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Uh...My Mom Believes that I'm Half Alien. :/

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 11:12 PM
So if I read it correct your mother has trouble coping with the divorce and trying to escape from this she reads all of these stories on the internet, then she has to deal with the possibility of alien life also and shares her fears with you in a profound way namely by using your birth to draw you as close to her as possible. Maybe she should read more about benevolent alien life or maybe you could read and show that to her, or even make up your very own friendly aliens species and share your beliefs with her.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Mirror

I'm going to guess that you are the way you are because that is simply how you were born. There are small people in this world. I am only 5 feet tall. I do like to blame my parents for this since they are also both short. I am 26 and people still think I am 15. My adopted niece is 7 though she looks like the size of a 5 year old. However, her biological mother was a drug addict (and NO I am not inferring anything, just telling my nieces story). She is also asian and they tend to be on the smaller side.. So, maybe try seeing a hypnotherapist or something. They might be able to help you out.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 09:56 PM
well i am sorry your mom says taht to you but I am sure any doctor worth his salt would find Many things that would show your half human half alien.
Do you think these aliens would even have the same internal organs we do?or blood typs?
of a 1000 other things?
if you were half and half alest a few things would come back as NEVER seen before on even a blood test any doctor could order.
also if you still instist to believe this just goto a compant DNA scientist and have them secquence your dna no way it wont show up then

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Sounds like a case of child neglect in a way.
The kid is already on med's...ANd his mother is telling him stuff like this?
Maybe she is trying to push him over the edge to get rid of him idk.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by damwel
Kemal: That's not true. Genius people can make grammer and spelling mistakes just the same as anyone. I have a genius level IQ (155 on the WAIS) and I had grammer beaten into me by Catholic nuns and I still make mistakes all the time. (is it grammar or grammer)

While I'm not going to share my IQ score because they are silly, I have a brother with a similar IQ to me. I have good spelling and good grammar, he has horrible spelling and good grammar.

The fact that there are people with average IQ scores and even below average IQ scores who are excellent spellers and have proper grammar is also evidence for spelling not equaling intelligence.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Mirror

Before your mother gets any older, sit her down and point blank ask her if she remembers ever being abducted or visited by a person of non human origin. Ask her for as many details as possible.

If you have the money, and think you are ready to handle whatever truths are out there for you, see a reputable regression therapist. Maybe have you mother come along and also have a regression to verify your story.

Cheer up, you have a lot of company. There are many "people" running around today that aren't even aware they are products of a off earth on earth union.

Read Dr. David Jacobs "The Threat". Warfare in the future will not be fought by big walking machines or particle beams, it could be simply fought with gene manipulation/assimilation. But most people don't have a open mind enough to realize what is going on.

In my own opinion, none of us are completely "homosapien". We are all a mixture of various off world/other dimensional ancestry.

If you are book / school smart, stay in school, get a good education, a good job and don't tell people what you have just posted. It will do no good, most people will laugh, flame and discredit you.

Question: Are you nice to animals and other people? Do you feel any remorse if you wrong (hurt) another? Are you "kind"? If so, than maybe the "new human" will replace the savage talking ape that likes to war and it might be for the better.

Lastly, you might ask each night before you go to sleep for your father to make himself known to you. Tell him that you are of him and he of you and that you love him. Sounds silly, but maybe calling out to the vast reaches of the universe - your message might reach him and he might reply. Be sure you are ready because when you send a message out to the universe it does answer back.


A star for your bravery as I know a lot of people that post on ATS will flame you. Ignore the trolls and move forward with your life as best you can.

edit on 31-10-2010 by ofhumandescent because: This "Your reason for the edit MUST be filled out) is a extra silly function but I will comply.

posted on Oct, 31 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Thank you for your kind words and I'll be thinking about your advice. Honestly I do not know if I can even go with talking to my mother on this subject. I don't want to either indulge her fantasies, if they are those, or to confront something other then that. Like I said, I kind of grew out of this conspiracy and alien mind set a few years back. But my mom and my dad still hold on to those thoughts. My mom's belief is very strong on this subject and I don't know how to approach it.

I guess I don't think about this stuff much because I have other things to preoccupy my mind. But the belief of my mother is very strong to the point that she is going to have her store mascot an Auctorian alien in a 3 piece Victorian suit. :/ I love my mother so I'm not gonna judge her and I'll help her with the Art and drawings for her store and support her.

To answer your question: I like to think of myself as a kind person. I love people and animals and I want to help them. Many times other people scare me but that is something I need to work on. I love animals and I do kinda rough house with my cat and she sometimes doesn't like it but then she always comes back to play again.

