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Julian Assange walks out of CNN interviews

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:50 PM
I have always been slightly leaning towards Assange being an intelligence asset to western intelligence agencies and possibly Wikileaks itself being an intelligence "front". However with that being said, I must say that Assange handled this interview in an outstanding manner and it did appear as if this reporter was trying to distract and obfuscate the issue at hand. It is pretty much common sense that there would be an effort to discredit Wikileaks and Assange, from the influences that it/he is allegedly exposing. This reporter seemed to only want to focus on those issues, that really have nothing to do with the information at hand. Why would you do that, unless you wanted to obfuscate the truth, by playing into the distractions?


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 10:52 PM
Why do we waste our time with this when there is up-to-the-minute *news* about Lindsay Lohan, and the rest of the cavalcade of young, superhot Hollywood aristocracy doomed to blatant, very public SELF DESTRUCTION! I mean, cmon! I want my high speed car chase or latest issue concerning Lohan's probation and parental reaction. Now, THAT'S NEWS.

What are we concerned about here? I mean, the interviewer was just trying to get the most important angle on this guy, the "good stuff." Why try to focus on the released information when she could turn this into a Tiger Woods styled sexual scandal!? Ratings, folks, ratings! Why go after the important stuff when they can flash/dangle the latest *shiny shiny shiny thing* before our glazed eyes? Minimize EVERY MAJOR STORY into something sexual, scandalous and trivial... and that's the current state of our main stream media's INFO-TAINMENT industry. Go shallow, but make it sweet.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:00 PM
If Assange wasn't worried about his rape accusations then he wouldn't of ran out of an interview
If the government wasn't worried about the insurance file Assange would be long gone.

Assange doesn't want the truth out or he would of gave the insurance file the good stuff. He wouldn't of walked out of a cnn interview after being asked a question if he wasn't scared himself.

These women must of been pretty smart, they got paid to say he raped them and then got paid to say he didn't
Or he really did rape them wouldn't talk about it keeps the insurance files to make sure he doesn't
get capped or go to jail over wikileaks or his rape charges.

Either way wikileaks is no Paul Revere they have
saved not ONE life. They have only the sole purpose of gaining power at other peoples expense.
A real man would not of walked out of an interview, he would of told you straight up the bottom line.

CNN is always trying to boost their ratings. Assange is trying to boost his. It's all about
the all mighty money. Assange doesn't care about giving us any real information if he does not gain any power for it.

He can ask any question he wants and scream RAPE AND TORTOURE but when his chickens come home to roost he runs away with his briefcase, tail between his legs.

CNN is no good. Assange is no good. We have gained nothing from the IRAQ documents. The Iraq tortoure, rape and war crime charges will go no where. Just like his rape charges.

It's a big game being played. Guesse who the PAWNS are once again. We the people.
If Assange really wanted to make wikileaks credible he would of released the insurance files and not walked out of an interview.
edit on 24-10-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:06 PM

edit on Mon Oct 25 2010 by DontTreadOnMe because:

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:10 PM
"I like your signature..."

Thanks, but I can't take credit for it. I'm paraphrasing another ATS poster whose name I do not know. If they ever contact me to take credit for it, I will gladly give them credit.

"This thread and several others currently on ATS regarding wikileaks stand as overwhelming proof of that."

Ain't that the truth. We humans are a funny lot, as we prefer phony theatrics and drama to real substance.

"No one seems to be willing to explore the "why" in anything anymore, just take the official story and run with it."

Who cares about "why" when you have all this juicy gossip masquerading as journalism poisoning the well. As for running with the Official Story, why stop now? In other words, when you've eaten the entire bull, why leave the tail?

"No wonder people are so gullible and easily manipulated by the MSM, too many have lost the ability to think for themselves, or to be motivated to investigate and research something before drawing conclusions."

Unfortunately, they never had the ability, nor the motivation to think for themselves, so I don't think they lost it in the first place.

"There is no hope, you get what you deserve!"

Ain't that the truth. And by the way, I think there is hope, although not for the pathetic human species. Thanks for the kind words and the same to you as well.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade

Originally posted by eNaR

When a so-called professional interviewer has to resort to bringing up one's past instead of focusing on the "story" you know someone's gotten to them!

Very good observation, now dig a little deeper.... Who and Why?

Maybe you'll find more clues in this thread itself.

