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Actor Claims Heath Ledger and others "whacked" by Hollywood Gang

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by EarthOccupant

That what i meant in my above post as well.

Calling people crazy is the most simple thing to do, or the last resort.

That's funny cause I thought you mean something else

Just joking

I just think that it's not that far fetched to think that a little physical and mental cohersion goes on to extract readies from the big earners in hollywood.

I bet most of them pay protection money in one form or another... I bet most of them pay large sums to keep quiet thier darkest vices.


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:00 AM
Reply to post by EarthOccupant

This struck a chord with me. I have a family member who was an exotic dancer/performer that said similar things about many of the actors,rock stars,etc. being into rituals and satanism.There is also a lot of talk amongest the community that deals with these types they are under "Reptilian" influence. According to her it is very common place. Drugs flow like fountains and their reality is a very godless,controlled existance.Essentially sold their souls. Not sure what I think. Take it for what you will.

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:04 AM
ATS use to be a really good place for critical thinking, now it's the place to come to have conspiracy dispelled, sorry but it's true. The environment has changed a lot and in this case, does not seem it's changed for the better. I see posts like, you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking this story has any credibility, clearly it's a mental illness. The thread is hijacked and those who do critically think are shamed into silence.

Anyways here is some critical thinking and tell me what ya think.

I don’t know about Hollywood Star Whackers, but I do believe that Mr. Quaid is in fear for his life, and he could well be in some kind of danger. He says he has been harassed for at least the last 20 years. This is what I think is going on.

I think Randy and wife Evi at some point in their past likely landed on a list. Eg. Under occupational health and safety laws, you can be placed on a monitoring list via what’s called a Threat Assessment Team.

The team will contact those around you and explain why you have been flagged. Unfortunately this type of monitoring can also systemically destroy your life. This is the part that leaves many claiming conspiracy.

A lot of people are on these lists, some who should be there, many others who should not. I think what the Quaids should do is hire a lawyer, one who is familiar with privy laws, occupational health and safety laws, and mental health laws.

From what I have read the downward spiral really started after 26 of his co-workers complained of verbal and physical harassment. Claims such as this in today’s society get reported, and this can get you placed on one of these lists by the threat assessment teams, and it can also serve to blacklist your life. The other sad reality is that people on these lists die, because the monitoring often crosses the line to targeting, and a conspiracy of sorts.

Otherwise known as Gang Stalking. Though I do think Evi could well not be what she seems, I do believe Mr. Quaid. If they are on a list, then yes everyone is in on it. Let me know if you have questions about these lists. Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Mel Gibson, and many others are suspected of being on such lists.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

And you believe the MSM tells the unbiased trutn!


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Brittany Murphy's medication where all medications given to people with intractable hard to treat migraines, and suggest that she had been being perscribed medications to see which ones would work.

The fact that this obvious fact was ignored was quite interesting to me. Instead much was made of her having lots of medications. Not hard to do when you've been being cycled through a bunch to see which ones would work, and just haven't taken the excess in for proper disposal.

I find this as interesting as the fact that Mel Gibson is taking dementia medication, and is showing signs of early onset dementia, and yet this is utterly ignored.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Harassment101
ATS use to be a really good place for critical thinking, now it's the place to come to have conspiracy dispelled, sorry but it's true.

I'm sorry - I wasn't aware people actually considered these two mutually exclusive things.

I'd much rather get rid of the trash, and leave the real important pieces of information standing. The conspiracies real facts point to are far more interesting.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:19 AM
This is BIG!

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Well, I would be very suprised indeed if this isn't true.

Hollywood is about two things.

1. Huge corporations making mega bucks. (Which always = corruption and coercion).

2. More importantly it's the Illuminati/Corrupt PTB propaganda machine.

The Cabal is totally in control of Hollywood and the stakes are huge. I have no doubt that this is only the tip of a huge, sinister, unimaginably corrupt pyramid.

I have no doubt that anyone who declines an 'invitation' by those in charge will not receive good treatment. I've no doubt that at the hint of anyone exposing anything there will be blackmail, coercion, threats and even murders. After all, that's what the Illuminati (and the government) do and since they are in charge of Hollywood, there is no reason to think it would be any different in that context.

