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Why we're pissed: A Reminder

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

I guess everyone has waited to long to act, now the powers have themself protected all set up in case we decide to make a change, they can lock you up for no reason at all and even the news will not tell your story. If we were afraid to demand our rights before what do we feel now?

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 06:45 PM
We are pissed because THEY have been lying to us all our lives! We're pissed because THEY have been a vampiric leech sucking off our jugular for our entire lives! The system is broken. There is NO fixing it. We have to tear it all down and start all over. And we are pissed because THEY did this! And WE let them! That is why we are so damn mad! WE LET THEM!!!

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Alaskan Man
reply to post by projectvxn

awesome thread.

with your permission i would like to copy and paste this to my facebook page.
edit on 10/27/2010 by Alaskan Man because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/27/2010 by Alaskan Man because: (no reason given)

Sure I don't mind.

I think people could use a reminder of just how long we've been dealing with an out of control government, and the fraud they are covering up that will eat us all alive, and our future generations. Sp please, by all means, whatever you have to do to put some perspective on things.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:42 PM
I also want to be clear on one thing.

You guys notice just how similar the arguments against the Bush administration were from the liberals? What happened guys? What changed? Why is all of this crap ok now?

Stop cheering on 'your guy' and start standing on principle. Don't be like Fox News or MSNBC. Don't ignore the problems just because the guy you voted for is in office and you feel like you have to stick to that vote. I used to support Barack Obama, until about a month into his term.I kept paying attention when many thought they could take their eyes off. Ladies and gentlemen I'm telling you this now, whoever comes out on top in November, don't take your eyes off of them.

Be warned now.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by PayMeh

We're left with two paths - renege what's in place, or getting EVERYONE to claim certain legislation as illegitimate regardless of personal consequences and not let them arrest 5 people and the majority fall back in line.

It doesn't take any majority to fall into line in order for bogus legislation to be rejected as illegitimate. The 18th Amendment was not repealed, and repealed only 14 years after it was passed, because some majority fell into line with pitchforks and flames, it was repealed because juries refused to convict those prosecuted for the "crime" of drinking alcohol. But those were more naive times, not nearly as sophisticated as the times are today.

Today, it is commonly said that a good prosecutor could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich. That's how much respect lawyers and legislatures have for we the people, they honestly believe we would, if serving on a Grand Jury, indict a ham sandwich if a silver tongued prosecutor convinced us to do so, and you know what, we the people have indicted plenty of people, and not just indicted, we the people have convicted plenty of people who sit in prisons today not because they actually harmed someone, but because they had the temerity to play in the black market. Hell, we the people put Martha Stewart in jail, for Christs Sakes! We the people put her in jail, not for "insider trading", because that is not what she was charged with, she was charged with perjury, and obstruction of justice. Justice? The same justice department that won't do a damn thing now, insisted Martha Stewart belonged in prison just because some body gave her some information, (incorrect information, by the way), and she acted to protect her wealth based upon that information, and then when questioned got scared and lied, and we the people in our sophisticated, we'll indict a ham sandwich, knowledge, put that woman in jail.

If we the people are so lame that we will indict a ham sandwich, you can forget about any majority falling in line.

edit on 27-10-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux because: spelling errors because I am too damn angry and typing too damn fast

If we wish to change things (peacefully) the only real option we have is jury nullification. Sadly few are aware of the power they hold as a juror.

Based upon my understanding, the jury can deem a "law" (statute) illegitimate. If you are called for jury duty you will most likely be asked if you will interpret the law as instructed by the judge. Should you indicate that is not your role as a juror, rest assured you have gotten yourself out of jury duty.

Juries/Grand Juries are all we have left to put this system back in order without the use of arms. Voting is a joke as are most of the sociopaths that we are expected to cast our vote for.

As pointed out, in our current society of uber sophistication, I don't see this happening.

Edited to add this link:
edit on 27-10-2010 by bozzchem because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:39 AM
Excellent thread!

Anyone watch The Boondocks?
Shame it was canceled.

It's scathing political humor and observations on the Black community were unprecedented.
BET took out ads denouncing the cartoon after it pretty much called them for what they were.

