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Bigfoot/Sasquatch Fact or Fiction?

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 01:05 PM
Any search/hunt for the elusive BF must, must, must take into account the dangers that he represents.

I'm not saying he's evil. Not that.

All, every one of them, stories from anywhere in the world about him say the same thing. He isn't evil, he wants to be left alone, and can enforce those wants. Cunning. Intelligent. Extraordinarily un-cuddly. Extreme caution should be used.

Of my impressions of him from my own encounter this is foremost...

Extremely dangerous when provoked. Emphasis on the Extremely.

If you're going to hunt him, just remember this...he can hunt you right back. As an example, google the Ape Canyon story from the middle nineteenth century. A group of miners, by their own accounts, shot at and possibly wounded/killed a Sasquatch. Later, their cabin was attacked by a group of Sasquatch. We can't know what will provoke this creature...until we do, I would say leave well enough alone.

My reasons are this. A provoked BF attacks a group of hunters and possibly kills/injures one or more of them. It's now a proven mankiller...what happens to creatures who kill man?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by seagull
[...] Extreme caution should be used.

Of my impressions of him from my own encounter this is foremost...

Extremely dangerous when provoked. Emphasis on the Extremely.

If you're going to hunt him, just remember this...he can hunt you right back. [...]

Oh indeed! Precautions must be taken and exceptional care taken to not tick them off. For anyone thinking of somehow meeting up, please take this advice.

This is not idle chit chat. This is very deadly serious.

Personally I believe actually hunting one in the traditional sense would be profoundly stupid. Why? It would know. And as seagull alluded to... no matter your ego or macho level or even if you are Special Forces... it is a much, much better hunter than you.

You really don't want to anger it. At all. It could literally rip you apart. It can break living trees right in half
- and then whack you with it. You would not be safe in your shack. You would not be safe in your car. Throwing 300 pound drums of oil around like in the story mentioned... it'd be like you throwing a brick in a fit of anger. I cannot emphasize enough the kind of strength these beings possess. Think!

This goes even in our aforementioned peaceful camp setup. Remember... this is the unknown... we are making educated guesses only.

[...] My reasons are this. A provoked BF attacks a group of hunters and possibly kills/injures one or more of them. It's now a proven mankiller...what happens to creatures who kill man?

That'd be tragic. That would be a foul stain on the fabric of humanity and I for one would cringe... and loathe that very day.
edit on 10/11/2010 by PixelDuster because: not tellin'

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:05 PM
I myself have been following the "Bigfoot" stories since I was a kid of 12 or so...I am now...years old and after all these decades..still up in the air...

Krantz and Mel..... the Utah foot guy (whats his name)...I read their books (book) and all the way back to Ivan T. Sanderson...

Anyways...I think the only way we are going to get to the bottom of this is with this new "fly-over areas with infra-red quiet balloons that are currently in the works"

Its there or its not there.

Time and money and lots of fly overs ...more time and money etc....

As time goes on ..just like in computer tehnology...we get better ...

It should reach a point ( if continued funds are put forth) where we know one way or the other.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Wooo! I got another star!!

Well, I think i really need to earn that star I'm gonna give you a TRUE story (that was told to me) on Bigfoot.

whilst on leave from the "war zone", on an Island having drinks with mates...I had a story told to me by one sailor that I knew would not do the pisson me.

He was from Oklahoma.

He swore that himself and a few freinds saw a "Giant hairy man" step over a fence and into the road they were on.

He said that they were all in shock!! Stopped the vehicle and reversed and went the other way.

I asled, what did it look like? He said a giant hairy man ...over 7 feet tall with long arms.

I believed him (and asked him many times over 3 years...same story same swear to God truth he said)

I think there are tons of stories like this that never reach the media.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by PixelDuster

Personally I believe actually hunting one in the traditional sense would be profoundly stupid. Why? It would know. And as seagull alluded to... no matter your ego or macho level or even if you are Special Forces... it is a much, much better hunter than you.

I second that! I may not be "the most dangerous thing in the timber", but I'm not any slouch in the brush, either. Had my chance to shoot one, had gun in hand, and reconsidered that action. It just didn't seem like a sane or safe thing to do at the time.