The Hollywood film industry is one of THE major mind control agencies on this planet. Stakes are very, very high, disobedience will absolutely not be tolerated.

John Lennon started to challenge the Jewish control of the music industry and also had a huge worldwide following for peace - he was assassinated. I don't believe the official story about his assassination.

Bob Marly -anti-establishment, huge following. Assassinated. I don't believe the official story.

Michael Jackson - huge following. Was starting to speak out. I don't believe the official story about his death.

Who knows what kind of racketeering, corruption, forced participation in satanic activities, goes on. One thing for sure, stepping out of line with these criminals will be very, very dangerous.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Aeons

You seem to believe everything you read about these things in the MSM. So your logic seems to be

a. That because it's in the MSM it is true.
b. Does the MSM tell the unbiased, accurate truth?
c. Yes, because it says it does.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen
reply to post by Aeons

You seem to believe everything you read about these things in the MSM. So your logic seems to be

a. That because it's in the MSM it is true.
b. Does the MSM tell the unbiased, accurate truth?
c. Yes, because it says it does.

Really....and how do you come to that sweeping conclusion?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Korg Trinity
My point above btw was that it's easy to pain someone in a negative light in the media, especially if you are the MOB in Hollywood

And would be the logical thing to do if you were going to kill a high profile person... discredit them... let people such as you say it couldn't be murder cause they were crazy anyway... Then Whack Em...
But we're talking about Randy Friggin' Quaid, an actor who's had, for the most part, bit parts in B movies. I mean, credits like Caddyshack II, Major League II, Vegas Vacation, and The Adventures of Pluto Nash. What power or importance could he possibly hold in Hollywood that would make him an attractive target?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Korg Trinity
My point above btw was that it's easy to pain someone in a negative light in the media, especially if you are the MOB in Hollywood

And would be the logical thing to do if you were going to kill a high profile person... discredit them... let people such as you say it couldn't be murder cause they were crazy anyway... Then Whack Em...
But we're talking about Randy Friggin' Quaid, an actor who's had, for the most part, bit parts in B movies. I mean, credits like Caddyshack II, Major League II, Vegas Vacation, and The Adventures of Pluto Nash. What power or importance could he possibly hold in Hollywood that would make him an attractive target?

It's not important whom it is... only that they have money, or access to money and will bend to pressure...

Randy Quaid fits the bill perfectly.


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Aeons

I have looked into the Mel Gibson situation to see if chemicals were at the root of this.. I have never come accross anything other than rumors about his medication.. Can you please source where you found this anti- dimentia medicine info.

Please and Thank you

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:43 AM
I worked in Hollywood for a number of years and there are people in that world who are capable of having people they have problems with killed and I'm sure it's happened many times. Norman Mailer had a story about a major producer (whom he would not name) who thought because Mailer wrote a lot about boxing and knew people in that world, that he'd have some mob ties he could connect the producer with so he could have someone killed. Mailer didn't want anything to do with such craziness, of course, so politely declined to help him.

Also, it wouldn't at all surprise me if there were some in that world who tried to use muscle or influence or blackmail in a racketeering scheme to get money out of these people - there are some very rich people in that business, and quite a few of them aren't exactly the type to know how to fight back when threatened. Artists aren't exactly the most tough or ruthless people, generally, so I can see them easily being scared into something like that. What Quaid is talking about isn't some big, crazy, Satanic conspiracy. I think he's talking about mob-types using fear to extort money from people.

The one group that really does cause a lot of fear in the business, and I have had many discussions about it with my industry friends, are the Scientologists. They all work together and keep hiring each other for jobs, so they have been very effectively taking over a big chunk of that business. Non-Scientologists are fearful of speaking out against them for fear of losing out on work/business. When Tom Cruise is the biggest star in the business and even owns his own small movie studio (United Artists), you don't want to go around offending his "religion." The way that group operates in the business is the stuff of conspiracies and such, they really are actively trying to take control of as much of it as possible so they can put out a positive spin about their operation. Though I've never heard of them having anyone killed, I honestly wouldn't put something like that past them. They are a crazy cult, after all...

