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Obama admin wants to track you on the internet now.

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Come Clean

Sorry, if I wanted everything I do on the internet to be private, I could. Just because I do not care if businesses do some tracking, does not mean that I want my government looking over my shoulder as I send a private U2U here on ATS.

At least some of you are coming up with some novel reasons.

Not so smart, but novel.

edit on 28-9-2010 by saltheart foamfollower because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
Hmmm, wonder when the Obamabots are going to wake up from their messiah induced euphoria? So, tracking us with GPS, listening into phone calls, reading our text messages, reading our emails and now watching everything we do on the internet.

When the hell is everyone going to wake up to this insanity. The war on terror is not the war on terror, it is a war on our freedoms, liberty and privacy.

Article-Wiretapped phones, now Internet?


Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications -- including encrypted e-mail transmitters such as BlackBerry, social networking websites such as Facebook and software that allows direct "peer-to-peer" messaging such as Skype -- to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order. The mandate would include being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages.

The legislation, which the Obama administration plans to submit to Congress next year, raises fresh questions about how to balance security needs with protecting privacy and fostering technological innovation. And because security services around the world face the same problem, it could set an example that is copied globally.

So, are we going to have ANYONE of you stand up and call him a tyrant anytime soon? What the HELL is a matter with you people? If it helps, imagine GW's face on him if you are that enthralled with him. It might help you pull your head out of your ass.

Come on, come and dissemble. Come and attempt to make excuses for this.

1984 is here and the Obamabots will cheer it on!

Good Morning America! Where have you been all of these years? If you all knew what our goverenment agencies and ngo's with support from various administrations have been doing to ex-pats and others overseas and for how long......they would be hangin like Saddam did in Iraq. Why do you all think many countries around the World hate the U.S. gubberment? Why do you think the economy is crumbling like a stale cookie (get it, computer cookies)? Is it because of our sense of equality, sharing and singin kumbaya around a campfire drinking a few beers with other nations? Quit whining, get to work and let's do regime change at the polls. If that doesn't work, well then I have a feeling the economy will handle the rest all by itself.

The ancient saying "We reap what we sow" is playing out right before our eyes. Sadly it is not what the American people have sown, it is what greedy corporations in league with corrupt politicians have sown and the people are taken it on the chin for what a few power hungry individuals have done. The transfer of wealth and power to their foreign masters overseas like good pets.......good doggie, good good doggie now sit up, roll is a treat for you (you get to be president of a nation). Now don't bite the hand that feeds you or we will steal everything you have and you just might end up collecting aluminum cans and selling them to live day to day.

What goes around, comes around on a Global is only a matter of time and the lack thereof before the true scale of what has been done is known and sadly, it will be to late to apologize despite 100% surveillance, big brother and 1984.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Mr. D

Just trying to wake the masses.

I have tried for decades now, I was always told there was nothing we can do about it.

Well, I keep plugging along.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

I find it funny that had Bush still been in office, this would be a major issue with people. Now that Obama is coninuing with some of these hated tactics, I dont see as many people complaining about it.


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:38 PM
You people always going on about your "rights". You have as much rights, as a dog or cat, you are a biological organism, that only wants and wants and wants, and when you dont get what you want, you complain, when change comes, you complain, simply for the sake of complaining.

If you have nothing to hide, then it doesnt matter if they track your internet sites, or listen to your phone converations, only if you have nothing to hide of course, those of you who look at child pornography, or sell crack, or have something against the law going on, then yes they will take away every single right that you have.

Injustice will not be tolerated, you can boo all you want, but you people wont tolerate muslisms or anyone who has a differnt political view than yours, so its a double bladed sword, you want things to go your way and no one elses.

Obama has been changing america for the better, free health care for those who need it, and you call him a tyrrant? You desperatly need to get your head checked, because last time i checked "moral vaules" helping the sick was still number 1.

He brought the troops home, but to you this is must be seen as "invading america" Let me give you a little dose of reality. if you see a compiracy everywhere you look, there is something wrong, not with the world but with you, always to talk to your doctor about everything, to make sure you are 100% physically and mentally healthy, then i will consider what you are saying an actual opinion, rather then made up compiracies.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:42 PM
An Open Letter to Governmental Agencies Monitoring My Personal Web Habits:

Prepare to be bored beyond the thresholds of any rational understanding.

