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State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Your kidding ? How would it be that YOU don't know how to look up the scientific literature with what I'm posting ?
Try subject, Subject = RETROVIRUSES / H.I.V., name (s) & the dates silly, how do (OR) did you get anywhere with your school work without being able too pull that one off ? Do you think everything is on-line ? Also...keep in mind that even the things that are, are not always free either, you know ? I got all this from an retired retrovirologist friend of mine, exactly as his notes reference, the guy looks like he's been around long enough to have voted for LINCOLN, for cry'in out loud, his son had to E-Mail it to me, and he was none too thrilled.
So buckle uP BUTTER-CUP !

How & why are you so appalled by me bad-mouthing money grubbing frauds that never even heard of scientific ethics anyway ? You seem too always take it way personally for some strange odd reason. On that glowing note, meet Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Warning - The glare from his lab coat may permanently damage your retinas, view at your own risk.

In this link here below however, the opposite actually holds true.

This link here below may have something doing with your view of this fraud-wagon, if you actually ever even heard of him. Anyway, what a saint that Fauci is, and just look at his HALO sparkle ! Gives me a warm fuzzy.
Please see link below.

Moving right along with...Continued smack from above.

Alternatively, it has been proposed that HIV protiens are directly toxic because of stuctural similarites with scorpion and snake poisons (Gallo, 1991; Garry et al., 1991, Garry and Koch, 1992). However, no such toxicity is observed in millions of asymptomatic HIV carriers, and there is no reason why it should occur, if it did, only after latent periods of ten years.
2.) The propagation of HIV in indefinitely growing T-cells for the "AIDS test" was patented by Gallo et al. in 1984 (Rubinstien, 1990) and was confirmed by Montagnier (Lemaitre et al., 1990). It is totally incompatable with Gallo's claim HIV kills T-cells. Such HIV producing T-cells have been growing in many labratories and companies since 1984 producing viruses at titers of up to 10-6 virus particals per. mL, which is many orders of magnitude more than is observed in humans with or without AIDS (Duesberg, 1989c, 1991a).

"IT'S BREAK TIME !" With Dr. Robert C. Gallo !

Chicago Tribune style, at that.

In view of this, Gallo postulates that T-cell lines in culture have all aquired resistance to HIV killing (Gallo, 1991).
However there is no precedent for this ad hoc hypothesis, as no other cytocidal virus has ever been observed that is cytocidal in vivo and in primary cells in vitro, but is noncytocidal in cell lines in culture. It is also implausable that a potentally life saving cellular mutation, such as resistance to the hypothetical "AIDS virus," would be restricted just to cell lines in culture, particularly if these mutations occur so readily that they are found in all T-cell lines. (Duesberg, 1991)

HIV, like all other retroviruses, does not specifically infect T-cells. It also infects monocytes, epithelial cells, glial cells, and macrophages, ect., and none of these are killed by HIV (Levy, 1988; Duesberg, 1991a)
Most other retroviruses also infect T-cells, which is why so many of them are suspected "T-cell leukemia" viruses
(Weiss et al., 1985; Duesberg, 1987; Blattener, 1990). Thus the assumption that HIV causes AIDS by killing T-cells is not tenable (Duesberg 1991)

I once mentioned to you "THAT THEY WON'T LET DUESBERG WORK WITH HIV." expecting to hear from you that he in-fact did plenty of work on it, in-fact. I recieved no such reply.

edit on 27-10-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Alpha68's quote comes from a 77 pages review Duesberg published in the journal Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

Aids acquired by drug consumption and other noncontagious risk factors
Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Volume 55, Issue 3, 1992, Pages 201-277

Duesberg hosted a scanned fulltext pdf on his site

To go directly to the portion alpha68 quoted(section 3.5.10, titled 'HIV Assumed to Kill T-cells'), forward to page 29.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by jjjtir

Thanks ! You saved me some mean speak !

The person who sent me my info failed to mention where he got it, most likely because he's so old that the first paper he ever tried publishing was rejected, due to the fact that he wrote it in ANCIENT SUMERIAN.

Where this is all going should surprise even you, I tried to avoid Boyd Graves & those documents, however, after seeing a fresh thread on the subject, I just figured, WHY NOT ! Its not like I can possibly do any worse.

The jOke about the Graves documents is that news papers outside San Diego / California made next to, or no mention at all of Graves, the documents, or Graves days in court and how he was totally thrown under the bus.

