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I suspect reality is as follows, and I want liberation from it

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Templar646

If you kill all the "bad people" on this planet, what makes you think that your "good people" won't develop into the same kind of beings later down the road? Nothing goes as planned in this unpredictable world. For example, Genghis Khan was a great conqueror and what did his descendants do? They split it apart among each other and murdered their own brothers to gain power. Did they exhibit the same pioneering spirit as Genghis did? No, they acted upon their own impulses. What I'm trying to say is that a parent's character does not necessarily transfer down to their offspring. A good man may give birth to a murderer. In fact, this happens all the time if you check the news. By killing your own species, how "good" of a person can you really be? You'd all develop a killer instinct that could drive the weak-minded crazy (post-traumatic stress disorder). And then when problems arise within your community, what will you do? Kill your own? And what gives you the right to determine what is considered "good" or "bad"? Obviously you'd see yourself as a good person, but what if another disagrees? Goodness is a subjective property; not something that you can categorize so easily.
edit on 21/10/10 by wolfwood290 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by OrphenFire

Love was an example I used of one of Gods traits and an example of a trait that many religions are missing. Remember Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.. so Satan has all types of traps for people, false religions ( some practice love and some do not ), secular beliefs such as we are one with the universe and the universe is god.. I never stated that with the one single trait of a religion practicing love makes them true and makes them of the true God.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Templar646

Hey man, are you crazy ??? what do you mean by good and evil people ?? are you a Judge ????
are zionists good people ? are Palestinians evil ?
are childs evil and pedos good ?
anyway, you are not allowed to tell us who's good or bad, only God and the person himself may judge his own life .....
the only thing is this is a deceived game, we are loosing everytime because Satan is the POWER, God is the spectator and we are the victims of the game in this world ... maybe in another one we will play fair ??
It is not right.
The victim of the game never can win this one !!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Existance, life, and god is what you make of it, none of those exist but within your mind not even good or evil, but that does not mean they don't exist, it just means you dont see it yet in your current perspective, in the realm of being anything and everything exists, your experience is what you see as existing, so to those who just found out that the world is more deeper and evil then you though it was, all ill say is this, "the rabit hole goes deeper then you can possibly think or imagine it does, but not deeper then you can perceive it goes." You pasts dictates your presents, and your presents manifests it's futures, that is the path of humanity so far. So life, god and all that is what you make of it, it should be pretty obvious by now that nothing would exist without a mind to conceive of it or keep and maintain it, this illusion we call reality, is very real, so make what you will of it... Ah but what you make of it, will come true eventually and then it will make and define you, till you get over it then you start defining it again. "The more minds are that are in sync the stronger the wave". Why do you all think religion's and governments and all types of systems, try to control the synchronicity of the minds of the people? They want to define reality, the poor fools they have no idea what there getting themselves into.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by schuyler
Quit your whinning, you agreed to this to begin with or you would not be here, this occurance is a vital neccesstie of existance.
Better watch out you you will have your name removed from the book of life and you know what that means.

And everyone thing dies it's not like your doing something special and different.

Don't take everything so serious, you are just part of the Grand Play.

I keep looking behind the curtain, but I still need to speak with the Writer.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
5. It appears that “time” is an intellectual concept that is a convenience, but doesn’t really exist. In other words, your next life could be in 900 BC; time is not lineal.

Time is very necessary in the grander scheme of things. The best way that I can explain this is through an allegorical use of the bible. Jesus said "I am the Alpha and the Omega" - the first and the last.

Looking at this, we have to points that share the same spot in "time". What does this mean exactly? That in one moment everything has happened within an infinite amount of possibilities. Think of time - in a typically human sense, as a way of breaking down these events in a way such that our consciousness can disseminate and experience them on a linear level. Otherwise, in an instant, everything would be experienced and known.

One of my reluctant conclusions is that it appears we may not have much individual control over what happens. What we have come to know as our own selves, our egos, may have a somewhat small part in this game, a temporary convenience of the oversoul so that he can experience whatever it is he is attempting to learn. We may be semi-sentient avatars for a Second Life game we don’t know we are playing.

I like to use a metaphor to explain choice/free will and the preordained.

Think of a vine growing up a trellis. The vine has "free will" to grow whichever way it wants to up the trellis, but the trellis will always be the framework that makes this possible. Your choices are very real and so are the consequences. Life is being dynamically created and guided at the same time.

Although the lives of most people typing at keyboards these days must be somewhat okay, for most of our existence and for the vast majority of people today life is as Hobbes described it: “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” It always has been. Nature doesn’t exhibit much “love,” that thing we’re all told we must spire to. Nature is “red in tooth and claw” and basically lives off death. The number of people killed by other humans, the number of people living in abject poverty, the number of people who starve to death, the number of people who live without hope is appalling.

