posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 12:23 AM
Originally posted by randomname
reply to post by projectvxn
when aliens land they'll bring a better form of government. 99% of the people here whining don't have 2 cents to rub together and have absolutely
no power to change anything. so this thread is basically pointless.
Things dont work like that, everything usually begets itself....I wouldn't count on aliens, even if aliens actually did land and all that. Besides
what makes you so sure that some aliens don't already control many things in government, for there alien agenda. What if the nuts are right,
reptillians or the half breeds, grey's and all that? I mean if people believed that bush was some sort of great leader, and that obama can really
change things, or is not prone to corruption, or that that the current system was meant to last, or that anything truly lasts, they can be manipulated
to believe anything. And from what I have seen of those in power, they seem to be all to human. If it ain't to hard for a serf without 2 pennies to
rub together, to figure out what and why thing are and how they work. I am pretty sure any civilisation and race that can travel the cosmos, can
figure the human race and how there systems work, it wouldn't even be a challenge, infact it might be boring to them.
As for the poor masses, and there being powerless, well if that was the case then why do the rich and all others who are attracted to power spend
billions every year in government to get the laws to favor them, or to control the perspectives of the masses. I am sure they would rather buy some
boats or mansions with that money. The people aint powerless, there just not that bright, or calm, and are prone to fighting among themselves over
who's favorite mascot is better the red side's or the blue side's, or have no direction, or just plain dont know how some things work, there
strength's and limitations. In the case of government it will always work just barely, like a house in a changing environment, that needs to be
upgraded, or torn down and rebuilt when the environment changes, and there will always be little surprises, just like pretty much how everything
else works in this world. The government and the elite would like you to think there way is better, or the only way, thats because the top of the
pyramid is supported by the bottom and the middle, its a system, after all boats and mansions dont build themselves, or the nails and materials used
to build boats and mansions.