i would like to add that this thread has been the most civil and interesting i have read here on ats. so much so, that i would like to add my .02
please read the following with an open mind.
i have had my own bigfoot sightings and experiences and i would like to address some of the questions posed so far and my current line of thinking
based on my research of the topic.
for those who are deeply interested in learning more about bigfoot and their behavior, i highly recommend these two books for starters: "the locals"
by thom powell & "enoch" by autumn williams. excellent reads.
"why haven't we found a body?"
people have but they quickly get hidden from public view. more on this later.
"people don't really care about finding bigfoot these days..."
they sure do, so much so that that's their main profession and it's their job to find out the latest research. some even contact those who may be
getting too close. more on this later.
"why don't hunters just shoot one?"
the majority that have seen one get so scared by their experience with seeing a real-life bigfoot, shooting one is the last thing they want to do to
there are also many accounts of hunters stating that these creatures are so human in their appearance that they would feel like they committed murder
instead of a killing regular animal, such as a deer.
and lastly, there are reports that the bigfoot "communicate" with them and quickly the hunter knows that killing one is a BAD idea because they are
then afraid for their own life.
"why would the government start a hoax regarding bigfoot? when did this hoax begin and why?"
unbelievable but true, this has been going on for a while now. don't take my word for it, do more research and you will come to similar conclusions.
bigfoot is neither human nor animal based on what we think of as "human" and "animal". this is the one main piece that many people have yet to
"trap cams?"
these will not generally work to prove bigfoot exist as they can detect when these are setup by humans and they can "sense" their presence and avoid
"what do they eat?"
both meat and vegetation and other interesting stuff.
they are excellent hunters and work in groups. they are extremely agile. they are excellent rock throwers and can use wood as clubs to knock out their
prey. note, where you find one bigfoot, there is a good chance at least one more is close by. this is how some tend to operate.
"what do they do with their dead?"
they bury them. if one member is on the verge of dying, the family group tends to care for that individual in a secluded area such as a cave or an
underground dwelling. whether death be due to illness, old-age, or even still-birth, the family unit mourns their loss and buries them according to
their available natural resources. for instance, if a baby dies, the family may dig a big hole, fill it with leaves, lay the corpse, plot some dirt,
and then place a young tree, about six feet in height or so with its roots still attached and carefully bury it and conceal the burial site with more
leaves and brush. alternatively, they may bury their dead in remote caves, natural or deep in abandoned mine shafts.
"where do they sleep?"
in relatively remote and difficult to reach areas away from humans.they will use whatever natural resource they have to make a bedding of sorts.
"Sure people find a couple tracks but never follow them?"
tracks are difficult to follow for most people. only the obvious ones are the ones you tend to hear about. the bigfoot creatures know how to hide
their tracks if need be.
"inter dimensional beings?" yes one race is...
the more common race known here in the u.s. as bigfoot is more "human-like".
and a second race is more "ape-like" and is your "skunk ape"
and a third race is known as "thought" forms and is "inter dimensional" in nature.
out of these three, the least understood is the "thought" form kind that do not "live" in this dimension. they appear for a short amount of time
here. more on this later...
"A hunter would have shot one by now, or at least gathered a carcass,skeleton,hair,scat,blood,etc. for scientific
study for real."
again, do some more research and you will find numerous cases of folks finding hair/scat/blood for scientific study. the problem with all of these
(aside from an actual body) is that scientists will only tell you what it ISN'T. since scientists don't have an actual body to examine, they cannot
compare these other bigfoot findings and say that it IS a bigfoot. in this case it will always be inconclusive at best.
"1.5 million, I didn't realise these expeditions were so expensive"
this amount of money is not needed to prove the existence of bigfoot. most bigfoot researchers are approaching bigfoot field research in a
inappropriate/unneeded way.
if you want to "prove" that bigfoot exists, you must start with proving it to yourself. most skeptics and some believers alike do not have ACTUAL
experience out in the field and thus merely intellectualize the whole bigfoot debate. if you want to "prove" that bigfoot exists, try walking in
their shoe-err, feet in order to really understand them. how is this accomplished? go to bigfoot hotspots and spend much of your time living,
breathing the entire experience. native peoples and "habituators" are prime examples of the folks who are great resources. do not go there thinking
that your high tech thermal/night vision cameras will "catch" them for you. go there and greet your fellow forest neighbors. go in peace, love and
understanding and just maybe, you will get more than you bargained for! i speak from personal experience.
bigfoot as a whole will not be proven to the general population until people understand that they must humble themselves to nature and its wonderful
offerings. once people as a whole can stop the whole power ego trip they have amongst themselves, bigfoot will be accepted and properly understood.
contact will be made as a whole when the general population are ready for this event.
from what i have said so far, please, don't take my word for any of it. do your own field research and see what you find. i have stopped trying to
show other people that bigfoot are real. unless they are willing to accompany me to the remote forests, i have little desire in showing them
thanks again for the great thread!