Anyway there was an episode called "It's a Black President Huey Freeman" that pretty much nailed a lot of the blind hype surrounding Obama that memorized many into believing something grand was going to happen when he took office.

It was done in a documentary style about the events leading up to Obamas election win, it even had Werner Herzog (!!?) as the filmmaker. The episode was inter-cut with the filmmaker interviewing various people on why they were voting for Obama, and the aftermath of the election. It was simply brilliant.

Particularly the parts with "Grandad", which I stitched together here.
It really goes well with this threads main point:

Granted, the Republicans set this defeat up long before the election started, with Bush and his haphazard approach to just about everything, but as a registered Independent who even promised to vote for McCain should he ever run, there was no way I was going to do that now.

His campaign was pathetic, he really seemed a bit clueless all of a sudden, and he chose the very bubble-headed Palin as a running mate to hop on her popularity. Bad moves. I just didn't vote.

Either way I knew nothing would change by that much, no matter who got into office.
We'd be right here now in the same fix under a McCain administration.

I'll defend Obama against a lot of the pure garbage, lies, and senseless hate, but he's just doing what just about any other politician would.

Playing ball.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

Obama is smoke and mirrors. Another ploy. A brand, an effing cartoon character...How apropos. He's no different to me in policy direction than Bush, or any other statist in Congress. I'm tired of people who are beholden to interests in the corporate world, or people demanding their own set of rights, or people looking to do anything but obey the law, The Constitution.

They know it, we know it, they know we know it. Eventually this will come to resolution. And how it plays out, and in what shape we emerge, will depend entirely on how we approach the true value of Liberty.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:02 AM
Though all of you make valid arguments, I think the basic point in time that set this whirlwind into motion was all the years ago, when the Feds removed the requirement for the backing of gold on the dollar bill. With no tangible asset to hold the dollar value, it allowed the Feds to print as much as they wanted.
Years later, we live in the turbulent times where the value of the dollar much less hard work is no longer appreciated. We have Self Proclaimed " Constitutional Law Professors", who become president, Representatives that have turned their back, and an administration that is on a spending spree from hell!
The Declaration of Independence states that it is our duty to abolish the government if it is no longer working for the people by the people, but I think, [embracing the idea], the only way that will happen is with some type or armed Revolution, or yeah as the title head clearly states....we are pissed!

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Rhadamanthus
I think until people really realize that their is no difference in either of the major political parties it will continue.

Democrats-Scrambled eggs
Republicans-Over easy eggs
Socialists-Fried eggs
Libertarian- Hard boiled eggs

Either way they are both still nothing more then eggs. It is just a matter of how you like your eggs served.

Maybe a bad analogy but I hope it makes it easier to understand.

Eggs are bad..?

You mean we ought to be cooking our own eggs, and not looking for egg handouts?

I know, we need to SMASH all the eggs and make for ourselves a collective omlett, no that's communism, oh dear..

How about green eggs and ham? but then we're into pork barrel spending..

Is there no solution?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 04:52 AM
Reply to post by projectvxn

Wow, this sounds like an artical I wrote about why the federal reserve needs abolished. Which, is part of the bankruptcy illusion. And enacted war or powers acts that gave provisions of law... Unnecessary to our society. And has gave powers to gov that powers should not lay. (Since 1933) sadly the last guy about to abolish the feds was killed the day before he could enact it. (RIP JFK)... So wallstreet is a big problem. But contracts and such.. Also are fundamentally held in the FRA of 1913

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posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by bestof83

Fractional reserve banking IS a ponzi scheme.

The Money Masters

edit on 28-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: to add Money Masters 1st of 22

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Yet you all do....


posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by rajaten

And you know this?

Do you know what everyone here does when we're not posting on ATS?

I know what I do. That's all I can account for.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 05:38 AM
I've been encouraging this every year, and I don't think anyone ever listens, but here I go again....

do a write in, vote for a cartoon character, vote for that one person who have met that really impressed you with their character, heck vote for bill gates, whatever.....
if everyone that feels like we do about how our gov't is being run did this, well....
we won't get our choice into office, but well, we could possibly humiliate whoever actually gets the office, since well, winning on 12 or 20 percent of the vote, with so many people just picking names off the top of their head to vote for wouldn't be much of a win, especially if we sent a letter to the winners congratualting them on their win, mentioning the percentage of the vote they got, and well, just telling them that this is a wake up time, we will all decide on one particular person to vote for. I mean, we have a couple of years to organize...

but na, a choice between flick or flack is better, at least then, we have a choice, right......who cares if flick or flack are both crappy and have the intention of playing the same game as all of those flicks and flacks before them....

