Originally posted by America?
reply to post by LeoVirgo
This material has made me curious about one thing and I would like your input if you wouldn't mind. How do you view the events that happen in your
life? Do you think we sign a certain contract with a list of activities before we incarnate here? Do you think these lives have happened before and
maybe that is why there is deja vu? These are just two of my ideas and belive it could be parts of both and I got the notion that there is a contract
before we incarnate from the Ra material.
After reading materials such as the Ra material...I can look back and notice how I saw things so differently due to the material, the thoughts and
ideas it gave me. That I, could of been this 'separate' being that chose to incarnate here and had a hand in the 'life' I have now. Even thinking that
my children, could of chose me as a parent...and I could of chose my parents..ect.
Now, with this material, I am rethinking all of it. As sure as I have felt about many things, I know that with experiences and new 'ideas' I
discovered I was not so sure. In the end, my mind stays open.
If there is this 'IAM' within us all...that connects us...and the part of 'us' that 'chooses' an incarnation...may not be a 'separate' self at
all...leads to new ideas and reasons for things. It makes me ask...is there a 'many' that are without beginning and end,or is there truly, only ONE
true self of all of us?
My path right now...is exploring the later....that its only ONE true self. The part of you that chose to incarnate is but a phase of this 'IAM' and
the part of me that chose to incarnate is but a 'phase' of this IAM...and so to is every other 'being' a 'phase' of this ONE.
As there may be a 'path' for our life...there may be many gateways to choose to get there. If we make a major 'shift' in our ways...something can
occur, like dejavu. Other experiences like 'paranormal' things may happen, in these moments of 'shifts'. The design, in the end, leads us to the
destination....but we as a 'self' (mind complex, intellect) may take a curvy route causing the 'path' to NEED more 'reminders' or things that 'make
us' question and wonder. We want to think that we are this 'self' separate, for the lose of the ""I"" of us, scares us (well most).
But I dont shrug off the thinking that 'one chooses as a self to incarnate' for specific reasons...for this path, just like many paths of things of
deeper thinking...allows us to see something we are in need of. Like....what purpose can this life of self, have? What purpose can I as a self, be
here to do? How can I, as a self, be of benefit to others?
As a 'phase' of this IAM...there would be a seemingly separate identity, for a glimpse of our beings 'time'. We should not ignore this 'phase' or
ignore the 'I'....for it has purpose. Some cant understand that if the 'I' has purpose...then why would we have to 'shed' the I (self) at some point
in our growth/progression? Even the Ra material, speaks of 'abandoning the path of 'self''.
We gain one kind of wisdom and growth on the path of self, it is needed. As a phase of the IAM...then yes, we surely 'chose' to incarnate into a
certain path. I guess the next question is...which 'phases' of the IAM chose to incarnate....to not just awaken to the knowing of self (as something
separate)....but which 'phases' incarnated to awaken to the more....the true self, the IAM that IS...the Monad that is at the core of our being, our
The Ra material goes more to the 'higher selves' being separate things...it briefly talks beyond that. So I find the Ra material being more for those
that are seeking the 'path of self' as something that is still separate, has its own identity...that is not fully aware or ready to be a part of the
ONE that it really is. This path is just as needed, as any. It is a process that the ONE needs to go through...it is the sifting that the ONE needs to
process. I feel that most that resonate with the Ra material (I have moved away from it over the past year) are more on the path of self...even though
it talks so much about the path of others and ascension.
To be honest...I feel I have had my ascension, right here, on Earth. It as all to do with a choice...and that choice, was to stay and not leave or
long to leave, for MYSELF and my own desires of 'self'. This was the moment I discovered, what the Ra material talks about the path of others and
ascension...was not something that a 'self' desires...but is when the self can be offered back to the whole....all the other selves, and what ever
incarnation would be best then, for others....not ...myself.
I guess one could say, on the path of self, the Ra material helped me. This Impersonal Life material...helped me see that alot of what I excepted in
the Ra material....was out of self desires, self wishes, self longings. Again, this was not wrong...and was needed. I dont think I would of had the
experiences of 'merging with a light boy' if was not for me moving on from that material though, focusing on the information it gave about at some
point 'abandoning the path of self', and trying to see a bigger picture with my 'self' being a part of a whole, a ONE.
I watched a show the other night called 'Life...or something like it'. It was Angelina Jolie and she had been given a prophecy that she would die
within a weeks time. She learned to prevent this...she could try to change her path that she was on...which fulfilled many 'self' desires...was not
'true happiness' and contentment, with her 'true self'. It made me think about all of this...and dejavu...which I have had some cool moments of as
well as great synchronisities.
