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*The Impersonal Life* ...of IAM

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posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:28 PM
Hello ATS'ers

I am not usually one to promote a material of writing for guidance. I most likely, will be a one that encourages to 'go within and seek'.

I am not usually one to say....another can show you a truth....for most likely I would say....the fullest truth for your will be found within you.

As I pass on this material of writing....know, I dont claim it for you as a absolute for you....only you can know if any words within resonate with the I AM within you.

Through my own seeking within, personal experiences, and thinking I have been guided to understandings.... the 'truth' that I have came to know, is within the writings I have recently crossed paths with and will link one to in this opening post (thanks to ATS'er named 'IAMIAM' that shared the writings in another thread, whom was led to them by another ATSer). Be it any other time in my life...I would not of resonated with the material so deeply. But since I have already discovered so much of it on my own path of 'seeking within'....I have no issues with sharing a material of writing as a 'truth', for to me, that is what it is. For you, it may not be, and that is OK. Im not pushing, only sharing.

I hope others read it and share their thoughts. If you have read it, please share your thoughts. Bring quotes to the thread to be discussed. Agree or disagree, its all welcomed here.

To you, who, through long years and much running to and fro, have been eagerly seeking, in books and teachings, in philosophy and religion, for you know not what ---Truth, Happiness, Freedom, God;

To you whose Soul is weary and discouraged and almost destitute of hope;

To you, who many times have obtained a glimpse of that "Truth" only to find, when you followed and tried to reach it, that it disappeared in the beyond, and was but the mirage of the desert;

To you, who thought you had found it in some great teacher, who was perhaps the acknowledged head of some Society, Fraternity or Religion, and who appeared to you to be a "Master," so marvelous was the wisdom he taught and the works he performed; -- only to awaken later to the realization that that "Master" was but a human personality, with faults and weaknesses, and secret sins, the same as you, even though that personality may have been a channel through which were voiced many beautiful teachings, which seemed to you the highest "Truth;"

And here you are, Soul aweary and enhungered, and not knowing where to turn ---

To you, I AM come

That is only the beginning to the writings called 'The Impersonal Life'.

I personally, am only half way through the reading....but I can already see, where it leads me to.

If you are a seeker, seeking, take a further look at the link.

My best to all,
edit on 15-10-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 12:50 PM
I will share my first issue Im mulling over from the writings.

I always have had a issue with seeing the 'higher IAM' as a gender, like 'father'. In the writings it does refer to Thee as 'father' but may do so for the human limits on how we perceive things and need to perceive them.

For as I see a father I aslo see the I AM, the truest part of all life.

Another issue I caution carefully is the mention of the word 'power'...and if read correctly I dont think its talking about 'power' as in for a 'self' to absorb and use....but more of a 'nature'. When the IAM knows what it is, a all knowing 'God' or 'life' of all things...the power just IS, its not prideful nor uses it to the benefit of a separate existence....but would only use this 'all knowing' in the higher existence to 'become' or be.

Language limits me often for I cant always find the words I want to say.

But I really feel deeply, this is the closest thing I have ever read to what I would call 'truth' of things of Spirit.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

My friends,

A word of caution while reading this material.

One may be tempted by the use of words like Power, I AM, and God being used in reference to what is within you as a means of building up their own personal ego. Be careful my friends, this is a two edged sword. For every realisation that comes to you, comes with it the acknowledgement that it too lies within all of us. Take it not as an empowering read, but as a deeply humbling understanding of the way we are in relation to one another.

The least among you, shall be the greatest.

With Love,

Your brother
edit on 15-10-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

On another thread,that can be found here, I responded with that same two word statement of proof.

I have had that one belief ever since I was a very young human.

I always though religion as most know it was "man made".

It all seems so "illogical" to me.

I subscribe to Scribd (always thought it should have been called Scribe) and will read this,though I believe I read something of this same nature of thought many earth cycles ago.

As I said in the linked thread,two words prove monotheism,I AM.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Why do our brains generate intellect if there is no value in intellect?

If IAM is God, and God directly designed the human being, then what would inspire IAM to create a corporeal matrix that offers no value to existence? If IM did not design the corporeal matrix (the human body and intellect generating brain) the what does IAM actually bring to the table that is of any real value or significance? Obviously, the human brain is the center of the corporeal matrix, and the intellect that is generated is the primary product left to existence by the brain. If this intellect - a permanent mass of ultra-sophisticated, context-rich form of dynamic information - is valueless, then I have to ask why this IAM designed it to be the central existential offering of the human being.

