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I suspect reality is as follows, and I want liberation from it

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

touch will be obsolete because there will be no separation between anything.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by takemetourleader
reply to post by schuyler

I dont think that we can ever understand the motives of our creator nor should we try. I submit to you that you should appreciate life in all its joys and pain. After all if you didnt have this gift of life you wouldnt be able to complain. whatever we are a part of it is a great deal bigger than ourselves and in such a grand scheme as the universe there is bound to joy and pain. We humans have not been around long enough to shed our selfish nature because in our universe here and now all we have is us. Imagine a time in the near future where terrorist are no longer our biggest problem but maybe some other species from space who wishes to plunder whatever we have to offer. I feel when that time comes we will unite as a people and all the misery we inflict on each other will instead move to whoever or whatever threatens our existance. I have suffered greatly in my lifetime but my pain and joy becomes the sum of who i am it defines me and my choices because i have suffered so i have become more sensative to others pain. The same can be said for the joy i have felt I smile at people i dont know because it helps sometimes to see a freindly face when the world can be so uncaring. Try to remember it wasnt long ago that we became aware of these concepts of GOD or a CREATOR as it were. I feel we will continue to become more civilized as we move offworld and life for us as a species wil become less miserable and understanding of the universe will bring comfort to us that we never experieced before. So smile at someone today and share your joy instead of your misery so e can work toward that end

And i might submit to you that this is easy for you to say, enjoy life in all its pleasures and pains. Your life might be acceptable, others are not. Some people wallow in poverty, abuse, pain and hunger all their lives. You have no idea the pains that can be inflicted on the Inquisitors torture rack until you have lived through it. Some lives are so full of misery and pain that they would rather not be born at all. You cant sit on your high horse and claim they deserve it, or we as people deserve it to grow spiritually.

I might also submit like i did in my earlier post, that if we in fact are destined to return to our human forms over and over, it might be to escape the unbearable boredom of an endless existance. Who knows, perhaps pain is preferable to the unimaginable boredom experienced in an endless existance! It might be best to forget, at least for a while that we are immortal. Who is to say that the afterlife is a repreive from our existance here? Perhaps its just the opposite.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:18 PM
WOW! Top notch thread worthy of a dissertation! These conundrums, if you will, plague my very psyche on a day to day basis. There does seem to be an insurmounatble amount of suffering on this planet. We have wars, disease, famine, pestilence, cruelty, rape, murder and a myriad of other such maladies. I have come to the conclusion that it is simply karma from a previous life that needs to be resolved in this lifetime. Still I struggle with the adage; why do bad things happen to good people and vice versa. I tell myself it is karma in order to sleep at night. This may seem like a cop-out to a lot of people but it is the only way I can function on a spiritual level.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by schuyler

seems very odd to ask this simple question... but it seems that these are other peoples views and not yours.

From your post it feels like you have not experienced life to the fullest...

I think it is because you have forgotten what you have and started focusing on what you don't have. When your mind switches from one to the other, your perception changes, your demenor, your attitude and character.

I will tell you what I think you do have...

1. I think you live in a country that has internet, freedoms, foods, ect.
2. You are healthy
3. You are loved... going by your avatar and at least you have a dog that loves you.
4. You can complain and not be sent to jail.
5. You are intelligent enough to receive over 70 flags from members going through the same thing. What they don't have.
6. You grammer is a lot better than mine.
7. You have a good comprehension of reality... maybe one day life.
8. ect...

Earth is Heaven, Have you ever considered what heaven is.... You have to be good, you have to smile, you cannot be sad, why would you want to feel anything but good. But how can you comprehend what Good is without bad, or happiness without sadness.

Earth, This Life, Allows you anything and I mean anything you want, even if it means imposing on someone elses personal growth and freedoms. This life is heaven... this reality is worth being here.


posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:28 PM
Life is suffering. To understand something you must experience it, that's the only thing that makes sense. I have to say that was a great thread, though, so S & F and if a mods arround, then give them an A.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:34 PM
I must admit that I believe that there is a evil overlaying and smothering what should be a happy graceful existence. I have realized in my search for truth that nature is not 'Red in Tooth and Claw" the support for that is not the point of this thread so I will refrain

what I will say is that I have been reviewing the instances in which I was rescued from certain situations and realized that a loving force for good IS watching out for me . I sympathize with the OP and the others because until this week that's where I was at so this revelation is new and unexpected for me even if I now know it was in front of my face the whole time.

