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NWO and The Forgotten Man?

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by Ignorance_Defier

2nd line : are you on??

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Ignorance_Defier

Yeah very racist WTH? See past the skin colour numbnuts; this painting has nothing todo with racism.

Surely its showing the founding fathers consenation about what has been made of their great and hopefull republic instruction manual.....I'd be so pissed....

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier
Everyone will have a different interpretation of this picture but to me it screams racist.

"There is no racial meaning or undertone that the FM is not black. This is not a racial painting; it is about the vanishing of the American Dream"

Thanks for the post OP

edit on 4-10-2010 by la vie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by pavil

Originally posted by NoHierarchy
This is a stupid painting, to put it bluntly.

How convenient... they stick the prominent progressive presidents in the front of the firing line and tuck the Republicans (with the exception of Bush alone) behind the crowd.

I think it's a fascinating insight into your beliefs that you think it's a firing line they are facing. Everyone sees it slightly different I guess.

No... I didn't mean "firing line" literally, I meant it figuratively. As in, a firing line of contempt for presidencies trampling the constitution. The painting essentially lumps any left-wing presidents into one group and then with barely-masked symbolism points the finger at them for abandoning the will of the forefathers... but such a portrayal shows deep ignorance of the truth. While both parties are guilty of their own individual constitutional violations, right-wing presidencies (especially in recent decades) are responsible for the worst infractions to the constitution and to the general populace of the US.

edit on 4-10-2010 by NoHierarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:47 AM
Heh... there's no Asians, no Hispanics and as far as I can tell, no one from Antarctica in this painting - but that does not make it racist. That is an absurd assertion - almost borders upon an assertion that an artist should paint a few pears, an orange and a banana or two when simply all they are looking to do is paint one apple.

What I see in this is that Obama has his back to everyone and has his foot over the line. He's missing his 9 iron though.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 07:37 AM
This painting makes me think of the NWO because of Obamas face. I wish I could zoom in more but in my opinion he looks like he's about to cry, or is very sad but trying to save face because people are making him do things he doesnt want to do (shadow government?)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier
Everyone will have a different interpretation of this picture but to me it screams racist.

The race card is a knee jerk reaction lately.

The optical insult here is the paper on the ground, and
the man on the bench who got tossed over board by politicians
LONG before our current president.

You could call it racism, or politics as usual.

Both parties could give a rat's backside about the common man
and this is simply proven by their actions as the use their words
to pacify the masses, and the two often do not match up.

I think ppl are going to find the Tea party ppl elected will fear for
the lives and well being of their families and end up controlled
just as much as the current bunch that does not read bills before voting on them.

Our representatives do not represent us, and once the 2010 group
does a few months it will start to come into focus that what ever you
send to DC becomes part of the machine.

If they did represent us in representative government then
they would have followed the poll numbers that did not want TARP.

Good Luck to all the good ppl !!!

edit on 4-10-2010 by Ex_MislTech because: context

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 08:22 AM
One thing that I noticed that seemed out of place was the position of Lincoln. Lincoln was a Federalist and did not believe in States rights. He openly proclaimed the need for a strong Federal government. He is the beginning of the Federal Government's power grab and set much of the problems that we have into motion by taking away states rights.

Lincoln should be standing right beside Bush and Obama.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:02 AM
I am sorry but to each and every individual who said this picture was racist I have to wonder where your head is at.

Because there is only one black man in the photograph?

Horse puckey.

This is the first time a President has been a black man.

George W. Bush did worse with trampling the Constitution and he was white.

Because they do not show the slaves owned by those Founding Fathers who did own slaves?

Horse puckey.

Because it is a painting of Presidents with a message about the state of the economy.

It would not matter the color of the President if Barack Obama had not been elected as a black man.

Do you want Obama to take sandpaper out and grind off his skin color?


Each President throughout history has done something to screw our country.

Whether on purpose, by accident, or through happenstance of politics in action.

Next you're going to tell me because behind the White House they do not show the slums of Washington D.C. it is racist.

Obama has done nothing to pull our economy out of the toilet where Bush put it.

