What's going to happen this next year and the following one have been forecast for some time.
Two years ago the Hopi gave out a statement before christmas asking if we knew our garden, or where clean water was for us, and whether we were in
"right relation".. not relationships, but your relationship with everything. Which could mean are you being aware and feeling the changes going on
around you?
In the same period I told people that things were going to get very tight from late 2008 onwards, until the chains of supply are empty, until the
money in our wallets would have no value, and that it was important from '09 onwards to learn how to grow food in containers that you can bring
indoors at night to stop thieves taking it, etc.
People thought I was nuts... that's okay. I've been watching the steady increases in everything, food, electricity, fuel, water, land and housing
bubble, and every other service you can imagine.
Here's a small example of the changes I noted for me....
Three years ago I was paying rent from my pension, putting my girl through high school, running a vehicle, smoking cigarettes, having an occasional
drink with friends, having weekly chiropractic sessions and could still afford a day out at the motor races nearby or a picnic in the mountains as
well as letting my girl go to the cinema with friends, etc.
Today, my power bill is three times what it was then, fuel is 30% dearer as is everything else vehicle related, food costs me twice what it did then,
rent has increased by 30% and the landlord is threatening to make us pay for every drop of water used, the school has increased it's Fees again this
year and related school trips are now easily twice what they were then, I cannot afford to smoke.. (good thing).. I have to lay-buy new tyres, can't
afford to go out of town on the weekends, can't afford the Dentist or Chiropractor, the Government in its wisdom took $470 per month off my income
because my girl turned 16 last month....and, we are now running out of money with 4 or 5 days left to the next pension day. At least all the bills get
paid first.
Oh, and I'm not a bludger, I was pensioned-off for injuries.
So, three years had made a massive difference. The next two years will have a crippling effect on the majority of people as the next "recession" bites
harder and no amount of money being thrown into that pit will keep things afloat any longer.
Sorry to sound like a doom and gloomer, but it is what I've foreseen, and so I urge people to find their inner strengths, learn how to feed your
family from home and become much more self-sufficient.. even in the suburbs.
edit on 27-10-2010 by Tayesin because: my fingers are getting more dyslexic as the years go by