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Would a Nazi mission to Mars have really been possible in 1945?

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:15 PM
I have always been fascinated by the supposed Space achievments of the Nazi's during the Second World War.

I came across some information on a site a few days ago claiming that in April 1945 the Nazi's sent a suicide mission to mars using their prototype Haunebu III saucer craft. This was a joint mission with the Japanese and was launched from Neu Schwabenland just before the end of the war. These craft utilised tachyon drive technology and were follow ons from the Miethe and Schriever ships, supposedly reaching Mars in 8 months.

Not knowing a great deal about this technology (and having trouble understanding the capabilities of it) does anyone think there could be any possibility that this event occured. I know that the Nazi's did develop some advanced technology, but could it be as advanced as to be able to send several hundred men on a 1 way trip to Mars?

edit on 21-10-2010 by KingDoey because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Not at all! I believe both the U.S. and Soviet space missions were difficult. Those missions came in the 50's and the 60's.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

According to the source Russian and American ships reached Mars within 2-3 days in the 50's. We are only talking several years later.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:27 PM
Yes, especially with their advanced technology they had.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Found this interesting video claiming to be footage from the Haunebu III as it approached Mars.

Very skeptical of this, what do you think?
edit on 21-10-2010 by KingDoey because: forgot Link D'oh!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:32 PM
i would have to first ask...where's the evidence? and by that i mean, evidence that these haunebu even flew, that the engines in them were anything out of the ordinary, that the engines the article describes are even plausible. as well that these germans were ever missing, who they were what their family says.

it's certainly an interesting idea, and would make a good movie. but i've personally never seen anything that convinces me this type of thing ever actually happened.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:35 PM
Just wait for the upcoming Transformers movie, "Dark of the Moon." It will answer all your questions about Nazis and their ability to fly around in space in a fictional format.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by KingDoey
Found this interesting video claiming to be footage from the Haunebu III as it approached Mars.

Very skeptical of this, what do you think?

I think that old Alternative 3 video lives on in a new context!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by KingDoey
Found this interesting video claiming to be footage from the Haunebu III as it approached Mars.

Very skeptical of this, what do you think?
edit on 21-10-2010 by KingDoey because: forgot Link D'oh!

The footage of the "Mars landing" in that video is not real, it is taken from a British TV program:

In the late 1970s the UK's Anglia Television ran a weekly science series, Science Report. The final episode of the series was due to have been broadcast on April 1, and as the series was not due to be recommissioned, the production team decided to produce a spoof edition for April Fool's Day, which was duly written by Chris Miles and David Ambrose but retained the series' format and presenter. Music was supplied by Brian Eno, a portion of his score being released on the 1978 album Music for Films.

The episode began by detailing the so-called "brain drain:" a number of mysterious disappearances and deaths of physicists, engineers, astronomers, and others in related fields. Among the strange deaths reported was that of one "Professor Ballantine" of Jodrell Bank. Before his death, Ballantine delivers a videotape to an academic friend, but when viewed on an ordinary videotape machine the only result is radio static.

According to the research presented in the episode, it was hypothesized that the missing scientists were involved in a secret American/Soviet plan in outer space, and further suggested that interplanetary space travel had been possible for much longer than was commonly accepted. The episode featured an Apollo astronaut "Bob Grodin" (played by Shane Rimmer) who claims to have stumbled on a mysterious lunar base during his moonwalk.

It was claimed that scientists had determined that the Earth's surface would be unable to support life for much longer, due to pollution leading to catastrophic climate change. Physicist "Dr Carl Gerstein" (played by Richard Marner) claimed to have proposed in 1957 that there were three alternatives to this problem. The first alternative was the drastic reduction of the human population on Earth. The second alternative was the construction vast underground shelters to house government officials and a cross section of the population until the climate had stabilised, a solution reminiscent of the finale of Dr Strangelove. The third alternative, the so-called "Alternative 3," was to populate Mars via a way station on the Moon.

The programme ends with some detective work; acting on information from Grodin, the reporters determine that Ballantine's videotape requires a special decoding device. After locating such a device, the resulting video turns out to depict a landing on the Martian surface — in 1962! As Russian and American voices excitedly celebrate their achievement, something stirs beneath the Martian soil.....

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:50 PM
The wonders of speculative “documentaries” and fantasy blogs to astound.

The much hyped Nazi technology was just that… hype. If anyone has any real evidence of Nazi flying saucers and “tachyon drive technology” (wasn’t that Star Trek) then please do publish. Oh, but no over-edited and recycled YouTube or self important, non sourced Blogs. Give us one official document. Just one.

You'll be saying there's a Nazi base on Antarctica next!


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

so you're saying the only evidence for it is going to be shown in a fiction movie? so basically there is no evidence? gotcha

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by paraphi
You'll be saying there's a Nazi base on Antarctica next!


Umm there was a nazis base in antartica, it was about the same size as the america one. Both of them consisted of between 3-6 sheds. I remember reading that at least one of the american ones is still standing.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:15 PM
Not only no, but hell no!!!

The revisionist history majors have the damn nazies doing absolutely everything.

