reply to post by schuyler
I feel for you. I have had many of the same thoughts in the past. Our backgrounds in research are common so I believe you will be able to understand
the response here.
What you claim is the nature of reality is fairly accurate. The generalities you give are quite satisfactory, however, the problem will arise when
clinging to these a little too much. We do reincarnate, but not all of us. Some are teachers and others on specific missions to aid spiritual growth,
evolution, spiritual evolution, etc.. Not everyone here is caught in the reincarnational wheel. However most do fit into this category.
Life after death.Yes of course. There is no death in reality. To me that word means lack of forward progression or lack of movement. If you are in a
mental state where you do not move forward then you are 'dead' for the time being until you can adjust your reality structure. There is no heaven or
hell. There is no evil in fact. There is only consciousness at its various levels experiencing itself and creating itself over and over. Even our own
thought forms take on a reality of their own and grow forth. In that sense we are creator ourselves.
You are wise to be cautious in your beliefs. Beliefs can be detrimental to growth. This seems counterintuitive but I will explain. Let us take the
most common perception. This is not a religious comment but a comment about perception limiting our ability to grow. Many people believe there is a
hell and that they will go there if they make poor choices. They are so sure and have their faith locked in so to speak, that they cannot break out of
that belief to see the greater reality. This limits their growth because they can only operate within the smaller framework of the reality they have
constructed for themselves. Fear based beliefs will always be very limiting. These types of beliefs cause anxiety and fear and limit more pure mental
states where creating a more productive reality is possible. The point is these learning environments are very limiting because one cannot break out
of that reality structure.
It is far better to believe in the infinite possibilities of reality. With this belief, there are no limiting factors other than what we create for
ourselves. It opens the doorway of our own creativity and allows the Creator in us to express what we feel and what we want to experience further. I
believe that we cannot hope to understand the vastness of possibilities and truths while in human form. Our physical/mental abilities are far too
limited to understand the scope of what reality really is. In this form we benefit greatly from accepting that we don't know and focus more on
knowing self more and more. The self is where our reality is projected from anyway.
Here is the news that is both fortunate AND unfortunate for you. We do have control over our reality. We are responsible for much of the misery we
experience here. This is not the true existence for us it is merely a learning tool with which we interact and use free will to make choices. The
experiment is looking at the choices we make and learning from them. Of course this will turn most people off because they believe there is no way in
hell that they would purposefully put themselves through the many experiences of pain, loss, depression, etc... but the truth is as difficult as these
experiences are they still are learning experiences and opportunities for growth. I am not preaching this from some gold plated chair myself. My own
life has been full with these negative experiences as well and from my perspective more so than others I have met. Yet my perspective and spiritual
growth has advanced greatly through the years.
Once we begin to realize that we have control then we cannot blame. We must accept and own our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. It is far better this
way trust me. It is a very reassuring feeling to be in control rather than out of choice or freedom. When we see the world around us as 'things
happening to us and us reacting' this is a faulty thought form. One I was caught up in myself for quite some time. However, to break free is so much
easier than living in that reality. Here is how:
Reality is based on our own beliefs. We see what we create. We create by using a combination of three things....intent, focus, and emotion.
Intent is obvious in description but not so obvious in reality. It takes quite some time to actually decide on the reality you wish to experience.
There is also a gotcha here. The subconscious ALSO has intent and a level of control over reality because of it. We must communicate across this
divide between the conscious mind and the subconscious and let go of old fears and beliefs. This opens the door to new experiences.
Focus is the degree of clarity you are able to generate on a belief/creation. Quick example, if you wish to have a promotion at work your level of
focus will help create this. I would focus on the many aspects which may build that scenario. Create the scenario like you would a day dream and fill
in as many little details as possible. The more details you are able to add and maintain within you mental structure the more focus you have.
Emotion is very important. Level of emotion is what gives energy and life to the mental creation/focus you imagine. For the example above it would be
wise to cultivate feelings of gratitude for the promotion (even before you receive it), feelings that you deserve it, feelings that others feel you
deserve it, joy at receiving the promotion. Since time is a tool of physical reality you will not be using it here. This is a multidimensional process
which is why you feel gratitude even before you receive a promotion. Thanks before anything has happened...these combinations of things CUMULATIVELY
give energy and LIFE to your creations.
If you think about it this way you can understand why it is so... We are not really here. Our true self is projecting this experience like a movie is
projected onto a screen. We are simply projecting onto a physical 3D screen and focusing SO intently that we believe we are in the experience. There
exists a field of 'energy' (call it what you want) which allows mental focus, intent, emotion to create this projection. We, our-selfs, are within
this field. As part of the consciousness which created our physical selfs....we can access the same field of creation.
You can deny all this if you wish, speaking generally to everyone, but it will cost you nothing to try. This will only open more doors for you in the