All else that is created by the human being is either infinitely transient or directly associated with the generation of intellect. Even - yes - the manifesto that is linked to this thread. The product of a human being's intellect. I assume that a human being typed it out and uploaded it to that site.

If God is behind this paper, then is it able to address queries concerning the inconsistencies associated with it? Is God registered on the board here? Or maybe a spokesman? There are logical issues that need to be ironed out for some of us who have more literal minds and require this truth to be interpreted in a slightly different manner. Surely God - IAM - is capable of speaking to us in our own language and helping us understand what seems inconsistent (likely due to our own inability to wade through that other presentation). God would know how to explain it in many ways, for many different types of brains.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Absolutely my friend. The "manifesto" is a thought experiment meant to be read as if the voice is coming from within.

The "voice" will manifest to all as best that they can interpret it. Look within for your answers and trust that within you shall find them.

The reality of this world is constantly shifting. Even now quantum physics is revealing that much of this reality is based on the expectations of the observer.

But, this is merely my opinion, my truth. Yours may vary and still be equally manifest, in a universe of all possibilities.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Well its even more simple to believe in an Infinite Consciousness, that is made up of all of our Infinite rays of consciousness, so the I Am is you, and me, our entire holistic infinite selves in progression. We're the ones we're waiting for, though I hardly would imagine our Higher/Future Selves use words like Divine or God/gods to describe themselves, more the Family.

Its all in us, the answers lie within us, and we need to seek within. To find our purpose and love. Everyday we are presented with tests, and we're here to develop into mature loving rays. So you're intellect is a part of your progression and self.

There are many ways of contemplating Oneness, some see One consciousness like a melting pot we all reform into, others see infinity prohibiting One existing for in infinity everything is infinite, and without beginning or ending, so that we are all the infinite Rays of Consciousness, progressing and expanding in purity, love and equality, and in Unity. Such as ET_MAN's metaphysic posts related from his nde and experiences, In a Quantum Physics way, which is how I was shown by my Higher Self.
edit on 15-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:20 PM
This is a good read, but hasn't really opened my eyes to anything new. My thread I made awhile ago explains why.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by NorEaster

Well its even more simple to believe in an Infinite Consciousness, that is made up of all of our Infinite rays of consciousness, so the I Am is you, and me, our entire holistic infinite selves in progression. We're the ones we're waiting for, though I hardly would imagine our Higher/Future Selves use words like Divine or God/gods to describe themselves, more the Family.

Its all in us, the answers lie within us, and we need to seek within. To find our purpose and love. Everyday we are presented with tests, and we're here to develop into mature loving rays. So you're intellect is a part of your progression and self.

There are many ways of contemplating Oneness, some see One consciousness like a melting pot we all reform into, others see infinity prohibiting One existing for in infinity everything is infinite, and without beginning or ending, so that we are all the infinite Rays of Consciousness, progressing and expanding in purity, love and equality, and in Unity. Such as ET_MAN's metaphysic posts related from his nde and experiences, In a Quantum Physics way, which is how I was shown by my Higher Self.
edit on 15-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I understand that the residual informational continuum stores all of our thoughts and intellectual developments, as well as all events within the shared environment, but the direct transfer of information is a deliberate activity, and the One, or The All, or God, or IAM, if this is the being that is presenting this information, would be fully capable of making it effortless for the reader to inhale this information. In the Christian bible, the "gift of tongues" referred to the Apostles ability to speak to a large group of people from many different nations, at the same time, and be fully understood by all of them as if he were speaking in their native dialect. This was the miracle of "speaking in tongues", and it was a miracle, since the Apostle was actually speaking in his own dialect, but God translated it within the mind of each listener as if the speaker was from his own village.

So God's capacity to make important information immediately accessible to everyone, and all at the same instant, is not unheard of. It has definite precedence within the Christian narrative.

So, why - if this presentation is of ultimate significance - won't God allow each of us to read our own fully translated version of what it states? It's been stated that God has done this before. Why does a seeker of truth have to transition their own core sense of information cognitivity to conform to the messenger's presentation if God did not required this of the seeker in the past? Why were those people in the marketplace given more consideration than people like me and others who really struggle to intellectually align with this presentation's voice and structure? Where is God concern for people who can't make heads or tails out of that style of prose?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

