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2 helicopters circle a large blue flashing object

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posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 05:51 PM
I don't know what it is but it's not a UFO
if it was a UFO i'm sure they wouldn't send helicopters

they may first look it at through satellite imagery and then maybe send fighter jets.... but helicopters?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I don't know what it is but it's not a UFO if it was a UFO i'm sure they wouldn't send helicopters Text

Yup. While I think this is a better video than many we've seen posted on ATS, I'm afraid we're not going to get anywhere until there is some close-up footage that depicts a more realistic scenario than the one's we've seen recently. Images are too far away....helicopters the only thing in the vicinity....

And, once again, the age-old question....What would be the purpose for something to hover around then disappear? In my mind, the only explanation for that would be someone pulling a hoax trying to create a buzz because there really is no other reason I can think of for, say, E.T.'s to keep doing this. I know the OP didn't claim it to be E.T.'s, I'm just using that as an example.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:33 PM
It's just my opinion...but when and if E.T.'s make an appearance, I doubt if we'll be sitting here debating over whether or not it's them from a short video on YouTube.

We'll know.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:38 PM
The golden knights sister network and organization "the blue-light knights" had a charity softball game during the daytime and than they had two air force helicopters film a live blue light knight HALO drop using an LED jumpsuit with mirrors on it creating the effect you all are witnessing. I played softball for the golden knights and we killed the bluelight knights 12 to 3 during the day it was a great game.

JK.. interesting thread none-the-less guys. I can tell you one thing it is definitely unidentified. Add this one to the list of an incredible UFO and/or hoax filled october of 2010. cheers mates

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
It's just my opinion...but when and if E.T.'s make an appearance, I doubt if we'll be sitting here debating over whether or not it's them from a short video on YouTube.

We'll know.

Your post is short and sweet and right to the point. I like it, and never put it together that simply before. Honestly, if ET does make a real full "wanted to be seen" apperance I dont think there would even be a debate, they would make themselves known.
Warning, speculative Sci fi mentality being turned ON**Now, thats not to say many different ET races havent been doing reconnasaince missions in and out of the earths atmosphere for the last 10000 years and maybe sometimes have there cloaking technology impaired or disabled. Who knows maybe they need to disable there invisibility to do certain recon missions on EARTH where to get a certain piece of technology working they need to first disable certain ship systems. There could also be interdimensional transporting craft which would attribute to the hovering in one spot and dissapearing without flying out of the earths atomosphere. OK crazy sci fi mentality turned off for the moment. **

In any event I think for secret recon missions and secret type stuff, conspiracy type things with the US government also of course they want to try to be hidden, but I think if they really wanted to disclose themselves and there ET race to the public they would land in central park and let every 5 million new yorkers take out there DSLR and shoot some up close pics, heck maybe even get out of the vehicle and shake Giuliani's hand. lol. In other words, there would be no question at all, no debate, it would be LIVE FOX5 , CNN, TPTB full blown media 'ITS TRUE, THEYRE HERE"
edit on 22-10-2010 by vincenz32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by VenomVile.6

the arguement about size should be leftto people who do have lives. the problem with this ufo is that it could too easily be faked by any number of things holding a led light source. rapid movements that couldnt be duplicated would be more convincing.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 07:40 PM
Nah, nothing big. My guess is any one (or a combination) of the following:

digital video artifact
lens distortion
swamp gas
reflection of venus
military flare
chinese lanterns
mylar balloons
off-course aircraft

Whatever the case, no reason to look. Move along.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
I don't know what it is but it's not a UFO
if it was a UFO i'm sure they wouldn't send helicopters

LoL, I guess you never read what I posted on page 6 and 7, huh?
If you dont know what it is THEN IT IS A U.F.O.
That's why it means Unidentified Flying Object. It's ok to use it. lol.

UFO dont mean it's Alien made, it could be anything we just dont know yet.
Ignorance or knowledge....choose your weapon carefully my friend.

As to get back on topic.
No new information has come up on this UFO unless somebody knows or has something to share.
Right now the only theory holding water is the RC theory i guess.
Anybody knows if the video is longer or if the UFO was in the air for a certain period of time on Washington DC?
edit on 22-10-2010 by magestyk7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
It's just my opinion...but when and if E.T.'s make an appearance, I doubt if we'll be sitting here debating over whether or not it's them from a short video on YouTube.

We'll know.

