posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:17 AM
I would say that it would have to be a council.
A representative from each of the 6 populated continents who are taken from among the people (farmers, construction workers, and similar) and also
representatives from the major religions (The Pope, Lama, a Rabbai, and a Imam), and lastly a single representative from the UN being a random pick by
all of the nations being put into a hat and a choice being pulled out.
Hopefully this group would show how diverse we are as a civilization, how much we have developed, and how much we would desire help from them to
become a stronger people. I specifically leave scientists out because they will ask the annoying and cliche questions (how does your spaceship work?
Can we have ____ technology?). Polichickens and military persons would be concerned with weapons or making grandiose speeches. By having more
"Down to Earth" people we have a group that will be friendly, and not ask annoying questions, but make them feel at home (you know, let's go hit
the local bar types). Religious leaders, to me, would be important to have because this event would be a major social earthquake, and religious
leaders could and should come together and discuss what they can say to their followers and also tell the ET's about what we believe and how similar
the stories are.
I include a randomized UN representative because it just needs to happen. You can't have contact on this level and not leave the door open for them
to make negotiations right at the start. I also dismiss the idea of a pre-set person because if I were ET, I would feel like I was dealing with
someone who was coached. I would want to deal with someone whom I would get honest reactions from. Also by randomizing it, it places a
responsibility on all nations to be ready and also makes equal opportunity to have the honor of First Contact.
I don't think this was mentioned but I would also choose a neutral venue for the event. Switzerland is a possibility as is the United Nation's
grounds in New York. My personal preference would be more towards having the meeting at the International Space Station which would also give a
demonstration of our technology to the ET. It would also be a "We'll meet you half-way" gesture which I feel would be positively received.