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State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS

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posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Actually I already realize that you have no problem with clarification, and asking for it, doesn't seem all that necessary, as you provide as much technical information as you can, which is good, if this was a college course that we all had the books for, or were interested in taking the class in the first place.

My thread was yes, about the disease, but also about the conspiracy involved. If you feel that you need to clarify yourself to the point where people either lose interest, then whats the point? If your posts were more about helping others understand your feelings or thoughts about the subjects as opposed to medical 101-1001 to a class that people at the end of the day choose to walk out of, then it doesn't matter how smart you think you are, your posts seem to be a competition, then a debate, or a learning process.

If you know that most people here will not go to the library to get a book to have a discussion with you, then maybe thats your path. But to add you input in others threads and overwhelm others that want to learn then I do not think that right.

As for the amount of stars that you get as opposed to alpha, well then good for you. But the only reason why you aren't seen as a derailer, or troll is because by the time anyone would want to make such a claim, they already left the thread from boredom.

I have a piece of advice, and I will give it as it was what I wrote that made you right your last post, maybe you can at least start your own threads and then people can leave or not, but by bombarding others threads, I don't think its right to turn a someone else's thread into a book, that no one asked or wants to read, there are others with opinions, but this is not a college course.

Here is an example, people can discuss 9-11, but according to how to enter a subject, you would have to be a pilot in order to join the discussion. We all want to learn, but we also can choose who we want to learn from. I allowed for you to do this in a past thread of mine, but I'm sorry, to try to make me seem wrong by discussing and yes disagreeing with your tactics then let it be.

If you please, stay on both topics concerning this thread, as it is not solely about what all of your posts are about.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:32 PM
Personally I was following the volleys and returns of this thread in fascination when I was
slapped hard in the face with that Turner post....can we make THOSE posters go away please??

And my 2 cents worth as to this.... I think even everyday civilians understand "contagious" to
be primarily airborne and "transmittable" to require more intimate contact...and to know that
AIDS is "transmittable".

I'd never heard of this plot going back to the 1800's and I pretty much accepted the smallpox
vaccination program as TPTB's cover story for spreading the virus as the most plausible....

Thank you for all the new info and this thread!

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Look, it's simple. Here's my train of thought when making a post:

1) Poster makes claims about HIV/AIDS with glaring factual errors

2) Poster clearly is in over their head and doesn't understand the material they are posting about, probably due to reading an unreliable source

3) I'll post correct information so that when people interested in HIV/AIDS search for the topic, they'll find good information based on sound science, with sources and explanation.

If you prefer to, instead, remain ignorant of the matter and don't want to know what science has to say on the topic, by all means, remain so. However, as I am a member of this board just like you, I'll continue to correct inaccurate science and medicine as I see fit.

As silly as it sounds, it really irks me when people get worked up over a topic they don't understand. By posting an explanation (which some seem to enjoy, as the poster above me expressed), I am hopefully contributing to the "deny ignorance" attitude on ATS.

I'm sorry if it offends you that your thread was basically abandoned once the conspiracy was shown to be non-existent. Such is life, I suppose.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

In no way shape or form do I disagree that information is something to be shared, and the reason why we come to ATS. There is a method in trying to teach and learn, and you can do both, as can I.

The difference is conflicting information. I do not claim to know absolutes, because I feel their are none. When discussing information it is a two way street, and this I feel is not only for those who know, but those who want to learn. Some can handle advance courses as others cannot.

I choose to not have discussions with those who always claim to be right. My thread was about the people involved in the conspiracy to destroy a possible particular race of people or the way of innocent lives due to pure and utter evil. Sharing and participating is one thing, but thread after thread after thread of notes, and numbers, while some are even dealing with the aspect of whether or not it can be attributed to certain medical analogies are still trying to process, even the name of the thread.

I come here to share what I am also curious about, and if you have seen anything I have written here I am a very patient and understanding person to everyone. I opened this thread with a theory, a source, and information and allowed others to choose what they want to take from it.

I don't feel that shoving numbers down peoples throats, or "sounding" smart is the way to get people to understand the truths about the lives that we live. Though we may not all agree, we do have the right to share. I tread lightly on that with certain people, I do not confront a newcomer with overwhelming information as it deters from learning.