If you followed this line of questioning for yourself you would disprove your own theories.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by thecinic

If Assange wasn't worried about his rape accusations then he wouldn't of ran out of an interview
If the government wasn't worried about the insurance file Assange would be long gone.

Of course Assange is worried about these rape accusations, as he would be a fool not to be worried. With a heinous crime such as rape, you are pretty much guilty until proven innocent, which is often impossible to prove a negative.

With these kinds of sexual allegations, people automatically convict you in their heads, until you can somehow prove you didn't. You can easily be prosecuted and found guilty on such accusations with little to no proof at all. at least here in the sates, though I would imagine everywhere. It basically comes down to your word (the word an accused rapist), against the word of a damsel in distress (a poor victim who had her life ransacked by this monster). Most people like to believe the pretty blonde, over the accused rapist.

If you have such accusations made against you, you will quickly find that you would be a fool not to be worried. In fact, this is why it is often alleged that the government uses kiddie-porn accusations to raid and kill their dissenters. In fact, this is probably why rape accusations were made against Assange, to effectively discredit him, or at the very least silence him without people questioning his guilt. It demonizes him.

Of course he is worried about these accusations. Furthermore, he was probably advised to keep quiet on the issue, as he wouldn't want to incriminate him or interfere with any possible future defense against such accusations.

However, he is probably real frusterated over it, as he is probably finding out that "due process of law" is thrown out of the window when it comes to these kinds of accusations and the presumtion of innocence really doesn't exist anymore.

If he didn't react in an emotional way, I would start to think that something is up.


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:14 PM
What a nerd.
No really, what a dweeb.
Nothing in any way new or shocking from his boring Wikileaks, so now he creates a scene.
We are underwhelmed!

It's a set-up.
I wouldn't trust Wikileaks if my life depended on it.

Oh, did I mention, we are underwhelmed?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:27 PM
Well, It's pretty obvious that the rape charges are completely made up and that the whole point of this "interview" was to derail the original subject.

They (the intelligence community/government/etc) are going to try to take him down by any means necessary. And usually it doesn't end up well on the individual.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:34 PM
"Undue Credit"...Great Quote...

Cheers to Assange for walking out...

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:50 PM
well she did her job, know everyone is talking about him walking out instead of the documents. you can even see a little smirk and smile of satisfaction on her face at the end of the interview.
edit on 24-10-2010 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:17 AM
He was there to talk about the leaks and not the case for which he's since been exonerated and cleared of. Good for him to walk off. That is old news that MSM thought they could use to kill time so that the crimes continue well hidden. He spotted a play beforehand and moved to block it.

Besides, isn't there some ideal that dictates that one is forbidden from speaking of any criminal matter need it be pending, ongoing or over?

Star, Flag and my ultimate respect for Mr. Assange! He is what you call a true patriot. Exposing criminal activity. The "rape" case in question was a direct and targeted attack to demonize him, Wikileaks as well as a classical and clearcut case of a coverup to hide the crimes in question.

Look at the shift that's been occuring as of late. It is the rise of the people against TPTB. True change is happening and make no mistake that DOD and DOJ will follow through and prosecute those responsible.

They tried to pin a rape on him, what's next a body?

Regarding how he came into possession of said documents well there is a little blanket clause of The Freedom Of Information Act that protects acquisition of documents and materials via means of a Confidential Informant who according to Federal Law does not have to id themself ever. To protect the Fortress that is The United States Of America as when you act in the capacity you are working as a defacto Federal Agent.
edit on 25-10-2010 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by TheSam
reply to post by thecinic

You see, the MSM needed to have some dirt on him, create a false scenario of rape, so in any future press releases on Assange they will report; "bla bla bla Julian Assange of Wikileaks, whose currently undergoing rape charges, did bla bla bla". It's called defamation of character. As well as derailing the main topic on hand.

And it works perfectly! They knew what they were doing.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Assange is the one who wants everyone to know wikileaks is Assange!
Anything he does could negatively affect the reputation of Wikileaks. It's kind of like a double-edged sword, the journalist was completely within her duties as a journalist to ask questions!

The issue is that you shouldn’t agree to do an interview if you’re just going to walk out when you get asked a question that you don’t want to answer.
It shows tremendous weakness. He’s supposed to be a LEADER!
A LEADER doesn’t run away from a situation because they can’t handle it.

He walked out he simply he couldn’t handle the situation. He seemed annoyed and he got pissed when he realized that he wasn’t going to be able to spin things all his way.
The true measure of his leadership now will be if he has the heart to step back from being the public face of the organization. Resign before he further damages its reputation.

