I cannot make any educated guess as to wether or not you are part "alien" I will say I know it is hard to feel like you are different from others all
of your life. Just try and make the best of it, make the best of your differences because differences should be looked at as gifts. You wouldn't want
to be like every other boring person would you?
I have a lot of questions about my childhood / life too. I do not know if I would claim to be part E.T. but it may be I have had "encounters" with
them and I do have certain "gifts" although I cannot say I enjoy them all of the time.
As for being part alien I think that we all may have their DNA signature within us either it was from manipulating the early life forms on this
planet or all life comes from them to begin with. Being part Native American we have may stories of the Sky People or Ancient Ones / Ancestors and or
Old Ones.
I do not want to sound like a crackpot but I experience A LOT of precognition or pre-knowledge which ever you prefer. I also have a very unusual and
distinctive scar on a certain part of my anatomy that looks surgical and also looks like it may have been cauterized.
Even though I have this scar my mother insists I have had no type of surgery when I was a child. This scar is in a not so common place. Another
oddity is that none of my two brothers nor myself can have children.
I do believe in Extra Terrestrials, Though I am not sure of their origin, Be it from another galaxy, planet, dimension or time.
Of all the strange things I have seen in my life I never thought I saw an ET or UFO until last year. I awoke in my bed barely able to move my head, I
mean I could only move it about 2 to 3 inches. I do have unusually good peripheral vision so that is mainly what I used.
I felt a presence that should not have been there. Being in Martial Arts all of my life and working as a Bouncer for many many years I have learned
to trust my feelings. I was able to make out two smallish built beings at the foot of the bed. They were between 4 to 4ft 5 and had the stereotypical
large heads bigger eyes and slit mouths.
I had to fight to focus because I felt drugged. No I was not half asleep I am one of those people that snaps fully awake if I hear smell or feel
something is wrong or a threat. You could jackhammer by my ear all night but if it is not going to hurt me or if I know that noise is supposed to be
there i won't budge.
I will try to wrap this up sorry for the long post. I yelled for my girlfriend who was next to me or one of my two dogs that were also in bed. I
yelled at least for 20 minutes and I was so disturbed I also started to growl. Yes I was growling and yelling, any psychology major will tell you the
growling is a product of a very strong primal fear these types of actions are called throwbacks.
Not to brag but i am not really afraid of much, as stated I trained and taught Martial Arts for 30 of my 38 years and I have had guns and knives
pulled on me as a bouncer. Whatever these beings were they touched the deepest most intense fear in me. They were not here to make friends.
My girlfriend never budged nor did my dogs, my dogs not reacting is what really kicked it for me. After a good 20 or so minutes of trying to fight
the drugged feeling and yelling I do not remember anything else. I awoke the next morning and told my girlfriend everything. Then I asked if she
heard me yelling for her. She told me she did but that she was sooooo tired she could not answer me or even move.
That is all for this long long post (again I am sorry) There are some more oddities about me such as I do have crystal clear memories going back to
around 9 months old to a year. I often wake up partially and feel as though I am floating above my bed but when I try to wake up fully I slam back
into it and the bed does give and move. Again I feel drugged when this happens.
My longwinded point is don't let others make you feel like an outsider there are a lot of us weirdoes out there.
edit on 11/12/2010 by kcs7272
because: spelling
edit on 11/12/2010 by kcs7272 because: spelling again lol
edit on 11/12/2010 by kcs7272 because:
more bad grammar