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State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS

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posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 12:01 PM
Kerry Mullis didn't discover the "POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION" (PCR), he invented it !

He got the Nobel Prize for his >INVENTION

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:29 PM
*Continued from my above post*

Indeed, H.I.V. depends on perinatal, instead of sexual transmission for survival---just like other animal and human retroviruses. Therefore, the efficiency of perinatal transmission must be high. This appears to be the case. Based on H.I.V.- tracking via the "A.I.D.S. test," perinatal transmission from the mother is estimated to be 13-50% efficient (Blattner et al., 1988; Blattner, 1991; Duesberg, 1991a; Institute of Medicine, 1988; European Collabrative study, 1991). This number does not include parternal H.I.V. transmission to the baby via semen, for which there currently no data. The real efficiency of perinatal transmission must be higher than the antibody tests suggest, because in a fraction of recipients H.I.V. becomes immunogenic only when it's hosts are of an advanced age (Quinn et al., 1986; St. Louis et al.,1991). During the antibody-negative phase, latent H.I.V. can be detected by the polymersase chain reaction (Rogers et al.,1989; European Collabrative Study, 1991).
This is also true for other perinatally transmitted human (Blattener, 1990; Duesberg, 1991a) and animal retroviruses (Rowe, 1973; Duesberg, 1987).
H.I.V. survival via perinatal transmission leads to two predictions; (1.) H.I.V. cannot be inherently pathogenic---just like all other perinatally transmitted viruses and microbes (Freeman, 1979; Mims and White, 1984).
No microbe-host system could survive if the microbe were perinatally transmitted and at once fatal.
(2.) H.I.V. must function as a quasi-genetic marker, because it is quasi-nontransmissible by sex, or other natural horizontal modes of transmission, just like known murine retrovirus prototypes (Rowe, 1973; Duesberg, 1987).

(Above, to be contiued on my next post.)

Right now !---->

Chicago Tribune STyLe !
edit on 24-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:05 PM

On November 23rd, my phone, e-mail, and fax, blew uP something "GoD AwfuL" with all this !

Fauci !


Tony Fauci with the latest in H.I.V. >>>>PREVENTION !

Of all the crap yet, this tripe in the links below takes the cake for "BiG $ Fraud " !

Please see the links below for the latest "BiG NewS", it's called >TRUVATA

HELLO ? Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture ?

If you don't, please just go read my last two posts above.

"For GooD Measure"

edit on 29-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 05:27 PM

Please Note; This post along with what is continued from above* directly argues against what Tony Fauci from the N.I.H. is proposing in the post directly above this one.

H.I.V.- Assumed To Be Sexually Transmitted--Depends On Perinatal Transmission for Survival

Both predictions are confirmed:

1.) Overwhelming statistical evidence from the U.S. and African documents that the risk for A.I.D.S. defining diseases for H.I.V. positive babies, in the absence of other risk factors is the same that of H.I.V. free controls:
(a.) "A.I.D.S. tests" from applicants to the Army and the U.S. Job Corps indicate that between 0.03% (Burke et al., 1990) and 0.3% (St. Louis et al., 1991) of the 17- to 19 year old applicants are H.I.V. infected but healthy. Since there are about 90 million Americans under the age of 20, there must be between 27,000 (0.03% and 0.3% of 90 million, respectively) H.I.V. carriers. In Central Africa there are even more, since 1% to 2% of healthy children are H.I.V. positive (Quinn et al., 1986).
Most, if not all, of these adolescents must have acquired H.I.V. from perinatal infection for the following reasons: sexual transmission of H.I.V. depends on 1000 sexual cotacts and only 1 in 250 Americans carries H.I.V..
Thus, all positive teenagers would have had to achieve an absurd 1000 contacts with a positive partner, or an even more absurd 250,000 sexual contacts with random Americans to acquire H.I.V. by sexual transmission.
It follows that probably all of the healthy adolescent H.I.V. carriers were perinatally infected.

edit on 29-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:29 PM
I have actually found a retrovirologist here on ATS, exactly what I was hoping for from the second that I arrived.
The only problem is that he's not here all that much, from what I can tell.
This person is for real, I have absolutely no doubt about that.

