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Ancient Anomalies and Aliens - Part 1: Art

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posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 05:29 AM
Absolutely brilliant post, thanks so much for this compilation of art and artefacts, and the time you have invested in the effort!
So many responses elsewhere (not on this site) stating all these things are nothing more than Chinese lanterns , or flares attached to balloons, and when I have in the past shown people some of these images and information from sites online, I have had people explain it's the science fiction of the day.
When are people actually going to wake up to the fact that not only have intergalactic/inter-dimensional beings been visiting/watching over earth for thousands of years, but they still are, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest so, including reports from former military personnel and commercial pilots, along with other credible witnesses.
So many narrow minded people say to me science hasn't proved the existence of extra terrestrials, yet what about when science said the earth was flat, or that the earth was the centre of the galaxy?
Science is more often wrong than right, and on top of that, any scientist who dared to speak out confirming the existence of these craft and beings, would be ostracised from the scientific community, and it would be the end of their career.

One day, the governments of the world are going to have to come clean with what they have acquired, in both information, and materials/objects.
I think the crap is really going to hit the fan when we all learn we have been paying for fuel, energy, and technologies simply to maintain the balance of power in the hands of the few.
edit on 16-10-2010 by Coming-soon because: removed censored word and replaced it with more acceptable term.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 05:38 AM
Interesting to me that in the face of massive quantities of evidence of this nature which has been collected over the centuries that there are still those who absolutely refuse to believe in the possibility that intelligent life forms have visited our planet.

The attack mentality of those people is also the reason I rarely visit this site.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Master Shen long

Definately very interesting. Very complete information and pictures... make you really wonder about these similarities...

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Phage
When it comes to interpreting art the interpretation is often in the eye of the beholder. What is "obvious" to one is often not so obvious to another.

As has been pointed out, the religious art of the middle ages is rife with specific symbolism. Without an understanding of that symbolism it is easy to make guesses about what is depicted but it's easy for those guesses to be wrong. Something that puzzles me about the UFO interpretations in this art is that these are artistic renderings of biblical events. Where in the stories which inspired the art are the UFOs?

For me, the Inca objects bear a stylized resemblance to the family of fish, rhinobatidae, more than any aircraft I've ever seen. The arrangement of the empennage does not really make sense from an aerodynamic standpoint, with the horizontal stabilizer positioned so far forward of the vertical. Yes, it can be made to fly, but so can a lawn mower.

Interpreting very ancient drawings becomes problematic. Placing the mystical representations by ancient man into the context of reality is a reach but even so, there is no reason to call upon an extraterrestrial interpretation. Shamans, kings, and warriors often (usually) bear distinctive headgear in order to distinguish themselves from others. The Hawaiians for example had some unique designs which some might say look alien.

edit on 10/9/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Dude, I'm sure we are all guilty of seeing what we want to see, rather projecting our own meanings onto art that we encounter and interpret at some point or another. However, in this case, you are attacking the weak links in this chain of images.

Moreover, the Bible is an esoteric work featuring the legends of many stories prior to its current canonised condition - including cultures like the Sumerians who believed and perpetuated the story of their ancient creators to be of the heaven's descent. Or perhaps the artist saw something that he believed to be 'a heavenly chariot' or fallen star and likened it to the only beliefs he knew to explain the unexplainable. Notwithstanding your continued barrage on outward thinking, you regale us tales of how simple life really is - it's a beautiful inversion of the situation, really. Perhaps you should choose a few images that aren't as easily explained. You should check out the history of the Dogon (No God) tribe as well, who claim to be seeded directly from a race which came from Sirius, the Dog Star. :p I'd be interested to hear your explanation on how they knew about Sirius A and B, and have claimed to know about a third?

There are deeper connections to be made with this information.More civilisations with clues to be discovered, and scruntinised.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 11:35 AM
First time Newbie here, so please bear with me. I have an interesting petroglyph photo I have taken that would be appropriate to this topic, however I cannot find any information on how to post it. Can anyone please help?

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by hautemomma
First time Newbie here, so please bear with me. I have an interesting petroglyph photo I have taken that would be appropriate to this topic, however I cannot find any information on how to post it. Can anyone please help?

Go to Tools+ and to Pictures and to "Upload Picture". Then, click on Picture and copy-paste embed-code into thread. If you need any help, contact me.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:27 PM
My first official post. Whoo hoo! Sorry, can't get the extra links out of this.

I took this July 2010 on the Big Island, Hawaii, in the petroglyph fields by the Fairmont orchid. The "helmet" image stood out compared to all the other "stick like" figures like the one next to it. (It's in the center next to the dry plant.) Just an observation.


This is another one if a similar image. Didn't see any other ones like them that day. Again, it stands out compared to all the others.