Armchair commandos can beat their chests all day long if they want. Come back and let us know how it went AFTER you've already been to see the critter, don't tell us what all you "would" do before you've been there.

Like I said, I ain't no slouch in the brush, but I do believe Bigfoot is a a damn sight better than me at it.

Might be because he LIVES there, and I only visit as often as possible.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
Anyways...I think the only way we are going to get to the bottom of this is with this new "fly-over areas with infra-red quiet balloons that are currently in the works"

That might work!

Quiet and airborne are the key points there... yep that could well do the trick.

And as you might gather I do believe there are many hundreds, no, probably thousands of encounters just like your mate's - that are told only to a trusted few.

There's a lot to be said for that situation.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by PixelDuster

Had my chance to shoot one, had gun in hand, and reconsidered that action. It just didn't seem like a sane or safe thing to do at the time.

Thank you for that decision, sir... most excellent.

Might be because he LIVES there, and I only visit as often as possible.


posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
Like I said, I ain't no slouch in the brush, but I do believe Bigfoot is a a damn sight better than me at it.

Might be because he LIVES there, and I only visit as often as possible.

That kind of goes hand in hand with what I was trying to convey a few pages back about how the Bigfoot in the Patterson film seemed to stroll so casually threw the rough terrain. It's from there and would navigate with ease.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

That's a fact. Spending any time "out there", you learn 2 things, or you learn nothing. One is how to walk there, and the other is that you have to "flow", because jerky motions bring unwanted attention. Jerky motions would include tripping and falling, both potentially fatal in the right circumstances.

I personally didn't see anything inconsistent with those two things in that video. It's like I keep telling my son, "you gotta be graceful like a gazelle". He laughs at me when he notices that I can't walk right on pavement....

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

I live in NE Connecticut. Yeah, not a known hotspot outside of the old WInsted Wildman stories. Anyway, I have had a few "not sure" encounters over the years in the Nassahegan State forest.

The first was in 2005. I was taking my son for a hike, he was about five at the time, and we were padding down this sandy fireroad when we heard a big crash behind us. A fairly large pine tree fell down to the ground roots and all and when we turned we saw something large and brown running away and it looked to be doing so on two legs not four but the sum total of the sighting lasted maybe 10 seconds.

I did not investigate further as I was overwhelmed with fear and got my kid the f**k out of there.

The second incident came later that summer in a seperate part of teh same state forest. My son and I were sitting under a ridge chilling out by a waterfall and catching crayfish. A very large branch sailed over our heads from the ridge behind us and slammed into the bank on the opposite side of the stream. we actually saw the shadow of the large brach arc over us like an infamous downfiled Brett Fave 4th Quarter interception. There was no way a person could have thrown it that far.

The third encounter was in the same area as the second. My son and I were in a gazeebo and he was banging an empty water bottle against the wooden post of the gazeebo. Suddenly we heard to short cracks like something was banging a stick against a tree in the valley below us. My son knocked again and we heard something RUSHING up the hillside towards us. We looked down but did not see anything. As soon as he stopped knocking it.

The final interesting bit happened in June of 2008 in the same firest but a different area near a resevoir and I came across a very shallow footprint. I'd be happy to show it off to whomever wants to see it just shoot me a pm. I'll post it here if someone tells me how it can be done.

Now, do I think this is a Sassy living here? I dunno. I suppose it's possible but I can't say for sure. I know I'm alot more weary when I go in there now and it's not becaus eof the black bear and coyote either.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by illuminotreal

Hey illuminotreal, that's awesome! You've just tripled the reports from Connecticut.

I live in extreme SW Connecticut an hour or so away from there and my dad's in the Winsted area with People's State Forest in his backyard, where at least one bear lives, which I've seen.

You've definitely made my morning, as indeed our state is kind of sparse for BF encounters.

I'm rather envious of your experiences, and dream of some time becoming available to hang out there. I do note that it does sound like your local fella is a bit dissatisfied with us humans. If I were you I'd definitely keep visiting, though... but please... be wary and stay safe.