Thank you for your time and continued interest in meaningless minutia.

Enjoy that salary, it's gonna be a long day.

*end transmission

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
reply to post by Mr. D

Just trying to wake the masses.

I have tried for decades now, I was always told there was nothing we can do about it.

Well, I keep plugging along.

I like your avatar, hope you are ready when the time comes. Never let them tell you there is nothing we can do about it. They did it to themselves just as they always have. Their greed alway's gets the better of them because that is their nature, they can't help being who and what they are. I have tracked them throughout various history books and have come to the conclusion that yes, they have already done it to themselves again they just don't realise it yet. Why do you think that books are always the first to go when they take over power in the nations they move too? So no one can track what they have done. Hang in there.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Come Clean

Businesses already track you on the internet. Why don't you care about that?

I mean really, this is a prime example of conservatism. It's alright for businesses to track you but as soon as the government wants to find all the criminals then that's out of bounds.

I do care about that, and consequently businesses DON'T track me across the internet.

There is a certain minimum investment in security measures and maintenance in a computer that I'm willing to emplace that pays off big dividends in thwarting trackers. My 'net travels are none of THEIR business, either, so I deny that data to them. Have I got "something to hide"? Nope. Just like my privacy. The measures were originally undertaken to prevent hacker and thief intrusions, but they had certain fortunate side effects - and they DO prevent hacker and thief intrusions, whether private, corporate, or governmental hackers and thieves.

To be painfully honest, these measures being attempted by the Obama regime will not affect my own personal net security at all. I saw the writing on the wall under the Bush Security State regime, and acted accordingly. Now it may pay off even better. These folks can snoop away, warrant or not, and it won't affect ME - they won't get any readable data there, either from my ISP or anywhere else, that I haven't purposely placed in the public purview. Not so much as an IP address visited.

No, my outrage over this stems from all the other folks who HAVEN'T taken appropriate measures. They are at risk. Governmental entities can, and have, built cases out of nothing more than thin air and a ball of yarn. It's not the government's business to spy on the citizenry, and the only ones affected will be the innocent. "Criminals" and "terrorists" are at least as tech savvy in protecting their privacy as I am - meaning that nothing meaningful can be mined there, either.

No, I'm NOT going to expound on the security measures I've taken. They are as yet legal, and I'd hate to give the criminals in government any idea what else they need to make "illegal" in this move, every bit as much as I'd hate to give the criminals outside government any new ideas they may not have thought of yet. I'll say this much - everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you do online, or even on just an unconnected computer, can be stashed in a convoluted mess of meaninglessness, all the way from my physical fingertips to your physical eyeballs.

Hack THAT!

Maybe, if this thing manages to pass, I'll throw out some notions for folks to defend themselves with. Sure, they may fall into the "wrong" hands if I do, but that's the price of maintaining freedom sometimes. The bad comes with the good.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Anthony1138
If you have nothing to hide, then it doesnt matter if they track your internet sites, or listen to your phone converations, only if you have nothing to hide of course, those of you who look at child pornography, or sell crack, or have something against the law going on, then yes they will take away every single right that you have.

I for one am still a believer in innocent until proven guilty in a court of law with the prosecutor laying out all the facts that were legally obtained to make their case.

I will never settle for the argument if you have nothing to hide, and as a member of law enforcement I would never want anyone else to be ok with this argument either.

Dont ever trust the Government to look out for whats in your best, personal, intrest based on the if you have nothing to hide argument. All that does is create a situation where it easy to lock people up based off of illegally obtained or fabricated information with no recourse.

WhileI am very much in support of the Government to find ways to defend its citizens, there has to be a line drawn in the sand on what we are willing to give up. I would prefer to live with the possibility of being killed by a suicide bomber than being held prisoner in my own country, unable to think freely for fear of jeopradizing national security.

The moment we give up these rights, they have won, by making us prisoners in our own country.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:47 PM
Unless they start paying my internet bill they have no right to see where I am going and what I am doing. And if they decide to come and get all of my computers they can come and try most of the data on my computers are encrypted. My main email address that I use is encrypted using GnuPGP. Do I have something to hide, not really. But some of the things I do could be taken the wrong way. From the research I do. So I say stay out of the internet it is not there place.