How? Please describe how they would make themselves them known. If you have a scenario in mind by all means please divulge how they would make themselves known.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

tsurfer, I would post it. I have watched ATS for a while but never posted here is there a limit to size etc? If there is somewhere you could host it, I have no site or FTP server Id 'yousendit' to anyone willing

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by maluminse

By landing and walking out of their ship, perhaps.
Who knows though.

Lots of theories.


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
I hope everyone keeps in mind how easy something like this --->

Can look like this up in the sky ---->

Also a link about the pics above, very interesting -->

It would be very easy to build something huge like that, fly it, get some attention, and 911 calls start coming in, then they send out the helis...It is Washington DC, i hope they protect the city and watch out for possible enemy invasions or atttacks...

I hope everyone understands why we explore every possibility here at ATS, its because crap like I posted above gets filmed by some unsuspecting person then 2 days later its posted here at ATS as the smoking gun of disclosure! (that did NOT happen in this thread, I am not directing that comment at the OP)

is it illegal to fly a kit at night in aircraft flight paths?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:12 PM
I feel like this is a joke... the guy taking the video has some flashy device - we're seeing the reflection in the window. You can see him move it quickly down in the beginning and in the second half you can see the outline of his body holding the flashy thing.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
I don't know what it is but it's not a UFO
if it was a UFO i'm sure they wouldn't send helicopters

Why wouldn't they? Helicopters would be the best way of getting close to objects of unknown origin in the sky. Maybe you should use your brain before you post.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:45 PM
I've never said this but. . .

After all the mass sightings of late & chatter of disclosure im starting to believe its in the very near future rather than the distant,

United Nations to appoint space ambassador to act as first contact for aliens visiting Earth By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 3:56 PM on 26th September 2010 * Comments (192) * Add to My Stories If aliens ever land on Earth there will no longer be any confusion over who will greet them with the news the United Nations is set to appoint an astrophysicist to be their first human contact. Mazlan Othman is expected to be tasked with coordinating humanity's response to an extraterrestrial visit, if ever required. The 58-year-old Malaysian will tell a conference next week that with the recent discovery of hundreds of planets orbiting around other stars, the detection of alien life is becoming more and more likely. Read more:

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
I don't know what it is but it's not a UFO
if it was a UFO i'm sure they wouldn't send helicopters

they may first look it at through satellite imagery and then maybe send fighter jets.... but helicopters?

Yeah you would deffo get a better look at it flying past in a supersonic jet buzzing up & down washington DC


posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:56 PM
blue led lights are so small and weak you're lucky if you can see them across the street let alone thousands of feet away. just to add perspective helicopters use high intensity navigation lights and they pale next to these lights.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by obzerv
Why wouldn't they? Helicopters would be the best way of getting close to objects of unknown origin in the sky.

That's almost called Kamikaze!
You think they would send helicopters to inspect a UFO?
Not knowing if it's friendly or not?

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR
Yeah you would deffo get a better look at it flying past in a supersonic jet buzzing up & down washington DC

Right, because I must have meant that if fighter jets went to inspect they would do so at supersonic speed
Yes, that MUST have been what I meant

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:11 PM
dots dots DOTS
edit on 22-10-2010 by Brothers because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:17 PM
Yeah I seen this one where I live a few days ago.. just another black project craft people..

I get tired of the whole "alien" thing when it's more of a "magic show" in action..

Anything physical, is black project, anything "not physical", is a metaphysical object, and beyond classifications (other then the generic word of metaphysical that is)

And all that falls in between, is a pure amalgamation of fantasy and BS...

As I posted before, I have actually "SEEN" the crafts on the ground, in broad daylight, deactivated (otherwise the photos would not turn out crisp and clear), viewed the machining of the surfaces, the alloys used, and "all" the models are "MAN MADE"..

I have seen photographs of the pilots (male and female) wearing form fitting one piece jumpsuits, smiling right back into the camera (in broad daylight), with no insignia visible..

We are at least 200+ years on backlog technologies that range from "ultra black", to "black" ..

I have seen this (as I have mentioned before), due to a "black project recruiter" that came to my school in the 80's (before other means were utilized since the .net matured).

Hit the Military, and the world changed for me again, to the point, that I see these crafts in the skies and insult the heck out of them since I get very "tired" of seeing the dang things anymore, since the pilots are chicken sh^& "fly boys" that get their jollies off from having people see them as something else..

Want a real honest clear picture? use a "gamma filter" and a Faraday caged camera.. "then" your pictures will turn out crisp and clean..

I'm going outside soon, and if I happen to see another "fly boy" in a fancy black listed craft, I'm gonna hurl a few more just for fun..

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