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Is there a conspiracy to destroy the Bible

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna
The world would be better off without the bible, or koran existing. So if there's a conspiracy to destroy either of them, I am all for it.

Anyone who is educated in the religious history of the world knows where and in what manner different religious books (like in the bible) have borrowed and reinvented previous religions.

maybe read this recent topic:

it's about the Catholic Church .. and MORE!

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

Why would any group devote the time and resources to destroy the Bible when the devotees of that book are doing a good enough job of it all on their own?

A good point. Plus, with all the contradictions, fantastic unverified supernatural happenings, and depicting a God who is often violent and immoral, the Bible essentially self-destructs. I'd be hard pressed to find any Christian who's read through the entire Bible and still believes it's the word of God... unless of course during their reading they were also getting spoon-fed apologetic garbage instead of reading it independently. It should be clear to anyone reading the Bible that it was never intended to be one book. The deity of the Bible is all over the place, killing children in the flood and in Egypt, commanding Genocide, condoning slavery and then the next minute commanding you to Do unto others and trying to be merciful. As a book of myth it works, taken as metaphor and allegory and such... but take it literally and it falls apart.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:54 PM
seems all these things are just witnesses throughout history of the One chosen before the creation

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse

He was chosen before the creation of the world

He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead."

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

And have you read the entire bible?

I ask because I find it hard to find someone who isn't Christian who HAS read the entire bible.
edit on 6-10-2010 by iamnot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by ImAnAlienOnMyOwnPlanet

Geez louise, did you ever open a can of whoop-ass on yourself, lol.

The wolves circle where the lamb doth tread.

I will give you two bits of wisdom:

1) If you rely on the Internet for your knowledge, you can find support for pretty much everything.
2) Titen-Sxull is an amiable lug, just a bit too fixated on the Old Testament.

ATS is a place where Christians will find their faith tested by some of the best skeptics in the business (and some of the worst, lol.) If you're not looking for a fight, there are better places to find yourself.

There is not a conspiracy to destroy the Bible, there are just a lot of people who don't believe it, and the Internet is where they find their voice. Frankly, I think that's great -- they need a place to find their voice and, as a Christian, if my faith was so weak that my friend Titen-Sxull's arguments from Torah were enough to knock me out of my beliefs, they probably deserve to be knocked out.

Doesn't happen, though.

Welcome to ATS and good luck with things.
edit on 7-10-2010 by adjensen because: cutting the word "and". What a difference correct grammar makes, lol

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:27 PM
Isn't there a verse that states the gospel must taught to everyone before the end times? Well heres a thought, if and when the entire world has internet capable iphones, won't we all at that point be in effect carrying the gospel with us at all times, with a simple bible app, for those who wish to view it, lets see them destroy that.....

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by ImAnAlienOnMyOwnPlanet
Preacher your out of you league. If you want to know that is really going on with the Bible please Email me and we can talk more personable. From one Baptist to another. It sounds like your Baptist anyway, am I right soul winner…

[email protected] write me if you want to learn..

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 12:46 AM
The premise is all backwards. The Bible account is authoritative, the other similar accounts simply prove that the Bible was right all along. The so called historical record is simply the garbled accounts of what happened from mans point of view, long after the facts, and often redacted for political reasons. The Bible on the other hand was inspired directly by the Holy Spirit.

As for the so called virgin birth myths etc. predating Jesus. These claims are the work of a handful of virulent atheists who scanned a bunch of different myths and cherry picked from a wide variety of sources until they synthesized a pagan Jesus. They are not even accepted by their fellow atheist archeologists. A case in point is all the Horus myths that supposedly look like Jesus are completely in error. The Horus literature is so vast and fragmented that you can claim anything if you cherry pick, but here is some debunking material:

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 12:46 AM

Personally, i think that people are waking up.

Having a belief is fine, but having a belief in something so clearly manufactured for the control of people is something else. I think people of this faith are slowly becoming evolved. Whereas the Muslims are still so primitive in their thinking and living that their faith may remain strong for a thousand more years.

People who desire freedom, and free thinking and love life need no such religious text to guide them. They, to me, have become more.

I find it rather peculiar that one could believe in something so crude in the first place.
edit on 7/10/10 by MrRed because: spelling

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by MrRed

Personally, i think that people are waking up.

Having a belief is fine, but having a belief in something so clearly manufactured for the control of people is something else.

Do you believe that the church became what it is with the intent of controlling people, or that people enter the service of the church, so that they may have control over people?

This statement of yours is one that I see on ATS time after time, yet it ignores the fact that those who would have put the pieces in place for said control (the church fathers) would have zero benefit from doing so.

Given human nature, I can accept, on some level, the belief that people enter into service for God because they believe that this will allow them to control people (though I see the number of said people to be incredibly small,) but it boggles the mind to believe that Paul, in 60AD, would write an epistle, understanding that nothing would come from it in his time, but 1,950 years later, someone would be able to direct a parishioner by virtue of his letter.

