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A Final Warning To All

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy

Originally posted by lifecitizen
We hear the same message all the time here, and I beg to differ that they help anyone.

Just because you and others hear the same message all the time doesn't mean there are not people who don't hear it. You think you are everyone? You think you speak for everyone? You are completely wrong.

People who are lonely and have zero love can read this message and see there is still love to be found. That is one example of how it can help, and who it can help.

Some people in this world have lost faith in humanity, and seeing that people like the OP still exists, helps them. That is another example..

Do you see your ignorance now?

Originally posted by lifecitizen
It might help the person who posts it who thinks they have some special secret that only they know.

So do you think your counter message is better?? Do you think telling the OP his time is wasted and doesn't help is a better message?? You think the OP hasn't heard what you area saying "all the time"?? So what makes you say it??

Look in the mirror...

Back at ya.

It wont matter what I say to the OP- we will still see these same messages from people who think that they are the chosen ones. Anyone else- you die.

I think if the OP really wants to help, to get out there and help. Posting on a message board is doing diddly. Lets hear about how he helps in the REAL WORLD.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by la vie

Actually, that was the most truth born info rich spot on statement of all time and I caught it.

Dispel the fear while your still here.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by randy912

You're taking love and making a cause and effect relationship with it for everything else that has nothing to do with love itself. Going out and harvesting food and water for yourself or anybody else doesn't require love. It requires a desire for survival. Survival is an instinct of the reptilian brain. The reptilian brain has nothing to do with love.

I never said food and water requires love... so you are in error.

You asked how love can provide food and water. I explained how it can help provide food and water. Love is a driving force. For some people, without love, they wouldn't have a reason to get up in the morning and go to work to provide for their love.

Why would you ask how love can provide food and water if love is not required to do so? So your idea of logic is to ask a flawed question in hopes of getting an answer you can apply your flawed logic to?

Originally posted by randy912
And love is the cause for donating money? Please. Love does not cure diseases. Scientific discoveries and philanthropy do. To say that loves causes these is a simple cop-out. No metaphysical or abstract "love" performs these actions.

What you just said is a cop out. I didn't say love is the only cause for donating money.. I said love can cause it.

For example based in reality. A mother and father lost their child to cancer. Out of love for their child and love for others they decided to create a charity that funds cancer research. Do you see how love helps cure disease?

Here is another example... A scientists child is diagnosed with a disease without a cure. Out of love, that scientists decides to dedicate his life to finding a cure....

Do you not see??? Probably not, you have blinders on.

Originally posted by randy912
You're clinging to an idea because you've never felt the harshness of physical reality dealing you bad circumstances.

Oh really, so now you are claiming to know my life. Accusing me of never having to deal with bad circumstances.... You couldn't be further from reality or truth. That is a complete failure on your part.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM < SNIP >

roughly translated [ in one line ] :

believe my religious message , or else

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by lifecitizen
You just told everyone why you asked the question- to make someone else look stupid.

No small wonder they dont want to answer your question, theyre obviously not as stupid as you think they are

No I didn't ask him the question to make him look stupid. I asked him the question so when he answers it he can see his error. Humiliation is a common side effect of being wrong, and I am wise enough to recognize this. I am also wise enough to know he will "cop out" to avoid feeling this humiliation.

He doesn't even have to answer the question, because I already know the answer. Him avoiding the answer just proves that he is the true cop out. He is the student, not the teacher, like he claims.


edit on 30-9-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: we = he

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:28 AM
I appreciate it and its very true. Love your brothers and sisters we are all one. We all are alive in these forms and will move past these forms at some point. Expand your consciousness. You're all such beautiful beings. Remember that any choice people make is beautiful and will lead to the lesson they were supposed to learn. Guide with your inner light in other words be a true example to people and they will see just how beautiful this world is and how much of a blessing it is to be here and than there will be no more fear and no more hate. If everyone becomes enlightened and loves each other the world will be harmonious.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:29 AM

What do you want at the core of your very being? Past the desire for fame, fortune, wealth, status, look past the desire for sex, sustenance, and worldly gain. What is it that you most desire? If your answer is not to be loved, you have not looked deep enough, or you are a liar! We all want it. That is it.


I luv you religious nuts!

Dont tell me what I want, and dont call me a liar.