Mod-Note: Links Fixed.

edit on 17-10-2010 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Come Clean

You mention that it is hard for you to understand that QuantumDesciple agrees with some but not all of the exhibits. I really understand where he is coming from. When we are presented with an assortment of evidence (on any subject) some of it will be weaker and some might be misinterpretations. It is important to sift through it with a discerning eye. If some of the evidence turns out to be inaccurate that does nothing to affect the truthfulness of the accurate evidence. Open-minded examination simply condenses an argument into it's most compelling form. Unfortunately (again, with any theoretical example you like) when there is one bit of evidence that is flimsy, not easily understood or simply misidentified it works to weaken the reception of the theory as a whole.

Hypothetically, if the author of the thread was right on the money with 90% of the examples that is quite a feat. Honestly questioning the validity of some of the examples hopefully only brings us closer to the truth.

That's my two cents at least.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by hautemomma

Nice, thanks for sharing! I'm not really seeing anything in that second image however, I'm not good at picking out things, what am I supposed to be seeing in that second image?
edit on 18/10/10 by CHA0S because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

Darn, the figure doesn't show. Here's the cropped version. Think I'm finally figuring out how to post these.


posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

Here's the other one cropped and rotated. I left the "normal" figure in there since that's the typical figure.


posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 03:52 PM
I love seeing things like this because most of them are almost impossible to discredit. I understand the point that people make when they compare them to natural things like fish or other tribes that might dress differently then the people who drew the cave paintings and the sort but IMO it is highly unlikely that they would depict these things/people so much differently for no apparent reason i.e. giving them 3 toes or other disfigurations of the body. Another thing is that yes it was the artist’s depiction of biblical events but he’s not going to just make up a highly advanced vehicle and place it in the sky with lights that didn’t exist shinning down especially lasers. The closest thing they knew of to a directed beam of light was what shined through the far as we know.

Great post.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Your thread reminded me and a few other posters having this discussion tying our current elites of today back to the time of Babylon (in a manner of speaking).

Give it a look. You might enjoy it.
edit on 10/20/2010 by SquirrelNutz because: fixed link

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 11:55 PM
All I can really say is that the "Be all, End all" evidence to the entire "Ancient Aliens" debate resides in Puma Puncu, Bolivia, South America. The debris field of megalithic stones that reside there have been proven by experts, of various fields, to have been impossible to be created or placed by the artisans and stone masters of the day, without the aid of advanced guidance and technology. A PHYSICAL AND LOGISTICAL IMPOSSIBLITY. It is a statement speaks for itself and for practical purposes, it cannot be disputed. Those who would oppose the "Ancient Aliens" theory, which considering the existence of Puma Puncu, it seems ridiculous that they would continue with such a fruitless charade, obviously are in denial and are fishing for any "inclusive reason" to not acknowledge the obvious indisputable facts from the experts. The Puma Puncu ruins could not have happened without the assistance of an outside force, skill, and "know how" beyond what the human mind and body were capable of. We cannot replicate this even today, with our world renowned architects and 21st century heavy equipment. You may say that it is IMPOSSIBLE that an alien race came and held the hands of these ancient Bolivians and other peoples around the globe, but the only fact surrounding this subject that is IMPOSSIBLE is the ability of these peoples around the globe to have built and constructed these temples, pyramids,etc.. with nothing but their own wits, primitive tools, and abstract motivation. Whether you choose to believe it or you don't, the enduring and indisputable evidence of contact with "Ancient Aliens" exists and you can see it for yourself online..keyword search..Puma Puncu.
edit on 21-10-2010 by openmind444 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:01 PM

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by openmind444
All I can really say is that the "Be all, End all" evidence to the entire "Ancient Aliens" debate resides in Puma Puncu, Bolivia, South America. The debris field of megalithic stones that reside there have been proven by experts, of various fields, to have been impossible to be created or placed by the artisans and stone masters of the day, without the aid of advanced guidance and technology. A PHYSICAL AND LOGISTICAL IMPOSSIBLITY. It is a statement speaks for itself and for practical purposes, it cannot be disputed.

I dispute it.

The above is a logical fallacy called "argument from incredulity."

Please stick to logic (you know, the stuff that makes sense) in the future.

Or, I'll have to argue that for you to be logical is A PHYSICAL AND LOGISTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY.


posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

I like the style of this thread, you should post this same one every other month so people dont forget the best evidence ever

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 12:21 AM
A great thread, I really enjoyed reading and looking at the pics that you provided, some of which I have never seen before. It still amazes me, even after thousands of years in some cases how the actual shape of what we would call a UFO has never really changed in its form, design etc. Even today people still look up to the sky in awe and amazement when such an oject is spotted, very much like depicted in the paintings of old. Having seen various craft over the last 30 or so years, I can fully understand the awe and wonder that these people felt and will go on feeling for a long time yet, I am sure.......

posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

Biggest goof in ufology,stop looking up in half those pictures and trinkets and focus on the reptilian race as far as looking in the oceans.
Big difference’s, do that ,u will see what’s really going on and who really influenced who back then.
Stop thinking flying this and flying that all the time.. please.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Harte
So are you are disputing the experts in their field of expertise, because you are also an expert in the field of stone-work, geology, archeology, and anthropology or are you just disputing my post because of the way that I worded it.?

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