I understand that the residual informational continuum stores all of our thoughts and intellectual developments, as well as all events within the shared environment, but the direct transfer of information is a deliberate activity, and the One, or The All, or God, or IAM, if this is the being that is presenting this information, would be fully capable of making it effortless for the reader to inhale this information. In the Christian bible, the "gift of tongues" referred to the Apostles ability to speak to a large group of people from many different nations, at the same time, and be fully understood by all of them as if he were speaking in their native dialect. This was the miracle of "speaking in tongues", and it was a miracle, since the Apostle was actually speaking in his own dialect, but God translated it within the mind of each listener as if the speaker was from his own village. So God's capacity to make important information immediately accessible to everyone, and all at the same instant, is not unheard of. It has definite precedence within the Christian narrative. So, why - if this presentation is of ultimate significance - won't God allow each of us to read our own fully translated version of what it states? It's been stated that God has done this before. Why does a seeker of truth have to transition their own core sense of information cognitivity to conform to the messenger's presentation if God did not required this of the seeker in the past? Why were those people in the marketplace given more consideration than people like me and others who really struggle to intellectually align with this presentation's voice and structure? Where is God concern for people who can't make heads or tails out of that style of prose?


First and for most, like I stated in my opening posts...we dont need books or materials to figure things of Spirit out....the 'word' is within life and can be found if one seeks. Its not something that should just fall in your lap..true intent in seeking and understanding is a part of this 'experience'.

Just as so, in the writings, it repeats one may not be at the point of being able to understand or accept what is written. The writings talk of the 'impersonal IAM' that is within you...within me....within all life therof...therefor, we all as a UNIT, are IAM. Like a cell to your body, is a part of to are we each, like a cell now, to the body of 'god'. And please note...I use the term 'god' very lightly and not in a religious term.

The divine design was never intended for us to just fall across a certain writing and suddenly understand and have the answers. So my intentions for bringing the writing to light, is not to say 'this is from god'.....but please try to look at it like this for a moment>>>>If a being discovers the IAM within, discovers then the divine will of Thee, discovers the IAM within all life therof....and spreads this understanding into a a sense, this is a 'phase' of an IAM in bodily awakenings that is writing down his or her own discovery of itself, its true self, its divine self and wanting to share it with 'another IAM' which is all of us.

More importantly, in your former posts, you mentioned why then create all of this matrix and intellect.

We are more like instruments that are sifting what we are out. We are the oak of the acorn, but at the same time, the acorn may only see itself as the acorn and not the oak.

There is purpose and reason, for this experience...just like children that tests the world and tests their limits, so have we, as being in this dream of 'separation'. As we have fallen or made wrong choices, somewhere some how someone (a IAM ) was there to remind us to get up, to remind us to keep going, was there to remind us, we were loved or strong or capable.

Many siftings must occur, before we leave this womb/phase/experience. Many things must be KNOWN...not just given....must be EXPERIENCED and FOUND....not just imprinted to us like we imprint knowledge to robots.

I really encourage you to read it, its easy to judge such a idea without reading it fully. I did this last night...I glanced at it and found some things that stood out to me and thought I understood what it was saying then later after reading it, I did not understand what I thought it was saying....well I did, but my interpretation was wrong and the later reading helped it all make sense to me.

Granted, many are not ready for the 'final step' or maybe many of the steps. I surely am not....but I have been on this path for a few years now, which is why I know its real. I have already been shown the further things I will have to work on that I am not ready for, and have been shown this is OK.

Just like a child can not understand all the things a adult many times I cringed when my mothers answer to my 'why nots' was 'because I said so'. Behind all of those 'because I said so's' was a reason she could not get across to me in that time or age of my life....and when she did try to give the reasons, I bucked like a horse and was not ready to 'accept' the reason.

The most difficult part many will have reading it does talk about the letting go of the 'self'...which is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, step we all will take.

Welcome all your thoughts!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by America?

Thanks for adding

Did you read through it all?

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Its a pretty old read actually....just to note.

I guess this was one of Elvis Presley's favorites, they say it sat by his bedside with his Bible.

If God is behind this paper, then is it able to address queries concerning the inconsistencies associated with it? Is God registered on the board here? Or maybe a spokesman? There are logical issues that need to be ironed out for some of us who have more literal minds and require this truth to be interpreted in a slightly different manner. Surely God - IAM - is capable of speaking to us in our own language and helping us understand what seems inconsistent (likely due to our own inability to wade through that other presentation). God would know how to explain it in many ways, for many different types of brains.

Just to note...

This IAM writing a 'part' of the whole, so surely, it has limits.

But also know, even the questions that arise in your posts and doubts and queries, are also a 'part' of the 'whole' of IAM.