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Thank you for starting this thread. I can't stand how asleep people, sheeple I suppose really, are about these facts. I call it the Ostrich Syndrome but I've seen evidence of a few Stolchom Syndromes victims too. There has to be a reason a seemingly few will latch onto the fact that we have been fleeced by criminals we see in the daily news who should be in jail!!!!
These people got bonuses on top of the crime for good measure too!

For that I blame the government overseers who turned a blind eye. They have commited either a crime or worse, treason. Why wouldn't they all, gov employee's too, be somwhere in litigaion on these matters now in the judicial system unless someone is turning their head for profit?

What is the FBI's position on these obvious crimes, I have to wonder?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

No we need to go with some UNKNOWN character who is on the ballot. Leave the corporate picks and Newts outside looking in. The problem with the Tea party being qausi official is people like Gangreene Gingrich stepping in an pretending this is what they were talking about all along! Even when they were clearly part of the problem. These people are common theives to me. Time for an unknown theif instead of these Rangels and Gingrich's! Time to go to work people!

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Justoneman

That's exactly the point. Where the hell are the handcuffs? I posit that these douche bags in congress are actively complicit in the fraud and that's why no one wants to see investigations. No cuffs will be handed out until the criminals are removed from the positions responsible for doing the policing and oversight.

I really can't believe we let it get so damned bad.
edit on 28-10-2010 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Justoneman
reply to post by projectvxn

What is the FBI's position on these obvious crimes, I have to wonder?

Kinda like asking a bodyguard on how he feels about the person he's guarding while that person robs a little old lady of her pension cheque, isn't it?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 07:51 AM
I always thought great leaders were usually very selfless people. Now-a-days politicians, "leaders", pretty much only do the job to further their own agenda/wealth/power. I don't believe our leaders should be lavished with huge salaries, huge "donations" and bonuses from "special interests",lavish offices/homes, luxury cars, jets, and then after their "term" is up, the big business buddies they helped while in office will award them with some nice, cushy title/position, with a nice salary. Just having all these "perks" and luxuries breeds corruption right off the bat, in my opinion anyway.

The people WE choose to lead us should not only be in it for their own benefit. They should be selfless, and care more about the welfare of those they represent, then their own bank account, or personal power. Corruption should be dealt with immediately, and decisively. I don't believe in corporal punishment, but huge fines, stripping the person of any past/present/future political appointments, and jail time, length determined by the severity of the corruption. If these con-men were dealt with on a consistent basis, I believe it would discourage those who would try to use the system against itself for their own benefit (and not in their constituents best interest).

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:12 AM
This is the situation, IMO.

Most people were sold a bill of goods by the scum-bag banksters. They said, "Spend money you don't have to acquire the AMERICAN DREAM." "Go ahead, buy the fancy $20,000 wedding, the $250,000 house, the $45,000 Lexus and the snazzy $1,000 suits." Buy it all now with easy credit and grab thet PIECE OF THE AMERICAN PIE."

We bought that enticement hook, line and sinker. We could have opted for a more reasoned approach to the AMERICAN DREAM, but being spoiled, greedy and impatient, we believed the lie. Now we are damned. Now we, being spoiled, greedy and impatient have decided to blame the scum-bag banksters for our plight.

Scum-bag banksters and spoiled, greedy impatient children that never grew up are equally at fault. NOTHING can be done to stop the economic slavery that is upon us. We Americans are about to slip into historical obscurity as a nation, much like Rome did 1,500 years ago. Those who think, "there is still time to change..." are about 50 years late. Republicans, Democrats, TeaPartiers, Libertarians and Commies will do NOTHING but make promises they can not keep.

Oh, yes. As this thread proves, we can all still bitch. So by all means, carry on.

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