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Scientist admits global warming scam, and resigns

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by -PLB-
reply to post by kernalpanic

From that same site (different page though):

The largest part of most combustion gas is nitrogen (N2), water vapor (H2O) (except with pure-carbon fuels), and carbon dioxide (CO2) (except for fuels without carbon); these are not toxic or noxious (although carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming). A relatively small part of combustion gas is undesirable noxious or toxic substances, such as carbon monoxide (CO) from incomplete combustion, hydrocarbons (properly indicated as CxHy, but typically shown simply as "HC" on emissions-test slips) from unburnt fuel, nitrogen oxides (NOx) from excessive combustion temperatures, Ozone (O3), and particulate matter (mostly soot).

Modern cars often have sensors that detect incomplete combustion and adjust for it.

In the UK, in the period from 1970 to 2007 carbon monoxide emissions from motor vehicles dropped by 83%

Except that does not take into account other forms of carbon monoxide pollution; I.E: busses, trucks, ships, airplanes, trains, etc. Most, if not all the effort, has been placed on private transportation while neglecting commercial transportation. Is that because government(s) does not want to diminish corporate bottom-lines or just short sightedness on their part?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by imREALLY15
yes.....for ever and 3 days ive been telling ppl that this is a bunch of BS....and the only thing I would get is ooo wow ur an idiot, everyone knows that "Climate Change" is real....HA well here u bad its to late and the effort of getting a Carbon tax is to strong now D:

It's good that you haven't fallen for the global warming nonsense, but in your free time you might want to learn the difference between the words "to" and "too." You got it wrong three times.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by melatonin
Cheers to PLB for noting the poor scholarship. What you posted doesn't even address the actual point I was making - cars do not produce more CO than CO2.

Carbon monoxide is a product of incomplete combustion - a sign of inefficiency in the process. Full oxidation of hydrocarbons gives CO2. This is science covered before GCSE level in the UK. Even when questioned, you still with a second opportunity decide to throw more ignorant BS rather than "examine and re-examine" the actual evidence (i.e., high school science).

If you can't even grasp that level of science, I wouldn't hold out hope for anything more complex. But, hey, keep telling us how science should work, the evil nature of the 'propaganda machine' of climate science, and the Galileo-like status of the merchants of doubt.

edit on 20-10-2010 by melatonin because: piffle and poppycock!

The illuminatti LETS TAX EVERYTHING WE CAN scam artists may be partially correct about CO2 or as indicated by others be totally wrong. Its getting to the point of whatever mainstream sicence says becoming totally irrellevant to the discussion of pollution control.

Some people refuse to understand the green movement HAS BEEN HIJACKED for sinster reasons(control&money) rather beneficial reasons. How more obvious can it be with those leaked emails?

And again I am going to ask the same questions I asked in a previous post but I might as well be talking to the wall with some people.....If pollution control was on top of their agenda(rather than man-made global warming which may or may not be true) than why don't they give an effling about garbage incineration, toxic waste control/removal, stopping deforrestation and last but not least a 99% ban on nuclear energy?

Why focus on theoretical BS when you can focus on current real dangers????

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by tracer7

It's about government control. The global warming scheme can be used for:

Increased taxes on wealth and industry for the purpose of wealth redistribution
A general purpose excuse to blame, and thereby curtail the private sector, hence growing gummint.
Creation and control of wealth for liberal cronies via "carbon excange:
Installation of a central world government via imposing restrictions on successful capitalist nations.
An all purpose excuse to control the behavior of individual citizens.
An all purpose excuse to moniter the behavior of individual citizens via smart grid.
And finally, to actually find out how stupid and gullable people are.

It reminds me of the scene from the Wizard of Oz, when upon being discovered, the would-be wizard says "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
The biggest threat we face is an ever-expanding federal government that seeks to turn us into government-dependent working slaves to feed the ruling class, with no chance of us living the American Dream, thereby insuring our mediocrity.
Oh, and there's that 2012 thing, you know, the one their building all those underground bases for. Other than that, our government is perfectly sincere.
I sometimes feel sad for those who, through naivity or ignorance, believe their government is their friend and not a voracious monster that wishes to rape them of every dime and press them into service for the benefit of those who love flying around on Air Force One and pretend to be infallable benevolent geniuses entitled to all we have. The federal government was designed to be rather insignificant. To raise and army and fill pot holes. That's it. Now look at it. My advice? Stand ready to defend the constitution at a moments notice, as brave men did in 1776.......this time from the federal government, which is now headed by a foreign born marxist muslim. What the hell have you people done?