Seeking the IAM within you is how your going to gain your own 'truth' for your type of brain, language, understanding.
edit on 15-10-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hi Unity! So glad to see you here

When we all fully sift it out...Im assuming it would be like one big melting pot...better flower that blossoms from its bud.

If the being feels the need to hold onto the 'self' then that is what that being should do. Only in true time and will and understanding, should one think of further steps.

Each phase is needed and is a must. What ever path one is on, is not a mistake.

As one starts to seek within, things like loving others and forgiving others seem to become a nature to them...but still much work comes after and through this still.

I really hope you read it all Unity...there is alot of things in there you and I have discussed.

Im still not through with it yet. I dont fast read anything that I find to be of value, so I am making sure to read and re read some parts so I see the point of view this writer is trying to show.

My best

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 03:56 PM
I really really can not stress much will be missed if you only 'skim read' the writings.

Lets look at some of the parts though that some may have issues with or that I personally find to be a very deep truth.....

Page 4...

The fact is, this "I" is yourself, your Real Self. Your human mind has heretofore been so engrossed with the task of supplying its intellect and body with all manner of selfish indulgences, that it has never had time to get acquainted with the Real You, its true Lord and Master. You have been so interested in and affected by the pleasures and sufferings of your body and intellect, that you have almost come to believe You are your intellect and body, and you have consequently nearly forgotten Me, your Divine Self.

I AM not your intellect and body, and this Message is to teach that You and I are One. The words I herein speak, and the main burden of these instructions, is to awaken your consciousness to this great fact.

Page 5...

You may, with your personality, try a thousand times a thousand times to burst through the shell of your human consciousness. It will result only, if at all, in a breaking down of the doors I have provided between the world of tangible forms and the real of intangible dreams; and the door being open, you then no longer can keep out intruders from your private domain, without much trouble and suffering. But even through such suffering you may gain the strength you lack and the wisdom needed to know that, not until you yield up all desire for knowledge, for goodness, yes, for union with Me, to benefit self, can you unfold your petals showing forth the perfect Beauty of My Divine Nature, and throw off the shell of your human personality and step forth into the glorious Light of My Heavenly Kingdom

Page 6...

But in all your seeking and all your striving, let it be with faith and trust in Me, your True Self within, and without being anxious about results; for the results are all in My keeping, and I will take care of them. Your doubts and your anxiety are but of the personality, and if allowed to persist will lead only to failure and disappointment.

I, Life, God

For you, who seemingly choose not to read further, I have plans, and in due season you shall learn that whatever you do, or like, or desire, it is I leading you through all the fallacies and illusions of the personality, that you may finally awaken to their unreality and then turn to Me as the one and only Reality. Then these words will find a response within: --

Page 7...

Yes, I have been within always, deep within your heart. I have been with you through all, -- through your joys and heartaches, your successes and mistakes, through your evil-doing, your shame, your crimes against your brother and against God, as you thought. Aye, whether you went straight ahead, or strayed aside, or stepped backward, it was I Who brought you through.

Again, if you skim must be meant to be that this is your choice. If any of this resonates with in you, I nudge you to read word for word, take your time, then take it and ponder it within the understanding of any and all things, within.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 04:15 PM
Im going to posts some quotes to where I am at in my reading...

Page 36...

To you who still feel the desire to read books, thinking in them to find an explanation of the mysteries that now hide from you the meaning of the earthly expressions of My Idea, I say: It is well that you seek thus outwardly, following the impulses I send, for others -- interpretations of the meaning My Idea is expressing through them; for I will make that search to be of benefit to you, though not in the way you imagine.

It is even well for you to seek in ancient teachings, philosophies and religions, or in those of other races and other peoples, for the Truth I wish to express to you; for even that search will prove profitable. But the time will come when you will realize that the thoughts of other minds and the teachings of other religions, no matter how true and beautiful, are not what I intend for you; for I have reserved for you thoughts and teachings which are yours and yours only, and which I will give to you in secret -- when you are ready to receive them.

Page 37...

Just to the extent you hold to things that are past, do you still live in the past, and can have naught to do with Me, Who dwell in the ever-present NOW, the Eternal. Just to the extent you attach yourself to past acts or experiences, religions or teachings, do they cloud your soul vision, hiding Me from you. They will ever prevent your finding Me until you free yourself of their darkening influence and step within, into the Light of My Impersonal Consciousness, which recognizes no limitations and penetrates to the infinite Reality of all things.

Page 38...