Luv and Kisses Mrs Blonde

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:38 PM
well, I don't know if you have heard about or read the Robert Monroe books, I warmly recommend to read them

there are three books:

Journey Out of the Body
Far Journeys
Ultimate Journey

he was a sound engineer that experimented with self-hypnosis and suddenly he started to experience strange things (which are called 'out of the body experiences' today)... at first he thought he was sick, but as the time passed on he familiarized with it and started to explore what he called Locale 2 and Locale 3...

here is an interview with Robert (1/10)

what I gathered from his books is that we live in a very small and very peculiar part of the multiverse of consciousness, and we are here to learn fast... it is a fast school, but many consciousnesses get lost in flesh and feelings... this reality is like a star trek holodeck without safeties turned on, when you die your consciousness can respawn again and learn more...


edit on 21-10-2010 by donhuangenaro because: added more words

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by CSquared288

i couldn't agree more. i think of it as the golden rule. treat others as you would have them treat you.
if everyone treated everyone else as if they were themselves things would be a lot different.
and its a pretty easy thing to do i think. maybe not with the way society is and the with the ideals that are being propogated.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
people here talking about the concept of duality

thats simply CLOSED MINDED

the reality is that you simply cant classify something as good or evil; you can only do that if you purpose some rules, or base in your own understanding, perspective ...

there isnt duality, its just humans thinking they know everything
edit on 21/10/10 by Faiol because: (no reason given)

Duality is simply contrast.

It is a fundamental aspect of reality.

It is the only reason you experience anything.

Literally all physical senses are based on contrast...

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:00 PM
Brilliant and all I can say is that is my understanding as well, although there is nothing cynical at work. It is our own need to experience - our addiction to the senses that is at fault. We are unable to exist multi-dimensionally; we need the obsessive concentration of 'reality'.

The solution is simple. Once a day, breathe as slow as you can for 30 minutes and see where that takes you.

You can stay and help or go other places it is your choice. But everybody, every time, ends up in bliss. There is nothing to be concerned with.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Very nice post!! please let me know where I can sign up, I have been thinking the same way for a long while now and it is refeshing to find someone else that thinks the same way, One way I beleive that we can end most if not all of this maddenss is Disclosure about ETs, I think it would stop everyone killing and hurting each other long enought for all of us to realise that Hey, we are being watch.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by NewlyAwakened

I just read the whole article and it was thought-provoking to say the least. It seems genuine and could actually be truth. I've always had the notion that we are living in a dream. We are born as sinners because we are separated from the unified self in order to arrive here. We, our higher selves, made a decision to come to Earth in order to satisfy our separated self/ego identity. He is right when saying that anything material is necessarily evil for the third dimension is one of duality and that is separation; separation is an evil thing. If we want to get rid of evil we must forgive (therefore acknowledging that this is a dream world and nothing that has happened there is real). When we believe that this is all a dream we can unite again with the Christ self in ourselves and allow the world to be manifested out of love instead of hate. The Christian bible is a text full of both truth and lies. The truth comes from the word of God Himself, yet there are lies as well due to humans corrupting it for their benefit. One must see through the metaphors and discover its true meaning, and this author has done just that. A long but very interesting read.

The link cannot copy/paste directly here for some odd reason (racist slurs). Just do a google search for "this i believe in nige rian village" and click on the first link. I also commented on its forum if you are interested.
edit on 21/10/10 by wolfwood290 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21/10/10 by wolfwood290 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Staben
I don't know what you mean by being ambitious in what I believe.. I believe in what Jehovah tells us in the bible. Christianity does not encourage your definition of sheep-like behavior unless you mean to love one another is sheep-like. In fact I think Jesus was a very strong man, very opinionated and a great leader by example. It is very easy to do bad or follow worldly philosophies that Satan has put out but it is much harder to find and walk the path of a christian. Christian's are sheep because they are humble to the truth and do not have a hard heart where the seed of truth does not grow. Goats are stuborn and do not want the seed of truth to grow and instead spend their life in circles choosing Satan's teaching's via secular philosophies, false religions, brother hoods, politics... etc.. Anything that keeps you from finding God belongs to Satan. Take for instance when Satan offered Jesus all the governments if he just show a sign of obedience to him.. did Jesus say " The governments do not belong to you." no he did not.. Instead he said it is only to Jehovah whom everyone should adore. So Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light, meaning he makes himself seem good to people in order to derail them. People get caught up in tons of politics and are actually worshipping at the altar of Satan.

Is this a little more ambitious for you?

