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Ancient Anomalies and Aliens - Part 1: Art

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by watermama

I have to disagree with this. When I look at these I don't see aircraft, I see fish....specifically plecos (algae eaters)....

I see fish, too. But I see flying fish.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

While I appreciate your credentials, I am also an art historian, and have taught college Art History for years. There are many explanations for these. People seem to neglect research into the civilizations being discussed, instead, they just want to see things which most likely are not there.

I will admit, that certain prehistoric ones are interesting as I am truly confounded about what they might have seen to relate to these images. However, beings from another world, is not the angle I look for.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 01:53 PM
This is an amazing thread. Very interesting.

My thought: I believe religion was created to segregate people. If we all had the same beliefs, we would be stronger as a whole. It would harder to push us aouund. Practically every religion on this planet begins with "GODS" decending from the heaven. Imangine living in far less andvanced world than we do today, extremely close minded because we only see the world that surrounds us. Seeing beings come down from the sky in these, then, extrodinay space crafts, Of course they would think them "GODS".

Religion effects this world in more ways they we know. If we were to find that all religion is untrue, i believe it would have such a negative effect on society. Also, I think religion gives alot of people a backbone. It helps them to feel less alone in this world. Take that away and what do they have??

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Yes I have absolutely learned this and by the way sorry for not replying I had to sleep a night (was short too) and work a day (was too long) in between

But this theory can be also apply to all kinds of symbolism too and in so many ways.
These in turn have very strong subliminal effects in our behavior and indeed everyday life, we literally LIVE by symbols and signage from traffic signs to icons on a PC, you mobile phone etc and these are also transferred into art forms and they are in fact an intricate part of the secret messages or coding and put there only for those who can understand it or at some point crack the code as you very cleverly indicated with your examples of written language using Las Vegas and Egypt!
Body language/posture (especially in reliefs and sculptures as well as pictures/pictographs) has its own unique set of symbols too (you learn that in NLP)!
A very fascinating subject indeed but, however, few delve deeper into this psychological material of the subliminal impact of spoken word, visual symbolism including colour/tone influence to mention a few of our natural sensory perceptions that all humans possess but most fail to recognize
(partly because we have to a certain extent, lost that GUT FEELING and party "because we are not supposed to know about it in case we ourselves use it.. to manipulate the masses as some tend to misuse it, this "magic", it's only reserved for the elite tptb") If you get caught using it, then you could be worse off than the Sorcerer's Apprentice!
Furthermore, because of the "standardization" in every day life, and the preoccupation of daily life, most people don't even think about it anyway.

Nice exchange with you
to you

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes
The one that always gets me going is the 'Baptism of Christ'.

If that ain't a flying saucer, I don't know what is!

Apparently, then, you don't know what is.
Nor are you willing to try to find out - even though the relevant material exists right here at ATS:
Cicada's post on "The Baptism of Jesus" by Aert DeGelder


Well no disrespect to Cicada, but I disagree with him. This may come as a shock to you Harte but what Cicada said in that thread is not actual fact.

edit on 11-10-2010 by Wide-Eyes because: spelling

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

so you think the bible is about aliens?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by yeti101
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

so you think the bible is about aliens?

The picture was painted long after biblical times.

I find it fascinating, I wonder where the artist got his inspiration.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

so you have no supporting evidence that the painting depicts an alien spaceship?

but there is supporting evidence it depicts manifestation of heaven, with the holy spirit depicted as a dove
edit on 11-10-2010 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by CHA0S

Oh Cha0s I didnt say "we shouldnt pay attention to those", I said "I" dont pay much attention
. Although I am open minded, maybe I'm too biased by my personal and academic knowledge and I'm letting it get in between but like I said, unless we get absolute proof, the past is nothing but a big theory that we continue to rebuild, the best we can, piece by piece... and those pieces dont come in a specific order. Sometimes you find something you have no idea about and only after you discover the "link".

But this is "my" vision on the subject and should not, by all means, influence your opinion or others alike.

