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The Sphinx Origins and a Final Link to Pre-Dynastic Egypt

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posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Havick007

Egyptian bump...?!

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Harte

Might I add a further piece of interesting information.. Harte.. meh!

It was the age of Leo during this time in Egypt.

To answer your continuing objection - Where do you thing the Greeks got there Astrological "creations" from..? There weren't many Lionbs running around in Greece.. if any

Leo is an African constellation friend.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 08:21 PM

reply to post by Harte

Might I add a further piece of interesting information.. Harte.. meh!

It was the age of Leo during this time in Egypt.

To answer your continuing objection - Where do you thing the Greeks got there Astrological "creations" from..? There weren't many Lionbs running around in Greece.. if any

Leo is an African constellation friend.

Utterly erroneous.

Leo comes from Sumer, via Babylonia, exactly the way the rest of the zodiac does. Leo started out as the "big dog."

Asian lions once prowled from the Middle East to India. Now, only 200 to 260 of these magnificent animals survive in the wild.

Until around 5500 to 3000 B.C. the lion is confirmed via fossils from Hungary and from the Pontic Region of Ukraine.[5]

Because a thing is true today, that does not make it true in ancient times.

Until recently, there were lions in Southern Europe as well. However, these were probably brought in from Africa, whereas the Asiatic lion actually lived in Asia - including Sumer/Mesopotamia.

The type specimen of the Asiatic lion was first described from Persia in 1826, followed by descriptions of specimens from Hariana and Basra. Asiatic lions formerly occurred in Persia, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Baluchistan.[6] They survived in regions adjoining Mesopotamia and Syria until the middle of the 19th century, and were still sighted in the upper reaches of the Euphrates River in the early 1870s. They were widespread in Iran, but in the 1870s were sighted only on the western slopes of the Zagros Mountains and in the forest regions south of Shiraz.


Egypt did not recognize Leo as a constellation.

edit on 1/28/2014 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 08:22 PM
double post
edit on 1/28/2014 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by Harte

Utterly erroneous.

Leo comes from Sumer, via Babylonia, exactly the way the rest of the zodiac does. Leo started out as the "big dog."

Can you say that with 100% accuracy?

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Harte

Usually when speaking of astrology or the zodiac people think of the Chinese. However, the meaning of "horoscope" may technically e derived from an ancient Egyptian astrological system.

To add, I would not trust the dendera Zodiac. It was written in the time of Ptolemy.. A timne that had already erased many of Egypts great history and either retained or changed as requested by the Ceaser of the time.


Sphinx: (December 27 - January 25)

Sphinx is the treasure guardian who could convert himself into the shape of any creature. Those born under this sign can change their attitudes to fit nearly all situations.
They are stern and shrewd and are characterized by an investigative faculty, self-discipline and high sensibility.
Strengths: While outwardly witty and humorous, in reality they are rather serious, discreet and discerning.
Weaknesses: They make misjudgments and are sometimes proud and haughty.
Job assumed: Self-employed.


Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seems to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure.

edit on 1/2/14 by Havick007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Harte


For once, instead of thinking of astrological signs as a state of mind, could you try something for me..?

Try thinking of the signs, each and evry sign as a place certain and distinct place and time in space (orbital mechanics)?

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 10:47 PM
Leo is ruled by the Sun -- the center of the universe and the fuel for our being. In much the same way, Leos consider themselves indispensable and the center of the universe, and those who would tell them otherwise had better look out! Lions are outgoing, self-assured and have a tremendous zest for life. So what if the world revolves around them? There are worse role models, for sure.

The Lion's enthusiasm is boundless, and along with that comes generosity of spirit and the determination to succeed. That focus may be construed as vanity and even bossiness at times, but Lions would say 'No way!' and continue along their regal path. Regardless of appearance, those born under this sign can be counted on for their loyalty and sense of honor. They are also decisive, intensely proud and wonderfully romantic.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 09:58 AM

reply to post by Harte


For once, instead of thinking of astrological signs as a state of mind, could you try something for me..?