I’m left wondering, what is the point here? Surely you are not telling me that these kinds of lives are secretly teaching their oversouls some esoteric, but very important message about the meaning of life. It’s pretty apparent that majority opinion is that we, Homo sapiens, are “bad.” Whether this is objectified in thoughts that “we are destroying the planet” or “We all live in sin,” the message is pretty much the same. This seems to be coming from ourselves rather than from somewhere on high. We are not a race that loved ourselves. We prefer to blame ourselves, or at least everyone else but ourselves.

Duality. Negativity is the other face of positivity. Without these precedents, we as humans would not be physically capable of placing innate values on our experiences. In example, you understand "love" to be a good feeling/emotion because you've witnessed first hand hate and fear during some point in our lives.

Moreover, anyone that has experienced true love in this world (not romantic love necessarily) knows that there is no feeling like it. No fear, pain, etc. can even come close to touching it. It is something worth fighting and living for.

I'm also of the belief that we create or own realities. Heaven and Hell are indeed very real places, but instead of them being up in the sky or way down below, these places are in your heart. Law of attraction, we create our own realities. If you feel that in your heart, that you're experiencing Hell, then you truly are experiencing it firsthand. Likewise, if you center yourself with love and positivity, the sky is the limit.

You are eternal. No harm can ever come to you unless you let it.
edit on 21-10-2010 by immortal coil because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM
Much of what you say here is c
onsistent with what I believe but, I would like to share two videos with you that might reinforce and straight where you are off track. I am not going to link all the parts, just the first part of two videos:

The History Of This Universe & Humanity Pt 1 of 2

The Science Of Eternity (Part1)

edit on 21-10-2010 by MajorKarma because: Text and videos weren't lined up properly

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM
I actually agree with you on 1-5 after that is where my thoughts are different from yours. I believe everyones ultimate goal is learning and experience lessons for ourselves and "God" or whatever name people call the higher power. I believe it takes a very strong soul to incarnate here on Earth because it is such a dark place. You have to think about this: When do you learn the most??? You learn the most during times of hardship and problems. When everything is going smoothly and easy what do you take from it? Sure, it's nice to have things go smoothly once in a while but it's during the times of tribulation that we learn the most. We know what we need to learn so that is what we build into the present life. Some of us think "Oh I need to learn more patients" so we build in so many instances in our life that requires more and more patients. I don't know what I was thinking when I started building this incarnation but I think next time I will get a second opinion!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
5. It appears that “time” is an intellectual concept that is a convenience, but doesn’t really exist. In other words, your next life could be in 900 BC; time is not lineal.

I like this because it completes a paradox that has eluded me for many years. - How one can regress events from a perceived future timeline.

S+F - well constructed post.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by NewlyAwakened
In spite of all its raw spiritual negativity (okay fine, largely because of it), I find this to be one of the most refreshing threads I've seen.

Even in my days as a hardcore atheist, I could see the game that Nature was playing. From an evolutionary standpoint, pleasure is supposed to be fleeting. There's no survival advantage to feeling good for long periods at a time, just long enough to make you want to seek out that pleasure again (whether it's because the pleasure was high-calorie (and thus very beneficial in a state of nature), or contributed to reproduction, or whatever).

But no matter what we accomplish, we are never satisfied with what we have. Whether you live in abject poverty or in opulent luxury, you always see those who have it a bit better than you and assume you'd be happy if you could just reach that same threshold, not realizing how unhappy those you envy are, how unhappy everybody is in fact, from the bottom all the way to the top. Nature designed it this way. We're not supposed to be happy. We're here to suffer. And from a standpoint of species survival, that's exactly what we're supposed to do. A contented person is a non-acting person. A discontented person acts.

Quite coincidentally, earlier today I was surfing the web and read the following essay: THIS I BELIEVE: THIS WORLD WAS CREATED BY AN EVIL GOD. It's somewhat lengthy but worth a read if you are willing to spare the time.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Awesome thread, what you aired is how I feel too, almost to the letter. I'm sure we all start off at some point wanting to be a good, loving, honest person, but the stresses of life and aging throws a wrench into it. I mean, how many times have we wanted to go after someone who cut us off of the road? Chances are they didn't do it on purpose, and we too, have made a mistake upsetting someone else. Seems we are just pawns.There is a part of my way of thinking which feels that our creator does indeed have a purpose, we cannot even begin to understand or project the reasons for the double standard apparent in this life. It reminds me of the movie named "The Experiment" based on the true, actual events which took place at Stanford University, in 1973. I watched the re make version with Adrien Brody, and Forrest Whitaker. [Spoiler] Their characters met while awaiting transport to an isolated lab facility after accepting a grand per day for role playing in a prison experiment. They were gentlemen and ended up opposite roles, one a prison guard, the other a prisoner. The movie depicts how we are not so civilized as we think, that under the right (or wrong) circumstances we become horrible people. The conductors of the experiment asked each participant if they had a record, any physical liabilities, behavioral abnormalities and such. I figured out early on that a background check would have been used, the question of honesty and past records were used to create a volatile mix of men placed in an arena, given a set of rules to go by. The men hired were also subject to various movie footage showing acts of horrible violence to acts of sheer love and happiness. Their reactions were noted and this also was used in deciding the role to be played. I highly recommend this movie, because it supports your thread, humans are put on this planet like rats in a maze, something is going to go wrong, no doubt. It does seem as though we might be the butt of a cruel joke, entertaining someone behind the door. Maybe all of the different beliefs and near death experiences are to keep us off balance, to see how we behave.
edit on 21-10-2010 by jymmyjaymes because: added content and corrections