When asked I provide. Its not my place to push my thoughts and possible expertise on a subject, just to share.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Who is "shoving numbers" down anyone's throat? The only answers I've given that were technical at all were those posed by alpha. Someone asked for information, and I gave it.

You posted a thread which had glaring scientific problems, and I pointed them out. This is how science and discussion works. I've never claimed absolutes, either. Rather, I've posted what science currently (and historically) says about the topics being discussed. I'm sorry if these stances don't line up with your worldview, but that's the beauty of science. You can believe whatever you want, have faith in whatever you want, but the facts don't change without evidence. I honestly don't care if you think Richard Nixon created HIV, injected monkeys with it, and then let them loose in Harlem. The facts simply don't support that, and I won't stop pointing things like this out.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Actually you weren't really asked. You were challenged on your information. Look this is pointless as we will not be able to change each others views on this subject. So I will say this before I go, as I will not respond anymore to this.

I also plan on sharing information, and I hope that you do the same. We both have different techniques. All I can do is ask politely to please try to space your posts in my threads so that others can share. This is a personal request, but I would like this thread to continue, without just you and alpha, and then you and me.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Actually you weren't really asked. You were challenged on your information.

Please refer to this post by alpha. He specifically asked me questions not related to my post (but related to HIV). This is where my posts began to get technical, because he was asking for technical information.

I also plan on sharing information

As you should.

[quote[We both have different techniques.

I don't think what I do is a "technique". I simply post facts. If posting factual information is a "technique" now, I fear for the future of humanity.

All I can do is ask politely to please try to space your posts in my threads so that others can share. This is a personal request, but I would like this thread to continue, without just you and alpha, and then you and me.

I only posted when I was asked questions or directly replied to. That won't change. Sorry.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:01 AM
I enjoyed both sides of the technical debate for the knowledge HOWEVER I
was drawn to this thread SPECIFICALLY because it mentioned the pos-
sibility of government involvement....conspiracy to commit genocide!!
So I repeat NoRegret's plea that we keep THAT part in mind when commenting!

Frankly Alpha if you have NO interest in that aspect and are only
here to (allegedly) correct misinformation then please leave!
Apparently you only wish to satisfy your neurotic desire to appear superior to
others! VneZonyDostupa's post are more technical, more concise and informative and
are appreciated....yours on the other hand are baiting, condescending and
oblique and not nearly as welcomed though both of you are basically ignoring
the conspiracy aspect...Sorry!
edit on 10/7/2010 by SmokeyDawn because: Had confused the name's of the posters and corrected it...

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by SmokeyDawn

You got it bass aackwards sister, I'm not the one with the superiorty complex, in-fact, I'm far from it !

The measly misconstrude comment I made regarding the use of $5.00 words was blown well out of the realms of logic as far as I'm concered, who cares ? I was most certainly not trying to dumb anyone down.

There is NO WAY to prove BOYD GRAVES and the authenticy of those documents to anyone whos minds clearly already made up, due to the fact that they feel that their way too "edgeamacated" for such nonsense, don't cha know that ? So I was trying another approach. lol
edit on 7-10-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by alpha68
reply to post by SmokeyDawn

There is NO WAY to prove BOYD GRAVES and the authenticy of those documents to anyone whos minds clearly already made up, due to the fact that they feel that their way too "edgeamacated" for such nonsense,

This goes both ways, you know.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver


The way I see it is in-order to make sense of Boyd Graves you must first become aquainted with the mainstream card carring, halo having, cape wearing, "SupeR" scientists that started it all in the first place, along with what they were all actually uP too before the H.I.V./ AIDS soap opera even started.

The immaculate image that these holier than thou dedicated truth seekers project upon the lay public & university students alike is purely angelic for sure. Starting with Dr. Robert C. Galo who under no uncertain terms is not only an absolute total & complete hack and a thief, he's also a fraud of the highest order !

Gallo is by far the best example of a corrupt medical scientist you could even hope to ever find PERIOD !
Gallo actually plays quite the role in Graves documents. He never even thought once to sue Graves for slander, because #1. Graves isn't the author of those documents, they are real and Galo knows it.

Are you aware that Boyd Graves was said to have passed away in "08", quite fishy in a couple of hundred ways.

edit on 11-10-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Maybe it does...I however don't nitpick the stuffing out of absolutely everything single solitary thing you say and continually keep calling you a fraud either though do I, you even sent me a private message calling me a fraud !

