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David Wilcock blog on Disclosure 10/23/10

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posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Rahjian

Im sorry and it is nothing personal...

I am 23, i work part time and care for my parents who are disable part time as well, im definitely not a dis-info agent. The threads are here fo discussion, not for everyone to agree with everything that is put on here. The trouble you have here friend is so many people are now posting BS that its hard to decipher what is reality and what isn't. You have to look at it from both sides, some people just don't believe in Aliens/UFO's period. I personally do believe in them, im just not sure about this particular thread. Why should that make me a dis-info agent.

Instead of getting the hump and having a pop at people why don't you try and talk them round, share what made you believe. Share good evidence and point them in the right direction. Nobody is going to change their opinion when as soon as they say, 'im not sure about this', people jump on them and say your trolling, your a debunker dis-info agent!!

I have been called a debunker and a dis-info agent for having an opinion. I spend whatever spare time i have, which i admit isn't much researching UFO cases that i believe, that are within the realms of reality. I wouldn't do this if I wasn't a believer I assure you.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Rahjian

I'm not a very big David Wilcock fan; he also says he channels Ra, which I find hard to believe as the original channelings of the entity are far from his channelings.

I believe he has a good heart and really has a benevolent purpose behind him; but I also believe there are those who wish to put out this light by giving him false information and leading him astray from authenticity. It's the usual happenings of the good people who are to gullible and find themselves in the maelstrom of disinformation that they were trying to sort out in the first place.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Rahjian
Even if David Wilcock stole his theories and repackaged them, so what!

At best he offers nothing new. At worst he is a plagiarist.

Originally posted by Rahjian
I started this thread to discuss the possibilities of what he says in his article, not because I think he is the keeper of all secret knowledge . People are derailing this on purpose.

You asked what are thoughts were. We gave them. Disagreement is not derailing.

Originally posted by Rahjian
1) TV Shows like The Event (With the backwards E that flips in the middle when the show starts, I heard rumors that the reverse E is the symbol for something being true), shows like V, and Battlestar Galactica. They all have the same premise, a female alien humanoid leader with some sort of agenda whether it be good or bad. And not to mention the slew of movies and shows that are coming out about aliens in the media that David provides. And yes, this could be Hollywood taking advantage of the whole 2012 thing... but it also could be subtle disclosure.

I think his beliefs about where the Event is headed are off-base. So far we know nothing about the prisoners or their agenda; but all indications it is sinister. In fact, unreliable narrator notwithstanding this week, we aren't even sure they are aliens. All of this flies in face of Wilcock's belief of the aliens-as-saviors.

As far as TV shows and movies being a subtle disclosure, it's nonsense. First, despite however alien-themed movies and TV shows there may be (there aren't many compared to other genres), the medium reaches very few people, relatively speaking. Even the most successful movie or TV program is only viewed by a small percentage of the population. For instance, Sunday night's Packers vs. Vikings game was the number one watched TV program of the week, with 25.7 million people, that is out of a country of 300 million. Paranormal Activity 2 was the most watched movie this weekend, bringing in $62 million; but at $10 a ticket, that means only 6.2 million people saw it, out of a country of 300 million. The Event is not even in the Top 25 of shows watched. If the powers that be are trying a subtle-disclosure, the message isn't even getting to the vast majority of the population.

Second, how long does this subtle-disclosure have to go? There have been alien related TV shows and movies since the invention of both mediums. Which are just creative endeavors and which are part of the disclosure process?

Originally posted by Rahjian
2) China and their possible information they want to disclose.

Just like anything else when it comes to the supernatural, there are no FACTS.

Exactly. He offers no evidence. And as others said in this thread,

Originally posted by Rahjian
They are all projections, assumptions, predictions, and although some may be true, we won't know because of skeptics who will die before someone proves a UFO actually exists

So, the skeptics are standing in the way of the truth? How so?

Originally posted by Rahjian
, many of which are on this site with nothing to add other than negative off-topic comments to derail the subject

Disagreement is not derailing or trolling. Grow up.

Originally posted by Rahjian
and try and discredit someone they have no other information on, other than what they pieced together from the internet; a cesspool of false / true information that leads people to have die-hard attitudes on things like David Wilcock being a sham.

Can you tell us what we have said that is false about David Wilcock? You keep making that accusation; please show us where we are wrong. Wilcock, he has done it to himself.

Originally posted by Rahjian
Open your mind or go elsewhere with your negative inputs.

Disagreement is not closed-mindedness. Grow up. In fact, accusing people of being closed-minded, disinformation agents, trolls or derailing for not agreeing with you is closed-minded.

Originally posted by Rahjian
People are starting to smell disinfo agents.