The BiG ShocK first came from a completely unexpected place that makes absolutely no sense at all, whats so very ever. Main stream science AIDS speak combined with it, then with Graves, then with a few things I was first only shown, and then given, of which still have to this very day =

Take a quick look at section 3.5.14 regarding "GENES & RETROVIRUSES" and how there is nothing special regarding H.I.V. compared to other retroviruses gene wise. It would be noticed if the virus was spliced, there would be extra genes involved. CORRECT ?

edit on 27-10-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 12:18 PM
Regarding Dr. Robert Gallo and the first known human retrovirus (OF WHICH GALLO HIMSELF DISCOVERED IN 1980, HIS HTLV-1) Gallo started out working with leukemia patients at the N.C.I. (NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE) in 1965 right out of medical school, he finally isolated the sound asleep retrovirus (HTLV) from the cancer cells of leukemia patient that were grown for a mighty long time in his lab at the NIH with NO HUMAN IMMUME SYSTEM to get in its way, of course, after making a complete jack-ass out of himself 5 years earlier when he first jumped-uP under the impression that he was actually having his BIG EUREAKA MOMENT and then went and bet the farm on it. Gallo went and presented the world with nothing more than a gangle of monkey retrovirus contaminated junk.
Gallo and his lab personnel had quite a hard time trying to wake-uP his tiny little sleeping beauty (HTLV) which by all accounts was trying its very best to beat Rip Van Winkle's record, and it most likely would have to, if it were not for Gallo himself throwning a bucket full of cold harsh chemicals it's way that could have easily revived a ten day gone corpse in-order to do it !

After the fact, came load after load of more leukemia cells through his lab, Gallo couldn't & didn't find even one more single playmate among them that could help keep the first one company, a wee bit of a conundrum that didn't phase Gallo even one iota. So... he just went & christened his new find "HUMAN T-CELL LEUKEMIA VIRUS = HTLV-1", quite a strong name for a virus that he could easily have been named >FOUND IN ONE GUY WITH LEUKEMIA VIRUSLOL< Gallo swung the weight of scientific concensus behind his hypothesis, biology books now speak it as unquestioned FACT, polluting the brains of students everywhere.

But guess what ? ANYONE ? >This is about to get really, really good come Monday folks ?<

edit on 30-10-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Continued from above post.

You see...While Gallo and other research groups were looking for clusters of folks with his HTLV virus, which Gallo believed caused leukemia after a long latent period, a team of Japanese researchers isolated a retrovirus (WHICH THEY NAMED "ATL") from a leukemia patient from the Japanese island of "KYUSHU". Upon request they sent Gallo a sample of their virus so he could compare it to HTLV and another latent (SLEEPING) virus that Gallo was able to isolate from a Caribbean person with leukemia.

Here is where it all really gets quite funny---> The Red Cross counted some 65,000 or so Americans infected with HTLV, of whom about 90, or one out of every 1,000, have the cancer. Kyushu natives fair a wee bit worse, with only 1% of HTLV infected people ever developing the leukemia ever in their lives, not even one single American who has ever been infected with HTLV via a blood transfusion has ever developed the disease. Conversely, quite a number of people worldwide actually have this cancer WITHOUT HTLV infection.

There isn't even one single epidemiological study showing that the incidence of leukemia is higher in HTLV positive groups than in virus free groups. Gallo and his associates however calculated a way around that little problem---> by redefining the disease.
Doctors may NOT diagnose anyone as having HTLV / ATL unless the victim also has antibodies against the virus, uninfected patients with identical leukemias are to be categorized under another clinical name.
That tiny little trick handily abolishes one of the gaps between the disease and the virus, but it gets even better from there more still !

HTLV researching retro-hacks can change other rules too !
First having assumed that the virus was spread between adults, the retro-hacks calculated a "LATENT PERIOD" of five years between infection with the virus and the development of the leukemia.
Soon they adjusted that figure to 10 years, then 30, as they kept on finding healthy carriers of HTLV.
Once they decided that the virus was transmitted sexually, while the leukemia strikes roughly at age 60, they then subracted 20 from 60 in-order to generate a 40 year latent period. Then, upon realizing that virus is actually transmitted from mother to child around the time of birth, the latent period grew to an official 40 to 55 years !

Even when the leukemia does actually strike a patient infected with HTLV, the virus continues to sleep soundly as ever due to having already been neutralized by the infected persons Immune system, forcing doctors to test for antibodies instead of the actual virus itself, JUST LIKE H.I.V. !