The last thing I said before playing dumb on the word "TRANSMISSABLE" here on this thread that unleashed your fraud declairing fury was when I mentioned the "chimps". = Those chimps were at the facility I work in SINCE 1987 !
They were infected with H.I.V. in 1987, the research group that did it could have waited around till RAPTURE for them to croak from A.I.D.S., The chimps were cleared of H.I.V. by "ME" a year & three months before the experiment that I told you about was performed. We never purchased the chimps, a few of them had babies that were born H.I.V. + as well, they never developed AIDS either. They are all fine and dandy & like a part of the furniture there and have been for years. (OBVIOUSLY) The list is like two blocks long.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by alpha68
reply to post by NoRegretsEver
[more He never even thought once to sue Graves for slander, because #1. Graves isn't the author of those documents, they are real and Galo knows it.

Or, Gallo could be letting it go for the same reason Obama doesn't sue the birthers for slander: to acknowledge the ridiculous lunatic fringe is to give them legitimacy, which is what they're seeking in the first place.

Why play their game?

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

First off, I salute you for not mentioning the fact that I misspelled >TRANSMISSIBLE< in my above post, because I did it on porpoise
just to see if you would hammer me on it.

Gallo would kick his own mother in front of a japanese bullet-train for an quick buck, his money grubbing, glory hounding track record more than speaks for itself. PLUS = Its not like he had anything better to do !
Gallo already had everything with H.I.V. / AIDS wrapped uP as tight as a sailors-knot by the time Graves smeared him

My professor loathed Gallo, he just about echoed every single derogatory thing Dr. Duesberg ever said about him, before Duesberg ever put it in print. Gallo did a better job of assassinating his own charactor than anyone else could ever even hope to, I will be giving examples.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 01:03 PM
Anyone else seen this old movie, I thought it might be interesting to add this.

Shaker Run 1985 1 star N/R, 90 min.
Genre: Action
Director: Bruce Morrison
Cast: Cliff Robertson, Leif Garrett, Lisa Harrow, Shane Briant, Peter Hayden, Ian Mune, Peter Rowell, Bruce Phillips, Fiona Samuel, Nathaniel Lees

Dr. Christine Ruben (Lisa Harrow) discovers a lethal biological weapon in her research facilities and steals it in order to keep it from not-to-be-trusted military personnel. She hires daredevil drivers Judd and Casey (Cliff Robertson and Leif Garrett) to get it out of the country. And the race is on.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by alpha68
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

First off, I salute you for not mentioning the fact that I misspelled >TRANSMISSIBLE< in my above post, because I did it on porpoise
just to see if you would hammer me on it.

There's a difference between a misspelling and being generally ignorant of terminology (contagious versus transmissible). I tend to put you in the "ignorant" column.

[quote[Gallo would kick his own mother in front of a japanese bullet-train for an quick buck, his money grubbing, glory hounding track record more than speaks for itself. PLUS = Its not like he had anything better to do !
Gallo already had everything with H.I.V. / AIDS wrapped uP as tight as a sailors-knot by the time Graves smeared him

My professor loathed Gallo, he just about echoed every single derogatory thing Dr. Duesberg ever said about him, before Duesberg ever put it in print. Gallo did a better job of assassinating his own charactor than anyone else could ever even hope to, I will be giving examples.

I never said Gallo wasn't arrogant, pompous, self-centered, or abrasive. He's absolutely all of those things, and I wouldn't keep him as a friend. That being said, none of his character flaws change a single piece of the mountain of evidence from the past 30+ years relating to the HIV-AIDS link.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

I'm IGNORANT, you say ?

There are probably 200,000 papers (at least) on H.I.V./ AIDS by now, what have they all netted ? I mean other than all the university grants, the dead bodies & all the new millionaires that it birthed via the NEW BIOTECH CORPORATIONS & BIG PHARMA stocks of course ?

How would it be that YOU don't know that RETROVIRUSES "which used to be called RNA tumor viruses" were targeted by virologists during the Nixon declared "WAR ON CANCER" precisely because they DO NOT KILL the cells that they infect as other types of viruses do, because if they did they would NEVER have been chosen by virologists as a potential cancer causing agent in the first damn place ! How could a ahh...retrovirus kill the same exact same cell & make it grow BAT-SH!T out of control at the exact same time ? It can't !