Red-herring argument that is actually meant to derail. We are allowed to disagree. Disagreement, even vehement disagreement is not an indication of disinfo agents. Perhaps you should stop derailing your own thread with negative comments targeting anyone you disagree with. At no point have you actually attempted to have a conversation, only whined about people disagreeing with you. If you want an echo-chamber, if you cannot handle contrary opinions, perhaps a discussion forum is not the place for you.

But, if you genuinely think we are disinfo-agents, prove it.
edit on 26-10-2010 by DoomsdayRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 10:52 AM
I have a genuine dislike for Wilcock. I have heard him talk on Coast many, many times and he is so full of himself. His arrogance outshines anything he says. It's a shame really because I liked listening to him in his earlier days but all he talks about now is how he got the writer from Contact to write the script for his movie and every time I hear him he sounds like a petulant child that is finally in the limelight and is throwing his need for validation in your face.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

the reason why people think you are a dis-info agent is because you attack and argue against him so consistently. you say it's not derailing a thread when you stating your opinion, but when your opinion is only about Wilcock as a person and not his work it IS derailing the thread, see now that you have whined about Wilcock being a Lair and whatnot people are in here defending his character instead of his works thank to you.(good job, mission accomplished)
edit on 26-10-2010 by TruthWizard because: typo

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by OldDragger

If this subject is so boring to you then why read it and post useless replies? I cannot disagree with you more. The rate at which information is spreading is becoming faster and faster. I suggest you read FACTS and HISTORY and you will see that there is something to all of this.
You come to this site yet you still live in ignorance. Why?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:02 PM
Something I noticed:

".... ETs are not scary, horrible creatures after all, but people like you and me. [I have been told that out of any ETs we've ever found, none are more than 4-percent different from us on a DNA level.]

Considering chimps are approximately no more than 2-percent different from us on a DNA level, I find it hard to believe they would look enough like us to just blend right in. I'd hardly call Chimps "people", that's for sure.
...Though from some of these posts it seems like they can at least type

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Shivering Coward

Yeah, 4% seems a lot ridiculous. But Wilcock believes their DNA is four-dimensional, not three-dimensional like ours. So I guess that would make up for the difference?

Anyway, I watched the Event last night and this crazy women disclosed that they were "ETBE's"

Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities. Sounds cooler than just ET

And as for you Rex, you don't deserve replies. You said in the beginning of the thread that everyone who believes in David Wilcock should be put in the hoax section along with any threads. You are the biggest contradicting troll on this site that is why people think you are a disinfo agent, and you probably are just some nerd getting off on the idea of being one. I'm new here, yet any thread I make you seem to enjoy following me around and trying to quote me off-topic. And don't tell me to grow up, I am grown up, that's why I am not refuting you back and forth, picking apart what you say line for line like some investigator. All I'm saying is if you don't like it then gittttt outttt of errrrrr brother.

I'm open to opinions, I respect everyones input in this topic whether it would be for or against Wilcock.

I don't however respect the input of people that derail and personally attack for no reason. And no, I am not instigating, I am defending, because you seem to be relentless and hellbent on this Rex. That is what concerns me. Do us all a favor, pick up your troll club, go club a seal and bring it back to your ice cave to devour, and stay there until this thread is history. Or don't derail it and quote people off-topic to make it seem to people jumping into the thread that you have a point when you just talk slander

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by jexmo

No worries brother I wasn't talking about you, I read your reply and I respect it.

Back on track here... with the UFO prediction on Oct. 13th. Did everyone forget about the sitings later that night on the Earthcam site?

And don't you find it funny that it took the News Corporation two days to figure out some stupid excuse like a teacher who had silver balloons let them go? Give me a break. Everything the news broadcasts is propaganda, not literally everything, but the important stuff, yes. What makes you think it is any different from the propaganda when TV first came out?

Then the internet and infowars has been going wild screaming about project-blue beam. Then the next two days
yahoo comes out with a news article that the 2012 prediction might be 50 years off AND the UN ambassador Mazlan Othman says humans are not ready for ET contact. Sounds to me like they are backing out of something... who knows.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Rahjian

The man is a scam artist.

If you need to use Television shows to provide evidence that disclosure is happening, WHY is it that in 50 years of Science-fiction themed TV shows, has disclosure not happened.

I think you need to open your mind to the fact that the blog article is rubbish.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by atlasastro

Disclosure hasn't happened yet because we are at the peak of it. I feel like it will happen in the next two years.

The reason for 50 years of ET related sci-fy shows may not be anything. But it COULD be a form of disclosure over generations to keep us warmed up to the idea. And as society gets more liberal, more people are open to it.

If they disclosed ET's existed in the 50s-60s two things would happen:

1) everyone would become lazy and not care about their meaningless jobs in this faulty system of government/capitalism and we would have never gotten to the technological point we reached today. Which we are hitting a cap on. It isn't progressing as fast as it was from the 50s to the 90s for example.