The average person is not going to see through the vail of A.I.D.S. speak that these people are known for, in-fact,
people always swallow it hook, line & sinker.
Thats to be expected though, I would most likely believe it all to, if I didn't know any better.
They always talk alot about the monkey viruses, namely S.I.V., this one is no exception.
Chimpanzees make anti-bodies to H.I.V. just like we do, it does nothing to them.
There is no reason for it either, other than that one, naturally though, this guy says different.

S.I.V. doesn't make wild monkey's sick, in lab animals the S.I.V. virus produces something more like the FLU, nothing however that even comes remotely close to what H.I.V. is supposed to be able to pull off with humans, by any means.
H.I.V. does not pass whats known as "KOCH'S POSTULATES" the H.I.V. / A.I.D.S > ESTABLISHMENT of course says it does. Dr. Peter Duesberg explained how all that came to pass, he was urged to sign documents that stated H.I.V. passed the BIG test, but he refused. The retrovirologist mentions this, as well as how Dr. Duesberg got shafted out of his funding, something that I find to be quite special.

I will try to get the retrovirologist to come over here, and ahh...CHEW THE FAT.

edit on 30-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by alpha68

Very few viral diseases fulfill all of Koch's postulates. That's why they were essentially abandoned for non-microbial disease in the early 20th century.

You should really read up on post-1950s medicine.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

You have got to be kidding me ? You sound just like Gallo !

Ever seen this before ? I get a HUGE kick out it !
If Gallo died from a sh!t hemorrhage, they could bury him in a ring box.

They were never tossed aside, except for & by the "BoB CluB", for more than obvious reasons of course.
If a virus doesn't pass that test, it's a PAPER TIGER, since the SuPeR BuG H.I.V. can't pass it.

Koch's postulates is pure logic, since when did "logic" become obsolete ?

Since Gallo ! THATS WHEN !

I think not.

The Establishment knows it, hence they "FAKED IT !"

I have heard it all 1000x over, H.I.V. is JunK.

"Psychological factors are critical in supporting immune function. If you suppress this psychological support by telling someone he's condemned to die, your words alone will have condemned him."
Dr. Luc Montagnier, Pasteur Institute.

"AIDS does not inevitably lead to death, especially if you suppress the co-factors that support the disease. It is very important to tell this to people who are infected."
Dr. Luc Montagnier, Pasteur Institute.

“[Luc] Montagnier said clearly what he meant. HIV is a necessary but not, without the cofactor, a sufficient cause of AIDS.”

Nature 1992, 357:189

— John Maddox, Editor, Nature Magazine

edit on 30-11-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by alpha68


I don't know why you continue to ignore basic science. Can you even name Koch's postulates?

The first postulate was abandoned BY KOCH HIMSELF when he found that cholera can be carrier by asymptomatic carriers. This postulate also doesn't apply to hepatitis C, polio, herpes, and, yes, even HIV.

The third postulate was thrown out BY KOCH HIMSELF when it was found that mycobacterium TB and cholera do not always cause disease when cultured in a healthy host.

The second postulate was thrown out later with the discovery of viruses and prions which can't be grown in culture.

Koch's Postulates - An Intro for Beginners (like yourself)

A later paper on the postulates

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Ohhh...The HeLL You Say !

If it doesn't apply to H.I.V., then why did they (THE H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. ESTABLISHMENT) make sure ("UNDER EXTREMELY FALSE PRETENCES") that it does apply then ?
Cause it's all junk filled tripe that doesn't matter ? I'm Guessing ?

The studies that took place after the fact of the first 20 misses were somehow better due to some new technology that didn't exist at the time of the others ?
The H.I.V. viruses performs "voodoo", just like Gallo says (!), even though it has absolutely no possible way of doing so because it behaves no differently than say HTLV-1 does, nothing different about it gene wise at all, what so very ever, but YES ! IT CAN !
"Not hardly"

You have absolutely "no clue" about how it all came about do ya ? The NIH and other major players in it all combined with the journal "NATURE / John Maddox" they were all intertwined in making the bogus grade, they tried getting Duesberg "TO SIGN ZA PAPER'S", but that didn't go quite the way that the person Duesberg knew hoped for and expected.

