reply to post by yonah34
["Then there is the matter of altering the Sabbath.signature:Leviticus 19:30
" Observe my Sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary. I am Yahweh."]
Stop bringing meaningless offerings!
Your incense is detestable to me.
New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—
I cannot bear your evil assemblies.
Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts
my soul hates.
They have become a burden to me;
I am weary of bearing them.
Is this the kind of fast I have chosen,
only a day for a man to humble himself?
Is it only for bowing one's head like a reed
and for lying on sackcloth and ashes?
Is that what you call a fast,
a day acceptable to the LORD ?
"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke?
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
Then Jesus said to them, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day.
There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.
Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.
All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the
Book of the Law."
For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law.
What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was put
into effect through angels
It is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking.
For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son