I think it shows us, the choices we make, is what makes us, in control. And the Impersonal Life talks about 'to think, is to create'. I wholeheartedly
believe this. I cant say I can explain how it works...if its literally creating something somewhere....but I think we can 'create a heaven' or even
'create a hell'....for our 'after life' or our next 'phase of being'.
I even, on the path of self (and mind you, I thought while I was on this path of self, I was on the path of 'service to others'), I connected deeply
with Saturn and a group of beings. I related this to a 'past and future' of me. But in the perspective of the IAM within me....I have to wonder, was
this not information I was only allowed to see, not so much connected to me. In the 'phase' idea, being a 'phase' of ONE....then the ONE can offer us
visions, experiences, dreams, ect....that we can use to grow, to discover things, to feed our desires of self, to test and trial many thoughts and
ideas. In the end, will we discover that all of those things....still left us hungry, unsatisfied, still seeking? Is it all just a way, to make us
eventually, turn to the true self within...which is a ONE...only ONE...something we all share...something that is the deepest core of us and we cant
find it...till we shed many layers of the self that we think we are, that we desire to be, that we long for, that we are not ready to release and let
go of until we see over and over again...the path of self, will not satisfy us, in Spirit.
Is something we 'seem to remember' really a part of the 'self, the I that we think we are, the separate self from others'....or is it just something
that is offered to us, by the ONE, the IAM, to help us on the paths we need to explore, before exploring, we are ONE.
My mother experienced herself seeing a 'past life' during the times of Jesus. She does not believe in reincarnation but in a near death experience,
she 'saw' this. Was this truly a part of the separate self of her....or was this just another 'phase of God' that she was allowed to see into? With
the IAM perspective...then all incarnations, are of ONE....not a many. If she was on a path of self, then she would see this as this was literally her
soul in a past life. If she was on the path of others, being ONE with all, seeing all as another part of her own self....she would then see this 'past
life' as just a view into 'Gods mind' in a way.
In short I could of answered you with 'I dont know'.
So tell me, what do you think about it...and with what I have said here.
My best
Edit to add...I think when we start to see ourselves as a part of a ONE...then we see all the lives of all beings...is surely then, all a past to us,
a part of us. So not only is your 'past' incarnations only for you....they are more of a ONE, a ALL...and anyone is Spirit (path of others, true self,
ONE)...can then also tap into the same exact things you may have experienced at what was 'seemingly' a past life. When connected to the true self of
one...anyone can tap into all existences, all phases, of the IAM.
An example you can try....is to tap into the ''phase' of the life that was called' Jesus'. One, when they do this, may come away with being convinced
then that they are 'Jesus' for they were able to see through the 'mind complex' of him. But are they really Jesus, is a past life...or are they
tapping into the united conscious mind of IAM...what is of Spirit...what is accessible to all who seek it. You may be shown many things Jesus
experienced, even to the point of feeling the anger, fear, and love..that he experienced as a 'phase' of God.
Is this how the ancients held 'elders' that had past 'godlike'....for they seemed to of been able to 'tap into' the mind complex of there loved ones
that had pasted on...even the ones that they never knew of but were only told of.
Seek other 'phases' of the united conscious IAM and see where that leads you. Are we able to tap into any past 'existence' or being....if we realize
that they are all a 'part of the IAM, the true self of us all'.
I personally have gained alot of different thoughts lately...about how people, even David Wilcock...has been able to 'connect' to a seemingly past
life. I think it can go beyond those 'past' selves...and I think we can tap into 'any and all' past complexes or phases of being, since we all have
this 'IAM' within us and that IAM is the ONE thing that has been a part of and within ALL beings and existences. The self in us (body complex, the
part that thinks we are a "I" that is separate) may only be willing to accept certain existences as being a part of us, therefor they may stop at
seeing one past self...for it feeds their desires and pride of being an 'I'. Example again....David claimed himself to be 'father of the white man'
for this is what he saw in his past. Would he be ready to discover that the true IAM within him was the father of every single color of beings on
Earth...as well as every child of every father of all the families that ever were. Is he just not ready to accept that his deeper self is not only
connected to 'beings that feed his desires of self' but also of all the beings that would not feed his desires of self. I only use him as an example
since we have talked some about the Ra material here. As much as I heard David say 'we are one....I am you and you are me'....he doesnt seem to
understand this potential and understand that this idea, makes him not just 'one or few' in the past....but all....just as it does you and me.
edit on 21-10-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)