dang-it you beat me to it.
I was gonna bring it up too.

Our government is corrupt
Our Capital is corrupt
Our laws are corrupt
Our freedoms are corrupt
Our religions are being corrupted

what makes you think Hollywood isn't???

One person saying all of this can be attributed
to paranoia, but hundreds give it credibility.
That dog will hunt.

Remember, Hollywood always gives us clues
about future events. And why do you think
that is? How do they know?
edit on 10/30/2010 by boondock-saint because: clarifying

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 04:22 PM
and let's not forget 2 famous singers and musicians:
Elvis Presley and Keith Whitley.
the list goes on and on. The signs
are all over if we'll just look.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 06:17 PM
I made a new thread on this forum about a series on youtube called The Media Industry Exposed, you guys should watch it all these artists aren't crazy...something is really going on.
edit on 10/30/2010 by Aztek87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Aztek87

Hi Az,
A welcome post from someone who does not have an agenda. The story is bizarre, but then Bohemian grove is "just up the road"
and how bizarre is that? It should have a proper hearing without improper posts like, "mentally ill" repeated ad nauseam. The idea of money alone behind it all however, seems desperately weak. If it is a true story there would need to be much more behind it. That would include an agenda. The idea of getting rid of certain groups of people of course, is not new, Hitler did it first off to the brownshirts and he used to be one, and the actual reason why is still debatable, funnily enough he was known as the "Bohemian corporal" yet it is not yet sure that he was Bohemian, or even made it to Corporal.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 08:15 PM
I think the Quaid’s are trying to a get a Hollywood adaptation of their lifestory together made, and they are purposely “acting” ingeniously crazy to spruce up their story line. At the end of the movie you'll find that they were just trippin’ out on mescaline when they had an epiphany that they were to act out an insane Hollywood life in order to have a movie based on their lives’. It will work. It will get nominated for an Oscar and forever change the way we view reality, kinda like the Matrix except Randy Quaid is Neo..

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 09:19 PM
I haven't checked to see if this was mentioned yet, but Charlie Sheen is a great example of people being dragged through the mud by these monsters, especially since he was just in the news. Granted, Charlie deserves much of it. But still, if he didn't speak out about 911 truth, he wouldn't be putting up with this. Charlie is literally their favorite target these days, and his actual factual antics definitely don't help.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton... Because I've worked with Michael Bay, George Lucas, James Cameron and others; because I've dealt with Disney & Fox & Sony & Dreamworks.

Thats your bullets ..

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Vicodin
reply to post by JoshNorton

where is your smoking gun?
If no gun was fired, why would it smoke?

If I may, I'd like to augment your statement...

If no gun has been fired yet, why would it smoke?


posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:32 AM
If they are going after celebrities, they certainly are choosing strange candidates. Brittany Murphy?
Llindsey Lohen? Britney Spears? (named among the still-living.)

People who have been highly volatile with drug and alcohol problems. Elvis Presley, case in point. Each individual person had issues with drugs, alcohol, both, or other issues, such as mental illness, or in the case of David Carredine, an accident.

These people live in an arena that makes the wild side of life more assessable and as we know, this is not the healthiest of lifestyles. There are going to be incarcerations, overdoses, and accidents, it goes with the territory.

Many of those drugs target the short term memory, so it should be expected for one not to recall how much they have taken, consequently unwittingly taking more, too much.

As for the gang of whackers, who knows, but I strongly doubt it. Not to say there hasn't been an isolated incident of orchestrated overdose, but the candidates are rather not important require whacking so far as I can tell.

If they wanted to go after the big players, it would be the Producers, Directors, and the big moguls.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:41 PM
When I first started reading the US articles released about Quaid, I thought he was crazy. That brings me to the next point, after I listened to his "complete" statement on YouTube, I got a totally different picture of the situation than what the US media is printing right now.

Part One
Part Two

I have found nowhere in US media that has commented on Randy's specific allegations about Lloyd Braun and others. His allegations couldn't be more specific to what is going on in Hollywood and it is being completely ignored by US media.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:52 PM
He is indeed fairly lucid for a crazy guy.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:00 PM
Here is what I want to know.

Is Evi Quaid a Canadian?

If so, why are they continuing with this?

Clearly her marriage isn't a sham to garner citizenship. She has been married for a long time.

If Evi is a Canadian by birth, Randy can apply for citizenship through other means.

Is this to assure that they never have to go across the border again?

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
If Evi is a Canadian by birth, Randy can apply for citizenship through other means.

Is this to assure that they never have to go across the border again?

They are trying to stay on this side of the border until their defense is secured. They are against Llyod Braun who's coming from a fairly large cash pool in Hollywood. I'm sure Lloyd Braun isn't the only one who's benefiting from from what's going on if Quaid's allegations are correct. Randy has no chance if he's extradited before a proper investigation is performed in Hollywood by an outside party.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton
It's NOT compartmentalized. I'm a 32° Mason. We regularly get people on ATS trying to claim they know things about the Masons that actual Masons don't know. Yet somehow from the outside, they've gleaned all this knowledge that's supposed to be shrouded in secrecy reserved for actual members.

