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Uh...My Mom Believes that I'm Half Alien. :/

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Ariel

I checked and I do not show the physical signs of the syndrome. I had a normal childs body but just smaller and younger looking. I'm 22 and I look as if i'm in my mid teens. I guess this is just how I am. And for the autistic like-ness. I have no idea where that came from when it comes to family history. And also my cousin is petit and skinny like me when I was young but they said I was a little worse. It's just a mystery.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Mirror

Yeah, I'm like that as well, looking noticeably younger than I am. I pretty much just have the two universal signs of it...being petite and infertility. I look normal physically, and never had edema, or heart issues, or any of that.

Hopefully the mystery will be solved for you. Maybe it's just good genetics to look young, and be petite and thin.

edit on 27-10-2010 by Ariel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:17 PM

edit on 27-10-2010 by Mirror because: removed images

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

Sound advice, now it is up to the Op to follow through and let us know if your post helped.

I sense that the Op would rather stop looking for outside answers and simply go with his Moms suggestion.

That said...

Op, my Mom once told me that we are 'all' aliens. I think knowing where she was coming from, that is absolutely true and yet to be discovered in the distant future if mankind survives the turbulence we now face.

Perhaps you are a bit ahead of your time and it is true you do have some off world DNA which attributes to your condition, your human condition that is.

Your Mom sounds very loving and supportive, it must have been a terrible stress on all of your family to look for answers that were squarely met with medication rather than compassionate solutions and support. Are you conscious of your diet and what you drink?

I ask that because sometimes food and drink allergies can do more damage to sensitive physiology than people realize. Have you gone through any naturopathic avenues? Again wholistic health can often answer questions with far less limitations than conventional medicine can and even now at 20 years old you could benifit from consultation.

A couple more questions, do you meditate on a regular basis or does the medication get in the way of breath energy work? have you considered taking a healing course such as Reiki?

The reason I ask is that you have put alot of energy into the past and of your own healing processes, so one way to over come this is to begin using your abilities for the betterment of not only a positive future for yourself but to begin finding outlets for your healing energy for others in a selfless service.

Who knows? You are young and have a wonderful life ahead of you and it is time to start expanding your life force as it is strong to have survived all the challenges you faced as a youngster. I have never met a supreme being that did not have some form of difficulty in their youth, never.

Anyway, you know that if it had not been size it would have been something else, this was is your choice on a higher spiritual level and exactly what you need in order to pass over to the next level of your infinite cosmic consciousness.

Trust yourself, and remember to feel grattitude for being an incredible and unique individual. If God had wanted a 6' 6 tall nordic type he would have created him, instead he created 'you'. Think about it, what a rare gift to recieve and for you now to share in its abundance.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Mirror

My Mom says we're Arcturians and that my mom took it back saying that she was using it as a gimmick for her store. :/

I have disappoint* for her.

*It is meant to be used in that context out of the meme joke.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:31 PM
How do animals react to your presence?

Since you prefer not to cope with society, then you should create a YouTube account and post videos of yourself doing extraordinary things or maybe taking and answering questions.

You could go viral.

Also, looks like people have criticized you for minor spelling mistakes, I can't tell since their comments have been removed.
Don't pay any attention to them, intelligence has nothing to do with grammar and spelling because intelligence is a natural ability to learn and retain information, while spelling and grammar are nothing more than rules created by some pompous literary wannabe that was not able to excel in other fields such as science and math.

Spelling and grammar fall under the the umbrella of intelligence, not the other way around.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Mirror

These are the only pictures I have on my computer that show's most of my body. My husband is 5"7'. These are our wedding pictures!

I like your husbands tux.

Height has no signifigance to being alien. I'm your height as well, I have my own issues, oddities, and I am very bright myself, although I'm not exactly skinny, more athletic. I have social problems too, when younger I only made little friends, now I'm very outgoing and make friends everywhere but at the SAME time I'm anti-social...if that makes sense. Honestly I won't lie, its my issues with my height as well. Although..this is normal..well in a way...everyone has something to set them apart and go through their own obstacles. Physical and mental obstacles and differences.

I do not want to sound rude, and am not discrediting your intelligence or memory, but as a regular human being(and for an alien also) people make mistakes, and in some of your posts it almost sounds as if your photographic memory is a little off.

The only thing I can say can indicate a possibility to being remotely alien, are those memories as a child and your fear for doctors. Which can possibly be fears of abduction, past life fears, or even what you hypothesized.

Other than that, I don't know about your would she know of an alien race, yet to your knowledge she hasn't stated what she based that opinion on. Is it how you grew up..the way YOU think you maybe alien which is actually pretty damn normal. Or is it because she had some type of alien contact? To me it sounds very vague on her part.

So I say...don't excuse your oddities for an outside alien source rather than human genetics and an environmental upbringing. Life is tough, everyone has their insecurities, and although you have trouble making friends you have a partner, unlike myself who has friends and can't sustain a partner... don't dwell, because then I could excuse myself and allow myself to dwell on my own issues. I shouldn't though, neither should you.

Although you may not be dwelling on anything, just quite curious on your alien possibilities.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

I love animals very much. This whole time I am on the computer I have a budgie named Butters Playing around at my hands and wanting to be with me. I always wanted to be close with animals and would regularly act like them and play with them in there ways.

As my therapist told me I have what she called, 'baby thoughts' I don't think in normal ways like with words. I use pictures and the feeling of words. It's almost like instantaneous thinking. That's probably why I behave in such a child like manner because my thoughts have still retained the thinking process of a baby. Wither thats a good think or a bad thing you be the judge. But it makes me think and understand things at a more raw level that makes talking and explaining things difficult. I also don't experience the same ranges of emotion that other people do. I usually just feel anger, sad, happy, scared. And it's very hard to distinguish levels of the feelings. Maybe that's due to a low emotional level. I really don't know.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Mirror

Those are very wonderful pictures, Mirror.
You look quite happy!

