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Increasing cloud cover coinciding with UFO activity?

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posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

I think the increasing cloud cover is coinciding with it being October.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Khurzon
Fascinating thread...

The strangeness of the weather has been creating high and low pressure points of thought in my mind for some time now, and a general cold front of preminitional feelings with scattered showers of insight and intuition have been closing in on my psychic weather radar as well..

The most interesting occurance of late was an almost unatural hail storm we had here in Phoenix not too long ago... I think it was on October 5th..

Phoenix Storm

After about a minute into the video is when it really starts comming down..

Iv'e lived in Phoenix for 40 years, and tho wev'e seen some hail before, it has never been like this...
It "felt" unatural...
I commented to my other half that for a second I thought it might be the end of the world, and she said her thoughts had been the same...for a second..

We went from 100 degree weather only a day prior to 40 degree weather with this storm, and then the next day and later back up into the 80's and 90's.
I watched channel 12 news that night, and the weather radar showed a huge cell move up from the south south west, and make a beeline, towards and over Phoenix..

The weatherman called it "A Mothership storm cell"...

It moved on north into the highland mountains toward Flagstaff...

A day or so later, I heard from other locals that there had been four tornados in Flagstaff, and some property damage...
I have lived in Arizona all my life... I don't ever remember hearing about tornados in the highland pines of Flagstaff...ever...

I don't really know about the storm, but I can attest to seeing plenty of very odd aircraft in the wee hours of the morning. (I am a night worker)
Stealth bombers that make a little blue or orange re-entry streaks waaay high up, then circle around to a low cruising altitude.
Odd looking triangle craft that must have some kind of blimp tech with the way they float..even though it seemed too thin to hold any appreciable amount of the gases that make a blimp float. It had jerky movements like a blimp when it turned...
Odd looking Jets the size of airliners, but sleeker and with less or no windows that have odd things sticking off of them, like an extra large teardrop shaped fuselage hanging off the bottom, or weird looking towers or poles with lights on the ends sticking off at odd angles from where the wings attach...
A thick wedge shaped thing with bright forward and down lights and what looked like a robotic arm on the overly thick front end. This thing was moving too slow to be staying up like it did...

I don't see the craft all the time....this has been over the course of about the last two years... and I havnt seen any lately... and no, I dont own any kind of camera or such...just testimonial here.
I don't think they are alien..I think they are ours.. but I am pretty sure there are aliens living amongst us on the ground here.
Iv'e seen folks that are waay too tall and oddly pale looking come into my store. Others as well, but they are weird enough to require alot of typing to describe. (which I have done in other posts)

Anyway...yes. The weather is very odd of late in my opinion.
But that is just another side effect of the "Oracle Storm" as it gathers...

Wow based on what you have so vividly described, you have seen some strange things indeed!

I understand that you didnt manage to take any photos, would you mind drawing some sketches and maybe scanning them and putting them up here so we all can get a better idea of what you saw?

Also, did you see all these with the naked eye? if so how large would you estimate the crafts to be?


posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Monger
reply to post by GeminiSky

I think the increasing cloud cover is coinciding with it being October.

I dont.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by GeminiSky

Originally posted by Monger
reply to post by GeminiSky

I think the increasing cloud cover is coinciding with it being October.

I dont.

Your gut tell you that? After all, it's almost always right. So is that almost or always?

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 07:22 PM
Heres a clip posted 2day about Chemtrails/contrails

Sounds better then debunkers stories to prevent a "viral panic" or what ever their reasons be :puzz:

edit on 30-10-2010 by VenomVile.6 because: add

edit on 30-10-2010 by VenomVile.6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

i feel as many do that this is part of blue beam

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by ICbluebeam

I'm new to this chemtrail but yeah in the vid the dude stated for New World Order
I posted a thread about this vid

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Monger

Originally posted by GeminiSky

Originally posted by Monger
reply to post by GeminiSky

I think the increasing cloud cover is coinciding with it being October.

I dont.

Your gut tell you that? After all, it's almost always right. So is that almost or always?