@ aew14


True. People sometimes see what they want to see, thats true, even for a researcher. Sometimes we just want to find "THAT" piece of the puzzle and we get clouded by our own personal quests - we're not immune either - and those "many explanations" are mainly theories cause in fact, unless you have a true record, thats pretty much everything you can do (not talking of course of simple "mundane" stuff like pottery, arrow heads or the venus of willendorf - I just brought the venus up cause you're a teacher and every single art teacher loves to talk about it and since I heard so damn much about that fat lady I thought I could have my revenge at a art history teacher

Now on a more serious note, those "airplanes" are really out of context... I mean, as a fellow historian, specially a art historian what is your opinion on those.

And like you, and I know what you feel, the pre-historic cave paintings are the ones which I cant even draw a theory... they're really something.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:36 PM
Great thread. This is my second time to comment on one

There is just too much evidence here to disprove a UFO presence since mankinds conception. In those paintings its almost like a game of wheres waldo with a ufo, almost like just a little reminder "weve always been here". But one thing that throws me off is the gold figurine. If ETs traveled lightyears to get here they most certainly would not be using a technology as primitive as an airplane. It just goes against all other ufo sightings but all being said it is something to be marveled.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Threads like this is what make conspiracy theorists look bad. Why would you base human made art on a theory of ancient aliens?

I draw aliens all the time. Does that mean 5000 years from now people will look at my art and think of such crazy things? I sure hope not.

Like I said in my previous post. Ancient Egyptians painted and sculpted Anubis. So you really think there were hybrid canine people walking around back then?

Guess what? Ancient people made up things! Just like current human artists.

I just can't believe people actually BLINDLY believe in it without any real proof. Paintings are not proof. Especially when the paintings/sculptures can be easily interpreted to be logical objects. Wake up people, please.

edit on 10/11/2010 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/11/2010 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by mnmcandiez

Like I said in my previous post. Ancient Egyptians painted and sculpted Anubis. So you really think there were hybrid canine people walking around back then?

What's up dog?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by mnmcandiez
Paintings are not proof. Especially when the paintings/sculptures can be easily interpreted to be logical objects. Wake up people, please.

What percentage of the universe is of earth?

Odds seem more in favor of that some sources that inspired some things came from outside of earth's atmosphere, considering what percentage of reality is outside earth's atmosphere

statitistically speaking that is.


edit on 11-10-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by mnmcandiez

yes, but you draw those aliens because someting put that in your head, whether that be on the net, tv or whatever. Our ancestors had to of seen something resembling what they were drawing or sculpting, it wasnt a random thought. They didn't live the luxurious life we have, where we can waste an entire day with some abstract thought, all while having our water pumped into our house and not having to work for our food. They would not waste time with things like this unless they saw something awe inspiring, thus fueling their desire to carry out such a task. I mean telling us to "wake up"? Go back through that body of evidence again with an open mind and bias free, its pretty compelling. I would advise you to wake up, as that is not even close to a quarter of the evidence that (im not going to say proves the ancient astronaut hypothesis*) but shows us there is a part of our history that is not being told. As for the "hybrids" this is a tough one, i mean so much of history is up for interpretation, thats why were on here debating. Thank God for ATS by the way. but going along the lines of the AAH, the egyptians may have saw something so advanced, so beyond words that they interpreted the only way they knew how. I could be totally wrong, and most likely am. Here's a thought for you though, as you claim the AAH so hard to believe. Say ETs do exist (odds are AT LEAST 100%) now say those ETs can achieve space travel (any intelligent civilization will be capale of that in time, how long depends on how intelligent**). Now, assuming they think like us, they would be in search of developing civilizations and resources. Ok so if they found earth around 2,000 YA they would most definatly be percieved as gods, as they came down from heaven and the technology would be mistaken for something supernatural. All complete speculation, but just a thought for you
If i went back in time to sumerian times with a flashlight i would probably be dubbed "The bringer of light" and have a holy stature.
Sorry so long this is my thrid comment on ATS so i got alot of # to say

