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Increasing cloud cover coinciding with UFO activity?

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by pisces77
reply to post by MrOrange82

Interesting pics, thanks for sharing them. The darker steel/dark blue ones are similar to the ones i was talking about earlier.

I thought so, i found them to strange also.

edit on 29-10-2010 by MrOrange82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:17 AM
The last pic update

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:18 AM

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by MrOrange82

Ha! Not so sure how I'd react if I saw that thing floating around amidst the clouds...would i say 'take me home, this place is nuts' or head to the nearest WV hill?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by pisces77
reply to post by MrOrange82

Ha! Not so sure how I'd react if I saw that thing floating around amidst the clouds...would i say 'take me home, this place is nuts' or head to the nearest WV hill?

No No No for once take a clear picture for mankind, make sure you drop the camera if beamd up

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by pisces77

Another odd thing (a little off topic, sorry)......has anyone else experienced this? (i've noticed some of us on here telling the OP we've had the same thoughts then we see this thread)........when an idea/theory comes to mind and I'm discussing it or theorizing about it then I get on here, and low and behold there's a thread about the very same thing. It's happened numerous times to me, i believe there IS something to be said about the 'collective consciousness.'
Maybe we're all picking up on some wavelength and our subconsicous is dipping into the same knowledge that's out there??
Thanks for posting what those of us were just thinking!
edit on 29-10-2010 by pisces77 because: to add info

Check out my thread on collective consciousness and intuition here.....

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:55 AM

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:51 PM
... you guys are not going to believe me. But I saw 3 UFOs again tonight. The same # happened! Except I am in North Jersey at the moment.. and the sky is much clearer here... I'm about to go out for a smoke and see if I can see anything this was a few hours ago.

for the love of god anyone in the tri-state area with a camera or telescope please look up.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Rahjian

... man, I envy you

Wish I saw some thing over here...
let me know whats up, Kool

edit on 29-10-2010 by VenomVile.6 because: add

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Rahjian
... you guys are not going to believe me. But I saw 3 UFOs again tonight. The same # happened! Except I am in North Jersey at the moment.. and the sky is much clearer here... I'm about to go out for a smoke and see if I can see anything this was a few hours ago.

for the love of god anyone in the tri-state area with a camera or telescope please look up.

Yeh, keep us posted. But in the meantime, how about a brief explanation of what you saw? Thanks.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:22 PM
I just went out and I didn't see anything. I wish I knew my constellations I feel like an idiot.. but they were to the left of the one that looks like a big box with a line ha?

It was the same as I saw in New Brunswick on the 26th.. except the sky is clear tonight.
There were three and they stayed in the triangle formation but just kinda played around, closing in and expanding, but never leaving the formation. And one is always brighter than the other two.

This is the second time this week I have seen this. And its astonishing to me because they NY siting on the 13th had the same 3, as well as the one in Cali and a few others.

I read somewhere about Orion's belt and them being from that galaxy by representing the 3 star formation? I don't know.. I'll leave it up to the experts.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

Thanks for posting this topic OP, I have started to wondered this exact same thing. Here in SE Michigan I started noticing the strange cloud cover/formations on top of the really strange weather. Its a nice feeling to know that other people are starting to notice the change in the clouds and weather. Ive seen the chemtrails off and on for the past couple of years in my area but today the X's they sprayed were twice the normal looking size. At 12pm, blue skies with little clouds and 2 or 3 giant X's and about 5 lines in the distance to the west. By 3pm there was heavy cloud cover, the clouds were circular and reflective looking but you could see the blue sky in between them. At 5pm, the clouds had a purple fire look to them as the sun was setting, but what blew my mind was the giant black line or shadow the came from the direction of the sun across the whole sky from the east to the west. Ive never seen the sky have features like that before.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Rahjian

How long did you see this for?
Sounds bad ***

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:45 PM
Have to agree with most of these replies about the changing weather. I was living in northern Ca. and grew up on the coast of Ca. the changes in the climate is happening. I am now in Az. only a few months and even the locals here say the weather is changing. The covering of the planet is strange to me also. Some of the nasa photo's and vidio's show these Ufo's coming out of heavy cloud covering's and the constant chemtrails is just that!

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by VenomVile.6

The first time I saw them earlier in the week I stayed outside and watched them for maybe fifteen minutes..