One of my former bosses (who I must admit was a bit insane) always claimed that he had his life threatened when he got into a dispute with Saban Entertainment. He said a representative came to his office to discuss the issue and the guy threatened to have him thrown out the window of his office he kept pressing for payment he felt he deserved. His contention was that Saban was a mobbed up outfit, but other well connected friends I spoke to in the industry about that said such a notion was laughable, so I don't know what to believe. To this day I'm not sure if my boss was actually crazy enough to make up a story like that - he was nutty, but I don't think that nutty.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

You don't always have to be an important person to be a target, that is a myth.

But once you do get listed, your life will fall apart.

Targets are narcissistic to believe that groups would track them.

3. But seriously…who are these stalkers? How are there large, organized, groups of people that set out to just go after YOU. Do you think you are so important that a whole squad of people spend their waking hours (getting paid, I assume) to stalk and harass you? It’s a very narcissistic attitude. How could anyone even justify the expense of maintaining such surveillance?

A: Targets are often accused of being crazy, narcissistic, or wanting to be the center of attention to believe that groups of strangers would spend 24/7 tracking them. The citizen informants are just average community members in some cases, while others might be paid informants with very specific agendas.

Targets are not narssaistic. Most targets do not believe they are that important that groups of people would follow them around, that is why it often takes years for the target to clue in and believe that this is happening to them.

Again there is no expense when you have a network already set up to monitor individuals in a community. It simply becomes a matter of shifting resources. Monitoring an additional person is no more difficult than setting a place at the table for one more, when you have everything already in place.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:53 AM
I really should add a statement about my post above:

I do not believe that Heath Leger or Brittany Murphy were murdered. Murphy had been having problems for years, this was well known, and the downward trajectory in her once stellar career is evidence of this. People didn't want to work with her because she had become unreliable and had started doing things like getting too much plastic surgery on her face, etc. People had been worried about her for a long time.

I also happen to know from people who saw firsthand that Heath Leger had been doing drugs at bars in the Lower East Side in New York fairly regularly before he died. One saw him do it just about a day or two before. I live in New York now and I hang out on the Lower East Side scene fairly regularly and drugs are a real problem down there, especially if you have a real addiction problem like Leger evidently had. When the news hit that he had died of an OD, nobody down there was too surprised about it.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:53 AM
Presented with the evidence I've seen I would say that the most feasible and rational answer is that Randy Quaid probably has some mental health issues and, even moreover, legal issues that would strongly motivate him to say just about anything to get Canadian citizenship... but moreover press that might lead to any level of revitalization of his crashed and burned career.

There is no such thing as bad press, after all. Simply getting his name in the press might up his celebrity and get him some independent film acting work. And this is something that both he and his publicist know.

One also has to understand that being famous is a drug and Randy is obviously a junkie who hasn't had a fix in a very long time.... Desperate times call for desperate measures.

There is no need to assign anything more complex to this as a means of explanation. Reason provides a laundry list of motives... Dispel those and then it's time to start talking about conspiracies and secret agendas.


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Though I do not disagree that there could be a variety of contributing factors, what Quaid claims is that his harassment has been going on for 20 years, and that it has become worst in the last couple of years, coinciding with him getting banned from the actors guild. I don't doubt that there are behaviors that could have brought on some of the targeting, but underlying to that is the conspiracy that he claims, and what I am saying is that people on these lists, have a tendency to report similar types of Conspiracies. Eg. Micheal Jackson and his money woos, and his claims of conspiracy.

Even if Quaid has issues, it does not mean he is wrong about being taken for a ride by the people that he has accused. To ignore his story outright without giving it any credence or looking at external factors that could be present is just wrong.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:03 AM
Isn't murder by posion in reality just overdosing someone on something?

If so, how would anyone know the difference?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:47 AM
Isn't it odd that there are NUMEROUS celebrities that complain of the same thing? Look at Michael Jackson...he complained of a conspiracy in the industry for YEARS and then finally did end up dead...after a "doctor" failed to do CPR on him for a long period of time when his heart stopped. I don't know...I'm thinking there is something funny going on with all this. It's so easy to write it off as someone being crazy...but I'm definately not ruling out that there could be something to these claims. The big question is, if there is some sort of conspiracy regarding these deaths, what did these celebrities know that got them killed?

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