If you have found love and a place of peace in your life, and it looks like you have, it doesn't matter if you really are half-alien or not.

Sure it's a great mystery, and in one way or another I am sure it will be resolved over time.

If your mother does finally explain any abduction account to you, just take it all in calmly and let her get it out.

I hear such things are difficult to express.

I wish you the best!

- Lee

edit on 27-10-2010 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Mirror
reply to post by Mirror

My Mom says we're Arcturians and that my mom took it back saying that she was using it as a gimmick for her store. :/

I have disappoint* for her.

*It is meant to be used in that context out of the meme joke.

Oh. Wow. So you've said she said it in all seriousness, quite firmly too. Did she tell you this IN your moms store witth people around? If she really said it as seriously as you thought and never cleared it up then yeah..that's pretty messed up of her, or she...thought you knew it was a joke... >_>

That's a pretty sad gimmick, I don't get how it would be attractive to customers to think their local store has an alien connection..

OR she knows your telling other people and she's trying to cover up...

LOL no I'm kidding. Mirror your a normal human being..well sort of lol =P

Case. Closed.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Thekid90

I never said I have a photographic memory. :/ I just have a good one to be able to remember things from my babyhood that normally everyone else forgets when they get older.

I guess I should say that I ask these questions because my mom has had 'alien encounters' as they can best be described. And i believe that my dad has had them too.

My mom just called me and told me to basically "believe what you want to believe" and not to judge her. No real answer wither she truly believes that we're part alien or not. :/

I don't know what to think any more.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:58 PM
i think your thread highlights the timebomb that mysticism and parenting has created. For every person that looks at the crazy things their parents say logically... there are a million more that swallow and carry it with zeal. Hopefully you realize the tempation many fall into trying to identify with something extraordinary. Although if youve never thought of something crazy how would you know what was sane?

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Mirror

Have you offered yourself up to sciencec so they can do blood work and disect you? Your obviously having troubles and giving yourself to science would be the decnt thing to do.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 02:08 PM
Looking at the arcturian stuff and it just seems so stupid and silly to me. If I had good health insurance and the money I might get a good DNA reading. But since I'm physically fine and everything I just believe that it is just an emotional curiosity of mine that will soon blow over.

I feel embarrassed for ever indulging my self and posting this up to begin with.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Mirror
reply to post by Thekid90

I never said I have a photographic memory. :/ I just have a good one to be able to remember things from my babyhood that normally everyone else forgets when they get older.

I guess I should say that I ask these questions because my mom has had 'alien encounters' as they can best be described. And i believe that my dad has had them too.

My mom just called me and told me to basically "believe what you want to believe" and not to judge her. No real answer wither she truly believes that we're part alien or not. :/

I don't know what to think any more.

I apologize if I read it wrong then. I myself have horrible memory...

I think your mother is being extremely vague and a little unfair.

Now IF your parents had some e.t. experience, let's assume, abductions. Then through popular "belief" on the subject of abductions, which I have no evidence nor do I believe it, this is a big IF but if they were abducted. You may also be an abductee, since apparently others "evidence" claims they keep tabs on generations of abductees. Hybrids are not known to live with the human family.

Now that's a big IF and I also higly doubt it.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:44 PM
Mirror, you are a very pretty woman from what I can tell in the pics. I'll let you in on a little secret that my Grandfather told me, and this bit of advice goes for everything and anything in life. Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Your mom said things, and as a person she has a right to her ideas, no matter how odd or out there they might be. Heck, I had a grandma who swore that a little green man from mars would come and play banjo at the foot of her bed on full moon! That doesn't mean anyone set out cookies and milk for the fellow though. What I'm trying to say is, be happy! You have a good life, intelligence, depth of character, so what if you're not a social butterfly or 6 feet tall? You've been blessed with something that cannot be just mass produced. You, dear one, are YOU. There is an island (around java, I think) where they found the remains of a species of human they call Hobbit... who is to say we all don't have that gene in our DNA somewhere? Take stock of what has happened, what has been said in your life, then leave it. Live your life not for a past but for a future. Don't worry what others say or think. Enjoy your spouse, every day, every sunset, and every starlit night. Don't fret.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 06:05 PM
I also have to say believe what you want to believe. Believe your mom or dont. It seems that you have something that many people do not and that is a husband to share the rest of your life with. Alien or not, you are lucky to have that. If you are of alien descent, then be happy for yourself because you are very unique. If not then be happy because you are a lucky young woman. If you have children then they can be a quarter alien or not, but I wouldnt say a word to them about it because then they would have the same questions that you do, and not alot of answers avaialable to them.

This reminds me of the Spielberg miniseries Taken. I love that series.
PS if your husband is also of alien descent then your kids would be awesome, but they will be awesome anyway because they are yours. Teach them to deny ignorance as well.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:05 PM
Very interesting story! I have to admit i didn't read all the comments, I just skimmed through so if i'm repeating someone else I appologize..
I don't know about the alien part, but you said your mom said it was or wasn't true because of a gimmick or something? I was confused on that part. Either way, its possible.
Concerning your physical part, have you ever asked your mother if she had taken any kind of prescription pills, or was drinking or smoking while pregnant with you? Were you full term or did she have any other kind of problems during pregnancy? Do you know if she had any drugs during delivery?
Any of those could contribute to your condition.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Vandalour
Im sure your doctor can help you with your questions

and blood tests came back normal??

sounds to me like you need a "different kind of doctor possibly?"

Just trying to help

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:45 PM
i'm not going to take a side on this one but if you were half alien wouldn't the doctors have found something weird while doing the blood tests?

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