Tonight I watched them for like five maybe a little more.. and this may sound stupid but I went inside because I'm kind of over it now. They proved themselves to me hard body. And I do not know why, not saying I'm special, but at least I look up in the sky and not stare at my cell phone like every mindless brat on this planet

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:54 PM
I have a question/thought about this "chemtrail/cloud cover thing" which I do believe in. Doesn't it seem the meteorologists who report the weather would notice something? They're experts on weather and cloud types. They have to notice. I guess they just don't or can't say anything? Does it seem likely that every single reporter would keep their mouth shut even though they see the weirdness? I'm just wondering.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by thorg

Yup, my skies got coverd in trails 2day, were it looked like fake clouds....there was no blue sky.
For three days now, 7 to 8 planes up spraying all day and a few at night

Seems as if "their" trying to keep it covered, They spray in the clouds that dont need it, just when spots start coming threw

I seen the sun had a ring around it, but then the clouds got thicker as the kept spraying ???

edit on 30-10-2010 by VenomVile.6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by VenomVile.6
reply to post by thorg

Yup, my skies got coverd in trails 2day, were it looked like fake clouds....there was no blue sky.
For three days now, 7 to 8 planes up spraying all day and a few at night

I'm in SoCal and I know what you're talking about. I noticed that actually between the "clouds" you could see beautiful blue sky. I really felt that it would have been a beautiful clear day if it hadn't been for the "fake clouds." I know, I know - I don't have any type of hard proof of this, but come on, look at how it's been looking. Something isn't right. Those are not normal clouds.
edit on 30-10-2010 by lel1111 because: to add "clear"

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:59 AM
Fascinating thread...

The strangeness of the weather has been creating high and low pressure points of thought in my mind for some time now, and a general cold front of preminitional feelings with scattered showers of insight and intuition have been closing in on my psychic weather radar as well..

The most interesting occurance of late was an almost unatural hail storm we had here in Phoenix not too long ago... I think it was on October 5th..

Phoenix Storm

After about a minute into the video is when it really starts comming down..

Iv'e lived in Phoenix for 40 years, and tho wev'e seen some hail before, it has never been like this...
It "felt" unatural...
I commented to my other half that for a second I thought it might be the end of the world, and she said her thoughts had been the same...for a second..

We went from 100 degree weather only a day prior to 40 degree weather with this storm, and then the next day and later back up into the 80's and 90's.
I watched channel 12 news that night, and the weather radar showed a huge cell move up from the south south west, and make a beeline, towards and over Phoenix..

The weatherman called it "A Mothership storm cell"...

It moved on north into the highland mountains toward Flagstaff...

A day or so later, I heard from other locals that there had been four tornados in Flagstaff, and some property damage...
I have lived in Arizona all my life... I don't ever remember hearing about tornados in the highland pines of Flagstaff...ever...

I don't really know about the storm, but I can attest to seeing plenty of very odd aircraft in the wee hours of the morning. (I am a night worker)
Stealth bombers that make a little blue or orange re-entry streaks waaay high up, then circle around to a low cruising altitude.
Odd looking triangle craft that must have some kind of blimp tech with the way they float..even though it seemed too thin to hold any appreciable amount of the gases that make a blimp float. It had jerky movements like a blimp when it turned...
Odd looking Jets the size of airliners, but sleeker and with less or no windows that have odd things sticking off of them, like an extra large teardrop shaped fuselage hanging off the bottom, or weird looking towers or poles with lights on the ends sticking off at odd angles from where the wings attach...
A thick wedge shaped thing with bright forward and down lights and what looked like a robotic arm on the overly thick front end. This thing was moving too slow to be staying up like it did...

I don't see the craft all the time....this has been over the course of about the last two years... and I havnt seen any lately... and no, I dont own any kind of camera or such...just testimonial here.
I don't think they are alien..I think they are ours.. but I am pretty sure there are aliens living amongst us on the ground here.
Iv'e seen folks that are waay too tall and oddly pale looking come into my store. Others as well, but they are weird enough to require alot of typing to describe. (which I have done in other posts)

Anyway...yes. The weather is very odd of late in my opinion.
But that is just another side effect of the "Oracle Storm" as it gathers...

Oracle Storm

The fathers have seen it, through lenses of time
Approaching sentient winds...
Build your temple, prepare your mind
The storm is about to begin...

The mothers will gather thier children home
To gaze in the depths, eye to eye...
The people will sing 'neath the gloaming dome
And truth will rain from the sky...

Hold fast to your love while the wild winds blow
Stand strong in your centered mind...
The howling oblivion breaks free from below
But to love and life you will bind...

Love will bind...
Time will form...
Prepare your mind...
For the oracle storm...

edit on 30-10-2010 by Khurzon because: spelling

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Rahjian
reply to post by VenomVile.6

The first time I saw them earlier in the week I stayed outside and watched them for maybe fifteen minutes..

Tonight I watched them for like five maybe a little more.. and this may sound stupid but I went inside because I'm kind of over it now. They proved themselves to me hard body. And I do not know why, not saying I'm special, but at least I look up in the sky and not stare at my cell phone like every mindless brat on this planet

Dude you seen them now for the second time? You gotta tell me which direction you are looking at, so that I can take a look. Also at what times do you usually see the lights.

Were you viewing it in the south? if south, was it past old bridge looking south? or was it in between us?

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