edit on 21-10-2010 by astrogolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:51 PM


Whats funny, in the early 90's it was global cooling, and it was debunked, then it was global warming, very easily debunked..just look outside! Didn't take a scientist to figure that one out!
edit on 21-10-2010 by Wrecked because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:30 AM
Global warming has an effect on tourism and the economies of many nations.There are many predicted effects for the environment and for human life due to global warming. The main effect centres around an increase in the global average temperature.For humans, these changes in climate are particularly dangerous to those who live near the ocean shore and who already suffer from drought, flooding, and poverty. People have a high risk of geeting sick . And most of us will be needing installment loans for our hospital bills.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by AllenX

Nice try! The problem is global warming is government propaganda, a myth, designed for one thing and one thing use as leverage to extort more money from the public.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 01:22 PM
This is awsome put your tail between your legs scumbags and RUUUUUUN and resign!! Global warming use to scare me when I was about 12-16 I believed it all it was forced down us at school. I'm glad i got woke up to climategate, but if anyone else has this and use to believe global warming when they were being taught it year after year in school I thought all the bears and deer were going to die because im such a consumer! Then i found out these douches fly big freakin jets eat cavier and live in a big freakin mansion. God some of these people are fuggin sick as hell its distgusting!

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by AllenX

Global warming has an effect on tourism and the economies of many nations.There are many predicted effects for the environment and for human life due to global warming. The main effect centres around an increase in the global average temperature.For humans, these changes in climate are particularly dangerous to those who live near the ocean shore and who already suffer from drought, flooding, and poverty. People have a high risk of geeting sick . And most of us will be needing installment loans for our hospital bills.

I am sorry but your claim is full of propaganda and nonsense...

The climate changes ALL THE TIME, oceans have risen, and retreated hundreds of times, and they will continue to do so.

There is not one iota of evidence that anthropogenic CO2 is the cause of the past warming, more so since atmospheric levels of CO2 as they exist on Earth are very low.

What you claimed that more increase in CO2 will be detrimental to humans is nothing more than a LIE, humans, and ALL species THRIVE in warmer climates, and we have shown time after time dozens, upon dozens of research that shows forests, humans, and in general all life on Earth has THRIVED with higher levels of CO2.

There is no connection that shows CO2 is the culprit of the warming the Earth has been experiencing, more so since the warming started over 200 years before atmospheric CO2 levels began to increase.

You people have no idea what 380ppm of CO2 really means, It is a neglegible amount, and research has shown and demonstrated that plants, trees, and all green biomass THRIVES, GROWS, and PRODUCES MORE HARVEST when concentrations of atmospheric CO2 are between 1,200 ppm -1,500ppm, and there is research that shows even high levels of atmospheric CO2 are also beneficial to all green biomass... There are people who increase the atmospheric levels of CO2 in their greenhouses to 2,000ppm, and their plants grow incredibly fast and produces more harnvest than most people can deal with hence they have to lower CO2.

When the atmospheric levels of CO2 are between 1,200ppm-1,500ppm the growth, and harvest increases from 25% - 60%.

MORE CO2 means MORE food for all, from plants, trees/forests, animals, and humans.

But since the GREEN socialists want to shove their political ideals and their GREEN agenda down everyone's throats because they think they know what is best for the Earth, when the history of the Earth has shown the contrary to the claims of the GREEN socialists, they need to put fear into people, and make them believe that "humans are the reason why the Earth is dying, so pay us up with new taxes for all that CO2 you are releasing"...

It all plays along with the plans that the rich GREEN socialist elites have to "depopulate the Earth" since their plans to sequester atmospheric CO2 will cause even MORE MASS STARVATION AROUND THE WORLD, meanwhile they get rich because a few people believed the lies, and fell for the scam.

These people are getting rich on the biggest scam ever, meanwhile reaching their goals to "help depopulate the Earth"...

And btw, all you greenies out there who are not rich you are part of the people these rich greenies want to get rid of...

One more thing, the rich corpocrats who are not greenies are also playing along with this scam because it is making them, or will make them rich, just look at Al Moron Gore.
edit on 22-10-2010 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:14 PM
From the Western Fuels Association (U.S. coal producers) leaked memos from 1991 (sorry, I could not simply link to this because it's a powerpoint. I have just included some major points, in quotes)... You can download the whole .ppt (if you have Microsoft PowerPoint) here:



"Protect interests of western coal producers by challenging fears and negative messages about global warming, by challenging presumption that warming is bad."