That view seems vapid, at best.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:17 AM
There has been a conspiracy from way back to obfuscate certain things which has created total confusion by the master confuser himself that has created the plethora of sects, denominations and divisions. The first had to do with rendering the Name of God and His Messiah meaningless - which is the meaning of the word "vain" in the 3rd Commandment. Using wrong vowels to render God's name Jehovah is like trying to spell Germany with the vowels of Portugal. And Jesus isn't even close to what he went by. Names are important. They have meaning and don't change from language to language except with minor variations. By confusing the names, or removing them entirely from Scripture has created mass confusion and affected in many cases even the credibility of Scripture itself. I believe that the names are Yahweh and Yasha respectively. Then there is the matter of altering the Sabbath.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by adjensen

2) Titen-Sxull is an amiable lug, just a bit too fixated on the Old Testament.

The problem is that the Bible = the Old Testament + the New testament, not just the new testament. The old testament also does not state anywhere that those laws and things listed in it are only to be used in ancient (current?) times. If you are a Christian then you should be quite ok marrying off your daughter to a guy who raped her. Crude, yes, but THE LAW as stated in the old testament. You also should not be eating pork or shellfish. After the wedding you should stone her to death of course because she did not cry out when she was raped. Wait, you say. The old testament is the way things were, we should be living our lives as preached by Jesus in the New testament. What then about the ten commandments? That you'll find in the old testament. Chrisitans are famous for cherry-picking the Bible. Some Christians even say we are lying when we tell them about all the atrocities in the bible. After they've recovered from the shock they'll just recount the litany, "God created us so he has the right to kill us." You, along with every other Christian on the planet have been brainwashed. Accept it and look for God outside the Bible.

I don't want the Bible destroyed. I want it to be unmasked for what it really is.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by ImAnAlienOnMyOwnPlanet
I have read all the articles online, posted on ATS and what not. Some are very convincing. As a faithful Christian I would hate to see that my faith has a lot in common with other faiths. Looks like my worst nightmare has came true. Seeing how the age of the internet has enabled me to see the works of the Epic of Gilgamesh, Sargon of Akkad, and many other similar stories. I got to thinking. Maybe Satan created these stories to discredit Biblical figures before to discredit future generations in think Jesus, Moses, Noah are all copies or just fables.

Religion is a useful tool all governments have used to control the allows for the common people to not worry about getting their dues because they get candy from a sky ghost when they die. It allows them to not worry about the consequences of dying on a battlefield because of the upcoming candyfest.

Now, as agnostics and athiests are really kicking up a fuss, many are waking up to this tool being used on them..and they also are kicking up a fuss.

Listen, religion has nothing to do with spirituality...matter of fact, it seperates you from your own spiritual understanding by taking divinity and removing it from your natural birthright, seperating it from you through a structure, and then forcing you to join a club to touch the source.

religion is a sin against the soul.

Is there a conspiracy to destroy religion? yep, and I am proud to say I take my part in that aspect whenever I can.
The plan is simple...disprove one thing from the bible...a single thing that is critical to the foundation...such as moses going up and recieving the 10 commandments or is best to destroy the torah (sorry jews) first...then judism falls, with that, christianity and islam.
After that, the masses will scatter into tons of different tiny religions, but ultimately personal spirituality will win the day and the scourge of religion will end.

Not anti-spirit...just anti-establishment. Hell, the story of Jesus was anti-establishment...he hated the church of the day..he told people not to conform into religion but rather to find a personal and meaningful connection to the divine..he said he is no different than you, yet he also said he is part of God and indeed one with a spiritualist, this is the basic understandings of the universe...want to find God? dont look in a book, look in yourself.

Religion took that away...religion destroys everything...religion is well...satanic. Satan removes God from the people...and so does religion...just in a crafty way. (satan isn't an idiot.).

btw, in spirituality 102, you find out satan is also us...represented by willful ignorance and apathy.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Religion took that away...religion destroys everything...religion is well...satanic. Satan removes God from the people...and so does religion...just in a crafty way. (satan isn't an idiot.).

The greatest enemy of religion, of course, and vice versa, is the Revelations received by Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus and Mohammed.

In the Revelation of John (13:11) and in Sura 27:82 of the Quran both the consciousness of the 'thinker' and the religionist, 'thinker'-theologians are referred to as the "beast of the earth".

And, of course, neither the religionists nor the media lapdogs of the religionists will allow this explanation of the Revelation of John to be publicized; for reasons which should be obvious: MONEY.


posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I know hun? Jesus was first and they came second.
Jesus loves them all.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Are you referring to the South Park episode? Where the Pope was originally a bunny.
Jesus loves life.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by adjensen

So you're saying all we need is faith? That's what I've been saying. Like the Beatles song! All you need is love. Jesus is love and folling Jesus is faith.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by ImAnAlienOnMyOwnPlanet

Sorry, maybe you missed the question - can you show links for ALL the articles you claim to have read?

Copy and paste, or a screenshot of your internet history would do.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by ImAnAlienOnMyOwnPlanet
reply to post by adjensen

So you're saying all we need is faith? That's what I've been saying. Like the Beatles song! All you need is love. Jesus is love and folling Jesus is faith.

If that's what works for you, sure. I personally believe that we need religion and theology to validate our faiths, but your faith is the most important bit of it.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 11:03 AM
this is my favorite lie of all time

12Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

so christ-ians

why cant you do anything baby jesus did? is your faith really that strong?

i doubt it, you believe with all your heart, so lets walk on water

better yet, ill buy you all plane tickets to africa, well take one loaf of bread and a few fish and you can feed all those people forever

anyone game to go with me?
i cant perform those miracles though cause I dont believe but i will pay your expenses...

anyone? anyone?

do i hear crickets?

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