2) People back then were more religious, had stronger attitudes and opinions, and would not be as open to the idea as people are today. In-fact, it would have probably scared everyone to death and would've caused mass fear and panic.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:22 PM
Funny, I took a Zogby internet poll today. Most of it was centered around politics, but then it went off on a tangent and asked me if I celebrate Halloween and if I believed in vampires, zombies, ghosts, etc. Asked several ghost questions and then.... it asked me if I believe in ALIENS.

A political poll asking me about aliens.

Testing the waters for disclosure?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by 11118
reply to post by Rahjian

I'm not a very big David Wilcock fan; he also says he channels Ra, which I find hard to believe as the original channelings of the entity are far from his channelings.

Theres a trick to that, he doesnt channel Ra, he channels his higher self who he calls Ra-Ta or just Ra for short. So its a completely different entitiy.

His channelings are very distorted dont ya think? I really get a bad vibe about him. His work from the 90's was better, it could be that he has had a load of psychic attack and abductions with many programs inserted to stop his mission, and they have been succesfull as his work today is nothing cmpared to what it could be, yet he thinks he's some sorta hero and is going to be just as famous as Micheal Jackson!

He has tremendous ego problems and money problems. Money is of the beast and never ever should be mixed with spirituality, if the person charges any money then its a sure sign what they have is not worth it.

Fortunatly all his work is free eventually, but he still shouldnt charge for conferences, he should simply ask for donation, the universe will provide enough for him to live. He lacks the faith to do this.

Then again, we shouldnt throw stones from glass houses, I myself am guilty of earning money.

Im curious as to why the sceptics feel so threatened by him that they constantly make up lies about him and attack him at any opportunity, you would have thought those working for lucifer would enjoy his latest attitude. I suppose leading people onto the law of one is in and of itself enough danger to the agenda.

Wonder if DoomsdayRex subconsciously chose that avatar, certainly represents who he works for, unknowingly of course.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by cdesignmaster

Excellent reply. Also like to add that IMO, Wilcock hasn't really been exposed as a hoaxter as of yet. When crunching together everything I've researched about the powers that be, coupled with human nature in general, it seems that the cabal is a very compartmentalized and complex system. His prediction of disclosure last year may have really been a possibility, but things could have shifted...but we may never know that. However, more importantly, he does have a very positive message in general backed by some very interesting observations; and, in the face of so many doom and gloom scenarios by others, I'm not ready to completely disregard his information.
edit on 26-10-2010 by empireoflizards because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by TruthWizard
the reason why people think you are a dis-info agent is because you attack and argue against him so consistently. you say it's not derailing a thread when you stating your opinion, but when your opinion is only about Wilcock as a person and not his work it IS derailing the thread, see now that you have whined about Wilcock being a Lair and whatnot people are in here defending his character instead of his works thank to you.(good job, mission accomplished)

Stating that he is a liar, discussing his character, goes to the heart of his work. His character and work are inseparable. His arguments for things such as disclosure, such as the China scenario, are not based on evidence but the trust the listener/reader/viewer has that he is telling the truth. The fact he has been consistently wrong and equivocates when he is wrong is telling. Stating that he is a liar is not derailing if you perceive him as being such.

But of course, you are not discussing or even defending Wilcock, you are changing the subject to the personality and motives of his critics. Even when his work is specifically discussed, it has been ignored to attack the critic personally, to make red-herring accusations.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Shivering Coward
Something I noticed:

".... ETs are not scary, horrible creatures after all, but people like you and me. [I have been told that out of any ETs we've ever found, none are more than 4-percent different from us on a DNA level.]

Considering chimps are approximately no more than 2-percent different from us on a DNA level, I find it hard to believe they would look enough like us to just blend right in. I'd hardly call Chimps "people", that's for sure.
...Though from some of these posts it seems like they can at least type

Exactly. Figures for the similarities between human, ape and gorilla DNA run from 95-99%. Yet because of that tiny variation there is a huge difference between the three species. But Wilcock expects us to believe that these aliens have the same variation in the DNA yet look exactly like us. It does not make any scientific sense.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by coastalite
Funny, I took a Zogby internet poll today. Most of it was centered around politics, but then it went off on a tangent and asked me if I celebrate Halloween and if I believed in vampires, zombies, ghosts, etc. Asked several ghost questions and then.... it asked me if I believe in ALIENS.

A political poll asking me about aliens.

Testing the waters for disclosure?

Maybe it is also testing the waters for disclosure about vampires and zombies?

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Rahjian
Anyway, I watched the Event last night and this crazy women disclosed that they were "ETBE's"

Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities. Sounds cooler than just ET

I think you miss one key point here...the fact that she is crazy. She is an unreliable narrator.