You see how I stated my opinion and didn't argue yours? Maybe you can try that instead of using sarcasm. And what the hell does overcast artificial looking cloud cover have to do with it being October? Ive witnessed the same clouds in the Spring and Summer for that matter.. .

I mean what exactly do you have to say on the subject of the OP? Just gonna post a one line pathetic attempt to attribute the experiences being discussed in this thread to it "being October"

Is it almost or always? My advise is seek help, rhetorical questions like that hint at underlying life permeating negativity.


posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

So hard to describe lol. The first time I saw them in New Brunswick around 11ish I think. And it was like in the direction of halfway between Rt. 1 towards Menlo and Rt. 18 S.

The second time was in North Jersey, NW at about 11:30. So I guess look between 11-12 if it is clear out.

Look for 3 lights, they seem to travel in packs haha.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by pisces77

Another odd thing (a little off topic, sorry)......has anyone else experienced this? (i've noticed some of us on here telling the OP we've had the same thoughts then we see this thread)........when an idea/theory comes to mind and I'm discussing it or theorizing about it then I get on here, and low and behold there's a thread about the very same thing. It's happened numerous times to me, i believe there IS something to be said about the 'collective consciousness.' Maybe we're all picking up on some wavelength and our subconsicous is dipping into the same knowledge that's out there?? Thanks for posting what those of us were just thinking!

YES! Far too often to be mere coincidence.

Also, yes the other night, I told my husband there was some weird smaller light near Jupiter. It did not "explode" like your fiance witnessed, but it pulsed... moved down, up, over, then disappeared. (Actually, I think I posted about it in this very thread... maybe on the 1st page?)

Edit to add : Link to that POST
edit on 11/1/2010 by new_here because: added link

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by new_here

When I had my second siting, they were close to Jupiter as well! That's weird you said that.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Khurzon

The weatherman called it "A Mothership storm cell"...

Interesting choice of words, eh?

Sometimes I feel like they're easing us into it. Slooow disclosure: get people used to hearing a few words, a little rumbling about UFO's from aging astronauts, etc.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 12:17 PM
And it keeps getting stranger and stranger...
The first time I saw something in the sky that I absolutely could not explain away I was in the fourth grade. My mother kept on seeing something in the skies outside of her bedroom window and kept telling my father and I about it, and one night when she saw it I was still awake and my father was home (he normally worked nightshift) so she pointed it out to us. It was an unforgettable moment for me, this pulsating light doing right angles, zig-zagging, moving up, down, back and forth. My mother always had a fascination with UFO's and the sky, but that's another (long) story.
Now I have seen other things in the sky that I thought were something but could always come up with a 'possible' explanation that it was something that was,in fact, indentifiable.
Until last night.....
Like I said, I am a skywatcher, at night and during the day. Last night I was on our back porch, looking up at the stars (it was a beautiful clear night), just looking, never do I actually expect to see anything because I'm just not that fortunate (so I think). I glanced up above the treeline and immediately this light grabbed my attention, because it was pulsating red/blue/white lights. It looked like a huge star, honestly, and at a far enough distace i could not make out detail on shape. Sometimes the puslating was apparent, sometimes not. So i'm thinking, ok this is just a planet or a star, something explainable. Then it moved, to the right, then up, then to the left, then would recede a bit and get smaller, then larger and I could see the pulsating lights again. I called to my fiance to get his butt over here, and he saw it. I thought for sure he would tell me it was 'just ________' but instead he just stood there watching. After a few minutes, he said he didn't know what it was. After a few more minutes of watching, he, too was saying it was certainly something he had never seen before, and could not come up with a reasonable explanation of what it was. We watched it for a total of probably 45 minutes, and it was moving noticeable, and not in sync with the normal shifting of the night sky. In addition to just seeing the object, after watching for probably ten minutes, I saw what looked to be plane flying upwards out of the treeline at an angle towards this object. It flew right past the object, very close to it. From my angle it looked as if it could of almost hit it, but I realize with the distance my perspecitve was skewed. A few minutes later, another plane did the same thing, pretty much the same path. Then a plane came in from above the object, coming down past it very close on the other side. Now these planes were at such a distance you could barely see the lights flashing on it, but you could still hear the sound of the engine but could not decipher the wings. Then I saw a flash of light, like a star, off the side of the object (at this point the red/blue/white was really obvious), but it just flashed and looked like it went behind or inside the object. After about twenty five minutes into our observation of this, another plane came by, this one was much bigger, you could see the wings, the lights on the wings, on the front (but i don't remember hearing the engine). My fiance was even commenting that the plane looked huge to him. It flew at an angle from the treeline up towards the object, again coming at a very close distance to it. This object moved so much we kept having to move where we were standing to keep an eye on it. It began to look like it was getting smaller and smaller, then moved out to the right, and I thought it was gone, but then it was there again. When we went inside (it was freezing out there!) it was still there.
Central WV, sighting began around 9:30 p.m., towards the East.
I know, no pics/video-it didn't happen, but it DID. And no, this is not some earth-shattering sighting, but it was real, and I was grateful to be a part of it.
And you better believe I will be out there tonight watching the skies.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by new_here