*I call it ancient astronaut hypothesis because the definition of a theory isa consolidation of many hypothesis that have stood up to many tests without being disproven.
**Any problem is solvable with intelligent ingenuity and technology.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:10 AM
Great thread Chaos,
I've seen your posts on other threads too and am beginning to like the way you think/work

The quality of the images you have posted here are way better than any of the documentaries I've seen on these works and your thread is a whole lot easier to digest S+F

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by yeti101
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

so you have no supporting evidence that the painting depicts an alien spaceship?

but there is supporting evidence it depicts manifestation of heaven, with the holy spirit depicted as a dove
edit on 11-10-2010 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

I wouldnt call it "evidence",... more like "logical and contextual interpretation".

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

Also, even if there is "supporting evidence it depicts manifestation of heaven", it changes nothing - because AA theory holds it was a misinterpretation, therefore the people depicting these beings are obviously going to believe they are depicting a manifestation of heaven, and write about it in such a way also. It changes nothing even if they did think they were depicting heavily beings on a divine cloud shooting down rays of holy light. That's what I've been trying to say this whole time. Understanding and explaining the symbolism means nothing, unless you can explain the origins of that symbolism and why it looks as it does. What I'm arguing here is that all the common themes we see in this ancient art from all over the world do have origins, and when you look at it rationally, and try to understand from their point of view what it is they were trying to depict, it quickly becomes obvious that they were either depicting aliens or real gods. So, which is more likely? Obviously Humans seem to have thought back then they were Gods, and millions of Humans still do think the same, and follow religions devoted to those Gods. And yet, when a person tries to look at it rationally, and say - hey, wait a minute, lets look at it rationally, maybe they were trying to depict advanced beings, technologically advanced beings - those people have apparently lost the plot, because such a theory is blasphemous to everything we think we know.

PS - This is off topic, but I REALLY hate these avatar size changes...what a I need to make another avatar...*shakes fist*...

edit on 12/10/10 by CHA0S because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Thank you first off for creating this ancient anomolies type thread. I recently saw the series ancient aliens on itunes and some of the evidence including what you posted is startling and eye opening. Even for a skeptic. You are talking alien faces and bodies, helicopters, planes, spacecraft, and astronaut type suits depicted on ancient texts and hieroglyphs, etc. It really does get you thinking what transpired around that time. Not only that time but perhaps us humans have already been there, done that 1 million years ago etc? Does anyone know how long it takes manmade steel type technology to completely wither away after all civilization on earth is desimatec?

Of course 100% speculating hear, lets iamgine we were an advanced civilzation that killed eachother off by nuclear holocaust and winter. Could it be possible that we actually have 10 million year old ancestors buried miles under the sediment and layering of the earth but completely invisible, withered away, and all traces impossible to find because of natural aging/decaying process of manmade materials? Please correct me if I am way off here. But it really got me thinking that not only were we visited by aliens possibly, but maybe we even had our own very advanced civilzation right here on earth many many millions of years ago, still un-documented, and never documented because of some natural process?
edit on 12-10-2010 by vincenz32 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2010 by vincenz32 because: spelling

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:25 PM
I've seen most of these before but they always fascinate me.. the only input I have is on the crystal skulls .. they are pretty well debunked and have been subject of discussion.. there is in fact tooling marks found on the skulls and they have been estimated to be no older than 19th century .. the type of quartz used in their manufacture is from Brazil .. they were believed to be created in Germany in a town that was well known for creating crystal sculptures using imported brazilian quartz .. but ultimately they are not believed to be genuine .. there's no historical references to these skulls prior to the mid to late 1930s .. they are not mentioned in aztech or pre-columbian writings .. there's essentially nothing to support these skulls as being anything but modern pieces of art created by man using modern tooling ( rotary grinding ) equipment.

None of the paranormal claims about these skulls have been proven either..

Anyway - aside from that! .. excellent

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

who doesnt love the Venus of Willendorf?

In terms of the planes, my thought would be birds. The ancients seeing creatures that could fly, tried to emulate what they could see, possibly from a distance. It is most certainly intriguing, but by no means out of this world

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