I believe that I already know who my true father is and I try and talk to him daily and tell him my wants and he gives me my needs to survive and his strength to go on and enjoy this world. He is my god and I firmly believe that he has created me special for him and all my life, even before I believed in him, he answered my prayers sent my signs and ways in which to tell me that he was here and that he loves me. The being that is known as god is my true father and creator. I might get flamed for my beliefs but it is true and he wants other to come to him because he loves us and wants to help our lives and to prepare us and make our spirits pure so that we can transcend this earth and be with him.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Mirror

Maybe than just ask your mother to start a daily journal and see where that leads. Ask her to just write a little each day concerning her thoughts and to keep it private, for now.

When the time comes, maybe long after she is gone from this plain of existence, you will at least have something to read and digest.

Yes, she may be non reality based, but possibly a journal may give you a bases to enentually understanding her reality, when you are ready.

There is a wonderful book I got a long time ago called, "Writing Down The Bones" by Natalie Goldberg and I found this book inspirational.

Hope this helps.

Peace OHD

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:58 PM
I cannot make any educated guess as to wether or not you are part "alien" I will say I know it is hard to feel like you are different from others all of your life. Just try and make the best of it, make the best of your differences because differences should be looked at as gifts. You wouldn't want to be like every other boring person would you?

I have a lot of questions about my childhood / life too. I do not know if I would claim to be part E.T. but it may be I have had "encounters" with them and I do have certain "gifts" although I cannot say I enjoy them all of the time.

As for being part alien I think that we all may have their DNA signature within us either it was from manipulating the early life forms on this planet or all life comes from them to begin with. Being part Native American we have may stories of the Sky People or Ancient Ones / Ancestors and or Old Ones.

I do not want to sound like a crackpot but I experience A LOT of precognition or pre-knowledge which ever you prefer. I also have a very unusual and distinctive scar on a certain part of my anatomy that looks surgical and also looks like it may have been cauterized.

Even though I have this scar my mother insists I have had no type of surgery when I was a child. This scar is in a not so common place. Another oddity is that none of my two brothers nor myself can have children.
I do believe in Extra Terrestrials, Though I am not sure of their origin, Be it from another galaxy, planet, dimension or time.

Of all the strange things I have seen in my life I never thought I saw an ET or UFO until last year. I awoke in my bed barely able to move my head, I mean I could only move it about 2 to 3 inches. I do have unusually good peripheral vision so that is mainly what I used.

I felt a presence that should not have been there. Being in Martial Arts all of my life and working as a Bouncer for many many years I have learned to trust my feelings. I was able to make out two smallish built beings at the foot of the bed. They were between 4 to 4ft 5 and had the stereotypical large heads bigger eyes and slit mouths.

I had to fight to focus because I felt drugged. No I was not half asleep I am one of those people that snaps fully awake if I hear smell or feel something is wrong or a threat. You could jackhammer by my ear all night but if it is not going to hurt me or if I know that noise is supposed to be there i won't budge.

I will try to wrap this up sorry for the long post. I yelled for my girlfriend who was next to me or one of my two dogs that were also in bed. I yelled at least for 20 minutes and I was so disturbed I also started to growl. Yes I was growling and yelling, any psychology major will tell you the growling is a product of a very strong primal fear these types of actions are called throwbacks.

Not to brag but i am not really afraid of much, as stated I trained and taught Martial Arts for 30 of my 38 years and I have had guns and knives pulled on me as a bouncer. Whatever these beings were they touched the deepest most intense fear in me. They were not here to make friends.

My girlfriend never budged nor did my dogs, my dogs not reacting is what really kicked it for me. After a good 20 or so minutes of trying to fight the drugged feeling and yelling I do not remember anything else. I awoke the next morning and told my girlfriend everything. Then I asked if she heard me yelling for her. She told me she did but that she was sooooo tired she could not answer me or even move.

That is all for this long long post (again I am sorry) There are some more oddities about me such as I do have crystal clear memories going back to around 9 months old to a year. I often wake up partially and feel as though I am floating above my bed but when I try to wake up fully I slam back into it and the bed does give and move. Again I feel drugged when this happens.

My longwinded point is don't let others make you feel like an outsider there are a lot of us weirdoes out there.
edit on 11/12/2010 by kcs7272 because: spelling

edit on 11/12/2010 by kcs7272 because: spelling again lol

edit on 11/12/2010 by kcs7272 because: more bad grammar

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by kcs7272

Interesting thread. The OP sounds like me in some ways so I feel I should say- take care of yourself because when you start aging, things might start snowballing especially if you don't get good nutrition. You can actually damage your liver screwing around with nutrition. I am 5'3" and weigh around 90-95 and no, that doesn't bother me and no I don't think I'm too skinny. I'm pretty darn happy with my appearance except skin imperfections since i'm 35 now, but I do have health issues. I still look like a kid but with aging skin so it looks like I have bad habits, like I needed more blame put on myself for my life and my physical condition.