Herpes, for example, causes sores when it infects a host, then it will become latent "IT HIDES", then
at times of lowered immunity it will then reactivate and cause the exact same issues until the immune system picks uP again.
H.I.V. on the other hand, does next to nothing upon infection of it's host, except for maybe causing some minor flu like symtoms that very well may not ever even be noticed by the host.
Do to anti-viral immunity H.I.V. reactivation in vivo can only happen AFTER the immune system has already been destoyed by something else, not before. H.I.V. can't cuase A.I.D.S for several reasons, not to mention the fact that A.I.D.S. exists in people who are completely H.I.V. free / negative.
It's called "Idiopathic CD-4 lymphocytopenia". It was given that name by Fauci his damn self in 1992, and was accompanied by the most horrific explanation could ever expect to hear from anyone.
I spoken about it right here on this thread before, you should check it out.
"GoD's HonesT TRUTH Dr. Quinn"

Gallo always talked smack about HPV and his 55 year count down to cancer B.S. virus HTLV-1,

along with other bogus fraud so-called slow viruses while trying to explain away why H.I.V. doesn't need to pass Koch's Postulates, made a complete AsS out of himself in the process, didn't care.
I have much more on the this, so know that.

edit on 1-12-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by alpha68

Please review your own sources.

From your first link in the previous post:

Among many criteria used over the years to prove the link between putative pathogenic (disease-causing) agents and disease, perhaps the most-cited are Koch's postulates, developed in the late 19th century. Koch's postulates have been variously interpreted by many scientists, and modifications have been suggested to accommodate new technologies, particularly with regard to viruses (Harden. Pubbl Stn Zool Napoli [II] 1992;14:249; O'Brien, Goedert. Curr Opin Immunol 1996;8:613).

edit on 12/1/2010 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

I know what my link says, I didn't post it to prove MY point, I posted it to show theirs.
What do you expect from the N.I.H. ? You don't think that they aren't going to try and mold things to their advantage ? Of Course they are ! Not only that, they are also going to pull it off with bright shiney colors as well, WHY ? BECAUSE THE ARE THE N.I.H. ! THEY ARE THE U.S. GOVERMENT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE !

They have an absolute ARMY of smiling hacks doing their bidding.

Hence, the lay public believes them completely, and most importantly, so does the ground floor medical profession, not just in the United States either mind you, but also all over the world.

Could anyone ask for more devotion than that ? I think not.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by alpha68
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

What do you expect from the N.I.H. ? You don't think that they aren't going to try and mold things to their advantage ? Of Course they are ! Not only that, they are also going to pull it off with bright shiney colors as well, WHY ? BECAUSE THE ARE THE N.I.H. ! THEY ARE THE U.S. GOVERMENT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE !

They have an absolute ARMY of smiling hacks doing their bidding.

Further proof that you don't even remotely understand what you're talking about. The NIH itself performs very little research. The vast majority of research that has "NIH" mentioned in it is merely funded in part by an NIH grant. The NIH doesn't control the data, the publication of the data, or any part of the process. All they ask for is an annual report showing that you are actually spending the money on research.

Hence, the lay public believes them completely, and most importantly, so does the ground floor medical profession, not just in the United States either mind you, but also all over the world.

Again, you don't understand what you're talking about. The NIH doesn't really get involved in clinical research as much as you seem to think. Their funding is aimed at basic science research.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:04 PM
I almost forgot to mention,
your 110% correct in regards to hepatitis-C and the fact that it doesn't pass Koch's Postulates. The reason being, is because it's a complete fake / fraud !
There is "NO" actual Hep-C virus, at all, what so very ever !

