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Obama admin wants to track you on the internet now.

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posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:30 AM
I agree with the people who are criticizing "Obamanites". I voted for Obama, hoping he'd give a shot at "change", after all the implications he made as well as the definite statements. Well, I think we can all say he was lying. He won't get a second shot at it, I'll tell you that right now. Obama won't win another election. The thinking part of the population that voted for him has withdrawn (which includes me) and he needs that part to win.

Let's consider for a moment the choices we've had in elections. What the hell kind of choices have they been anyway? It's a sick joke. It's always a hard decision of the lesser of two evils. For instance when Obama was fairly certain he was going to win, he finally started pulling in all the media bigwhigs who had been funding him. So we were pretty sure at that point that we'd be seeing more censorship of filesharing, etc. I figured that those guys are so short-sighted and incompetent that they wouldn't make that much of a difference either way. However, they have been actively involved in short-circuiting democratic process in drafting ACTA, etc. Look at how they've completely bypassed Congress and simply tried to use the WTO and the treaty process to establish law here and abroad.

And where is any action regarding Guantanamo, any change in that joke of regarding all enemy combatants as "unlawful combatants", to be held without trial, with no guarantee of any rights at all or freedom from physical harm, no justice whatsoever, and no guarantee to us that they even have any hostile intent towards us? It's a travesty, and yes, Obama has been no different from Bush in that regard.
Obama pretty much told us that he'd continue operations in Pakistan during his campaign, and that has held out. However, in trying to keep our troop casualties down, we've started using really questionable Afghan forces. I see no reason why in continuing to follow this campaign that violence will not continue to spread as a result of inability to properly set winning conditions and guidelines of conflict, as well as over reliance on unreliable means.

Obama has stated that a coming prime objective is a comprehensive energy policy, which is encouraging. The main reason we are even forced to be in the middle east is our flawed energy policy / infrastructure. We use more energy than most of the rest of the world because of the way our communities are laid out, we the people basically don't have a choice. I was doing some reading on solar power, one way to get the energy required, and the up front investment required to do that is extremely prohibitive for the average person. Just to power your home you'd be looking at 12-15k if you do everything yourself, double that if you want to power a vehicle to go 30 miles a day to and from work. In other words, without a large government project it wouldn't happen. There are no businesses that have sufficient capital to set up the overall system. I've noticed in the past on various forums that people who have the most negative to say on the subject are in some way employed or owe their employment to the gas companies. Having a limited vision in order to maximize profit in this area will only hurt us in the long run.

I would say the jury is still out on the healthcare bill. I had serious reservations in that I don't know that many of our people can afford to pay that new expense, and it seems that Washington is extremely out of touch with ordinary citizens. Our middle class is disappearing with the jobs that are being sent overseas, as much as they try to hide it. College is out of reach of most financially (have you looked at the prices lately of just tuition and books of most colleges?). The GOP constantly harps on this, but then they can't have their cake and eat it on this subject. The GOP has only represented large corporations, so they come out with the language that it's all about "jobs". Well, that boat has sailed, their precious corporations are exporting the jobs. The GOP as a party, I predict, will disappear soon.

So yeah, seriously conflicted here. I'm registered as a Democrat, voted for Obama, but no serious political loyalties, more of a pragmatist. I see a good year for the Tea Partyers ahead, as we have yet to see how they operate. There will be a lot of churn.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:39 AM
But yeah (sorry about the divergent thoughts to the thread) - what the Obama administration here doesn't so much have to do with fighting crime as it does with control of information available to the population in the United States. How many times have I (I'm sure you guys have noticed this too) seen inconvenient truths shown on video through Youtube or on various sites where the video was repeatedly taken down through DMCA take down notices? This is the same thing. It involves taking power away from the citizen. True criminals already know what free and uncontrolled programs to download to encrypt their information before sending, there's no way you can put a backdoor in everything, and it quickly becomes apparent what doesn't have a backdoor. What the government is doing here is strengthening monitoring and control of their own citizens. The people they are trying to control, quite simply, aren't criminals. Not the way they imply.
Nor are they going to make serious inroads on child prostitution, human trafficking, etc with this method. Those people are true criminals who, again (as mentioned before) use throw away cell phones, reliable encryption programs, and have organizations with hierarchies of authority. The average person on facebook and other large sites this bill targets is not part of those organizations, and those organizations do not communicate using these sites.
This is an attack on American freedoms, simply stated.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:43 AM
I'm willing to bet that Hillary Clinton will win in 2012...

but I'll let one of you create another thread about all of that stuff if you want to, I'm not really big into politics.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:51 AM
In the name of national security, that means the government is allowed to do anything they want.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 04:46 AM
Dosn't matter if your a republican, democrat, independent, green party, or any of the others. The NSA has been tracking folks by recording cell phone calls, emails, the GPS lojack in cars, trucks since 2000.Lets not forget all the TV camras on every intersection, All stores, banks, and other places of business. This isn't anything new. Its our tax dollars at work keeping america terrorists free. Or so TPTB want you to believe. We the people let these folk do this to us and well its not going to get any better. Probably worse.

So theres no real reason to blame the current president for these things. Being an independent since 1980, I tend to remind folk it all didn't happen over night. All this stuff has been going on for years, a little at a time. And OP your only Just noticing it? Where have you been Mars?