You see, retro-hacking of this nature is quite profitable, since 1989 the American Association of Blood Banks has required testing the blood supply for HTLV, tacking on an extra $5.00 to $11.00 dollars onto each of the 12 million blood donations made every year.

The reason that HTLV became known as HTLV-1 is because there is a HTLV-2, Gallo isolated it in 1982 from a cell line of a patient with a different type of leukemia than he claims to be caused by HTLV-1.
Since that time though however, HTLV-2 has only been retrived from one other person with a similar type of leukemia, while plenty of cases have been found without HTLV-2 infection, Gallo still keeps refering to it as a leukemia virus to this day though nonetheless, any non-retro hack will tell you that Gallo's on "CRACK"
So, that leaves Gallo's HTLV-2 still in search of a disease to be blamed on it.

Remember those nice Japanese scientists I mentioned at the begining of this post, that sent Dr. Gallo a sample of their virus (ATL) so he could compare it with his ? Well...

Dr. Luc "FRENCHIE" Montagnier (LAV / H.I.V.) ain't the first person Gallo ROBBED !

The sequence of Gallo's published HTLV-1 Carribbean virus proved to be nearly identical to the Japanese virus he was sent, it contained a mistake identical to one made by the Japanese group, since all other non-Japanese HTLV-1 isolates differed so much from Gallo's offering, some scientists suggest that Gallo may have offered the Japanese sequence as his own. >DUH !<

No formal investigation was ever done regarding the incident, and Gallo was awarded the the prestigious "LASKER PRIZE" as the presumed disoverer of the virus ! "SPECIAL ISN'T IT ?"

Believe It, or not, but it does not end there for Gallo's fraud cancer virus HTLV-1, (WHICH IS ALSO SAID BY GALLO AND OTHER RETRO-HACKS TO PLAY A ROLE IN CERTAIN TYPES OF LYMPHOMAS AS WELL, LOL ! NOT !) Scientist have gone & granted Gallo's HTLV-1 virus yet another disease, a brain disease and a whole lot more of all things, modeled after another slow, non-viral and now gone syndrome called "KURU".
Its called HTLV-Associated Myelopathy (HAM), Gallo & his hack pals decreed that the disease must be renamed "HAM" when a person who is said to have it is also infected with HTLV. All other cases missing the virus must be diagnosed under their old disease names. = MORE $ ! MORE $$ !! = MORE $$$ !!!

Great Huh ?


edit on 1-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 01:23 PM
After being told about Gallo and his cancer causing fraud HTLV-1 retrovirus and how profitable it was, and still is, to have the rights to testing for it, as well as how $>PROFITABLE that are indeed able to KILL those exact same cells that they were at one time quite possible only able make cancerous, do to that being true to their non-cell killing nature in the first place, thus, making them directly responsible for AIDS as well.
The more diseases a scientist can pin on a virus, the better ! Ditto, for anyone else who chooses to hop on their band wagon and share in it all.
You need not have more degrees than a thermometer in-order to understand what I'm saying here with all this.
When scientists can just simply make uP their own rules regarding retroviruses causing what ever they want to in the moment and then be able to not just get away with it, but also get praised and rich from it too boot !
Why not ?
When a scientist like Duesberg (ALONG WITH MANY OTHERS) jump uP and say----> "HAY ! WHAT ARE YOU FRAUDS TRYING TO PULL HERE ? Only to get made a monkey of by the sheer numbers of the retro-hack army, somethings WRONG !

OK ! You can have HTLV-1 leukema, without HTLV-1, BUT can you have full blown A.I.D.S. without H.I.V. ?


PLease feel free to chime in here.


edit on 2-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 04:10 PM
Nobody cares to chime in on that one ?

The answer to the question is >YES !<

There is in-fact H.I.V. free A.I.D.S, and Anthony Fauci and Co. even gave it a name,

It's the MOST damning thing going against the "H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. ESTABLISHMENT" there is by a country mile, but how many people actually even know about it ?
There were a known 4,621 cases of it, before they swept it all under thee ahh... rug. "THEN RENAMED IT"

CHECK OUT THIS LETTER TO FAUCI, GALLO, and a slew of others, from U.S. Congressmen "Gil Gutkenecht"
in the link below, #4. on page one, mentions "ICL".
This crap is pretty much known only to "scientists" and the "medical profession". eq=00000001

What Fauci says about this, along with how he explains it, is completely idiotic beyond words, sounds good if you don't know any better though, I must say.