Hepatitis A & B = YES !
Those two are most certainly in-fact viral, but "C" on the other hand = A BiG FaT > NOPE ! > "Not ViraL".
I know you think I'm totally on CacK, but I'm not.
You obiviously know nothing about it, otherwise you would have never even brought it uP, I think it's really quite funny that you actually did bring it uP ! Thats for sure, ever heard of "Chiron Corp. ?"
Please be sure to take a quick look at some of the $ amounts being tossed around in the below links, this is ALL on topic for this thread to, believe it or not. lol: The person that founded Chiron Corp., as well as the group of scientists that were all involved from the word go, all had something in common, any idea as to what that could possibly ever be ?


posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by alpha68

Electron micrograph of HepC virus

Please explain this picture, as well as the phenomenon of hepC patients being the only people who have hepC antibodies.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Surprise ! Surprise !

Why yes, naturally...the N.I.H. performs very little research.
What would you call this here below then ? Other than very little research of course.

I am also quite of the fact that no scientist could ever make much of a living without obtaining N.I.H. grants as well. The research grants that are given out by the N.I.H. are most certainly not going to awarded to any scientist who share's a conflicting veiw with any high ranking N.I.H. scientist, such as that poor fish Fauci for example either, just ask Duesberg, he along with many others (INCLUDING MYSELF) can most surely attest to that.

University grants mainly come from the N.I.H. as well, those poor folks are just about so out of ideas regarding how to keep getting their share of N.I.H. grants for pointless H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. research already that they are now just flat-out lying through their teeth about being right on the brink, being ohh so very close to making some type of MAJOR breakthrough with it that they can almost taste it already, they just need more funding to make it all happen. Then you never hear another word about it.
The N.I.H. is happy to oblige them all, plenty of funds for everyone don't cha know !

And of course I know all about the foundation (s) and their virus pic's a plenty, you can't have a disease without a foundation anymore than you can have a foundation without a disease. If that disease is supposedly caused by a virus, you damn well better be able to at least present the world with a picture of something.
Have you ever seen this pic ?
It's really no different than what you posted, to me it's on the the exact same page.

I don't know one single person who ever isolated Hep-C, in-fact, you could isolate an H.I.V. provirus 20x over in one day before your ever gonna isolate something that truely doesn't exist. I have had hacks tell me that they have done it, actually more than once to. That test for the virus is not for any actual virus.

Your most likely gonna have to try and take this with a grain of salt, I know full well how you take things of this nature, especially coming from me.

Hepatitis A - Is most certainly caused by an honest to goodness virus, no arguement from me there.
It's infectious, spread through unsanitary conditions. Hep-B- Is also caused by a conventional virus and is mostly transmitted between drug addicts sharing needles and the sexually promiscuous. In the Third World many contract it from their mothers around the time of birth.
The third type of Hepatitis however comes in on another boat, found in the 70's, this one here is mostly restricted to again heroin addicts and alcoholics. Scientists at the time thought it was either Hep-A or B, until they found neither of those two viruses in the victims. Back then it was actually called NON-A, NON-B hepatitis.

Hep-C does not behave like an infectious disease, it quite rigidly confines itself to people in well-defined risk groups rather than spreading to the larger population. Virologist's kept there eye on it from the word go though however in hopes of actually finding one day that a virus indeed caused it.

In 1987 that day appeared to have finally arrived !

Enter "Chiron Corporation" a biotechnology company located in Emeryville, California, which is located right across the bay from San Francisco.

To be continued on Sat.

edit on 2-12-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by alpha68
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Surprise ! Surprise !

Why yes, naturally...the N.I.H. performs very little research.
What would you call this here below then ? Other than very little research of course.

What would I call this? I would call it a blog post that doesn't prove anything other than Fauci has published numerous papers.

What exactly am I supposed to be gleaning from this link?

The research grants that are given out by the N.I.H. are most certainly not going to awarded to any scientist who share's a conflicting veiw with any high ranking N.I.H. scientist, such as that poor fish Fauci for example either, just ask Duesberg, he along with many others (INCLUDING MYSELF) can most surely attest to that.

