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Uh...My Mom Believes that I'm Half Alien. :/

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posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by VideoWJ

ha, did you make that eh?

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 04:37 AM
Well.....I'm 57 years old, and I have always felt half alien. I definitely feel an affinity with the girl who's mum thinks she's half alien. LONG before I discovered that my mother, "blacked" out just before my conception, I, what can only be described as, "knew" I was only half human. Nothing could EVER take this feeling away from me. I do NOT resemble my father whatsoever, I have asked my mother many times if she ever had an affair etc. She assures me that she did not. I assured her that I would not mind if I was the offspring of the milkman or whatever, but she said there was never anyone. Just like the author, I was never, "normal". I am MUCH more intelligent than normal, but always come across as slightly handicapped, backward even. I am definitely a border line autistic. My memory is unusually good. Non deliberately I considerably disturb anyone who meets me, people become very uneasy around me. I don't blame them to be honest. They feel that I'm sort of, "in their head".....To be honest, I am in their head. Another similarity with the author is that during my childhood, I also was taken to doctors a real lot. My mother originally took me to the doctors for an eye abnormality. It turned out that I had / have congenital nystagmus. However, after examining me for that problem, the doctor became unusually interested in me, he expressed great surprise that I could tie my own shoe laces, and that I didn't suffer from headaches. He became so interested that he asked my mother's permission to send me to a specialist hospital in London for some tests. After some pressure from him, she eventually agreed. They carried out countless tests on me, many of which were very unpleasant, and seemingly pointless. They carried this on for around 6 months even though outwardly there was little to nothing wrong with me. One of the points written on the conclusion paper was that there was an unidentifiable "object" near the centre of my brain, and that they would have to leave it alone as it would be dangerous to investigate it. I know this next bit is really going to set off the sceptics.....One of the things I was constantly taken to the doctors about during my childhood was that I seemed to have, sort of, "nail holes" in my feet, a definite abnormality, there was no discomfort however. There was discomfort though from another odd thing. I acted as though I was being prodded by a sharp object in my right side. I still have an irritation there even though there is no outward need. Ironically, fast forward almost 40 years, and bowel cancer has left me with a "real" small hole in my right side.
Well, that'll do for now, although there is plenty more I could go on about.....mail me if you want [email protected]

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 09:07 AM
I would like to say that first: just because we can attribute a genetic syndrome or whatever you'd like to call it, that really wouldn't provide any proof that the OP or the poster above this one aren't alien hybrids.
A genetic mutation or deficiency or anything seems it would be more likely if there was a hybrid. It's called testing. Has anyone here ever heard of changeling babies? Deformed, weak, small, moody. Not saying the OP is a changeling, but this could be in the same realm.

changelings wiki

There is a book I read called Supernatural by Graham Hancock. In the book he extensively covers abduction scenarios, artificial inseminations, attempted intercourse and breeding etc.
I would encourage us to abstain from our sketpicism and entertain the notion and see where our thoughts lead us. Perhaps an answer or some insight lies ahead. If not, then be skeptical later, it is easy to disbelieve, but can cut off knowledge and learning. It wouldn't be the end of the world to believe in a story that you can't verify to be true, if only to explore the unknown that goes with it whole heartedly. If it is a false story, I'm certain the skepticism will return anyways.

Personally, the skinniness and social awkwardness sound like they could be products of a hybrid breeding attempt.

Oh quick question to the OP and the poster above here:
Do you have unusually pale skin?

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by xxcalbier
well i am sorry your mom says taht to you but I am sure any doctor worth his salt would find Many things that would show your half human half alien.
Do you think these aliens would even have the same internal organs we do?or blood typs?
of a 1000 other things?
if you were half and half alest a few things would come back as NEVER seen before on even a blood test any doctor could order.
also if you still instist to believe this just goto a compant DNA scientist and have them secquence your dna no way it wont show up then

Those are some very big leaps from conjecture that seem to be proposed as a way to debunk the OP's post.
Of course this whole thread is based on speculation since it's 100% personal account.

But to think that we have even the slightest idea of how a particular et's genes would be, how far off they would be, or more importantly, how able they were to infuse theirs partly with ours....come on.
The fact that we have geneticists who can sequence our DNA leads me to believe that an ET civilization who is supposedly far more advanced than us could very well be beyond our reasoning...