How very Christian of you..but, seriously I wouldnt expect anything less from a believer. a chosen one.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Gutterpus
reply to post by IAMIAM

Star and flag brother. You said it and I agree with you. My soul is thrilled at what's around the corner. It's in the air you breathe. It's closer and closer every day. Nothing else matters but love and that's all you need and all you need to give.


Pick up a few history books to know what is around the corner.

All this love and peace mumbo jumbo is usually grease for
tank tracks rolling through.

For an example of what is coming check out the Dalai Lama, an
exile of his own land that has been there for 600+ years.

Check out Aung San Suu Kyi rotting in prison in what was Burma,
now called Myanmar.

Maybe if they find some oil there, we can help them with
their democracy problem.

How about the Darfur ppl who are being pushed off their lands
so that Arabs can drill for oil on it at behest of the Chinese ?

Genocide is ok if their is oil or money to be had, it appears.

The UN and the round table groups are a bunch of corrupt
parasites and they wouldn't know democracy if it bit them
on their extravagantly clothed backsides.

The only man that has ever stood up to the parasites and looters
and beat them at their own game was Gandhi, but in the end
they sent him packing early too.

He knew what they truly loved, their wallets.

Because at the end of the day they don't care about their troops,
just their profits.

It is like George Carlin said, if you find oil or natural resources the
Europeans or US might want you better hide it, or they will corrupt
your government via the CIA or just bomb you into the stone age.

Once colonialism didn't work they moved to this plan B and some
of the players of this game have spoken out about it.

The military involvement is outlined by another man.

What is coming is Neo-druidism GAIA worship with the new 10 commandments
carved in stone almost 3 decades ago.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

Rule #1 makes it pretty clear these ppl think a lot like our current science czar.

We have science professors giving lectures with this perspective here in the US.

I would truly love to see a world of love and happiness, but the problem is the
power hungry megalomaniac kleptomaniacs running the game want business as usual.

As they have most of the money, and most of the armies, the game goes on like
it has in those history books I mentioned at the beginning of this post.

As for some religious angle I guess all the millions of dead in the hundreds of wars
were just not religious enough, but I am sure all the TV preachers will be beamed up
into this extra dimensional space somewhere.

If there is a god and he was ok with all the children dying in these wars from starvation,
gun fire, and who knows what else then he does not sound like a god of love to me.

You cannot pray the insane back to sanity, its been tried...check the history books.

It sounds like the same mumbo jumbo spouted by priests since the days of sun worship,
and that is why the pagan holidays line up with the christian ones.

December 25th is the rebirth of the sun in pagan worship.

Conversely that is why Islam lines up with the lunar ones.

It has been one long series of lies for money, power, and control.

No one has a shred of evidence otherwise as Mr. Dawkins has made VERY clear.

So good luck with your love in, my prediction is a theme much like business as
usual with a good chance for WW3.

Good Luck to all the good ppl, even the deluded who think they are gonna be beamed up !

edit on 30-9-2010 by Ex_MislTech because: links, spelling, grammar, and content

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

It's not a religious message, it is a warning based in reality which can be proven by experiment.

If you have a room full of people who hate each other, sooner or later they will destroy each other.

Teaching them and showing them how to love each other will only help them coexist.

This is basic logic.....

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by lifecitizen
It might help the person who posts it who thinks they have some special secret that only they know.

This is your own interpretation and opinion of how you think IAMIAM thinks about himself, through your own filter.

To start with "He/she thinks he/she, he/she wants to be, he/she tries to be" are all indications of an opinion that has been processed through ones unique perspective built on current life experience, which does not render said opinion as fact but usually speculation and assumption.

It however reveals the stage one is in when one speaks of another in said fashion

Originally posted by lifecitizen
we will still see these same messages from people who think that they are the chosen ones.

There it is again. Do these people claim they are the chosen ones or are you deeming them as the chosen ones?

Why aren't YOU the chosen one?

I read a quote on here which is good for this occasion let me see if i can find it

edit on 30-9-2010 by la vie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:35 AM
"Therefore, I chose to know myself simply as I AM," where have I heard that before..

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:36 AM
I Notice you refere to yourself as "I AM" ... ? ? ?

Doesn't the name GOD mean: I AM ?