My issues are undiagnosed because I can't afford any doctor, much less a specialist or even a good one and like the OP, I have social issues. I don't fit into society ANYWHERE but I swear it's not me, it's them. Haha! Just broke off the longest relationship I ever had with a young disabled man- 2 years. We are still friends though, but he understood me a little more than most people because as someone who always felt different too, we could relate and he wasn't in a position to be demanding of me like most guys I've known and I've never been one to be ordered around.

I could have a brain tumor or endocrine problems or some kind of unknown virus or genetic defect- who knows? I will probably never know because even if I COULD afford a doctor, it would doubtfully be a competent one that would have any inkling of an idea of what to look for regarding a bunch of odd symptoms... and even if they did find something, who's to say they'd even know what to do or even feel like they COULD do anything? My gut tells me they wouldn't. I have been down this road many times and it's always the same crap.

There seems to be some good suggestions in this thread, maybe you should read up on a lot of things. Nothing wrong with learning. People say reading about stuff like that makes you a hypochondriac or more afraid of doctors but I think it depends on the person and if it does, they were probably already susceptible. I don't like doctor because I always have the misfortune of meeting stupid ones it seems... even though I try to give every new person i meet the benefit of the doubt, or maybe doctors I have known were just lazy, or just don't care and want to pass off the latest psyche med or some crap. I could tell some pretty ridiculous doctor stories.

Taking care of your own self goes a long way. Unfortunately sometimes that doesn't always cut it. All I know is if I have a brain tumor, they're not cutting into my head. No way, I think I'll keep it, thank you. I'm getting used to the adrenaline surges- whatever causes it. The rales on the other hand are really starting to freak me out. As for all these people saying that if you're really half alien that they should have found something, what in the world makes anyone think that a regular family doctor is going to know how to distinguish something like that? How's that going to work? Science probably can't even identify half of the human viruses that the human population currently has... and now regular doctors are able to identify alien genetics and pathogens? Where in the world are these people going to the doctor because I'd like to talk to these doctors. They sound much more competent than doctors I've seen.

Speaking of doctors... Having an ALIEN Doctor!... Now that would be awesome!
They might actually know what the F@&#! they're doing.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by kcs7272

KCS: it's interesting to hear your story. I'll be looking forward to your stories when you've added up your 20 posts to qualify to start a thread.

As for the OP --I certainly "feel" for her. I am sure that part alien or not, if she grew up with so much "influence" from her mother's beliefs then her whole life she probably questioned what may or may not be factual. She has had to go "deep" to answer her own questions. I think her obvious strong faith speaks for a character of a determined spirit. Our journeys here on earth are always our own to individually experience and what we do with them is our choice--that deep inner pull of the OP's experience has probably produced something fantastic. I wager to bet the OP has some artistic gift(s) as she has had to draw deeply inside herself to pull out mysteries which have impregnanted her all of her life. Tell us OP--do you paint by chance?


posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by annabanana

Thank you for your kind words and interest. I only post what I believe to be true I am not prone to making things up.
I am glad you found my post interesting. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know.

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Mirror

I'm going to entertain the idea that you are in fact hybrid.
Screw your doctors and the pills; they're too primitive for your [possible] race. Take some psychedelic mushrooms and/or... have you tried meditation? Maybe you'll make telepathic contact.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 04:21 AM
Just curious if you've discussed this any further with your mother...

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by Mirror

"But I have a IQ near genius because due to my odd behavior they gave me an IQ test when I was young because they thought I was retarded"

Nice vocabulary for a genius


posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 06:17 AM
My mother also thinks crazy stuff thats why I showed her this quiz.

It's a great test for your sensitivity to conspiracy's and other stuff

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Mirror

Apparantley, it is cosmic radiation that affects the random mutations in our DNA. Perhaps, these radiations are hitting the Earth in the form of cosmic rays, and some "lucky ones" are being altered in strange ways, some with mutations, some are retarded, but then, some are geniuses, and over time, after the radiation dies down, we will make an evolutionary leap.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:41 AM
I dont see anything that doesnt indicate this is a complete fabrication

My mom thinks i have wheels like a bus. Do i have wheels like a bus? hell yeah!

Sounds like your family has some problems that are beyond the help of the ATS community.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Mirror

I'm very sorry but the way you write your sentences as well as the spelling mistakes just lead me to believe you're being less then truthful.

Sorry to say it, but I feel you're just pulling the collective leg of ATS.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 01:04 PM
Something is going on with all the UFO sightings happening around the place. There are also thousands of alien abduction cases as well. Not sure why all the secrets and ridicule about it, some stories do hint at a very sinister aspect with some parts of the overall picture. If you want some closure on this try getting a parental DNA test with your mother and father. If there was some alien influence with your conception then it should show up.

My personal belief is that some alien have been messing around with earth for a very long time. Enjoy it while you have it.

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