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

What a sad excuse for stealing everything we have...."If you have nothing to hide". What the
"PROFANITY" is wrong with you? It is because of cowards like you that everyone else suffers.
Inevitably, they will ALWAYS find a reason to steal what you and everyone else has....that is
who we are dealing with... Wake the "PROFANITY" up before it is too late.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:53 PM
It's all in the name of "Hope and Change". The problem is, not one of the morons that voted for him can tell you exactly what hope and change they were expecting. A civilian military to reign in the citizens? Take over and/or collapse of the private sector? Redistribution of millions of dollars to his pet special interests (SEIU, ACORN, Teachers Unions)? There is absolutely nothing this administration could do that would surprise me. And I mean nothing. If he started some kind of "ethnic cleansing" of Christians, I wouldn't be surprised.

If you have followed this corrupt president and his minions since his campaign then you are well aware that he is very calculating and shrewd. If he doesn't like something, he squashes it by calling it racist, calling it a lie, calling it "fear mongering", blurring the facts with inaccurate analogies, or exercising Executive Power. Right now, Obama's Achilles heel is the internet. It is the one place that he and the power structure don't have complete control. We should have known that it would only be a matter of time before he threw a noose around that mustang.

And make no mistake, just like GW before him, he is using "National Security" as his battle cry to take control of everything. We are losing more and more freedoms everyday. It's funny how the easiest point of entry into the U.S. is of no concern to him! Just like the brit that was told he would never be allowed entry to the U.S because he spoke his mind in a letter to Obama, it won't be long before domains are shut down because they are a security threat (you know, like that Right-Wing radical Rush Limbaugh).

It was clear the direction this administration would take when that lady-boy Janet Napolitano released a memo basically tagging any pro-gun, pro-life, anti-big government, anti-tax person as an "extremist". That was no accident. That was simply the first phase in conditioning us for what is to come, just like a frog in slowly boiling water. First throw out a little tidbit just to get the scent in the water, the throw out a little more and then some more and before you know it they are knocking on your door and putting your name on a list (Red list? Blue list?) because you insulted Obama on a blog somewhere. It's coming people, don't doubt it for a minute.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Anthony1138

Obama has been changing america for the better, free health care for those who need it, and you call him a tyrrant? You desperatly need to get your head checked, because last time i checked "moral vaules" helping the sick was still number 1.

My ass. Yup, I call it "tyrranny", not "healthcare". I'm one of those "uninsured" that they're going to try to strong-arm into the system. I don't want it, don't need it, and ain't going to have it.

"Helping" the sick by forcing them to buy a product from some corporate overlord? No thanks, I'll pass. I don't want your "help" - you can keep it. I'll take care of myself, thanks all the same.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:18 PM
The Bush administration laid the framework for this and other "tracking" authorities.

There is no privacy, ever, never has been, if you are targeted for surveillance they will monitor, and track any and all personal communications, making it "official" and authorized only allows any evidence to be used in a court of law, as it stands now that does not prevent them from doing it anyway.

Right now, the internet is a major source of secret and untraceable communications between criminal and corrupt organizations and agencies, spies, terrorists etc. Without a major overhaul of the internet itself, this will prove to be an effective covert means of communications for a long time to come, but will eventually cause the internet to become an entirely controlled and filtered environment, "they" can't stand not being able to trace these communications so it will only be a matter of time...

What has happened, and is happening now is deeply frustrating them, they simply can't find the people receiving coded messages, and in at least one case that is a very good thing.

Anyone can post coded content anywhere, even here on ATS, from anywhere, and while tens of thousands have accessed it making it all but impossible to find the intended recipients, or content posters.

Change is what they want, and they want to change the internet so that is no longer possible, and you really have to think about the sacrifices that must be made to achieve that level of security.

Never fear, where there is a will there is always a way!

edit on 28-9-2010 by Fractured.Facade because:

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

I am just going to state one very simple thing that no matter what the spy agencies do, even if they could see every single thing on the net, they cannot stop covert communication on the net.

All one has to do is encode information into a picture, without the key, no one could break it. Well maybe by force but that would take time.

No, the main purpose of this maneuver is the same as all others, surveilling citizens. Hey, if they stumble across something, they get lucky.

Feet on the ground intelligence is still 95% of the game, if not more. That is just a guesstimate on my part. Surveillance of the web is for domestic pacification. Cannot have us sheeple talking about the corruption and crime in government. IMO

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower

Feet on the ground intelligence is still 95% of the game, if not more.