You all remember Dr. Tony from my previous posts here on this thread, RIGHT ?

This link shows what Fauci says "ICL" is, and why.

Great pics of Fauci & more !

More Fauci----> Thimerosal anyone ?

Yet---> More Fauci, H1N1 VACCINE ? WHATS THAT ?

A person who tests positive for H.I.V. could be showing 2 A.I.D.S. defining diseases, while the person right next to them is exibiting 6 of the A.I.D.S defining diseases, but due to the fact that they are H.I.V. -, they can no-longer be diagnosed as having A.I.D.S. ! "THEN KEPT QUIET"-----> Shhhhh....

Where did my friend "VNEZONYDOSTUPA" go anyway ? Must have got board with all this, I guess.

edit on 2-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:43 AM
I'm sooooo sorry No Regrets and Alpha that this promising thread was hijacked
and made unbearable (I couldn't get more than a third thru page 4...
by those two Napoleanic "scientists".... there's GOTTA be a way to ban
people like these from ruining such good topics!!

And Alpha I wish you could follow your OWN advice and restrain yourself from
reacting to his insults and taunts!! You have sooo much good info to share
that we're gonna miss because of all this bickering!!

edit on 11/3/2010 by SmokeyDawn because: another thought...

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by SmokeyDawn

As long as I know that there is at least one person here who cares to hear what I'm saying, I will keep going until I make my point.

If you have any questions regarding any of this, please feel free & ask.

I have worked with H.I.V. & S.I.V. for just under 2 years, retroviruses are not very interesting as far as I'm concerned, I'm more into the soap-opera & the frauds who star in it, way more so than the viruses themselves due to the fact that they are just junk.

edit on 3-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:24 PM
Fauci uP & snatched the B.S. crown right off the top of Galo's head when he tried his hand at explaining H.I.V. free A.I.D.S. to a room full of journalists that he already read the riot-act to regarding what they should expect if they keep on "ASKING THE N.I.H. THE WRONG TYPES OF QUESTIONS...THOSE WHO ASK OR CONTINUE TO ASK NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (N.I.H.) SCIENTIST'S WHAT THEY DEEM TO BE INAPPROPRIATE QUESTIONS WILL QUICKLY FIND THAT THEIR ACCESS TO SCIENTIST'S IS GOING TO BECOME SEVERLY RESTRICTED AT BEST."

Fauci stated in regards to "ICL"----> That it must not be infectious at all, and that a number of A.I.D.S. defining diseases now called "ICL" was far too large and the dieases were way too hetrogenous to be caused by a single virus. Fauci also stated that the epidemiology of "ICL" cases set "ICL" apart from A.I.D.S., as about a third of all "ICL" cases were women, compared to only ten percent of cases in A.I.D.S.

Being the complete idiot Fauci in-fact is, he completely forgot more than just a few of his very own facts !

To be continued

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:04 PM
Continued from above

By Fauci using women in his hypothesis as being the MAJOR differentiator between people with "ICL" as opposed to the majority of people infected with H.I.V.being mainly men, Fauci just flat-out went and stepped in it !

Due to the fact, that 50% of all African H.I.V./ A.I.D.S. cases are (YePP ! YOU GUESSED IT !), women !

How would or could Fauci just simply uP & forgot something like that ? When you take into account that this is something that Fauci himself used to harp on to just about absolutely no end back in the day regarding H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. ? Hello ?

Next, here comes Fauci with----> "ICL" can't possibly be caused by a single virus because of the sheer number of separate diseases involved in "ICL" ? Hello ! What am I missing here ? H.I.V. is said to cause 30 separate A.I.D.S diseases all by itself, many of which have absolutely NOTHING doing with a depleted immune system !

All of that Fauci tripe regarding "ICL" was from three papers and an artical in published in the "NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE" in 1993, called "NO LIGHTS, NO CAMERAS, JUST FACTS.
After that crap was published, that was it regarding "ICL", the issue just uP & died, and so did the media coverage. Dr. Peter Duesberg probably said it best regarding Fauci, The N.I.H & "ICL"....

"Roma locuta, causa finita"

Please take a freak'in look below at the list of diseases / issues compiled by CDC regarding a virus called H.I.V. and what its supposed to be able to pull off all by it's lonesome.


Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, or lungs

Candidiasis, esophageal

Cervical cancer, invasive *

Coccidioidomycosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary

Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary

Cryptosporidiosis, chronic intestinal (greater than 1 month's duration)

Cytomegalovirus disease (other than liver, spleen, or nodes)

Cytomegalovirus retinitis (with loss of vision)

Encephalopathy, HIV-related

Herpes simplex: chronic ulcer(s) (greater than 1 month's duration); or bronchitis, pneumonitis, or esophagitis

Histoplasmosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary

Isosporiasis, chronic intestinal (greater than 1 month's duration)

Kaposi's sarcoma

Lymphoma, Burkitt's (or equivalent term)

Lymphoma, immunoblastic (or equivalent term)

Lymphoma, primary, of brain

Mycobacterium avium complex or M. kansasii, disseminated or extrapulmonary

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, any site (pulmonary * or extrapulmonary)

Mycobacterium, other species or unidentified species, disseminated or extrapulmonary

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

Pneumonia, recurrent *

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

Salmonella septicemia, recurrent

Toxoplasmosis of brain

Wasting syndrome due to HIV

*Added in the 1993 expansion of the AIDS surveillance case definition.

You may have noticed that Anthony Fauci's name is not listed at the top of the page, well...that matters not, even one single bit, due to the fact that CDC can't even break-wind without N.I.H. / Fauci approval. CDC & THE N.I.H. are supposed to be on the same exact page at all times regarding a "MAJOR PLAGUE" at all times, but ahhh....

Did anyone notice that " *CERVICAL CANCER" was put on thee above CDC list in 93 ? ANYONE KNOW, OR CARE TO KNOW WHY ?

More Fauci talk--->

edit on 4-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Cevical cancer was put on the list because it's female specific !

So the establishment can diagnose MORE hetrosexual H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. cases folks ! Your told you have cervical cancer, then they give you an H.I.V. test and it comes back positive, you have automatically just become an AIDS CASE.

"Human Papiloma Virus" (HPV), of which there are over 100 strains of, is supposed to be the single solitary cause of cervical cancer in in women, I'm a virologist / microbiogist and I'm flat out telling you that niether "HPV" or H.I.V. could ever possibly do it PERIOD !

Gardasil Anyone ? Give money to Merck & Co. to boot-uP your 12 year old daughter with the equivalent of Max Essex phony "LEUKEMIC KITTY" vaccine ? WHY NOT ? WELL...HERES THREE REASONS RIGHT HERE !

H.I.V. has absolutely NO chance of pulling off cervical cancer, and ditto for H.P.V..
Lets just completely forget about H.I.V. playing any sort of role in it altogether, and lets focus on H.P.V. here for a minute.------> Certain stains of H.P.V. cause genital warts in both men, but men don't contract penile cancer as result of contracting HPV, because in women these warts can turn to all out cancer ? NOT !
Not to mention the fact, that H.P.V. does NOT pass whats know as "Koch's Postulates" for a disease causing virus, cancer in the case of H.P.V., but then again neither does HTLV-1 & H.I.V. for that matter ! They simply faked H.I.V. passing the biggest test of all, I along with thousands of others could never even come close to getting H.I.V. to pass Koch's Postualtes, and the A.I.D.S Establishment made the magic happen without an animal model !
Great story behind that one, you better bet.
edit on 4-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 01:31 PM
1982---> Robert Gallo was working with Harvards Max Essex (PHONY KITTY CANCER VACCINE "FeLV") on trying to make Gallo's HTLV-1 the A.I.D.S. virus when Luc Montagnier (FRENCHIE) from Frances Pasteur Institute isolated LAV / H.I.V., Gallo just about blew a gasket when he heard about the new retrovirus.

Montagnier was 100% completely aware that he was in for a battle by nominating LAV as the A.I.D.S. virus, he then made a call to Gallo hoping to inlist his help in the matter. >GIGANTIC MISTAKE ! LOL<

Dr. Montagnier was already completely under the impression that his LAV virus would need help (A Co-FACTOR) to actually cause something as complex as A.I.D.S., at first he kept it quiet.

Gallo was already having major problems gaining widespread support for his HTLV-1 / A.I.D.S. hypothesis, especially from cancer virologist who were not all that thrilled to lose a leukemia virus. Gallo started privately & quietly telling colleagues that Frenchie made a mistake. Gallo being the uP-standing scientist he is (LOL) kindly offered to write the short summary to begin Dr. Montagnier's upcoming scientific paper on LAV, of which Frenchie happilly and unsupectingly accepted. Gallo wrote in that the French virus was closely related to his HTLV-1 & 2 retroviruses. So while Gallo was busy denouncing Dr. Montagniers discovery and stepping uP his own campaign to make HTLV-1 the "A.I.D.S. VIRUS", he was actually even trying to take credit for the new virus (LAV / H.I.V.) that Frenchie discovered. How funny is that ?