All this applies to reincarnation, to which belief many minds are fast chained. What have You, the Perfect, the Eternal, to do with past or future incarnations? Can the Perfect add to Its perfection? Or the Eternal come out of or return to eternity? I AM, and You Are, -- ONE with Me, -- and always have been, and always will be. The I AM of You dwells in and reincarnates in ALL bodies, for the one purpose of expressing My Idea.

Humanity is My Body. In It I live, move and have My Being, expressing the Glorious Light of My Idea through My Attributes, whose Celestial Radiance to the human vision is bedimmed and distorted by the myriads of clouded and imperfect facets of the human intellect. I and You, Who are One with Me, reincarnate in Humanity, as the oak reincarnates in its leaves and acorns, season after season, and again in the thousand oaks born from their thousands of acorns and their oaks, generation after generation. You say you remember your past lives. Do you? Are you sure?

Very well, what if you do? Just because I have permitted you a glimpse of the Reality of one of My past Expressions, that you might the better comprehend My Meaning which I am now expressing to you, is no assurance from Me that you personally were My Avenue of that expression. For do I not express through all avenues, and You with Me, and are We not the Life and Intelligence of all expression, no matter what the character, or the age, or race? If it pleases you to believe that you actually were that expression, it is well, and I shall cause such belief to be of benefit to you; but only to the extent of preparing you for the great Realization that afterward will come.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I would have, but I do not have the time at the moment. I know I said it didn't effect me much but I will probably get around to reading it sometime.

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by America?

Can you offer me something? As another 'I' in Spirit of 'you? Will you, when you fully have read it, give a response to me on it?

Things have been so personal these last couple of days and the build of before them was noticed as well.

The 'life' therein all things, is sooo alive...its soo observing but yet, so giving to all the 'self' needs.

Synchronisity hit home today...I just finished the reading a few hours back. I was left with unanswered thoughts, but of course, this I should expect from any outside source. Still, in all, its the best writing of words I have ever came across, of things of Spirit, 'god', Life.

So today, I finish the 14 year old son comes in from school excited about what he learned today.

He talked about a test (which I have heard this myself, but let him go on in his excitement) on plants that show a 'stress' when the plant was 'cut on' as well as when people with their 'minds' directed 'bad thoughts' to the plant.

To sum it up for my day, as I am reassured of all my 'silencing of the mind' moments and contemplations on the 'guidance' from within me, this son unknowingly learned that this 'IAM' is in the plants.

The self of me is not the part that is besides itself, it is the Spirit it me, finding itself again that is over joyed.

I will have to admit....Im not fully bought on the Impersonal part of 'Spirit, god, Life'....but I do understand in this experience we know as self, life....yes, it is impersonal....but not without a cause or direction.

This 'god' IAM in us.....defiantly....has a direction

It can only take on the true direction of 'will' through us, with the will of 'self'. As much as it says the 'self' becomes abandon.....I cant let go of the knowing that its very much used to 'become' what IAM intends.

Excuse rambles, and please, anytime you have the time, if you get to it, let me know how it felt to you. As well anything that rubbed you wrong. All is welcomed.

My best

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Hi again

So with pondering a bit this afternoon on something you asked...this is what comes to me. You said...

Why do our brains generate intellect if there is no value in intellect?

You may ask yourself....was the child part of your life, meaningless>? Does the times of you being a 'child' hold value to you? Could you of became what you are as an adult, without the 'childhood' you went through?

My best

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Oneolddude

Thank you for adding here

You commented on something that sparked a thought.

The IAM notes monotheism. I agree...very much. Something that strikes me wrong and we need to be careful of when reading such thoughts is the term 'ye are gods'. I mean no ill towards any that have said it....but for me, its not what I understand. We are not 'gods' in plural....we are a 'god' in plural existence right now maybe...but our true self of the IAM is only one, a it all works itself I do not know.

Course again, that is just my own, limited 'truth'.

If you read it fully, I do hope you share with me what you found to be in agreement with your inner being and if there is anything that was not as well.

My best to you!

posted on Oct, 15 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM
well thats deep I'm not to sure I understand all of this but I do enjoy reading these threads as it helps me to explore other possibilities.I have never ask anyone about this,but here goes I was half asleep one afternoon last jan of this year I had been half watching a show on the history channel about the pineal gland and the shamens at stonehenge I was also reading a book about much the same thing( actually I thought it strange that this show had come on at the same time I was reading about it)
anyway I was in this half sleep and I heard someone in my left ear call my name,I was shocked to say the least this is something that has never happened to me ever it was like whoever it was was in the room and I did not hear it in my head I heard it in my ear,no one was at home with me.I don't know what it was and if you might know it would be a great help..thank you

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