Not true. The NIH has given grants to study acupuncture, auras, psychic ability, detoxifying foot baths, and homeopathy. They will literally give you money for anything that is well though-out and within the logical bounds of science (which is just about anything, as long as it is able to be measured in some way).

those poor folks are just about so out of ideas regarding how to keep getting their share of N.I.H. grants for pointless H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. research already that they are now just flat-out lying through their teeth about being right on the brink, being ohh so very close to making some type of MAJOR breakthrough with it that they can almost taste it already, they just need more funding to make it all happen. Then you never hear another word about it.

Actually, most of those announcements about major discoveries HAVE yielded results. We have decoded the HIV genome (major breakthrough), found a single protein that is conserved in all strains (tat protein, another major breakthrough), found new viral targets for drugs, and are developing a vaccine.

And of course I know all about the foundation (s) and their virus pic's a plenty, you can't have a disease without a foundation anymore than you can have a foundation without a disease. If that disease is supposedly caused by a virus, you damn well better be able to at least present the world with a picture of something.
Have you ever seen this pic ?
It's really no different than what you posted, to me it's on the the exact same page.

So, you don't actually have any explanation for the picture, then, other than ad hominems. Got it. You're still full of hot air, as always.

I don't know one single person who ever isolated Hep-C

I do:
Hepatitis quasispecies isolated in children

Isolation of hepatitis C virus and genome

Isolation of hepatitis C virus in vitro

I post more for you, if you'd like.

That test for the virus is not for any actual virus.

The tests are specific to hepatitis C virus. You can test for antibodies to the virus, you can test for viral enzymes, you can test for presence of viral DNA, and you can test for viral envelope. All of these are specific for hepatitis C.

So, again, you are flat out, undeniably, and without a doubt, WRONG.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa


YePP !
Ohh....I'm wrong all right !
Like I'm not (AND NEVER WAS) completely aware of all that crap on Hep-C you posted even existed or something ?
There are all sorts of pic's & eye-witness accounts regarding "BiG-FooT" to, EVEN CASTS MADE FROM ACTUAL FOOT-PRINTS, I bet you don't believe any of it though do you, WHY NOT ?
I can provide you with all the pic's and what not, that you could ever even hope for on the subject, do you want / need anymore ? I can provide all you can handle ?

And what exactly were you supposed to be gleaning from that Fauci link I posted ? ? ?

Try the obvious, the N.I.H. and your pal Fauci do PLENTY of their own bogus research, and Fauci awards himself plenty of "BiG MoNeY" grants in-order to do so, how about that one for starter's ?

Fauci himself also explained "ICL" to, which would actually be freak'in H.I.V. free A.I.D.S., right before he just went & swept that minor little oddity under the rug, never to be mentioned again---> of course.
Just incase you actually missed the boat on that one, and with your glowing track record on all this, I'm quite sure that you wholeheartedly believe that his explanation of "ICL" was purely "GoLDeN" truth to.

Fauci is an absolute, total & complete P.O.S. !

Their is a list of scientists longer than the third baseline at Yankee Stadium that say, Fauci should be put before a "FIRING SQUAD", and I (NEEDLESS TO SAY) am one of them.
He's actually even worse than Gallo, and (BELIEVE ME) that is really saying something to, GeezE !

And sure.
The N.I.H. has absolutely no problem giving out grants for ignorant crap, due to the fact that just about all their own research on what they deem to be MAJOR / CRITICAL issues are in most cases equally ignorant bogus crap that ever adds uP to a hill of beans, so on that note, who cares and why not ?
As long as Fauci can keep on, keeping on, with awarding million $ plus grants to himself whenever he gets the itch to, he along with the rest of the N.I.H. BiG WigS could really care less about what anyone else gets, do you think that type of thing would or should ever bother him or the N.I.H. as a whole even one bit ?

The more people they get & keep happy, the more support they get behind their MAJOR bogus H.I.V. fraud research, I guess thats not all that obvious to you though.
Take a look above at Fauci's latest H.I.V. >B.S.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

At any rate, moving right along.