By the way Freedom isn't free, its paid for by the blood and body parts of patroits.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by hinky
Bush (the shrub) had legal wiretaps and the left went apesh*t over his action. I notice no one speaking up now with Obama wanting an even larger power grab. Where are our leftists protesting and complaining about their boy.

Actually what was done by the Telco's and the Bush administration was strictly illegal.

When they were caught and charges were brought against the Telcos and the government
the government just reached for its magic wand of fascism and said the Illegal is now legal.

It was called the FISA immunity act and it was one of the more obvious events that
they don't care about the law, and if ppl complain it about it they will just circumvent the law.

So at some point in the far far future the lefties and righties will come to the conclusion
that their congress critters really do not give a damn about them or the law.

But for now the lefties and righties will still participate in "us vs. them" mock political sports
and the country is being sold down the river with the political version of championship wrestling.

After the DOT COM crash the senate voted 98-1 to DOUBLE the number of H1-B visas
coming into the country, who they hell do they represent ??? Because it isn't the citizens...

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:04 AM
Maybe Just Maybe Obama did have Great hopes and Great Ideas for his Country

That was Until he was Elected President that The Power That Be Got A hold of him
and Put the Strings and the Invisible Barking Gag Collar on him

Some what in the Same Manner as what the TPTB informants CIA NSA Did With JESSIE VENTURA

Dam wasn't Obama a Civil Rights Attorney ?

Didn't he Teach Constitutional Law ?

Then Again this Picture Bothers me to say the Least if anyone would take Notice ?

Notice the Ties in this Picture
Bushes Blue Obama Blue Clinton Red Carter Red ?
and the Position of OBAMA of where he is standing ? nope
not in the Middle But between the Bushes as the Democrats are on the Other side ?
Subliminal Message ? There are Others in this Picture can anyone Spot them! ?
Hint Feet Position

Knowledge is Power but for how long ?

Is America going to be like Government The Controlled Country's Like China & North Korea
With Restricted Internet Service

You Better Burn all those Patriot Songs ! (on your Hard Drive ) as they would be Meaningless
from a Controlled Police Nation

Break out the Old Soviet & NSDAP Songs instead Well that right where we are heading anyways! Enjoy

Russian Red Army Choir - Song of the Volga Boatmen (1965)

NSDAP Song Playlist !

Star Spangle Banner(Land of the Free Home of the Brave) ?
Oh America Oh America The Beautiful

America-my country 'tis of thee Would be Meaningless if we are restricted ! to seek Information

Oh Snake Plissken Press the Button please

edit on 29-9-2010 by Wolfenz because: add songs

edit on 29-9-2010 by Wolfenz because: Missing letters spelling etc..

edit on 29-9-2010 by Wolfenz because: add some more

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:54 PM
Time to take a stand and let TPTB know that we are not going to take it anymore! Sign the petition to let them know.

Did you hear about this? The Obama administration is seeking to expand the government's ability to conduct invasive surveillance online.1

This outrageous proposal would mandate that all online communications services use technologies that would make it easier for the government to collect private communications and decode encrypted messages that Americans send. This includes communications sent using texting platforms, BlackBerries, social networking sites, and other "peer to peer" communications software such as Skype.

While the country tends to other issues, the administration and law enforcement officials are seeking greater power to invade your privacy. We must take a stand against this proposal before it even makes its way to Congress.

Sign the ACLU's petition to Attorney General Holder: Rein in FBI surveillance power.

So, what's wrong with this proposal?
Instead of securing our online communications and protecting our privacy, the government wants to pave the road for more out-of-control government spying. Concern over cyber security is at an all-time high. This proposal will create even more security risks by mandating that our communications have a 'backdoor' for government use — making our online interactions even more vulnerable and easier to collect.
It's not only the government that will go through this 'door.' In 2004, hackers took advantage of a similar law in Greece to hack into mobile communications systems and listen to the calls of high government officials — including the Prime Minister.2
The government has yet to make the case that encryption is actually hindering their investigations. According to the most recent Wiretap Report3, law enforcement encountered only a single encrypted call last year, and they were able to learn the contents of that call in spite of the encryption.
Take a stand against this proposal. Sign the ACLU's petition to Attorney General Holder: Rein in FBI surveillance power.

There is no justification for this move to put our personal online communications within easy reach of the government's prying eyes.

We must send a strong and clear message to the Obama administration today: Do not spy on me.

Thanks for standing with us,
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
P.S. The ACLU is sounding the alarm about this dangerous proposal, but we need your help. Forward this email to all your friends and family who care about privacy. Or, spread the word on Facebook or Twitter.
© ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004

“U.S. Tries to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet,” New York Times, September 27, 2010.
“Top Greeks targeted in phone tapping scandal,” Sydney Morning Herald, February 3, 2006.
“Report of the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts on Applications for Orders Authorizing or Approving the Interception of Wire, Oral or Electronic Communications” (2009)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier
You don't want this protection? So if your child or a child you know was kidnapped and taken to eastern europe and sexually assaulted and then murdered and it all could have been prevented if they were aloud to view some child traffickers email and use it in court, you wouldn't want it?

I'm sure the trafficking rings that serve the politicians will be the first ones brought down.
edit on 9-10-2010 by jem78 because: re-do coding

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:24 PM
what happened to "warrants"?

4th amendment?

So Barack Hussein can demand that any file or communication be given up to the alphabet gangs, but he would provide the birth certificate.(not that Im a birther, just thinks its funny)

Im going to project Freeweb

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