I think (and I could be wrong as the series pans out) that Sophia's people are actually another species of humans that left the planet before some cataclysm hundreds of thousands of years ago, Neanderthals, perhaps.

Originally posted by RahjianYou said in the beginning of the thread that everyone who believes in David Wilcock should be put in the hoax section along with any threads.

No, I did not. I said threads about him should be posted in the hoax forum and those who make such threads should be punished as hoaxers are. I said nothing about those who believe him. Stop twisting my words.

Originally posted by Rahjian
You are the biggest contradicting troll on this site

Disagreement, even vehement disagreement, is not trolling. However, constantly attacking a person as a troll for disagreeing, is trolling.

Originally posted by Rahjian
that is why people think you are a disinfo agent

No, you think I'm a disinfo agent because you have clearly shown you cannot handle opinions contrary to your own. That is why you have never responded to the substance of anything I've had to say about Wilcock, only attacking because I think he is a hoaxer.

Originally posted by Rahjian
I'm new here, yet any thread I make you seem to enjoy following me around and trying to quote me off-topic

This is the only thread you have made that I have responded in (that I am aware of). You cannot complain about my post in the other thread being off-topic when it was you who brought up this thread and accused everyone who disagrees with you as derailing it.

Originally posted by Rahjian
And don't tell me to grow up, I am grown up

Then act like it. Actual respond to what I've said, not about me.

Originally posted by Rahjian
that's why I am not refuting you back and forth, picking apart what you say line for line like some investigator.

You have not responded with anything of substance, only attacked me personally.

I have a right to be here, whether or not I agree with you.

Originally posted by Rahjian
I'm open to opinions, I respect everyones input in this topic whether it would be for or against Wilcock.

Then why do you consistently accuse people you disagree with as derailing?

Originally posted by Rahjian
I don't however respect the input of people that derail and personally attack for no reason.

I gave my reasons for distrusting and disagreeing with Wilcock. You seem unable to acknowledge that.

Originally posted by Rahjian
And no, I am not instigating, I am defending, because you seem to be relentless and hellbent on this Rex. That is what concerns me.

So you can't be a vehement critic, only a vehement fan?

Originally posted by Rahjian
Do us all a favor, pick up your troll club, go club a seal and bring it back to your ice cave to devour, and stay there until this thread is history.

I'll stay right where I am, thank you. Disagreement is not trolling. Open, mature, grown-ups understand that.

Originally posted by Rahjian
Or don't derail it and quote people off-topic to make it seem to people jumping into the thread that you have a point when you just talk slander

Perhaps you'd like to discuss the topic and not me?
edit on 26-10-2010 by DoomsdayRex because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-10-2010 by DoomsdayRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Rahjian
Back on track here... with the UFO prediction on Oct. 13th.

You mean the prediction that didn't come true. Fulham did not say it would be a few lights over NYC. He said the aliens would make appearances over Earth's principle cities and warn us (somehow) about rising CO2 (?) levels.

Originally posted by Rahjian
And don't you find it funny that it took the News Corporation two days to figure out some stupid excuse like a teacher who had silver balloons let them go? Give me a break.

Can you tell us why that explanation is wrong?

Originally posted by Rahjian
Then the internet and infowars has been going wild screaming about project-blue beam.

Who is? Any proof it exists out of paranoid rumors?

Originally posted by Rahjian
Then the next two days
yahoo comes out with a news article that the 2012 prediction might be 50 years off

Could that be only because 2012 is a popular topic right now?

Originally posted by Rahjian
AND the UN ambassador Mazlan Othman says humans are not ready for ET contact.

No, she did not. The UFO pundits have been twisting what she said. As pointed out by member Phage in this thread what Dr. Othman said was that the UN had no contingency plan for Contact and that such plans were up to the member states.

In response to an inquiry of whether or not the United Nations had in place a mechanism for such coordination, she said that the Organization had platforms for any kind of discussions that would affect humanity as a whole, including extraterrestrial life. That included extraterrestrial intelligence and was “logically one of the many mechanisms and avenues for such discussions”. The Committee had in 1977 discussed for a year strategies in interacting with such life or intelligence but the matter had fallen by the wayside and had not been brought up again. When pressed on whether or not the United Nations should be doing more to prepare for such an interaction, she reminded those present that such decisions were up to Member States.

edit on 26-10-2010 by DoomsdayRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by atlasastro
If you need to use Television shows to provide evidence that disclosure is happening, WHY is it that in 50 years of Science-fiction themed TV shows, has disclosure not happened.

Exactly. Alien-themed TVs and movies have existed since both mediums have existed. TV and movies are a good medium to direct a specific message to a specific audience but very poor for getting a message to the entire populace, especially considering such TV shows are not even among the most viewed shows.

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