Do you consider yourself to be sort of GOD like or what? I read what you say and can see you are trying to have compassion in your heart for us to repent and be saved.... But you left out the most important thing if thats what you were trying to do.... that is, that the only way to repent and ask GOD forgivness for our sins is through JESUS CHRIST......

You seem to be trying to take glory in what you are telling us to do, did you know that that is a sin in itself, because praise should be to GOD... It's not YOUR FINAL WARNING to us, It's GOD's word... the Holy Spirit...?

You don't praise the pen that wrights a book, you praise the author...

Even though it seems that you are sincere, i think you are trying to atone your own past sins by starting this thread, instead, you should have simply asked others here on the forum for questions, if they would like, to pose to you about your topic at hand, and then pray for words from the Holy Spirit.

You also seem to push the subject matter onto us that we have all fallen for the sins of the flesh.... How can you do that? You don't know any of us or how we live our lives!!! You wouldn't be JUDGING us by any chance would you....., because i'm pretty sure the bible, GOD, say something about only he is allowed to judge man and nobody else!!!!

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

OP you state:

One cannot truly love oneself.

This statement cannot be true. You speak of God and of divine love, and of our creation and of our being children of God.

Here is the truth:

"In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own flesh." - Ephesians 5:28, 29.

A person cannot truly begin to love others until they begin to love themselves. If you have self-loathing, or you hate your own body, you cannot extend what you do not have for yourself to others.

Your human philosophy if applied defies logic. While understanding the principles to be noble and good, they are incoherent and incomplete. I say this, not to belittle your ideas, as far as they are human, they are good, but say them in order that you may be corrected in your thinking.

To teach that one cannot love themselves is faulty. One should learn to love oneself first, and then one will be in a position to show love to others. Just as it is commanded of a man, he must love his wife, as he does his own body. He is not to hate or loath his own body, but he is to feed it, to cherish it, to take care of it. The reflection of the love a man has for his own body should show in the love he shows to his wife.

Also you said:

I am a child of God, just as you, and them, are a child of God.

While it is true that "every family" in heaven and on earth owes their name to God, it is incorrect to teach that imperfect humans are still considered part of God's family or are his children.

If that were the case then this would have no application:

"For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will but through him that subjected it, on the basis of hope that the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God." - Romans 8:20, 21.

The creation, that is imperfect humankind alienated from God, has been subjected to futility or death, on the basis of hope, that is the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, and thus by means of his glorious kingdom and thru the adopted spirit sons of God who will reign with him during the kingdom rule over earth, during judgement day, all mankind will be gradually brought back to perfection and after the thousand years, those alive on earth who survive the final test will be set free from their enslavement to corruption and then be able to say that they have the "glorious freedom of the children of God."

True, there are adopted children of God that as yet walk among mankind, yet they are very few in number. The hope for the majority of mankind is based on the sacred secret of their rulership that will, under Christ's direction bring all perfected mankind back to God and thus "have the glorious freedom of the children of God."

You write:

King, just as you are Kings and Queens

I respond:

"You have begun ruling as kings without us, have you? And I wish indeed that you had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with you as kings." - 1 Corinthians 4:8

"No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends." - John 15:13

And finally this is what real love means:

"And this is what love means, that we go on walking according to his commandments." - 2 John 6

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy

Originally posted by lifecitizen
You just told everyone why you asked the question- to make someone else look stupid.

No small wonder they dont want to answer your question, theyre obviously not as stupid as you think they are

No I didn't ask him the question to make him look stupid. I asked him the question so when he answers it he can see his error. Humiliation is a common side effect of being wrong, and I am wise enough to recognize this. I am also wise enough to know he will "cop out" to avoid feeling this humiliation.

He doesn't even have to answer the question, because I already know the answer. Him avoiding the answer just proves that he is the true cop out. He is the student, not the teacher, like he claims.


edit on 30-9-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: we = he

Er, this is what you said

It's not a stupid question, it is a question designed to show you that you are a liar, and maybe to help you learn your errors.

- lets at least be honest when its all here in black and white.

Your question, as you yourself said, was designed to show the poster they are a liar. Your main point was to prove they were a liar- secondry was that they might learn something.

People usuallly know when theyre being set up by other people asking questions designed to being them unstuck.