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by skylightsintheillions

Hey !

No, I don't have unusually pale skin.....I would love to know why you ask.....I forgot to mention another thing that maybe similar to the original author, I was particularly small up until 11 or 12 years old. There was a boy in my class from the age of 5 at school that was tiny, and stayed tiny. He grew up to be a dwarf (no humour intended) Everyone thought I was going to be the same. Another thing that might interest you is that I seem to have been unusually protected, looked after etc. Whenever anyone has tried to or has caused me harm in any way.....Watch out ! Unbelievable repercussions.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by BillBryant

I ask about the pale skin just because of some reports of breeding in abduction scenarios from the book I mentioned, Supernatural. A lot of women said they were abducted and made to mate with an ET and then would be abducted later on several times to give the child human mother care, as they could not give it what it needed. A lot of the reports (most if not all) described very much a small, weak child, similar to that of a changeling.

The changeling legend, Hancock argues, is the same as the abductions of today. That what we once saw as fairies are now what we think of as aliens. And that this breeding and alien intercourse has been going on for quite a long time. It's a very interesting read, the whole book isn't about abductions and fairies but a decent portion is. A good read if you're into very long non-fiction books that go against mainstream academia.

As for the protection and help in times of need, that's very interesting and very cool. Have you noticed any extraordinary happenings of deja vu, accidental telepathy (some people call it coincidence) or other phenomenon?

I remember having at least a month straight of deja vu, everyday, multiple times a day.
Each day I thought, well that was wierd, I had lots of deju vu lately, then bam, another one or two occurances in that day and it would keep on going.

I've been dating my girlfriend for a little over 2 years now and aside from many other awesome synchronicities (we are made for each other after all) I still haven't been able to really be surprised by any gift she's gotten me, mainly because if in person or over phone or just not communicating I'll know exactly what she got, first guess. Of course we are soul mates, twin flames, I'm not saying I'm a hybrid or anything, but spiritual and mental phenomenon is a good place to start I think.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 10:39 AM
I am also 4'11' tall and only weigh 93lbs. Being short is heredity in my family so this is normal for our family. I am not a dwarf or anything of the sort I am just short. I think you are are allowing other people make you feel this is not normal but it is. There are lots of people who are short and that's just the way it is. I know I am not part alien etc. Now for your other problems there may be some diagnose that may have been missed that would explain your psychological feelings, but to base a lot of this on your size and weight is really unfounded. At one point I weighed only 87lbs, which was too low so I have managed to get it back up to 93. I am happy with that, but I get tons of comments from others that I look like a skeleton... but its just the way I am. Why your mother made comments about the alien thing is mean to me unless she has some proof to back it up. You need to confront her now and demand answers now! So you can put this behind you and move forward. Again I feel you are allowing others to influence you, and make you think you are abnormal in some way when in fact you are probably totally fine. We are not all made the same, that is normal.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:21 AM
My mum says my dad was an alien. You up for a date?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:29 AM

edit on 6/29/2011 by fixer1967 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 11:38 AM
Lawl my Mom says things of that nature to me all the time, to the point where my entire family is in on it, as well as most of my friends and neighbours. Everyone thinks I'm weird - like, very odd - and I'll be the first to admit I am, but that doesn't make me an alien. Like others have said, people come in all shapes, sizes, colours, etc...

I also have an IQ near the genius range [but don't we all,
]. Through grades 1 and 2 I was embarrassingly dumb, and I'm talking borderline retarded, even I knew it
In grade 3 suddenly I started excelling well above my classmates, but I was also shunned and seen as 'weird' and had to go through psychological assessments throughout school to kind of check-in. Those who have an IQ on the higher range typically tend to be seen as abnormal, or have a hard time fitting into society. Every single person is different though, and what you described sounds like your average normal human being. Your doctors probably couldn't find anything wrong with you because there probably ISN'T anything 'wrong' with you.