Why do I know more about Freemasonry than you do? Because I'm a member. I've studied the texts, I've had dinner with the highest ranking members and know what it actually takes to make things happen in the organization.

Why do I know more about Hollywood than you do? Because I've worked with Michael Bay, George Lucas, James Cameron and others; because I've dealt with Disney & Fox & Sony & Dreamworks. I have firsthand knowledge of what it takes to make things happen there too.

What credentials do YOU have?

i have none, but YOUR credentials are PERFECT for a low/mid level manager in the cabal, lol. more probably just a grunt, seeing as you're taking so much time and effort on this "obviously insane couple" argument.
hollywood is mind control central fercrissakes. always has been. the new tower of babylon is reel.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 02:53 PM
Randy Quaid is a victim of THE most evil
place in the world .

I have worked in the industry , and have witnessed first-hand
how film crews are handed big paychecks , that are then
retaken by coc aine dealing execs .

A friend of mine Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo
was paid a lot of money , only to be
bankrupted shortly thereafter by being
forced , at gunpoint , to sign a $2 dollar contract ....

Upon signing said bogus fraudulent contract ,
the hired goons pulled the triggers on said loaded guns ,
pointed point blank , at Joey's head .

...... the guns didn't go off
... the firing pins in both weapons had spontaneously MELTED

... needless to say the goons were VERY annoyed that they had
to throw away their persuaders .

Joey is now unemployed ,
and Spielberg moved to New York !?!?!!?!?!!?!!!?!!?!!?!??

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:38 PM
Friend of Charlie Sheen predicts he might die this week

Another Hollywood star's death has been predicted by a "friend". Doesn't a story like this desensitise the public so they say something like "he had it coming..." when news breaks he has died from a drug overdose? There might be something else going on here.

To members who keep suggesting it is just isolated cases of drug and alcohol abuses, consider this: what if this Hollywood Gang systemically supplies these stars with drugs and alcohol, increasing the dosages, encouraging the person not to contact family and friends and eventually "assisting" them to overdose? Is it such a far-fetched idea? This is what Michael Jackson spoke of.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Come on.... Did you read the news at 2:30pm and then decide to post 7 hours later?

Charlie Sheen's Manager: 'Death' Report Is a Lie
10/31/2010 3:11 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

Charlie Sheen's manager, who minutes ago left Charlie's home, tells TMZ reports that Charlie could die this week are "reckless lies."
Mark Burg tells us ... after reports surfaced that Charlie was coked out of his mind, cavorting with hookers and in a fast death spiral ... he went to Charlie's house, entered a side door and saw Charlie sitting on the couch eating a turkey sandwich, saying, "Way to knock, dude."

Burg says he asked Charlie about the report he was at death's door and "Charlie looked at me like I was nuts."

Burg says Charlie plans on handing out lots of Halloween candy ... because his neighborhood gets besieged by trick-or-treaters.

Burg added, "He looked as normal as he's looked in a long time."

Burg says Charlie not only said he'd be on the set Tuesday for "Two and a Half Men," he impatiently asked when he was going to get a copy of the script.

Why would you leave out a very important part of the story? Would it have anything to do with fitting with the OP very nicely?

I am really nervous about these "Star whackers" I have a cousins, brothers next door neighbor that was in this hand soap commercial. I fear that I might be next!

Randy Quaid ... reallly?
Let me guess.. the Sham Wow guy is next?
edit on 31-10-2010 by MiMobs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
consider this: what if this Hollywood Gang systemically supplies these stars with drugs and alcohol, increasing the dosages, encouraging the person not to contact family and friends and eventually "assisting" them to overdose? Is it such a far-fetched idea? This is what Michael Jackson spoke of.

nope, it's not a far fetched idea.
It goes on everyday.

And I don't think Quaid is crazy.

And remember, these companies
are the same ones spending so
much money and effort stopping
a few pirate web sites over illegal
movies and they do this stuff to the
actors. Maybe, they should change
their name to Deathwood on the

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Hard to believe that with a conspiracy this interesting posters find the Quaid story so captivating.. There was a fictional movie done back in 1995 called "The Net" that seems to echo your thesis. There probably was some allegorical truth to be found there. If some shadow guild does control the celebrity spotlight, that would explain most of the media stories. The exception would be people like the Chess master Bobby Fischer who claims he was driven out of the country and persecuted. Of course we could talk about the Kennedy assassination or the Miley Cyrus playboy shoot whatever people want to look at.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Well, I admit that I am rather amused by the fuzzy pictures of Sheen's Hotel Havoc.

Or, the pillow fight that went on by the looks of it.

Very amusing. Made me wish for a real 1970's rock-metal band hotel thrashing.

If that is an example of bad hotel behaviour on the part of a star, I REALLY miss those old bands.

Like when the German papers went nuts about Knut the Bear fishing out his new stream in the Zoo. Apparently Germans who saw this were traumatized. It was an international story. Seriously, these people gave rise to the Nazis?

Is this what happens when your popultion gets old? They turn into a bunch of little old ladies horrified by fishing bears and playboy hotel pillow fights?

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