There is one very important fact, not speculation, theory, hearsay, or faked video involved. The damn nazies lost the war, to countries who's armies were so poorly equipped with outdated arms compared to Germany who were apparently so far ahead of everyone else.

How could this be, the revisionist will spout Hitler's involvement or lack of involvement over history shattering scientific decisions.

There is a much simpler and much more truthful answer. The damn nazies bit off more than they could chew. Germany lacks resources and manpower for the war they started, then waged. But the real point is, what scientific breakthrough technology the damn nazies had or used were inconsequential in nature as they were never in a position to out produce the combined Ally countries military armament.

The fact that the damn nazies had a ballistic missile is a far cry from reaching earth orbit, or having the ability to escape Earth's gravity.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Interesting thought , but not likely .

Such a task would have required Germany to go from prop plain to jet to interplanetary vessel all within a matter or 4 or so years , not to mention the other tech issues involved . Let's not forget the German jets at the time didn't even have advanced enough weapons to fire as the jet was moving faster then there bullets . If an issue such as this was effecting there newly developed vechieal just imagine how likely an interplanetary voyage would have been .

Having said that I do think it very likely that the Germans at the thime did have some great stuff in the works / on the drawing board , that could still remain classified to this day.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

new iron sky is right on this subject

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:37 PM
Considering the first ever "official" V2 rocket launch was September 8, 1944....doubtful. Of course anything is possible.

The Nazis were more interested in how the mind worked rather than traversing space.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Yeah it's not like a good portion of the nazi's ended up In the US Russia and South America heading arms development programs and spending their ill gotten gains securing a place in their new homes....


But feel free to believe what you'd like... I mean it's not like the papers that could prove or disprove this one way or the other are still classified 65 years after the end of World War 2....


It's not like the High end aircraft and technologies being unveiled today STILL bear a resemblance to the design studies and build proposals from WORLD WAR 2


Kugelblitz.... look it up in reference to some of the "new" technologies in relation to directed energy weapons elctromagnetically and RF enhanced Plasma rocket thrust (current thread on that open now)

There's much more to the story but I don't feel qualified to tell it because every time I feel like I just about have a grasp on what is actually going on and how it relates to the disparate snatches of data from the past something else pops up that completely changes the big picture in one way or another.

I have my doubts that even those involved in whatever is actually going on have any idea what happened in the past.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:03 PM

Just because everything you said is true, does not mean that a Nazi mission to Mars happened in 1945.

And of course these high end technologies today bear resemblance to the everything proposed in world war 2. We are now learning how to do what we always wished we could. That's how things are made. Plans and proposals first.

I propose we build a time machine. Now when one is built, maybe someone will read this post and understand that I built one first. I mean after all, I have blueprints and ideas for it?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:18 AM
Ah ha.... but ... Ah crap nevermind it's just not worth it

I left specific keywords that are like a speakeasy password to the RABBIT HOLE.

There are technologies that have reared up their heads in places around the world from time to time since BEFORE world war 2 even techniques and technologies come out of the wood work ... Then someone from MIT or Stanford or GE or Westinghouse tells us No that just won't work... then the SEC leaks word the person is being investigated and if they don't get smart and get the hell out of town they wind up in prison or the NUT HUT...

The funny things is only now are the cracks in the facade starting to show... Labs at universities world wide are doing nanoscale experiments and coming up with the phenomena we have been told are just not possible for the last century... but never fear we are told they really are impossible with CONVENTIONAL technology on the macro scale it's QUANTUM that's why it works... (anyone notice how quantum and carbon are the new Extreme) and now they're having to backpedal more and say oh well "quantum effects" can happen on the macro scale sometimes in "special circumstances"

Funny how that works... Oh and then there's the ex radar tech that's "reprogramming" magnets because as he puts it they are just tensor fields...

Now does this mean I think they had Intel inside their saucers? No but I do find it interesting how things they've been telling us were impossible forever all of a sudden become possible if you add the word quantum nano or meta to the equation and are in posession of a business plan to spin off a tech company to capitalize your IP (that grant money paid for the research for) Oh and in order for said things to be possible you MUST have at least TWO PHD's WITH TENURE involved and commercial products MUST be 5 years from market.

It's just odd how when you add one part PHD two parts copious grant money another part NEVER EVER making it to market or otherwise being harnessed for anything USEFUL in the white world.... that all of a sudden these things that just CANNOT be done and you are a pseudoscience believer or getting scammed.

I don't know call me skeptical but it's just a little funny how PHD's and no useful real world application makes all that "JUNK SCIENCE" suddenly plausible...

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by GeechQuestInfo
Considering the first ever "official" V2 rocket launch was September 8, 1944....doubtful. Of course anything is possible.

The Nazis were more interested in how the mind worked rather than traversing space.

The V2 was the first ballistic missile, first launched on Oct. 3, 1942.



IMO, it's highly un-likely that the nazis made it to Mars, but it's almost a certainty that they had a space program of some kind within the SS. This is how the USA and the Soviets made such rapid advancements in rocket technology all the way through the moon missions.

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