Congratulations! You're a lowly mortal earth dweller.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 05:50 AM
Don't feel bad OP. Everybody i meet thinks i'm not human sooner or later. Take it as a compliment and don't worry about it. Whats wrong with being different? Answer? Nothing.
Also, just thought of this... If you are different why does it make you an alien? Maybe you are a mutant? Not so far fetched really. Genetic mutations happen all the time. I'm not talking about the professor X type of mutant either. ( LOL! ) But maybe just a divergent line of evolution.But again even in that case be proud of your difference and just accept it.

edit on 30-6-2011 by Mari4199 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Mirror
There are people who can remember everything they see, it does not make them alien though. There are people who remember, I have a pre-life memory but it is not something anyone would believe. We are not all the same.

Ray Bradbury (the sci-fi author) claimed he could remember every detail of being born, from his head being crushed to suddenly being surrounded by bright lights.

read more people who can remember here.

we do form memories from the womb.

psychologists have discovered that children as young as 3 months old and 6 months old can form long-term memories. The difference comes in which memories stick around.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: Mirror

Think of this, there are billions of human beings, and they are all different, you are different as well, and you happen to be just a bit more "different" than what you consider to be the "average" person. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that you are alien, because, the word "alien" itself means something foreign or unfamiliar, or even distasteful - it does not necessarily mean something from another world. Perhaps you could be partially extra-terrestrial, however, don't brand yourself as "alien" because it will only be another conceptual definition/thought pattern that serves to isolate you from others.

edit on 22-9-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 03:34 AM
Hm... originally written in 2010 just a couple of years after the comic sensation turned Marvel movie franchise, Guardians of The Galaxy, was written. And in which the main character is..... half alien.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: IWasHereEonsAgo

well if it is true... then it is sad for the child that grows up listening to this kind of information.

I hope the Member is happy and living a great life.
That would be an awful thing to have to grow up with.

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: Thurisaz

Well... doesn't have to be the writers mother who said that... I'd say more likely that it was the person him or herself toying around with some ideas in the chase of an identity to fit in this game of life.

Growing up is tough.... I imagine grown up in the age of the internet is even tougher, because, when are things written here true and when are they made up? And if your parents are from the age before the internet, who will help you find out?

Not too long ago, a month or so... there was one of those daily posts from one of the many "wtf" groups on Facebook that posted a story printed in a newspaper that someone took a photo of. The printed story in that newspaper was written as a "confession" type reader story.

It was about a girl who had been on a date and ended up at the guys place and so on.
In the morning she had used the toilet and it was clogged. So she filled the crap in a bag as was about to leave when she forgot the bag on the kitchen table and locked herself out of his apartment.

The thing is.... when newspapers write # like that, and kids read # like that, on Facebook...... they start believing in stuff like this.

The problem is, this was 100% a write off from a commercial that was made in 2006 and was a concept idea, which later was bought by a big toilet company.

The generation that was born in the 00s and early 10s are going to have to battle a lot of information, because everything is being recycled as truth or sensation. We have a lot of individuals who will shamelessly post crap just to get likes, maybe in a chase of recognition or what ever, and then the other half who will like it or share it to be noticed of thought of as having spotted the latest fun thing first.

I wasn't a parent back then myself, so I didn't detect this scenario, but here it is.

Now how to undo this sensationalist mentality being put into kids?
edit on 22-9-2014 by IWasHereEonsAgo because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2014 by IWasHereEonsAgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: IWasHereEonsAgo

well these beliefs could actually be positive...


these beliefs are outside the square so to speak...
open the mind to other possibilities?

may not be such a sad thing for a child to grow up listening to this kind of info...but aspects of it are sad, because the child could grow up feeling 'different' and 'alone'...

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: KatieVA
To be fair, people come in all different shapes and sizes.

You said you have trouble making friends because of the way they react towards you and not the other way round. You met a guy and got married, seems like you're living a pretty normal life compared to a lot of people I've met!

So I think it's very unlikely that you're half alien.

Occam's razor. More likely that mother put her delusions onto her as a young child combined with autism/some sort of developmental anomaly (did mom drink or use drugs during the pregnancy?) than an alien hybrid. Regardless, I hope the OP finds some help and inner peace.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Mirror

My thoughts....

Well I think it doesn't matter what you mom thinks. What matters is what you think. If you consider yourself hybrid you might achieve things that might be impossible for mere humans. You might even make a difference... have strength !

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Mirror

If you're half-alien,try going Super Saiyan.

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