Try thinking of the signs, each and evry sign as a place certain and distinct place and time in space (orbital mechanics)?

Yes, the stars were there. So, what's your point?

There's absolutely no question that the Zodiac constellations were invented in Mesopotamia (or by the ancestors of those who eventually settled in Mesopotamia.)

Are you saying they carved the Sphinx?


posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 01:00 AM
well when the mystical beings were around thousands of years ago , and dominated the land of showing themselves, they used to fly with the gargoyles, sometimes they faught each other

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Havick007

I have to admit your idea about akar is interesting, but I've actually excavated near the sphinx & i believe it's built by Pharaoh Djedefre of the 4th dynasty. I didn't get to read the dream stella but a partner told me it was about a prince who fell asleep under the sphinx & had a dream of the sphinx telling him to uncover his paws & he would be king. The stella was erected when he was king. but he was already a prince when this dream happened. the stone used to build the sphinx is easily eroded because it's mostly sand. so when it rains (Not too often) it erodes it more than most stones. There are many misconceptions about Egypt & there's many far-fetched ideas out there. i know the people I work with like to make jokes about some of the theories, but yours by far is the most rational theory I've heard in a long time. So i applaud you on that, but sorry that i don't believe that your theory holds water.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by catiepiller

I believe the "God" known as Aker is a key to this mystery -

In Egyptian mythology, Aker (also spelt Akar) was one of the earliest gods worshipped, and was the deification of the horizon. There are strong indications that Aker was worshipped before other known Egyptian gods of the earth, such as Geb.[citation needed] Aker itself means (one who) curves because it was perceived that the horizon bends all around us. The Pyramid texts make an assertive statement that the Akeru (= 'those of the horizon', from the plural of aker) will not seize the pharaoh, stressing the power of the Egyptian pharaoh over the surrounding non-Egyptian peoples.

edit on 17/2/14 by Havick007 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17/2/14 by Havick007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by Havick007

interesting thread. Thanks.

Makes me wonder...where is the other spinx?

Maybe there were two, back to back sort to speak, just miles apart.

I am also more convinced that the face was altered. Perhaps the original lion head was destroyed and who ever restored it placed his own face on it.

I agree with you that it had to have been built in the time of leo.


I remember reading that the Sphinx is facing east and it would have pointed to the dawn of the star Regulus in the summer solstice 12,000 years ago and again starting in 2012

("Regulus (α Leo, α Leonis, Alpha Leonis) is the brightest star in the constellation Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky"-WIKI)

edit on 2 17 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 03:31 AM
I also thought this was worth mentioning. It may have been said already. I think there are two lions. That symbolism is clear. When speaking about the sphinx we have to consider that it is a symbol of duality. Maybe the face wasnt altered. Maybe there is something to esoteric texts that speak about the mystery of the leo-virgo sphinx. The dual lion.



The crossing of the Sun from Leo to Virgo (on August 22/23 each year) is a significant astrological ‘event’. And it is especially significant at this time in history as the star Regulus sits on the cusp of the two signs. 2012 thus marks a major cycle, a change in rhythm, as the alpha (main) star of the Leo constellation shifts ever so slowly into the sign of the Virgin.

Sitting on the border of the two signs, Regulus conjures images of the Sphinx, to which Leo/Virgo has long been associated. In more ancient systems these two are thought to have constituted one sign, symbolic of a hermaphrodite stage of consciousness. The mystical Sphinx, with Leo and Virgo symbolising the co joined male/female energies,represents this stage of human soul development – the being with the body of a lion and the head of a woman.