Gallo knew full well that he had to find the LAV / H.I.V. virus and find it quick after frenchie's paper was published. luck would have it (NO LUCK INVOLVED ACTUALLY ! LOL) English retro-hack and good friend of Gallo's, Robin Weiss somehow ended uP being the annonomous "PEER REVIEWER" of Frenchie's paper and he rejected it,
buying Gallo more time to find a virus.
Gallo searched franticly for months without much doing, then by April of 1984 he was ready to announce that he indeed found a similar retrovirus, which he unsurprisingly named = HTLV-3. He prepared at least four separate papers stating that he isolated his new virus from a number of A.I.D.S. patients.

Now... ethical protocal among scientists requiers that you first publish your papers in-order to allow your peers to analyze the results before going to the media, keep in mind though that were talking about Dr. Robert C. Gallo here folks ! Ethics flew right out the bloody window !

Gallo & his employer the Department of Heath and Human Services, pulled a fast one on Frenchie & his employer "Pastur Institute" by holding the >PRESS CONFERENCE< on April 23, 1984, more than a week before Gallo's papers were to be published in the journal "SCIENCE".

To be continued

edit on 9-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 01:33 PM
If it was somehow created in this age, how is it then that descendants of survivors of the bubonic plague (an auto immune disease itself) are immune to the effects of HIV?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka


Because H.I.V. is a "PAPER TIGER", it's NOT the "A.I.D.S. virus", AS FAR AS " A.I.D.S." GOES, "H.I.V." ISN'T EVEN REQUIRED FOR IT. Ever heard of "ICL" ? Look at my previous post here on this thread regarding H.I.V. FREE A.I.D.S. / "ICL" and the tripe Dr. Anthony Fauci from the NIH has to say regarding it.

HTLV-1 virus was all locked & loaded to be given that title, until Dr. Luc Montagnier from France's Pasteur Institute put the KIBOSH on that, by finding another human retrovirus which he named LAV, it was given the title instead of Gallo's HTLV-1, and then later re-named H.I.V..

H.I.V. is not a new virus, look into something called "FARR'S LAW" regarding H.I.V..
H.I.V. is not sexually TRANSMISSIBLE either as most people think, it's actually something your born with in most cases, are you aware of how many sexual contacts it supposed to require to contract ? Many may never even ever find out that they actually even have it, unless their tested for it, of course, for whatever the reason may be.

H.I.V. contains nothing that other retrovirus do not contain "GENE WISE" that could ever cause something such as A.I.D.S., no how. Any virus that could would most certainly have to be labratory enhanced, because the type of virus H.I.V. is, a retrovirus, were never known to kill the cells that they infect. Instead, they intergrate themselves into the structure of the infected cell and ride along as a parasite, if the cell dies, so does the retrovirus. Retroviruses were studied hard during the failed war on cancer for that exact reason.

How the virus would be enhanced is through a procedure called "SPLICING", then it would be put into an animal host for whats known to "BIO-WEAPON" folks as "VIRAL RECOMBINATION". They don't offer college courses on how to create virological weapons either, hence, your A-TYPICAL virologist from say... Totoville, Kansas isn't going to know their ass from a cup of buttermilk when it comes to anything like this either, due to that reason, by the way. lol

For examples, please see below links.
edit on 10-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 03:06 PM
As far as why "HunkaHunka" compared H.I.V. which is obviously a virus, to PLAGUE which is caused by a bacterium (Yersinia pestis), I really have not a clue ?

"GaLLo" Continued, from my above post.

After the Gallo press conference held by the then secretary of Health and Human Services "Margaret Heckler" announcing the discovery >NOT REALLY BY GALLO, OF COURSE.< of the hypothetical "A.I.D.S. VIRUS", that was all she wrote folks !

Check out "The Dr. oF StyLe" lol, Robert C.Gallo in this pic from the big 1984 press conference.
A female colleague of mine once said...Gallo's so ugly, he could be a "Modern Art Masterpiece" !