Chiron Corp. started their quest for a hepatitis-C virus in 1982.
They pretty much came uP with nothing until 1987 when they improved upon their technology, I guess you could say. They began by infecting chimpanzees with the blood of patients they presumed to have what was deemed at the time "NON-A / NON-B hepatitis, but none of the chimps ever did contract hepatitis after being infected with the blood, the chimps did however show subtle signs vaguely resembling infection-- as some reddening did appear.
Then the Chiron researchers began to probe liver tissue for a virus, and nothing was found.
Growing desperate, they started fishing for even the smallest print of a virus, finally coming across and greatly amplifying a small piece of genetic information, encoded in a molecule of ribonucleic acid (RNA) that didn't seem to belong to the hosts genetic code.
This fragment of presumably foreign RNA was assumed by the Chiron researhers to be the genetic information of some previously undetected virus. Whatever it was, liver tissue contains it in only barely detectable amounts.
Only about half or so of all hepatitis-C patients contain the rare foreign RNA.
And those who do contain it, there is only one of these foreign RNA molecules for every ten or so liver cells--hardly a plausible cause for disease.
The Chiron reaseachers were able to reconstruct pieces of the mystery virus though however, which allowed them to test patients for antibodies against the hypthecical virus and soon discovered that only a slight majority of hepatitis-C patients had any evidence of these antibodies in their blood.
Koch's first postulate, of course demands that a truly harmful virus be found in HUGE quantities in every single patient. His second postulate requires that the virus particles be isolated and grown, although this supposed hepatitis virus had never actually been found intact. And the third postulate insists that newly infected animals, such as chimpanzees, should get the disease after being infected with said virus.
Just like H.I.V., the hypothetical "A.I.D.S. virus", this microbe to failed all three tests.

This fact didn't phase the Chiron scientists in the very least ("SURPRISE ! SURPRISE !"), in-fact, it was in all likelihood, the furthest thing from their minds when they anounced in 1987 that they have finally found the hepatitis-C virus.

There is much more to this, conclusion on Monday.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by alpha68

So, you have absolutely no explanation for the hepatitis C-specific antibodies in the papers I posted?

I wish I could say I was surprised.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

"The Chiron reaseachers were able to reconstruct pieces of the mystery virus though however, which allowed them to test patients for antibodies against the hypthecical virus and soon discovered that only a slight majority of hepatitis-C patients had any evidence of these antibodies in their blood."

On the same token, I wish that I could say that you simply must have just missed whats above in my previous post by mistake.

Chiron soon ran into a major paradox or two, or three, or four, regarding their hep-C virus after they announced their BiG discovery, not that it actually bothered them (OR ANYONE ELSE) or anything though.


Antibodies from whichever virus the Chiron chumps chose to blame Hepatitiis-C on, is more like what the test is in all actuality detecting.
Just like HTLV-1 and it's equally "lame duck" cousin H.I.V. !
Give a virus a name with "MAJOR" propaganda value, such as what Robert Gallo did with his very first abbreviated meaning of HTLV-1 "HUMAN T-CELL LEUKEMIA VIRUS-ONE", and the battle is already 99.9% won just by and in name alone. HeLLo ! ?
In other words,
with a name like that bestowed upon it, from there right on out, do you really think it even matters one single bit if that corn-bucket passenger "CLOWN jOke" virus of his couldn't even cause
"PosT NasaL DriP" !
How could ANYONE argue against a name (S) like that ?
GooD LucK oN ThaT OnE BuD !

It just stands uP and screams, beyond a shadow of any possible doubt, that it actually can and does cause cancer ! Even though it most certainly doesn't, for an absolute 55 year long fact !
Thats why Gallo, along with other frauds, actually go & name their "BuGs" in that manner.
It provides major

Ditto for HeP-C, Chiron just simply went an pulled themselves a Galo, no more, no less.
There is one small differance though however, Chiron made way more $MONEY$ with there fraudulent virus, even got a "FOUNDATION" out of it to.
I'm sure that it's as non-profit as the "BETER BUISNESS BUREAU" though.

edit on 7-12-2010 by alpha68 because: (no reason given)

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