And Obama's hand is on the handle flushing our country into the septic tank.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:42 AM
I think anyone who brings up race regarding the president is simply a bigot and full of a self sustaining loath towards progress. In this painting, I see no hint of racism. NONE.

It is simply a 'what have you done' statement by the forefathers who shaped this nation into the greatness it once was, all standing in angered dismay at the complete disregard Obama has for the common man. The other presidents attempt to consul, but Obama, with arms crossed takes a natural stance of not listening and not being perceptive to a growing problem of bankruptcy and confusion for the middle class; which by what the man sitting is wearing, represents the working class, the middle class, and the class that fuels this nations 13 trillion dollar deficit.

Obama is standing on top of the constitution; this symbolizes his disrespect for what our nation stands for, and his utter contempt that he holds for our nations citizens rights.

This painting, I think, sums up what Obama has done, what he stands for, and what will continue to happen, as the dark skies signal an impending storm approaching,

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Ignorance_Defier

Has anyone ever noticed that the racist issue is often brought up by those who have it on the mind anyway? Seriously, if this screams racist to you than you have completely missed the point of this masterpiece. It could have been made a couple years ago with Bush standing over the constitution and would have been just as powerful. Then again, if Hilary had won and she was standing on it, I guess that would make it sexist.

Props to the artist, this is only one of many masterpieces he has made.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier
Everyone will have a different interpretation of this picture but to me it screams racist.

How did you manage to get your NWO badge and RFID chip so quickly? I have been waiting for months for anyone to even reply that the organisation really exists; yet you seem to be marching to the tune, good for you.

Racism is a serious problem in America and needs to be dealt with harshly. I mean what sort of world is it when an artist is allowed to paint a picture that mocks our President for the policies and action he has taken on our behalf. If he lived in China they would put him in jail for life. In Iran he would probably be stoned to death.

America is a modern country, so no need for some outdated piece of paper written hundreds of years ago protecting the rights of it's people, that is what the president is for! We should just give him all the power to make all the decisions because presidents don't make mistakes and always have our best interests in mind.

And now we have a black president, so everyone MUST love him, its the law didn't, you know? Anyone who does not love Obama is a Racist and potential terrorist and will be sent to a FEMA camp or rehabilitation.

America is the Presidency of the United States, and everyone should lay down their lives if necessary to protect him as he is the only thing of any importance. We the people are here to serve the US government and the corporations that are kind enough to give us jobs and provide us with lovely healthy fresh food that we simply could not do without or replace with locally grown organic food produce. Not to mention those oh so kind bankers which allow us to spend money we don't have so we can buy more of the things we don't really need. WHAT a great life these wonderful people let us live, and all we have to do is let them do what ever they want...what's so bad about that?

It's not like any member of a government has ever done anything illegal or immoral. It's not like any president or government official has ever been responsible for a false flag attack on their own people to start a war. It's not like any president or government official has ever done anything to harm the health of a US citizen or the environment for money.

I mean where do these constitutionalist people think they live 1776 AMERICA? come on people grow up and get with the program, or do we need to send round some IRS agents to straighten out your thought processes!

It's like watching lemmings walking off a cliff

edit on 4/10/2010 by theregonnakillme because: off topic had to include something on topic

edit on 4/10/2010 by theregonnakillme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 12:35 PM
I'm appalled that so many posters are commenting on the race issue. It has nothing to do with this discussion and it's obviously not part of the painting. Why even comment on it? Their are so many other good topics to debate in this thread and it's being hijacked by, what I can only guess, is the one issue people think they can say something about. You're probably the same people who appreciate news centered on whether or not Palin was booed. WHO GIVES A FLYING $%^?

That first poster was probably trying to troll and derail this thread for his own entertainment anyway. So let's get back to the real debatable issues here, for their are many. Such as Reagen being touted as a protector of the working man, same with Lincoln, along with the many other fundamental beliefs we could be debating.