The poster is question is obviously wiser than you, they didnt even bother to answer the question to which you already knew the answer.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech
edit on 30-9-2010 by Ex_MislTech because: spelling and grammar

Ha! You gave in!

Thought I should let you know I am recruiting for the resistance.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Matyas

Originally posted by SaturnFXask a former hippy.

So, are you retired?

That always amazed me, how they got it right down to the atom.

No, nor am I a former hippy..that would be my parents generation.

I said ask a former hippy meaning...find a former hippy and ask them if the age of enlightenment and love ever came...after the masses of youth that were all going for that...yet nothing of significance happened. We ended up having in the US the (now second) longest war in our history, the free love hippys molded slowly into junkys, disco groupies, or yuppies. the whole concept simply was abandoned after endless years of the so called enlightenment seeking coming up empty.

its a worthy effort to find personal enlightenment, but when you start saying the world itself is becoming enlightened because of how your white middle class comfortable sitting being is feeling, its almost delusional...

forget the hippy...go down to the worst part of town at night...then have a discussion with some strung out crackhead about how the world is becoming ever so enlightened and aware of our spiritual selves...then be prepared to give your watch, wallet, etc to him or get shanked.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by lifecitizen
Back at ya.

What is back at me? I already answered. Yes, messages on a forum do help. For EVERY action there is a REACTION. Point and case.

Now YOU are coping out by not answering.

Originally posted by lifecitizen
It wont matter what I say to the OP- we will still see these same messages from people who think that they are the chosen ones. Anyone else- you die.

Of course it won't matter. You message is filled with negativity, you are telling him to quit.... How would you like it if I told you to quit posting on this topic?

Quit posting on this topic! It doesn't work! -enter hate filled reason here-

See... it doesn't work does it? No...

Yes you are right... if you don't listen to the OP's message of spreading love, the ultimate outcome is the destruction of humanity. It's like saying if you don't put out the fire, everything will burn. An obvious truth. While he is trying to put out the fire, you are telling him it is pointless, and to quit. Then you are pointless.

Originally posted by lifecitizen
I think if the OP really wants to help, to get out there and help. Posting on a message board is doing diddly. Lets hear about how he helps in the REAL WORLD.

Welcome to the future. Where kids spend a majority of their life on computers and communicating via messages. ATS is usually on the top of the list of most internet search engines. ATS can reach thousands of people.

This message will exist on ATS until the end of ATS.... potentially reaching millions of people over time.

Your ignorance of this reality is telling.

edit on 30-9-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Ω-PHI-Ω
Do you consider yourself to be sort of GOD like or what?

I had no idea ATS was this incredible

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by gift0fpr0phecy

Originally posted by lifecitizen
Back at ya.

What is back at me? I already answered. Yes, messages on a forum do help. For EVERY action there is a REACTION. Point and case.

Now YOU are coping out by not answering.

Originally posted by lifecitizen
It wont matter what I say to the OP- we will still see these same messages from people who think that they are the chosen ones. Anyone else- you die.

Of course it won't matter. You message is filled with negativity, you are telling him to quit.... How would you like it if I told you to quit posting on this topic?

Quit posting on this topic! It doesn't work! -enter hate filled reason here-

See... it doesn't work does it? No...

Yes you are right... if you don't listen to the OP's message of spreading love, the ultimate outcome is the destruction of humanity. It's like saying if you don't put out the fire, everything will burn. An obvious truth. While he is trying to put out the fire, you are telling him it is pointless, and to quit. Then you are pointless.

Originally posted by lifecitizen
I think if the OP really wants to help, to get out there and help. Posting on a message board is doing diddly. Lets hear about how he helps in the REAL WORLD.

Welcome to the future. Where kids spend a majority of their life on computers and communicating via messages. ATS is usually on the top of the list of most internet search engines. ATS can reach thousands of people.

This message will exist on ATS until the end of ATS.... potentially reaching millions of people over time.

Your ignorance of this reality is telling.

edit on 30-9-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

What is back at ya is the mirror you talked about. Keep up.

What arent I answering? I wasnt aware you had asked me a direct question

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by la vie

Originally posted by Ω-PHI-Ω
Do you consider yourself to be sort of GOD like or what?

I had no idea ATS was this incredible

Meaning What La vie?

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