No, that's not ambitious to me. It's exactly what you have been taught to believe from the Bible. I know, because I was raised in a very evangelical, devout Christian home. I've studied the Bible extensively. However, I don't believe in Jesus or Satan or any of that. There is just no reason for me to believe any of it, unless I believe a collection of 66 ancient books, which I don't. Don't get me wrong, I think the Bible is one of the greatest historical tools in the world, and offers some wonderful wisdom for the average man. Some people are unfortunate enough to need religion. I'm not one of them.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by schuyler

I have said it before to my friends and family all of which are good hearted people who just live their lives as best as they can. This world will only change when the Good of us take action without mercy against those who are bad. That's it. We must find a way to maintain ourselves and our good spirit while we kill and destroy all evil people in he world. It's just that simple. Good people need to destroy the bad and our only way is to take it to them in a brutal a way as we can. I understand this concept sounds like a contradiction but it's the only real way I'm sorry if that's cold but it's true our path should be to become as great as we humans can be and in that path there is no room for evil. There needs to be a social system that keeps those who choose the life of the destroyer of evil that protects them from the evil and guides them back to greatness after their task of elimination is completed. Even the bad should be given a choice to repent if they do not. Then they die. Simple. And for the future the we need to breed good parents who will teach their children the right way to live and help to educate them on the proper way to being a good person and to life. Quality parents who love their children and take responsability for them is something that need to be reinstalled into society.
I could be wrong I know this but no action at all is the worst way to handle this issue.
I willalso say that I do beleive that ones personal religion needs to take a role in this. I find my religious beleifs to suppliment my life and help me to move towards a better moral life and a better sense of self in the world. Any religion that promotes any kind of hate onto another group or person is not a good religion. The current religions of the world were perverted for so long that it needs to be brought back to basics. Live life in a selfless moral way which is for the betterment of humanity and society. It's sad that the days of being able to count on ur neighbors to watch over things while yor away or a community that helps to raise good youth is gone. People are shackled by the system that makes them fight man against man for everything hey have. The systems have failed at what they were ment to do. What the system should have established was a good moral people and once the task was met. It should have been closed down and then once there are more good people than bad the bad will no longer have the ability to harm anything. I understand this is a rant and it may not be the best of what could be thought out if I put enough time into it but I have to get back to being a slave. Take care all and god bless.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by OrphenFire

Originally posted by Staben
I don't know what you mean by being ambitious in what I believe.. I believe in what Jehovah tells us in the bible. Christianity does not encourage your definition of sheep-like behavior unless you mean to love one another is sheep-like. In fact I think Jesus was a very strong man, very opinionated and a great leader by example. It is very easy to do bad or follow worldly philosophies that Satan has put out but it is much harder to find and walk the path of a christian. Christian's are sheep because they are humble to the truth and do not have a hard heart where the seed of truth does not grow. Goats are stuborn and do not want the seed of truth to grow and instead spend their life in circles choosing Satan's teaching's via secular philosophies, false religions, brother hoods, politics... etc.. Anything that keeps you from finding God belongs to Satan. Take for instance when Satan offered Jesus all the governments if he just show a sign of obedience to him.. did Jesus say " The governments do not belong to you." no he did not.. Instead he said it is only to Jehovah whom everyone should adore. So Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light, meaning he makes himself seem good to people in order to derail them. People get caught up in tons of politics and are actually worshipping at the altar of Satan.

Is this a little more ambitious for you?

No, that's not ambitious to me. It's exactly what you have been taught to believe from the Bible. I know, because I was raised in a very evangelical, devout Christian home. I've studied the Bible extensively. However, I don't believe in Jesus or Satan or any of that. There is just no reason for me to believe any of it, unless I believe a collection of 66 ancient books, which I don't. Don't get me wrong, I think the Bible is one of the greatest historical tools in the world, and offers some wonderful wisdom for the average man. Some people are unfortunate enough to need religion. I'm not one of them.

The way you think is exactly what Satan wants, his greatest achievement is to make people not believe in him.. transforms himself into an angel of light. Most religions are false and are lead by Satan, thus so many people get tired and lose hope and faith in Jehovah. It is Satans master plan, to drag to eternal death as many people as possible by keeping you away from the truth with all sorts of religions and secular beliefs. The bible states that God is love but how many religions and sects do you see really practice that? Not many at all, almost all of them believe in killing and going to war. All I can say is keeping looking for the truth, put your faith in Jehovah and not in man.. all of these man made beliefs are false in my opinion and make Satan smile.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Whoever started this, You no longer have my support. We’re not the problem; You are. I want out of this pattern. I want You to let my people go. I want You to free us from the shackles of this cycle. If there is not already a movement with similar ideals and goals, it starts here. If there is, point me where to sign up. I am going to devote every ounce of strength I have, at whatever level, to break out of this hell You have created for us

You need to convert to a Bhuddist. Is'nt that the foundation of their belief? They strive to become better people free of bad karma so then they are never born again.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi
reply to post by schuyler

Star, Flag, and Bravo!