Who knows, this could become the first thread on ATS where people actually intelligently discuss something related to politics! I know, it's a stretch but hey, a man can dream.

edit on 4-10-2010 by brianmg5 because: grammer

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Ignorance_Defier

I am not buying the racism argument here. No matter who the president happened to be, I believe the painter would still have made the painting. That would be John McCain in there if he has won. It just "seems" racist because Obama happened to win. The situation would be the same if I had won and became president...we are not in control and never will be...and the president is a pawn.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Ignorance_Defier

How you can see racism, I don't know. The painting seems divided into two thirds and one third. Two thirds seem to be protesting the ideals of the current president. Which is represented by Obama standing on what appears to be the constitution. The other third is standing behind Obama clapping, giving the impression of support. Obama is the only Black person in the picture. How in the hell is that racism? Is it the picture or YOUR subconscious speaking.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:20 PM
of course someone screamed RACISM! go to ANY thread that mentions Obama and as soon as someone says anything remotely against Obama people start saying it's racist. You're not allowed to have any political views that aren't 100% for Obama or you are a racist. when W was in office if you said something against him you weren't a patriot and you hated america. I must be an america hating bigot because I think they are the 2 worst presidents ever. and we are extra screwed because we got them back to back. oh, and cool painting!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:41 PM
In no way is the painting racist; the half black half white Obama is the only person of color because he is the only president of color. I guess thes Obamabots want a halo over his head, with the poor serf knelling, begging for scraps. Get over it, Obama is only a man, one who happens to be a one term president, but still a man.
Back to the painting; to me it shows the decline of the dream that WAS America. One of hope, and a people united, only to be destroyed by politicians catering to special interest groups. Like Reagan said " a shining city upon the hill" the last hope for freedom the world had. The founders, in the painting, wondering "what the hell happend, we gave you the blueprints" as the regular joe wonders "do I choose food, or help pay for a stranger"s healthcare? Why didn't we stop these loons before they took everything away from us?" I can answer the second question; we didnt stop them because somewhere in the last 130 years we have lost our spine, we lost the will to protect our freedom against enemys both outside and within. I only hope we all wake up out of the Liberal/Conservitive nightmare and take our damn country back.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:44 PM
At first I wanted to say Why is everyone picking on Obama? The Patriot Act was not his baby! Then I got to thinking, and a lot of these guys wrangled with central banking issues and politics. Most, by the end of their terms were saying centralized banks were a bad idea. But the next pres is/was never afraid to jump in bed with them once again! I don't see Obama as indifferent in this picture - I see him as others in the past found themselves, ignorant of whose really running this country. And everyman? Because its all done behind his back, he's completely stymied. He knows it 'gubmet' that did it to him, but the rest is, as they say, his -story.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Skeptron
In no way is the painting racist; the half black half white Obama is the only person of color because he is the only president of color. I guess thes Obamabots want a halo over his head, with the poor serf knelling, begging for scraps. Get over it, Obama is only a man, one who happens to be a one term president, but still a man.
Back to the painting; to me it shows the decline of the dream that WAS America. One of hope, and a people united, only to be destroyed by politicians catering to special interest groups. Like Reagan said " a shining city upon the hill" the last hope for freedom the world had. The founders, in the painting, wondering "what the hell happend, we gave you the blueprints" as the regular joe wonders "do I choose food, or help pay for a stranger"s healthcare? Why didn't we stop these loons before they took everything away from us?" I can answer the second question; we didnt stop them because somewhere in the last 130 years we have lost our spine, we lost the will to protect our freedom against enemys both outside and within. I only hope we all wake up out of the Liberal/Conservitive nightmare and take our damn country back.

Without the insults, I do agree with this second paragraph.
Also, a lot of people all over the world are scratching their heads saying "why won't the freedom fighters fight!"
Truthfully, no one wants to think these things. No one wants to believe that people are this deceptive!
People also don't want to believe it is in their power to do something!
Yes, if I could draw your last sentence, it would be a guy with two heads, both different colors, beating the crap out of each other with corn silk!
Great points!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Bravo as well but
Bush had the ghettos torn down except for Barry Farms -
Someone had to vote for Barry this go round.

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