From the moment of that press conference on, everything was simply just set in stone, and absolutely NO amount of common sense logic could or would ever change it.
Every scientist was completely caught off guard by it all, if researchers were able to review Gallo's papers as they most certainly should have been, they may have noticed and pointed out that some of Gallo's A.I.D.S. patients were never even infected with the virus, they may have seen that NO VIRUS had actually been found in ANY of Gallo's patients, just ANTIBODIES AGAINST ONE, remember, antibodies were always a traditional sign to scientists that the immune system has neutralized & rejected a virus, they are under no uncertain terms, the bodies natural vaccine against a virus. Researchers may have also remembered that retroviruses do not kill cells.
For that matter, they may also remembered that "Frenchie" actually discovered the virus first.

After the >HUGE< press conference Dr. Gallo even skipped out on his very own "TICKER TAPE PARADE", stepping lively straight on down to the patent office to stake his claim on "THE A.I.D.S. TEST", thats the money maker, and the main reason a fraud perpatrating hack like Gallo became a scientists in the first place, not to make life saving discoveries that could one day save the world, as one may at first presume.

I'm not jOkinG in regards to Gallo, he really did in-fact patent the A.I.D.S test the very same day as the press event !

Here's what I mean by "COMMON SENSE LOGIC"---> In-order to patent the virus for the >H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. ANTIBODY TEST< Gallo had to actually state under oath that the virus could be mass produced for H.I.V. tests within indefinitely growing, "IMMORTAL" T-cells, the very same cells in-fact that H.I.V. is supposed to cause A.I.D.S. by killing. "OF WHICH, HE MORE THAN DID."

How many H.I.V. tests does anyone think were performed world-wide for just the first ten years after Gallo's patent ?

PONDER THIS FOR A MOMENT----->$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

edit on 11-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2010 @ 01:54 PM
here is an academic link from AfricaUpdate by Central Connecticut State University, discussing Boyd Graves' Special Virus Program/Special Virus Cancer Program.

Published in Vol VIII, Issue 4 (Fall 2001): Conversations on AIDS

Boyd Graves was mostly under the radar, but this single "scholarly" debate from 2001 was at an "academic level".

See this -

"Dr. Victoria Harden, Director of the DeWitts Center at the National Institutes of Health, Bethsheda, Maryland refutes the charge that the AIDS virus was man‑ made and that it was a product of laboratory research"

Editorial: Conversations on AIDS

This issue initiates a two-part series on AIDS and Africa. We begin with an illuminating discussion on Aids research, bio-engineering and the origin-of-aids controversy. Dr. Victoria Harden, Director of the DeWitts Center at the National Institutes of Health, Bethsheda, Maryland refutes the charge that the AIDS virus was man‑ made and that it was a product of laboratory research. She points out that documents related to the Special Virus Cancer Program are on file in the Library of the National Institute of Health and that by the mid- 1970s no direct link between a virus and a malignancy had been shown. Dr. Harden points out that, to her knowledge, the Special Virus Program had no links to biological warfare.
Boyd Graves, an AIDS activist and veteran of the US army provides a rejoinder to this and by so doing adds to the debate. His argument is that the U.S. quest for an immune suppressing virus was a driving factor behind the creation of the AIDS virus.
He argues that Dr. Robert Gallo was able to isolate a retro-virus a decade before the public knew about it. Graves alleges that the Federal Government spent $550 million dollars on the program between 1964 and 1978. The Hershey Medical Center hosted annual meetings on this program, according to Graves.
In the next issue, we would explore other relevant issues related to the AIDS pandemic and Africa. In this series on AIDS and Africa we explore various dimensions of the subject and hope to highlight a growing body of conventional and non-conventional literature on the subject.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by jjjtir

Yes, I have seen what you posted before.

Hmmm...RESEARCH ? What for ? I wonder ?

Have you ever heard about how "THE RUSSIAN'S" admitted to being responsible for starting it all through a propaganda campaign initiated by the KGB ? That one is by far away, my favorite !

I suppose the KGB simply just went over to Boyd Graves' house and shellacked the documents to his front door ? LOL!!!! HONESTLY !

I bet the conversation that took place between the U.S. & Russian goverments regarding it all, was actually quite the "HooT" !

After the fact, the Russian's also admitted to, and took the blame for---> The sinking of the RMS Titanic with a torpedo, getting rid of Jimmy Hoffa, framing O.J. Simpson, planting the coc aine in Paris Hilton's purse in Las Vegas, and even (GoD ! tHe PaiN oF iT aLL !) inventing karaoke !