Assange knows that the case in Sweden could impact Wikileaks. It's not just his personal life, it could be a possible RAPE charge on another human. Most of you don't care about that.
Assange is so worried about his own pride and greed, Assange didn’t want to answer an uncomfortable question. Seems like Assange is hiding something.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:03 AM
Once again Wikileaks presents credible evidence of a policy decision by the US government approving the rape, torture and killing of countless thousands of innocents. These are actual documented crimes. So what does our representative of the fourth estate choose to report??? The reporter and her employers decide the real story is unfounded accusations regarding Julian Assange's character. Not just the rape accusations but incredibly the internal personnel squabbles at Wikileaks. We are so lost right now. Even if Assange is an egotist does that diminish the fact that the USA sanctioned rape, torture and murder on a massive scale.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
Once again Wikileaks presents credible evidence of a policy decision by the US government approving the rape, torture and killing of countless thousands of innocents. These are actual documented crimes. So what does our representative of the fourth estate choose to report??? The reporter and her employers decide the real story is unfounded accusations regarding Julian Assange's character. Not just the rape accusations but incredibly the internal personnel squabbles at Wikileaks. We are so lost right now. Even if Assange is an egotist does that diminish the fact that the USA sanctioned rape, torture and murder on a massive scale.

They "sanctioned rape." I just realized the irony to that sentence.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by atlasastro
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Hey mate,
Remember this last month. Funny hey!

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
All this stuff seems orchestrated in order to discredit Assange and Wikileaks. I trust none of it!


It's kind of pathetic that they are so transparent in their attempts to discredit him... but even more-so that people are stupid enough to buy it lock, stock and barrel. It's like the sesame street of psy-ops for stupid people.


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:44 AM
Well i have to agree with MontrealSpinx shows in this thread alone how the topic can become so trivialized.....i am not saying rape is trivial ...but for one thing we dont know the full story on is going through the courts and it will be dealt with by a court of will all the deaths and wars crimes at least undergo the same proceddings...and if it was never found out and if it was never brought to the table in the first place would it have...NOOOOO!
So just as Assange stopped the interviewer from derailing a CNN interview it should also be stopped being used to derail this thread....what it shows is that there are problems that need to be dealt with over these two false flag OPS there are war crimes being committed that have been treid to be washed undeer the table by the DOD.
there are killings of civillins taking place that are unnecessary to the war effort and the are many people being killed under false pretences...including foriegn reporters,army personel,and who knows what else...but thanks to wikileaks some of the truth might just possibly filter out to the right places in which prosecutions can take place.
now Anyone who may at some time in their lives be caught up in a war this the kind of thing you would like to have happen to your friends and family.....IS this the new versions of the friends and family plan.
Assange did it with dignity when he left the interview...he has probably had his life threatened on many ocassions...he has probably been through hell with this..and he is probably become a little hardened with the BS that is being thrown at him.
Assange will end up being the fall guy here...but me being a newer member here used to get annoyed at how the older members would go on how things have changed on ATS...well i must agree with them i bet in the early days there was reasonable discussion about a topic at hand rather than a but of MSM media hacks always trying to come in and derail an important topic with rubbish.
This is not about wikileaks.....this is not about Assange personally...this is about war crimes and the exposure of these crimes....I will say "good for Assange walking out"
When interviewers try to derail topics more should show the balls and stand up and walk out as it then might force journalist to stay focussed on the topic at hand.
edit on 013131p://f48Monday by plube because: spilling

edit on 013131p://f50Monday by plube because: my gramma

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:45 AM
Of course she was told to hit him hard on the rape allegations if she went into the leaks CNN would have lost their acess to the DOD and the rest of the government would follow suit.The MSM has been in the back pocket of the Government for years now.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 01:55 AM
CNN has been a botched operation for a long time. They will do anything for a good rating or to get the inside scoop. Assange seems to be turning into the same media "whore" the same thing he at one time protested against. If you can't beat them join them. That is what assange has done with giving the left wing mass media before he gave it to the public now they will play both sides they got the information got to go through it post it on their site before we could go over it ourself then totally bombshell Assange in this interview. It is almost comical how everyone is getting played. The people in afghanistan iraq and everyone else suffers because of the games these people play for money power and fame!
edit on 25-10-2010 by thecinic because: (no reason given)

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