Wow. I got serious chills from reading's very similar to what he explained, I wish I could get him on here to tell what he saw!! Keep watching those skies!! I have a very strong feeling that the activity is going to keep increasing until more people are touched by the sitings, leading to more widespread knowledge....

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by new_here

Yes! Funny enough, we watched the newest Ancient Aliens yesterday, where it discussed the Bermuda Triangle/Zone of Silence, etc.
I believe that the knowledge is slowly being let to seep out, so that the shock is not quite so mind-numbing and mind-shattering (for some).

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 12:28 PM
Just another anomoly I remember from the night (Oct 28th) I saw the moving 'star' near Jupiter, my two dogs were outside with me and they kept looking up at the sky.... at night... ? I once had a bird dog who looked skywards at birds flying, but that's the only dog I've ever had that looked up at the sky. He never looked up at NIGHT. But these two I have now... this was unusual behavior for them during the day. These two don't crane their necks to the sky, or they hadn't before. And what dog looks up at night towards the sky??? The older one shyed away and was ready to go back inside afterwards. I was ready to go with her!!!

Anybody have dogs who've become star-gazers? Please run a test experiment for me tonight...

Edit to Add: I want to ask again, does anybody know why this thread was moved to "Skunk Works" ?
It's no less valid than any other thread in the UFO/Alien Forum (in my opinion!)
edit on 11/1/2010 by new_here because: to add question at the end.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 01:30 PM

Edit to Add: I want to ask again, does anybody know why this thread was moved to "Skunk Works" ?
It's no less valid than any other thread in the UFO/Alien Forum (in my opinion!)
edit on 11/1/2010 by new_here because: to add question at the end.

Actually this thread was never moved, I posted in in Skunk Works on purpose. You see, given the speculative nature of my UFO threads, Ive had them removed from the UFO/Alien forums in the past and placed I figured Id save them the trouble and just post in skunk works.....


posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

ok then... good work, gem!

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by GeminiSky

Originally posted by Khurzon
I don't really know about the storm, but I can attest to seeing plenty of very odd aircraft in the wee hours of the morning. (I am a night worker)
I don't see the craft all the time....this has been over the course of about the last two years... and I havnt seen any lately... and no, I dont own any kind of camera or such...just testimonial here.

Wow based on what you have so vividly described, you have seen some strange things indeed!

I understand that you didnt manage to take any photos, would you mind drawing some sketches and maybe scanning them and putting them up here so we all can get a better idea of what you saw?

Also, did you see all these with the naked eye? if so how large would you estimate the crafts to be?


I dont have a scanner, but I could try to draw them with a photo editiing program...I hadn't thought of that...

I won't post the results here tho, as it was a bit off topic for me to mention, and I don't want to derail the storm discussion

I saw most with just my eyes, but a couple using binoculars...

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Khurzon

Yeah its a great idea, think about all the UFO sketches made by eyewitnesses, sometimes they are better than actual photos because they have added details, such as sounds, smells, and actions that the craft perform.


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