These fuel companies created an organization called ICE, which tested various global-warming-denial ads in the 90s. ICE's leaked objectives:

* "Begin to develop a message and strategy for shaping public opinion on a national scale;"

* "Lay the ground work for a unified national electric industry voice on global warming.”


* "Two possible target audiences identified, with different messages for each:"

TARGET 1: “Older, less educated males”

"Receptive to 'messages describing the motivations and vested interests of people currently making pronouncements on global warming--for example, the statement that some members of the media scare the public about global warming to increase their audience and their influence*….' (ICE report, AMS archives, p. 4)

(*Or claiming that it's all a ploy for Al Gore to make more money...)

TARGET 2: "younger, lower-income women"

"… These women are more receptive .. to factual information concerning the evidence for global warming. They are likely to be “green” consumers, believe the earth is warming, and to think the problem is serious. However, they are also likely to soften their support for federal legislation after hearing new information…”
ICE report, AMS archives, p. 4


"…Members of the public feel more confident expressing opinions on others' motivations and tactics than they do expressing opinions of scientific issues.”

Does this sound familiar?

Did you know that fuel companies use the same PR firm used by tobacco companies to convince the public that smoking is not bad for your health? "Doubt is our product." - infamous tobacco CEO memo

Did you know that with the proliferation of the internet, the major target of PR firms are internet memes?

Do you ever look at all the comments on youtube videos, news articles, and forums, calling global warming a scam, posted by the same people, using the same language, over and over again, at odd hours of the day and night, and wonder:


Well, yes, some of them do have jobs. That IS their job. You can see some of them at work, right here on ATS. Hi there! Hope you're being paid well enough to clear your conscience!

The part of all of this that makes me REALLY furious, though, as if this patronizing targeting wasn't enough, is that so many of you make their job that. much. easier.

One of their current favorite target memes is "drinking the kool-aid." Some of you may not realize this, and you use it only because you see it plastered all over the internet. I find this sadly ironic because it's meant to be a reference to Jim Jones' cult in Guyana, collectively committing suicide (and we all know the "suicide" part is somewhat debatable, anyways). But which sounds more like suicide to you?

A) Telling the multinational oil corporations that run our governments to stick their fossil fuels and corporate welfare where the sun don't shine, and investing in clean alternatives so that we, our children, and grandchildren, don't find ourselves inhabiting an uninhabitable planet, or...

B) Trusting that the oil industry has our best interests at heart (multinational corporations have never lied to us!), continuing the status quo because we are somewhat comfortable now - and we don't like to think about what will happen in 5 or 10 or 20 years if it's going to be icky and gloomy,...letting the voices of the vast majority in the scientific community be squelched by a few who are much better-funded and much less scrupulous, as evidenced here and everywhere else you care to look (if you care, and you're not complacently "drinking the kool-aid.")

Come on, ATS, (those of you that are real people interested in what this site is about). You're smarter than this, aren't you? Deny ignorance, anyone?
edit on 10/22/10 by burdenofdreams because: fixed text bolding

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by thecinic

You're just mad you didn't think of the global warming scam first.....

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Odessy
reply to post by tracer7

I think that "global warming" phenomena MAY be a scam...


It is absolutely clear that we NEED to find cleaner, cheaper, energy. What Oil does to the environment is terrible.
Same same other toxins being dumped throughout the world. Industrial waste.
They might not destroy the planet as a habitual place, but it will make it a very dry and lifeless planet, with less trees, less animals, and more birth disease.

I like seeing trees. I like seeing animals. I like seeing clean water. I like seeing living land. I like seeing life.

Trees feed on CO2.

Surely the increased levels should help them?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
For all those people out there who question those of us who question global warming.

We are not global warming DENIERS. We mostly admit that climate change is happening. While we will happily admit that man made pollution has an environmental impact, it has never been possible for mankind to influence the weather on a planetary scale, and likely it never will be.

Mother Nature will always win in a battle of Mankind vs. The Elements.

What is interesting is the data being ignored by every single global warming climatolagist out there, that every other planet and moon in our solar system is also experiencing a warming trend at the current time. I would think that there is some sort of large mysterious ball of fire at the center of the solar system that is having an impact on ALL the planets.