And all the U.S. goverment had to do, is just keep the missle shield out of Poland !

Even though the United States did end up having to throw in a set of "DISHES" to get the Russians to actually put in all in writing. Still a small price to pay, if you ask me.

"Capitalism at it's finest, "RussiaN sTyLe" !

H.I.V. isn't even close to what would actually be dubbed the "A.I.D.S. VIRUS" it would be way too easy to for someone like Duesburg to notice, Gallo himself actually even admited at one time that H.I.V. was a Dud !

Everyone just about hit the floor on that one !

Ever heard about that one, from Gallo ?

edit on 13-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Gallo said that if the virus (H.I.V.) isn't properly replicating in an infected person as it should, the same way other butt kicking viruses do, it must be a Dud ! That's something that just about no RETRO-HACK would ever actually admit to hearing ! Gallo has said many down-right ignorant, messed uP things, from that---to totally flat-out stupid things that nobody would ever expect to hear coming from a scientist of his supposed calibur.
After Gallo went and completely humiliated himself in 1975 by jumping the gun, thinking that he had actually found the first human retrovirus then, only to have it come out that his isolates were nothing but a slew of mixed monkey retroviruses, Gallo startred grapsing at straws tryng to save his reputation by actually making it worse ! He stated that perhaps maybe one of the monkey viruses could actually cause HUMAN CANCER !

Then after Frenchie discoverd H.I.V., the good Dr. Gallo really shoved his own foot in his pie-hole, by stating that > PERHAPS HIS HTLV-1 VIRUS COULD ACTUALLY BE THE CURE FOR "A.I.D.S" !

Another "VIRUS" the cure for A.I.D.S. ? NOPE !
Sorry, Bob !



Better still ! After Gallo got busted trying to present Dr. Frenchie Montagnier's LAV virus as his own, Gallo actually stated that the reason that the two viruses were virtually indentical is most likely due to the two separate patients (FROM OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE PLANET) that the two supposed separate viruses came from were actually lover's at one time. >REALLY now, Bob ? <
I'm NOT kidding !
Anyone who may be having a hard time coming to grips with any of that, can quite easily go look it uP for themselves.

The money for anyone holding a patent for the "A.I.D.S. TEST" in the U.S. and abroad, most certainly didn't have to worry about where their next meal was coming from.

The Food and Drug Administration mandated in 1985 that the 12- million plus blood donations in the U.S. (Williams et a., 1990) are tested for HIV-1, and as of 1992 also for HIV-2, although there is as yet only one single American infected by HIV-2 (O'Brien et al., 1992). Since 1985 over 2-million test have also been performed annually by the U.S. Army (Burke et al., 1990).
By 1986 already over 20-million "A.I.D.S. tests" were performed in the U.S. (Institute of Medicine, 1986), at a minimum cost to the client of $12 to $70 (Irwin Memorial Blood Bank, San Francisco, personal communication)
or $45 (U.S. Immigration Service). The former U.S.S.R. conducted 20.2 million "A.I.D.S. tests" in 1990 and 29.4 million in 1991 to detect 112 and 66 antibody-positives, respectively (Voevodin, 1992).

Not all that "$HABBY" !

Top English A.I.D.S. research "RETRO-HACK" fraud, Robin Weiss is who cashed in on the U.K. "A.I.D.S test kits" patent rights, at the same time that Gallo did in the U.S., by the way. ( ISN'T THAT SPECIAL ! )
You may remember Gallo's buddy Robin Weiss from one of my previous posts here on this thread, he's the one who managed to become the anonymous peer reviewer on "FRENCHIE'S" 83 PAPER ON LAV / H.I.V., and by rejecting it, he bought Gallo just enough time to find the virus as well.,%2B%2BRobin%2BWeiss%2B%2Bphotos&zoom=1&q= AIDS,++Robin+Weiss++photos&usg=__B87jeX-BmE6mBpLMeKDdgxl38EU=&sa=X&ei=IpDhTOUf0ICcB9maicQP&ved=0CBsQ9QEwAg

Here below we have Frenchie talking about what need be done for H.I.V. positives in Africa. Dr. Luc Montagnier, like I said before, is not the "HorseS AsS" that Gallo most certainly is, he is however, in way over his head and most likely wishes that he could take it all back, but he can't.
edit on 15-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:28 PM
Robin Weiss pics in below link, along with a few other things, please take a look.

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