Hello again schuyler! I enjoyed the OP, the articulation, the understandings you have compiled, and the passion you have demonstrated.

Personally, I feel certain things, I think I understand some things, but I still don't know. Through the continious sharing, giving, taking, bonding, absorbing, and releasing of energy, compounds, elements, atoms, and subatomic particles... I logically conclude, through my personal understanding and opinion, that all things in existence are linked and came from the same source.

Do we have a soul? What is a soul? Is "reality" an illusion? What is consciousness? Is "life" a cycle of reincarnation? Is there more for "me" after death, or does my "physical being" simply break down to join new "physical beings", while this consciousness will never again exist? Is this life right now the only life I will experience? I do not know.

When pondering ideas of Oneness, Unity, Group Soul (Memory Complex), Reincarnation, or "I am every person".... I am always taken back by people that can sexually rape infants, babies, and young children. I can't cope with genocide. When people rape, hurt, injure, murder, and are cruel to other humans, I can't believe it is all needed, all necessary, all a way to learn, or justified.

Such things do make "life" hell. If Creator, or "Us", or "Me", or any other being is doing such things, allowing such things to happen to learn, experience, or develop, I say it's goddam time this "lesson" is over!

My Feelings exactly, I can't ever understand or reconcile in my mind, why little children have to be killed, raped, grow up in abusive homes, man!! you stated it just like I feel....Where is a all loving God in that??

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Staben
The way you think is exactly what Satan wants, his greatest achievement is to make people not believe in him.. transforms himself into an angel of light. Most religions are false and are lead by Satan, thus so many people get tired and lose hope and faith in Jehovah. It is Satans master plan, to drag to eternal death as many people as possible by keeping you away from the truth with all sorts of religions and secular beliefs. The bible states that God is love but how many religions and sects do you see really practice that? Not many at all, almost all of them believe in killing and going to war. All I can say is keeping looking for the truth, put your faith in Jehovah and not in man.. all of these man made beliefs are false in my opinion and make Satan smile.

So if a religion practices love, it is of God? And if a religion doesn't practice love, it is of Satan? I'm glad you admit that, because while Jesus preached peace and love etc, Christianity is historically known for hate and killing, as are the other Abrahamic faiths. In fact, religions like Buddhism and modern Paganism (like Wicca) are based entirely around peace with oneself and with nature. So are those religions of God, then? And Christianity/Judaism/Islam of Satan?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by schuyler

yeah !! it is not right against human race !! we are the victims of a game, a playing with our emotions, with our soul !!
the game is not fair !
why anyway did God chase Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden and did he allow that devilish Satanic monster serpent still being allowed to stay in that garden ???
it makes me think of punishing a child because of being violated by a pedo : that child is just a child like we are just humans on the road trying to learn that stupid game !!!!
it is NOT the fault of that child it has been violated by that pedoman !! that child is the victim !!! we are the victim of this Satan playing a game we do not understand !!!
God, it is really NOT serious, we are onlu childs in front of the Satan game !!!!!
Have mercy.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:36 PM
Yes, I so much long to go home too. Its about how we learn to handle ourselves with others, and this involves never going to war, never retaliating, or reacting harshly, being the wide awake unconditionally loving adult to the traumatized child, learning how, striving to understand what being grown up and loving responsible is about. This is my perspective.

I believe many of us fall into our dreams, our thoughts and paradigms after death as well, and that also, in this universe/holographic school, there are infinity channels and densities, so that what we think is real, or believe we can draw ourselves too. If we really believe in harming others, and have love of power and materialism, over caring about those in need, we will learn again, Groundhog Day, or inherit a planet of our frequency, perhaps even harsher than this one. If on the other hand, we believe that law of consequence is meant to be overcome by learning our lessons, seeing the teachers in the hard ones, and letting go, forgiving, cleansing past traumas, and that lessons can be learnt in joy, and love, and in good fellowship with those who believe in the power of love, we graviate to that world.

That we can change the channels in our minds, thoughts, and we should try to imagine bringing the eutopias, with love and equality here.

Really want to go home myself. I have a thread in my signature on the Holographic Universe, that pertains to what I was given.

And also, this post here by ET_MAN, and his second one below it, is exactly what I see for the kind of school we're in, and what it takes to go home.
edit on 21-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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