edit on 21-10-2010 by jymmyjaymes because: added content

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Starseed32
When do you learn the most??? You learn the most during times of hardship and problems.

I've heard this before, but what exactly do you learn? You learn how to be a miserable old goat during such times and not much else.

One of the most interesting threads in a while OP ~ I agree with most of your beliefs and can empathise with your frustration... sometimes it's like our main purpose here is to tread water in a sea of sh#t

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:19 PM
creator is in creation of nature.
'god' is in system of hierarchy.
we are living life out of balance in a system which dominates nature rather than growing in nature.
we are changing with the collective choice to consciously co-create a life in balance.
we each are an inner energy which expresses in our behaviors and desires.
in our livetimes we change behaviors and desries by learning lessons -
in appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding, valor.
this changes the pattern of inner energy to attune with Source.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by jymmyjaymes
You seem a bit nieve as the people that cut you off, some do on purpose, there are evil people that will rape and kill your children with out a thought.

To fight the good fight and die the good death, to honor the Lord ,Creator.

All that was know has become lost, to be found again, the veil lifted as the unknown becomes know and The Creator's secrects revealed.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by googolplex

I don't doubt we have evil people, you missed my point completely. That is, how good people can be in situations which can bring out bad behaviors.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:30 PM

edit on 21-10-2010 by jymmyjaymes because: duplicated reply

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Find people who have the same thaught proccess and get to gether like what were doing now here and make a change a statement as you did and see the outcomes. Your asking for this to end and I hear ya but unfortunately the key to understanding this reality is to come to terms with the fact that youl never understand it. Wise words from Emanuel. I try to find good distractions so I write poems and make music

edit on 21-10-2010 by SKIN-E because: needed video

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Staben

Do you actually believe in Satan? Do you believe there is a being/creation that actually dares to war with God? Where would this guy get the balls to want to box with the guy who created him by speaking? I mean really?

Let me put it this way...If I created you by just speaking you into existance, and you KNOW I did because you've seen me do this to the, where, could you ever find it in you to war with me? Even the dumbest creation should be able to figure that while you would have to stab, shoot, throw fire, aim a laser gun, or whatever at me...all I have to do is say or perhaps THINK "_____, you no longer exist".

This is the problem with the christian and many other religions view of God. What these religions do is humanize God. They don't take into account what it would really mean to be a GOD. A GOD doesn't have to WANT anything, it will just be. Christianity constantly teaches that God wants you to do this, or doesn't want you to do that. I'm sorry but that is the result of people humanizing God.

Here's an example of a God's want: Lets say God doesn't want humans to be able to mate and have offspring from zebra. Can any person impregnate a zebra? Nope, not possible. NOW THAT is an example of something God may want. See how easy he gets what he wants? It's not even a issue, there's no way we can go against what he wants. If you can do it and have to make the choice on your own, it's pretty safe to say that it isn't God who likes/dislikes it. More than likely it's man's misinterpretation or self-injection of what THEY want.

I'll cut through the chase: You and me and everyone work for Satan and don't even realize it. We are all of Satan. Reason being we are here on the physical plane, and we love it. Because that's what Satan/Lucifer/Shaitan is, the physical. God is the spiritual, and Satan is the physical.

When God/Us created this physical world it was such a wonderous thing, it was so enticing. That we're lined up in Heaven waiting to experience this reality. Everyone here has turned their back on God. The harm comes in that some of us, just can't let this world go. People like the Illuminati and other PTB want to dwell on this world forever. They wish to find a way to bring eternal life to this reality where they can live like kings and enjoy all of the carnal pleasures this physical environment has to offer.

It's why I don't totally laugh at the Bible and other religious texts because the basic meaning, though oft not understood is simply: Let this world go and return home.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:33 PM
edit on 21-10-2010 by ShnogTrip because: wrong quote

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:47 PM
lets make a international strike. Everyone even the people that dont believe in god all at one time stop doing what they do and ask for gods intervention. Would be cool to set a date for that.

I ask myself what would happen if everybody in the world would do that in the same time. ASKING FOR GOD and saying: we dont want to play that game anymore. (no matter if he just does it to prove that there is no god)

Maybe thats what could bring this to an end: unity in will.

But of course this can not happen as it is impossible to make something like this viral and get people to do it.

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