Pretty sure that mankind hasn't made it to most of them yet, and even if they have, the pollution caused by a few astronauts or satellites / probes visiting is hardly enough to generate planetary climate change on other planets.

Man Made Global Warming alarmists need to stop ignoring the data from all the other planets, and the data from the ice core samples from Earth's own history. Data from "150 years of record keeping" doesn't cut it when there are billions of years worth of data available in core samples that contradict the last 150 years.

Thank you, I am sick of all this CO2 BS. The planet goes through changes. Why is it us everyday people who would happily use 'green' cars, homes and work places if we could, that are gonna get taxed the hell out of because the big ass corporations with the governments hands in their pockets won't do anything about the products they sell us?

I hope that made sense, I was ranting a little but the whole thing makes me mad.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

True words, I starred you.

It's almost funny how the priorities are always twisted. The hypocrisy is so see through and in reality, is not at all funny. In fact it is quite upsetting.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 06:05 AM
I don't think anyone is suggesting that we need not worry about being good stewards of the biosphere and the earth's resources, or, that carbon emission reduction is wise, recognizing that the oceans and forests have a limited "sponge capacity" to absorb it all as a carbon sink. No, what we are saying is that the trumped up manmade global warming science is a FRAUD, and a SCAM, of the farthest reaching proportions, based on faulty science for a globalist agenda, that's all. Yes, NOW it's "climate change" as opposed to "global warming", that's in case it starts to cool down OR heat up, or just fluctuate "abnormally". Polar caps are not melting, not in winter.. but we must stop cutting down the old growth forrests and amazon, and clean everything up, damn straight.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes

Trees feed on CO2.

Surely the increased levels should help them?

I am not coming down an either side of this argument because I truly feel it is way more complicatd that "it's a hoax" or "it's not a hoax." Part of the reason I feel that way is as I stated earlier in the thread -

I have an indoor garden. If I artificially raise the CO2 level inside my indoor "greenhouse" it actually suffocates the plants unless I also raise the temperature in order to help the plants be able to absorbe the extra CO2. The plants ability to absorb CO2 is not limitless and is governed by a few factors. I will not claim to be an expert on this but I know for a fact that unless I make it hotter, more CO2 just kills my plants.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Yes, NOW it's "climate change" as opposed to "global warming", that's in case it starts to cool down OR heat up, or just fluctuate "abnormally". Polar caps are not melting, not in winter.. but we must stop cutting down the old growth forrests and amazon, and clean everything up, damn straight.

Actually, if you've ever taken the time to review any of the information out there, 'climate change' has been the preferred terminology in mot circles outside the us for many, many years, because it more accurately describes the effects on weather patterns and climate. "Global Warming" was never meant to imply that it would get hotter everywhere. It was a description of a warming atmosphere. It has been speculated for at least a decade, if not longer, that this warming trend will lead to fluxuating weather patterns around the globe, from record highs to record lows. This is all well-documented.

To claim that 'its all a hoax', one must present a LOT of evidence. My problem with the majority of the 'denier' community, is they dont even take the time to educate themselves on the specifics of what they think they are refuting. It's all based on political perspectives and pundit talking points.

One can't refute what they dont even understand.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 11:06 AM

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:27 PM
I am constantly amazed that the believers in "Climate Disruption" are aghast that an energy company funds climate research, but have no problem with the billions of research dollars being funded by governments, radical environmental groups and corporations that have just as much of a vested interest in garnering receipt of their share of the trillions of dollars at stake.

How can one scientist be a whore for the oil companies, when another is not considered a whore for the carbon market traders? From either side of the debate it is no longer about science it is only about the agenda.

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by billyjack
I am constantly amazed that the believers in "Climate Disruption" are aghast that an energy company funds climate research, but have no problem with the billions of research dollars being funded by governments, radical environmental groups and corporations that have just as much of a vested interest in garnering receipt of their share of the trillions of dollars at stake.

How can one scientist be a whore for the oil companies, when another is not considered a whore for the carbon market traders? From either side of the debate it is no longer about science it is only about the agenda.

The false assumption is that both 'sides' are equally wrong, even though the actual science (remember that?) dos indeed come to some pointed conclusions for one side.

The decades of peer-reviewed science from tens of thousands of different scientists vs a handful of folks directly funded by the very industries shown to be the most at fault?

the real fete is that the 'denier' camp has been able to buy themselves and their denial equal footing with the valid science.

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