It is more, much more, but lets go with the 95% for an example.

That 5% is all that is needed to enable a level of corruption and abuse that should scare the hell out of any freedom loving American. They can literally make life a living hell for anyone, and imprison, silence and enslave people. Most of all, it can be mistakenly applied and/or innocent parties can become victims of this system.

We can't trust our government with a budget, how in the hell are we to trust them with ANY new powers that can and will be used by corrupt parties and agencies within?

This is all really for show, they know that exposure will happen soon, and are powerless to stop it at this point, any new moves to silence, threaten or harass parties involved will only expedite a certain outcome.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:04 PM
Ignoring that the OP was meant to inflame and outrage, I am a little annoyed

Not that more and more people will now be reading my very very boring email/IM/Facebook posts, but that they're lying to us about why they're doing it. Terrorists are not stupid, at least not the successful ones. I believe that if they really mean it, they'll bypass any snoopware the government puts out there. This is going to be as effective as catching water with a colander.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:05 PM
OMG OP Old News been happening since the Bush Administration Not Just Obama
In reality since the Victorian Era !!

Welcome to the New Brave World !! Sliding down to a Orwellian Nation

We were Warned by 2 Great Minds Huxley & Blaine (Orwell) that for seen what was happening in their time to what we See now now ! (How to catch a Wild Pig Story) it all started to be in effect by! One Woman and that Woman was called Queen Victoria ! The Bloodlines From Pure Royals and the Off Spring of Mistress's
of the Royals of Europe

Throughout centuries is it any wonder that majority of the Leaders of the United States are Related(Past to Present) to these Royal Blood Lines

Victoria of the United Kingdom

Her 9 children and 42 grandchildren married into royal families across the continent, tying them together and earning her the nickname "the grandmother of Europe".[

Pig in the Fence

IN America
McCarren Act (Communism)
Patriot Act (Terrorist)
Were are Being CONTROLLED of what The Powers That Be
THINKs is and isn't the American WAY !

In America
Blaming Obama , or Bush is a Cop out , as this has been happening
long before they were even thought of

You People Seriously didn't think this was going to Happen >?

its Been Happening in Britain for over a decade Electronically Spy Cams Deep Security ,
Forbidden to Video Tape a Police Officer !!!! and slowly happening in the Grand New USA
More Like 1984

How Long Will Americans Stay Apathetic To The Reality

Violation , Copyright infringement , But its alright for Media News Coverage that goes Live to show that same thing we show on Youtube . that is considered a Violation as i even seen a Cellphone video of a Well known Band Concert being Banned for some Violation

ATS ever noticed that when a Member finds a Video and puts a link to This Website from Youtube
and you find out that the Video has been on for months to even years then its removed with in 24 hours ! ?

It makes me a Little Leary of Microsoft what those Security Updates & Hot fixes are!
Dont FORGET the (intel) Pentium III and Microsoft 95 Security NSA Connection !

as Rumors has it, that it Happened again with microsoft with Windows 7

NSA Helping with Windows 7 Security
1:20 PM - November 18, 2009 by Kevin Parrish - source: Tom's Hardware US

Microsoft Denies Windows 7 Has NSA Backdoor
2:11 PM - November 20, 2009 by Marcus Yam - source: Tom's Hardware US

NSA could be looking through your Windows

NSA and Google are partnering up

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier
I am pro Obama giving people the authority of tracking the Internet. So much child pornography, drug trafficking, terrorist talk and what not goes on over the Internet. All this would be is getting counter-terrorism and counter-crime up to date with the current technology. I am not afraid of them checking my computer. I don't really care, I am not afraid of Uncle Sam like many on this website are. Besides they already can wiretap our phones etc. I am PRO this new "law". It is essential to preventing crime in the modern age.

this is the problem. You think it will stop crime. well it will for us. do you think this would stop the bs that the governments do? it won't, they're actions would only be hidden more. while everyone else.... ha i dont even want to think about this.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by peterpansgirl

Sorry, did I get you mad? I really am sorry, not.

Hey, I am trying to get through to everyone. If it takes a little political incorrectness to wake everyone up, so be it.

Come on folks, grow some damn skin.

Call me a loony Libertarian or something.

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