I'd love to see your footprint photo, I'm sure everyone else would too... upload the pic to your media page and then link to it (the link'll be below the pic) surrounded with [ img] [ /img] with no spaces before or after the url or in the img tags.


edit on 10/12/2010 by PixelDuster because: not tellin'

edit on 10/12/2010 by PixelDuster because: not tellin'

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by PixelDuster

Sure, I will post up the pic when I get home tonight. Nassahegan is not too far away, distance wise, from Winsted. The bear populatuion is on the increase and there have been many unconfirmed reports of Mountain Lions as well. I spend alot of time in there and the footprint was the last "evidence" of any kind I have come across in over two years now.

Last fall, however, a hunter in Litchfield told me and my pop in law he saw a monkey while he was deer hunting near White Memorial. I asked himm what he meant by that and he said he saw a monkey and asked if I had never seen a monkey before. I told I have just never around here. He said it must have been someone's pet and when i asked if he notified the DEP he reminded me that he was hunting on posted state land.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:53 PM
That's the way of it. I think a fairly large proportion of these sightings are never reported through "official" channels, for one reason or another, and may never make it into the statistical analyses.

The one I saw was never reported. Several hunters from around there were said to have seen it in bits and pieces, through the heavy foliage, but as far as they knew, no one else had ever seen the whole creature, and several just thought it was a bear due to seeing only a patch of fur on a large animal through the brush.

I've only seen one "official" report from that area, and it wasn't mine. I have talked to other hunters who had their own sightings, however, and none of them ever reported it. Some because they thought Old Abe was just a bear, and others because they figured he WASN'T a bear, and didn't care to endure the ridicule. I'm pretty sure that even I would never have heard any of these latter class of reports had I not been the one to initiate the conversation by asking what was in there, and telling my story first.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Okay, I haven't read your thread yet... But I wanted to say first that I dreamed about a Big Foot last night!!! Back in the 70's I was afraid of Big Foot... Seriously, I thought it lived in my woods. Anyways, last night in my dream, it was there, and I was trying to scream and NOTHING would come out... I tried several times, I would open my mouth, but there was nothing!!!

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by illuminotreal

When that little voice, I call it the "lizard brain", tells you it's time to go. It usually is... Instinct hasn't quite been bred out of us yet.

I've had that experiance a time or five in the Deep Woods, or the not so deep woods... That feeling that you are being watched, being followed, whatever... There's a little wild man in all of us, and sometimes, the little guy knows things. It's always wise to listen. It maybe nothing...then again, maybe not so nothing.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:01 PM
I posted up the pic in the media thread. it ain't the greatest but it was the best my cell phone could do at the time...

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by illuminotreal

I'd love to see the pic. For some reason the option to search for members in the media section is either gone or down.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I had a hard time myself, Slayer... I finally went to my own media page and replaced my name in the url... sigh. I do like the new look, though

illuminotreal... thank you mucho, man!
It is really good to get member-generated evidence.

Yeah cell phones are like that... makes ya wonder, really. Does me at least.

And for our viewing pleasure, here is the footprint taken by illuminotreal in the Nassahegan State Forest, deep in the heart of Connecticut:


edit on 10/12/2010 by PixelDuster because: this is deeply classified.

seagull! Thank you for your kindness!
edit on 10/12/2010 by PixelDuster because: this is even more deeply classified.

edit on 10/12/2010 by PixelDuster because: you guessed it.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

There are just so many stories; how can we discount them all? I had a coworker tell me her husband saw a Yetti. And she was dead serious. It took me by surprise. I was really blown away because I never expected to hear something like that from her; she just didn't seem the type. I was pretty taken aback and remember thinking but Yetti; aren't they from cold, mountainous regions and wanted to ask her where did he see it? but was so thrown I didn't say anything. My husband told me the story of his friend's neighbor that saw a Sasquatch and that this person was an ordinary guy; very down to earth and purportedly not someone inclined to tell tales. I would have to think it would be hard to disclose because you're putting yourself out there for ridicule. I find it hard to disbelieve the number of people that do speak up.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by illuminotreal

Thanks for the pic illuminotreal.

It may not be a classic print but its interesting given your account.

Is the print pointing uphill, downhil or on the flat, and what sort of dimensions ?


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