They (RETROVIRUSES) are whats known as "NONCYTOCIDAL" or "NON-CELL KILLING VIRUSES", at least they were until AIDS showed uP anyway. >SHHH... What started it all was a CHICKEN that kicked the bucket (NO PUN INTENDED) from a cancer causing retrovirus in 1910 !
That dead chicken actually pooped 5 Nobel prizes to. One went to the man who discovered it > Peyton Rous, the others went to students of the dead bird. The virus is called "Rous Sarcoma Virus" or RSV.

Duesburg solved the puzzle of how the RSV virus actually caused cancer many moons later in 1970, turned out it was nothing more than a complete freak accident of nature, the Rous Virus actually contained an extra mutated gene that made the magic happen. When the mutated freak gene was removed it became harmless.
This tossed scientists into a trick bag for many moons until Duesberg finally solved the puzzle.

Hence, the main reason its called "THE FAILED WAR" on cancer, all the $ was dumped on the retrovirologists and they are the ones who actually layed the egg. >BOOM !<

Its also why Dr. Linus Pauling declaired under no uncertain terms that just about all cancer research is a complete fraud.

These days you can't even swing a dead or alive LEUKEMIC CAT around counter-clockwise without hitting at least 100,000 or more hack retovirogists, thanks to Gallo and his fraud HTLV- 1 virus & H.I.V. of course. Please don't tell me that you know nothing of thee ahh...LEUKEMIC CAT now ?

edit on 12-10-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by alpha68
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

I'm IGNORANT, you say ?

There are probably 200,000 papers (at least) on H.I.V./ AIDS by now, what have they all netted ? I mean other than all the university grants, the dead bodies & all the new millionaires that it birthed via the NEW BIOTECH CORPORATIONS & BIG PHARMA stocks of course ?

What has it netted? Research has created newer and better drugs that have effectively turned HIV from a death sentence to a chronic, manageable disease. People are living longer, and better, with HIV than ever before thanks to anti-retrovirals, proteases, and so on.

How would it be that YOU don't know that RETROVIRUSES "which used to be called RNA tumor viruses" were targeted by virologists during the Nixon declared "WAR ON CANCER" precisely because they DO NOT KILL the cells that they infect as other types of viruses do, because if they did they would NEVER have been chosen by virologists as a potential cancer causing agent in the first damn place ! How could a ahh...retrovirus kill the same exact same cell & make it grow BAT-SH!T out of control at the exact same time ? It can't !

Typical retroviruses DO kill cells. You've yet to provide a shred of evidence to the contrary. Noncytocidal retroviruses are rare and the minority.

They (RETROVIRUSES) are whats known as "NONCYTOCIDAL" or "NON-CELL KILLING VIRUSES", at least they were until AIDS showed uP anyway. What started it all was a DEAD CHICKEN !

Again, you've not provided any evidence for this. Medical science seems to disagree with you.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Ohh ! You mean like the DRUGS that be listed in the links below ?

The 60's retrovirus packing "LEUKEMIC KITTY" that was studied just about through the floor by Harvards Max Essex played quite the role in not only filling his pocket full of CA$H, it's also what started Gallo off down the "YELLOW BRICK ROAD tO HTLV FRAUDVILLE. More on that & everything else tomorrow though.

edit on 13-10-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by alpha68
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Ohh ! You mean like the DRUGS that be listed in the links below ?

This link doesn't seem to work.

This link seems to confuse "some" with "all". Each "disease" (despite this being the wrong word) caused by these drugs only occurs in a fraction of those patients.

Also, I would ask you to approach an HIV patient currently receiving those drugs and ask which they would prefer: to die prematurely of candida or opportunistic pneumonias, or to take the drugs and live to a normal life expectancy with a few manageable symptoms like anemia or insulin-resistance. I know which I would pick, and it wouldn't be the candida, I can promise you.

Nothing in this article mentions commonly used HIV drugs. It's about the politics of an American government agency regarding a new HIV program. That isn't even tangentially related to this thread. Please stay on topic.

The 60's retrovirus packing "LEUKEMIC KITTY" that was studied just about through the floor by Harvards Max Essex played quite the role in not only filling his pocket full of CA$H, it's also what started Gallo off down the "YELLOW BRICK ROAD tO HTLV FRAUDVILLE.

Source, please.

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