Along the great evolutionary path the impulse toward individuality precipitated a separation, as the awakening soul pursued individual experience. Leo, the sign of individuality, emerged then as a distinct and dominating influence and has been the signature of the soul’s journey (and its fall in the Christian context) ever since. Unity consciousness was usurped by duality. Adam and Eve (Leo and Virgo) are the archetypes towards which all dualities; male/female, dark/light, heart/mind, good/evil etc. refer.

edit on 2 17 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Harte

Right, most people do not realize that at the time of Alexander the Greats arrival Egypt had been conquered by the Persians, there is a possibility there was no pharaoh per SE for a short period, however, they (the Egyptians) were so grateful that he in so many words freed them from the rule of the Persians, they decided to make the Macedonian, what we might call today, an honorary Pharaoh who was not of the Egyptian people, and of course he did see many things concerning knowledge that warranted his vision of the building of the library , however, he would not live to see it, his general Ptolemy would oversee the building of the library and also become Pharaoh, this is the later period of Egypt that we see depicted by Hollywood, the Ptolemaic influence, that totally discounts the actual indigenous Egyptians having anything this to do with their own history previous to the Greek and Persian influence, for many Alexandria is all they know of Egypt.

I think that a lot of people have problems with linear timelines when it comes to ancient history and they put certain things in one frame or time perspective to define past cultures, I believe that the Sphinx is much older than 2500 years for sure, there was a video documentary I watch a few years ago about the weathering and possible watermarks that point to the possibility the Sphinx was partially submerged in water at some point in history, which they had to speculate how long ago it would have been that much water in the Nile region.

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 06:05 PM

Nice thread.

Makes me wonder though, if there is merit to this link to Aker, is/was there a second Sphinx at some point and time?

i believe i've red somewhere that in ancient times there was another sphinx on the other side of the Nile, that was face to face with the remaining one. i think it was flooded by the rise of the river Nile. also there are some depictions of not only one but two sphinxes. Please someone correct me if my memory is betraying me about this.

maybe the 2 sphinxes were related to god Aker? Were they depicting the face of the lion god instead of the pharaoh?

The changes the pharaoh made to the face of the sphinx don't really fit the rest of it, they are just out of place. About the erosion by water, is there proof of the claim to be real?
edit on 18-2-2014 by Picollo30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by phinubian

And if it wasn't for the burning of the Library of Alexandria, there would be thousands of volumes history still available..

Saddest moment in history :/

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by tadaman

Also remember that around that time it was also the "Age of Leo"

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Havick007

Hi Havick007, good observation with linking the pre-dynastic Akeru to the Sphinx. It is not only Akeru who symbolizes two sphinxes but also SEKER (Sokar) who was also a pre-dynastic God of the underworld. Seker appears in the 4th field of the Egyptian Am-Duat at the entrance to the underworld known as Rosetau. The fifth field is Amentet, where Rosetau and Amentet personify the island of Atlantis.

Seker stands on a 3 head serpent (Canal) in front of a hill, and he also has two sphinxes on either side of him facing east and west.

So the theme is an oval rectangular canal with a sphinx on either end. I believe the Great and the Red Pyramid are meant to be twins and the missing sphinx was at the Red Pyramid.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Evanor1

Egyptian God: Hu

(Above) Nepret, Renenutet and Hu as cobras (KV11).

Wiki: In Egyptian mythology, Hu (ḥw) is the deification of the first word, the word of creation, that Atum was said to have exclaimed upon ejaculating or, alternatively, his self-castration, in his masturbatory act of creating the Ennead.

The Ancient Egyptians recognized the Sphinx at the Giza Plateau as an image of Hu. The lion was a symbol of power and strength. Used as the body of the Sphinx, this was perfectly acceptable to the Ancient Egyptians. The face of the Sphinx wore the distinctive Red Crown of the Creator and the Osiris Beard. These were hallmarks of the time.

Its been suggested that Ancient Egyptians would use the Sphinx in a ritual that reenacted the creation of the Universe. It was performed at dusk, as night was falling upon Egypt. This was considered the time before creation begun, when Hu (the Sphinx) sat silent.


I think there is a link there as well. With so much of the true history of Humanity distorted and written records destroyed for thousands of years, it's hard to know the exact nature of things...

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